NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #9

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From the sound of that report of a tip about her body being dumped, MAMs charges will soon include MURDER.

Really praying that tip was wrong. Please Lord, protect her.
Back to the diaper (if it is a diaper...). I think he knew she was going to need one, and I hate to type out why but here goes: either from bleeding or incontinence after an assault, or from incontinence from when someone dies and their body releases all fluids, etc. I can't believe I just wrote that... But I think he knew that when he left he needed a way to contain her bodily fluids for some reason.

If it's true that her body was dumped so close to the hotel, then it's possible that he took her there to kill her: privacy, as well as minimizing her DNA in his vehicle. Or she may have died during "whatever", he caught wind of the 911 call, and knew he needed to unload her ASAP.

I feel sick in my stomach. What monsters. :furious:
I remeber how elated I was when I first saw the footage at the hotel. Because up until that point I thought she was murdered. Then the LE said she was being well taken care of. I was sooooooooo happy. I thought it was just a custody deal.
Now, when I see those stills of the footage, I want to cry, puke, punch something....
What did he do to that poor baby???? And whatever he did, I hope it comes back to him 10 fold in prison.
This is disgusting.
From the sound of that report of a tip about her body being dumped, MAMs charges will soon include MURDER.

Really praying that tip was wrong. Please Lord, protect her.

I hope the tip is wrong too, but have a feeling it is not..
I wonder if someone seen something suspicious in the area or if someone is talking?
If Shaniya is dead, I will be so ticked off if the mother isn't charged with murder as well. :furious: extremely ticked off!:furious:
And if she is alive, I still hope mother rots in prison for the rest of her life!:furious:
but don't they have footage of him leaving WITHOUT her? It doesn't add up.
Unfortunately, today is a busy day, so I probably won't even get to read until tonight. (Maybe at lunch).
Just stopping in to check for news. I really hope today is the day, but I am starting to feel that it may be a while before we know what happened to Shaniya, regardless of her condition right now.
Oh her aunt Carey is heartbreaking on that video.
When she is talking about Shaniya coming home with blue marks for being good at school, is just heartbreaking. My daughter does the same when she brings her calendar home. I'm just bawling now.

This little girl was truly loved.
I hope the tip is wrong too, but have a feeling it is not..
I wonder if someone seen something suspicious in the area or if someone is talking?
If Shaniya is dead, I will be so ticked off if the mother isn't charged with murder as well. :furious: extremely ticked off!:furious:
And if she is alive, I still hope mother rots in prison for the rest of her life!:furious:

I agree 100%.
None of this would have happened if AD would not have handed her baby off. IMO this was planned before Mr. Lockhart ever let her take Shaniya. Planned from the beginning. AD saw her as a way to make $$$$$
May she rot in prison then in h377!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:furious:
what is up with the margins?
This is a little OT from the search for Shaniya, but I cringed when the CBS person interviewing the dad asked him what he thought when he heard that she was seen with a man at a hotel. OMG! Don't ask the poor man that question! I would've said "What the (#*@!%*&@#_ do you think I thought, lady?" Sorry but I felt like that was trying to exploit his emotions for viewers' gain. We all know what the poor man thought/felt... :(

I totally agree,,,,,but look who's doing the interview..The same one who pussyfoots around the A's and never,,,,I MEAN NEVER ask the hard questions,,,,,,like "Didn't you know, when you smelled the car was your GD?":banghead::banghead::furious::furious:
I agree. Father and Aunt seem to be besides themselves with grief.
Those pictures of Shaniya that the father provided are beautiful!!!!
She was so clean, healthy, happy, not a care in the world.(like every 5 year old should be)
I know this father is beating himself up over this. OMG how guilty he must feel for letting her go to momsters. I feel for him. My heart breaks for him.
And, if he finds anything negative on the internet bashing him and blaming him, it will not be from my posts.

The father is guilty of being naive=played by ad..That is it!

The only thing that makes any sense to me is the drop-off was some place other then that vile trailer/mph..I refuse to believe father or aunt would allow it so there was some other home (decent) used to scam them..Or they met at a neutral location like a motel..I hope to gd it was not that Comfort Inn..Nothing could be more of a kick in the gut then that!
Back to the diaper (if it is a diaper...). I think he knew she was going to need one, and I hate to type out why but here goes: either from bleeding or incontinence after an assault, or from incontinence from when someone dies and their body releases all fluids, etc. I can't believe I just wrote that... But I think he knew that when he left he needed a way to contain her bodily fluids for some reason.

If it's true that her body was dumped so close to the hotel, then it's possible that he took her there to kill her: privacy, as well as minimizing her DNA in his vehicle. Or she may have died during "whatever", he caught wind of the 911 call, and knew he needed to unload her ASAP.

I feel sick in my stomach. What monsters. :furious:

Sorry if this is a re-post (haven't completely caught up yet!!) Maybe she was having accidents at night and that would be the reason for the diaper.. it was really early in the morning. Just hoping it wasn't for what you mentioned... can't stand the thought.
i just wanted to say i am heartbroken over this case. i've been lurking for awhile now but finally signed up to post...this is crazy, i hope they find her :eek:(
Could this tip just be something to stall time for AD and MAM?
Get attention off of these 2 and more time to get Shaniya out of USA???
Oh her aunt Carey is heartbreaking on that video.
When she is talking about Shaniya coming home with blue marks for being good at school, is just heartbreaking. My daughter does the same when she brings her calendar home. I'm just bawling now.

This little girl was truly loved.

So now we know Shaniya WAS in preschool or kindergarten when she was with her dad!
i just wanted to say i am heartbroken over this case. i've been lurking for awhile now but finally signed up to post...this is crazy, i hope they find her :eek:(


to you and all new posters that I have missed!
So now we know Shaniya WAS in preschool or kindergarten when she was with her dad!

Yes she was, but we still don't know if she was in school during the 3 weeks she spent with momster.
Could this tip just be something to stall time for AD and MAM?
Get attention off of these 2 and more time to get Shaniya out of USA???

Why would they care now if she gets out of USA???
They are toast.
i just wanted to say i am heartbroken over this case. i've been lurking for awhile now but finally signed up to post...this is crazy, i hope they find her :eek:(

I have a bad feeling she will not be found alive, at least they have the perp sitting in jail.
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