NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #18

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I think it is like if you let the other parent take the child, it looks like you are just sharing the responsibility of raising the child, whereas if the child goes to live with a relative/aunt, it looks like you are admitting that you can't take care of the child yourself.

IMO/JMO (sorry for the O/T)

You speak the truth.
ITA So, BL just took AD at her word, over the phone, that she had her own place, had a job, and had gotten her life together without doing the responsible thing and checking it out? Like many other posters have said-you wouldn't board a pet without checking out the facility and seeing if the staff looked like responsible caring people!!:furious:
He knew where he was sending that baby.....How can people really believe the cockamamie story,,,"He wanted her to be a mom"????? Yea,,,he wanted her to be a mom so he wouldnt't have to worry about the child,,he should have said..
CC is alleged daddy!!!Another baby at taxpayer I thinks its posted CC is Hiv positive.Poor baby :sick: .

It's not the baby's fault that it'll be at taxpayer dollars... besides, I'd rather pay double tax than to have another child hurt... any day!

"Mario Andrette McNeill, 29, of 2613 Pine Springs Drive, was charged late Thursday with first-degree murder and first-degree rape of a child. He said little and showed no emotion during a brief court appearance Friday afternoon.

After the hearing, he was transferred from the Cumberland County Detention Center to Central Prison in Raleigh, where he was being kept in a special cell for his protection."

"Her funeral is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday at Manna Church, 5117 Cliffdale Road in Fayetteville."

"McNeill's mother attended the Friday afternoon court hearing, but she left quickly without speaking to reporters.

Davis' mother, Ann Summers, also was at the hearing. Afterward, she said she didn't know how McNeill got her granddaughter or even knew anybody in her family.

"To me, he ain't nothing but a maggot," Summers said.

Summers said her daughter never would have prostituted Shaniya. She also denied that Davis was involved with drugs.

"She had her stuff together. She had her own house, and she kept it clean. She took care of her child. She did what a mother was supposed to do for her kids," she said."
I do not think that mobile home looks that terrible. There were to many living in a small home, so not much room. The mattress leaning on the wall, was probably put there so they had walking room during waking hours and laid back down, made up with sheets and such for sleeping.
The kitchen looks decent, the cupboards look full of food, the dish drainer is full of clean dishes, the stove has pots, but they look clean, probably no where else to store them.
The chair looks as if it was put there to eat at the counter.
I have seen much worse.
That trailer may not have been that bad for adults living there if that's the way they wanted to live. But IMO it was filthy as all get out to have children living there. JMHO
I agree.
But in the Oprah interview, from the pics I've seen, it looks like their holding hands or "hooking arms" or what you Americans call it?

If I was disgusted with someone, I would not hold their hand!

My sister and I were noticing how forced it looked, though. If you watch her hand, it doesn't move - her whole arm was like stone.

I'm betting they heard about how people were talking about the vibes between them and are trying to quell that talk.

Carry strikes me as very lonely in all this, and I feel like she's trying to hold back from airing dirty laundry with her true feelings. Maybe she feels her own culpability, too.
Awwww this case is so emotionally charged that even as I was reading these lovely posts about our little dogs, I thought to myself "imagine how delighted Shaniya might have been if she got a puppy."

Oh man, this case just sucks. I wish it was a nightmare and we could all wake up tomorrow and find it didn't really happen

Those kinds of thoughts cross my mind a lot, too. Sometimes I even envision all of these little angels together, skipping happily in heaven. Can you imagine that? ... what a sight that would be - sweet, innocent little boys and girls playing and enjoying themselves, totally removed from the torture and pain that was their earthly lives.

Having that picture in my mind helps me a lot when the brutal reality of all this starts to overwhelm me.
It looks like this was published in 2005. CC has obviously been aware of his illness for quite a long time. And yet it did not stop him from becoming the father of AD's unborn baby (according to the police).

Since 1996, the Aids Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) has provided low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS the prescriptions they need, serving as the final safety net for Americans who have no other means of obtaining these life-saving medications. Unfortunately, after years of funding shortfalls, the program is facing a crisis.
North Carolina's ADAP is illustrative of the problems that the budget shortfalls are causing. It, along with at least eleven other states, had to cap enrollment and put hundreds of low income HIV positive people on a waiting list for medication and treatment. The Wall Street Journal recently reported on the rollercoaster of emotions that North Carolina's cap has meant for some people. Clarence Coe, a Fayetteville, N.C. construction worker, started on HIV treatment while in prison only to see his treatment come to an abrupt end when he was released. North Carolina's ADAP had just stopped accepting applicants so Coe had to apply to drug company charity programs and wait several months before he received the correct combination of drugs needed to resume treatment. Instead of being able to focus on staying healthy, Coe worried about how he would get the medication to keep him healthy.
My own opinion BL is a .......I think it is just a matter of time, the "real" truth comes out why he threw this baby away....I hope I don't get banned,,,but this is my heartfelt,,gut feeling...Now he can go back into his comfortable house,,ride around in his beemer,,,while his precious little baby is cold, dead,raped, and destroyed in her grave....

I've read and followed along with yall all week. I don't know how to ever post about this little one's rape and murder. I got to say I agree with southernvagirl. I get the feeling Brad turned his back on this little girl without too much thought. That's my opinion from reading about the case and watching the news clips.
I always thought the burn to the eye by the grandmother sounded like a "walked into it" accident, really.

As for Shaniya's allegedly telling the other friends and relatives that momster's friends did it on her arms on purpose, I wonder what they're thinking: on one hand, the "why didn't you report it at the time" question has probably been raised to them, and on the other, the autopsy might be able to show it, depending on how deep they were.

Not that this makes sending her over there any more excusable in my eyes, particularly to "live with" her.
OK so she walked into a cigarette once. but several times :waitasec: NOP
It was actually the cigarette stories that go me to look at daddy differently and now as I look back I question everything maybe he insists that shanaiya went to her mom on 11/9 because he knows they will find older marks on the baby. I do not know but his sister keeps saying she went there on the 31st. They all lie all of them so far the only one who could tell us a real story is dead :(
He knew where he was sending that baby.....How can people really believe the cockamamie story,,,"He wanted her to be a mom"????? Yea,,,he wanted her to be a mom so he wouldnt't have to worry about the child,,he should have said..

Don't you get in trouble because you will get me in trouble. :angel: I agree with ever word you wrote.

"Mario Andrette McNeill, 29, of 2613 Pine Springs Drive, was charged late Thursday with first-degree murder and first-degree rape of a child. He said little and showed no emotion during a brief court appearance Friday afternoon.

After the hearing, he was transferred from the Cumberland County Detention Center to Central Prison in Raleigh, where he was being kept in a special cell for his protection."

"Her funeral is scheduled for 3 p.m. Sunday at Manna Church, 5117 Cliffdale Road in Fayetteville."

"McNeill's mother attended the Friday afternoon court hearing, but she left quickly without speaking to reporters.

Davis' mother, Ann Summers, also was at the hearing. Afterward, she said she didn't know how McNeill got her granddaughter or even knew anybody in her family.

"To me, he ain't nothing but a maggot," Summers said.

Summers said her daughter never would have prostituted Shaniya. She also denied that Davis was involved with drugs.

"She had her stuff together. She had her own house, and she kept it clean. She took care of her child. She did what a mother was supposed to do for her kids," she said."


"You're charged with first degree murder," District Court Judge George Franks said. "In the state of North Carolina that's punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. You understand that?"

Attorney Allen Rogers has been hired by McNeill's family to represent him.

"You know, she's in shock that her son could be charged with such a serious crime," Rogers said. "And she stands by her son and she's remorseful for the family for the loss this young child."

McNeill is currently being held in Raleigh's central prison for what authorities call suicide watch and his own safe keeping.

Police say there's still more work to be in the case. They have to decide whether the child's mother will face any additional charges.

Shaniya's funeral will be Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Manna Church off Cliffdale Road in Fayetteville."
I've read and followed along with yall all week. I don't know how to ever post about this little one's rape and murder. I got to say I agree with southernvagirl. I get the feeling Brad turned his back on this little girl without too much thought. That's my opinion from reading about the case and watching the news clips.

I wonder what the verdict for that is. :waitasec:

But his littlle sermon now is making more sense....

Was it asking God for forgivness?????
Not quoting him: but with tears infront of a crowd he said....
God bless Shaniya..............
God bless those who do not know what they are doing.
Monica you are so right!!! I know some of you can't fathom why anyone would let their child go to a bad parent instead of a decent relative. But that was where I was at with my sister. Some parents don't want to be ashamed. Don't want to tell people they couldn't raise their kid. Then there is family dynamics too.

My sister resented me on some level. Blamed me and said I was turning her kds against her. She did that herself. Siblings are jealous of each other and that doesn't change just cause youre an adult. My sister felt I was spoiled by mom cause I was the youngest and I got everything I wanted and I sure wasn't gonna win by taking her kids!!!

I feel bl was determined not to let the in laws or friends take in shaniya. They already had his other children and there had been custody issues. His kids probably were a little miffed at the dad and dad didn't want Shaniya to be turned against him too. Who knows about the aunt. I don't think it's been said that she wanted to take shaniya too but I could be wrong.
All them pictures that are going out on the media and on Nancy Grace I am sure BL was paid for them pictures, and that he has more then enough money to pay for Shaniya's funeral expenses.

I am sure BL never wanted this to happen to his daughter, but he sure is cashing in on the deal from everything I have seen. I sure wish he would get off his Holier then thou kick because it is pretty sickening to me.

I take it as he doesn't want to throw stones, so he does the holier then thou act. He sure side steps what he doesn't want talked about. He knows the real answers would not make him look to much better then AD. His lifestyle is not much different then AD I bet,his just has a prettier wrapping if you know what I mean. I think people are really afraid to come out with the truth about BL and his lifestyle. I get the vibe he is a bully. His son seemed scared of him on Nancy Grace. I did not get warm and fuzzy feelings with the show of affection. I took it as he was warning him to watch his words. I don't get a "pure heart" from BL . Sorry but MOO.
Last thing:

I hope that MAM was coward enough to strangle Shaniya with a pillow over her face or something like that. I will have sleepless nights if I find out that Shaniya actually was facing him and that their eyes met while he was doing this.

Going to bed. I hope for some good news when I get up. Good night and thanks for today!

"You're charged with first degree murder," District Court Judge George Franks said. "In the state of North Carolina that's punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. You understand that?"

Attorney Allen Rogers has been hired by McNeill's family to represent him.

"You know, she's in shock that her son could be charged with such a serious crime," Rogers said. "And she stands by her son and she's remorseful for the family for the loss this young child."

McNeill is currently being held in Raleigh's central prison for what authorities call suicide watch and his own safe keeping.

Police say there's still more work to be in the case. They have to decide whether the child's mother will face any additional charges.

Shaniya's funeral will be Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Manna Church off Cliffdale Road in Fayetteville."

In Raleigh????? I hope they move the trial to Raleigh. And then put me on that jury. :furious:
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