NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #21

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Let's also pray that her funeral and final tribute goes without violence and protests.
In FAstro's you will see the moon/pluto and Mars do not show good signs.

I wrote the newspaper. While I was there, I noticed this post by someone else and it sounds like a local of the Fayetteville area. I thought it was expressed very well and thought I would share it over here as I totally agree.


Like everywhere else, all areas of fayetteville are "rife with riff raff, criminals, druggies, child molesters and prostitutes." Where the difference lies is economic class, the level of service, and the ability to hide these social ills. If you want to make it a black and white thing, you will fail miserably, because all races have those who are guilty of providing their children to predators. Some marry them, some date them, and some do the same thing that the egg donor did for Shaniya. Just listen to the country song, "Fancy." Take a look around, and you will find a lot of mail order brides from other countries that are very, very young, with old husbands. Many of them are killed by their spouses each year. But on the outside, looking into these gated mansions, it looks fantastic. Take a look at television shows like Dateline and see the Americans in third world countries buying young children for sex. How many Blacks do you see getting busted in Thailand for soliciting children for prostitution? I'm sure there are some, but they are outnumbered by rich, white, professional, older men. You tell me what the difference is? Oh, it's over there, and they are rich. I get it. This is a horrific crime, and there needs to be a horrific punishment to match. There needs to be a just punishment worldwide for these crimes. Lives have been taken, other lives have been ruined. There is a special place in Hades for monsters like McNeill and the sperm donor, and the faster they make it there, the better off this world will be.
Last night, someone posted that exact snippet from the Google archives with her birthdate, same as it is above.

I know that doesn't help as to whether that's legit or not, but I've now seen it twice.
It's not a typo in the article, but it might be a typo in the paper that originally ran it.
Last night, someone posted that exact snippet from the Google archives with her birthdate, same as it is above.

I know that doesn't help as to whether that's legit or not, but I've now seen it twice.
It's not a typo in the article, but it might be a typo in the paper that originally ran it.

I even checked the Fayetteville Police Dept. to see if it was in the notice when she went missing. For DATE OF BIRTH, it read: 5

Sure would be nice to know what her real date of birth is. It matters.
Question, in of the three pictures released from the video footage wasn't SD looking up? I know personally when the kids and I are waiting for an elevator and the numbers are on the top to tell you what floor the elevator is on at that time they look up and watch it. Just my thought. What else would she be looking up at like that?

Second question if he went up a flight of stairs so he wouldn't be seen then who was it that contacted LE and informed them that he had been at the hotel with her? I thought it was the front desk clerk? How they would have known if he avoided them?

He could have told her to look at the camera...:waitasec:
Just in case he would need an alibi later.
I agree her date of birth matters. It's just one more slight to her that we don't know for sure.
I just know I had seen it...and there may be more to that birth announcement.
Where it ends in the fayobserver article is the same place it ends in Google Archives, I don't know if there is more if you pay for it.
I just spent some time trying to write up a rough draft of what should be done to protect children - maybe "Shaniya's Law" - something about not having to drop a child off at a home or with a person if their well-being/safety was in question. And getting a temporary injunction until the living conditions/person could be investigated. The more I wrote, the more I realized that we already have such laws in place to protect children. The problem? They're not being implemented/followed.

I don't want to start a debate about wars/political decisions, but it seems that we are spending way more money to keep the children in Iraq safe than we are on our own littles ones. JMHO.

ETA: I was thinking more in line with something like Shaniya's situation - where there was no formal custody agreement. But where others concerned to just keep the child w/o breaking the law until the circumstances were checked out. Again, maybe something exists: DSS.

Laws already exist
laws against rape
Laws against murder
laws against drug usage
laws against drug selling
laws against prostituting children

We don't need more laws, we need enforcement and value back on life.
I wrote the newspaper. While I was there, I noticed this post by someone else and it sounds like a local of the Fayetteville area. I thought it was expressed very well and thought I would share it over here as I totally agree.


Like everywhere else, all areas of fayetteville are "rife with riff raff, criminals, druggies, child molesters and prostitutes." Where the difference lies is economic class, the level of service, and the ability to hide these social ills. If you want to make it a black and white thing, you will fail miserably, because all races have those who are guilty of providing their children to predators. Some marry them, some date them, and some do the same thing that the egg donor did for Shaniya. Just listen to the country song, "Fancy." Take a look around, and you will find a lot of mail order brides from other countries that are very, very young, with old husbands. Many of them are killed by their spouses each year. But on the outside, looking into these gated mansions, it looks fantastic. Take a look at television shows like Dateline and see the Americans in third world countries buying young children for sex. How many Blacks do you see getting busted in Thailand for soliciting children for prostitution? I'm sure there are some, but they are outnumbered by rich, white, professional, older men. You tell me what the difference is? Oh, it's over there, and they are rich. I get it. This is a horrific crime, and there needs to be a horrific punishment to match. There needs to be a just punishment worldwide for these crimes. Lives have been taken, other lives have been ruined. There is a special place in Hades for monsters like McNeill and the sperm donor, and the faster they make it there, the better off this world will be.

GREAT ARTICLE - Thank you.. :blowkiss:
IMHO the Government is NOT...I said NOT doing very much to help change that. :furious:
I do not know the extent of how dirty their hands are, but I do not think their hands are clean. :(
with so much unemployment surly we can get more cops on the beat...with so many children missing
and dead surly we do need them. And with so little LE available they send people like MAM out free :waitasec:
Laws already exist
laws against rape
Laws against murder
laws against drug usage
laws against drug selling
laws against prostituting children

We don't need more laws, we need enforcement and value back on life.

I just thought it bore repeating.
Laws already exist
laws against rape
Laws against murder
laws against drug usage
laws against drug selling
laws against prostituting children

We don't need more laws, we need enforcement and value back on life.

And morals.
I do think there should be law changes.

For one, I think that anyone who is suspected of foul play in a child's disappearance should be rejected bail, especially in Mcneill's circumstance. He was on video, the last person to see her, and AFTER the 911 call was made.

There should be mandatory reporting on suspicious sitings., starting with workers in gas stations/hotels/ community service type jobs. Which states that if they see anything suspicious surrounding children that it needs to be reported. Whether they see a mom smack their kids behind in a grocery store or see a half naked girl being carried into a hotel by a supposed father.

I would rather my tax dollars support keeping a suspicious murder rapist under the radar then letting them kill anymore children.

And I would make laws for raping and selling children much more consequential. The jail time for Antoinette if she is found to have sold her daughter (which resulted in the death of her child) is only 30 years.
I'd like the memory of me
to be a happy one.

I'd like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when day is done.

I'd like to leave an echo
whispering softly down the ways.

Of happy times and laughing times
and bright and sunny days.

I'd like the tears of those who
grieve to dry before the sun.

Of happy memories that I leave
behind when day is done.

"Afterglow" in memory of Shaniya....

(This ran in my dad's funeral announcement, and therefore is special and comforting to me. I thought I'd share.)
I think that blatant, intentional disregard for the safety and well being of another, especially a child, while fueled by drugs or just plain ill will, should be punishable by death.

I know it will never happen, but it's what I want.
Am I blind or is there a thread where the murder charges against Mcneill are being discussed?
Laws already exist
laws against rape
Laws against murder
laws against drug usage
laws against drug selling
laws against prostituting children

We don't need more laws, we need enforcement and value back on life.

AMEN No more pleading down, reduced sentences, good time, early parole, or supervised probation that isn't really supervised. Truth in sentencing. If you get 20 years, serve 20 years. Just look at McNeil's crimes and punishments. Even when he violated parole, NOTHING. wHAT GOOD ARE LAWS IF THEY ARE NOT ENFORCED. :furious::furious::furious:

Sorry......end of rant :truce:
I know it doesn't matter probably one way or another...
but I was thinking about BL's one nite stand.
So if Shaniya's BD is in Feb that means she was concieved in May03. I was going to go back in the records that we have and check the whereabouts of AD ect in that timeline. Perhaps we can establish his buddy list even to folks back then. I know somewhere there is a list of her residence maybe we can find her 03 address.

I have to go to store or my honey thinks he will starve to death.. so in a few hours lets see what we get. Yall can look too if you don't mind..
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