GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #2

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We aren't quite there yet but I'm predicting jury out for a day or less with finding of guilty

Same here, I think this will be as quick as the Grant Hayes verdict, an hour or less.
Same here, I think this will be as quick as the Grant Hayes verdict, an hour or less.

geevee: Nice avatar in honor of Teghan. Hope others will join in solidarity for closing arguments on Monday.
geevee: Nice avatar in honor of Teghan. Hope others will join in solidarity for closing arguments on Monday.

Thanks Chelly, you gave me the impetus to make one in her honor. :)
Here's a very recent (short) tour of Central Prison's Death Row -- it's rare since they don't like to show much of the interior of any NC prison for the sake of security. You can be sure the prisons are clean -- for obvious reasons (captive cleaning crew, y'know!). Interesting & yes, wa-a-a-a-ay to good for that piece of pathetic lying protoplasm. But I hope he does have visitors, Rhozwen, the kind that will give him nightmares that are a real pain. Grrrrr.

This is too nice for him. Where are the prisons that look like San Quentin? Now theres an oldie. I still hope someone gets him! maybe that doesn't sound nice but he's a maniac. For what he did to that child there shouldn't be an appeal, on what grounds? kill him already.:banghead:
At 60 years young, it still stuns me.
I'm beyond the "Why".
That is for the defence attorneys.
I am ALL about...What did you do????
In my opinion, this creature. Should be put to death.
There will never be any redemption.
He will NEVER be any sort of role model to anyone. Ever.
He gets the worst of the worst award.
I do not see one reason why this monster should be allowed to continue to live on this planet.
Yes. I consider him a Monster.
A monster who spent over 10 days torturing a small Child.
I want the death penalty for this scum.
And the sooner the better. No. Excuses.
At 60 years young, it still stuns me.

I'm beyond the "Why".

That is for the defence attorneys.

I am ALL about...What did you do????

In my opinion, this creature. Should be put to death.


There will never be any redemption.

He will NEVER be any sort of role model to anyone. Ever.

He gets the worst of the worst award.

I do not see one reason why this monster should be allowed to continue to live on this planet.

Yes. I consider him a Monster.

A monster who spent over 10 days torturing a small Child.

I want the death penalty for this scum.

And the sooner the better. No. Excuses.

Death is easy, it's peaceful and when done humanly, painless. That's too good too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
For some reason I hadn't heard of this case until yesterday, and spent a few hours catching up. Until now, I've never been able to say that a case or event has actually changed me. I don't dare burden anyone I know about it. Evil like this lurks all over the world, but this is the worst reminder of it I've ever seen. It makes me think about the other monsters we read about here and wonder if they could've dreamt of doing something like this, and I'm shocked by my own instinct that no, they could not. And no matter what imaginary fate I assign this utter void of an entity, none of it is enough. From what he said to the detective, I even think he would enjoy some of the pain. Wouldn't be surprised if he had a history of self flagellation.

Helen's trial probably won't stop even a single selfish young mother from chasing worthless men, unfortunately. Normally I'm less cynical than that. Here's a useful question: would he be allowed as a witness for HER trial? If so, what side would do that..?

I just don't know. There's such a gaping hole where his humanity should have been. I tried to write more about it but got carried away and now it's in a blog entry, which I've never written on this site, in case anyone wants to join in the retaliation daydream (nothing graphic or even physical—I think mental torture would do better for this waste of everything.)

Thank you everyone who's been keeping us updated about the trial.
Respectfully <snipped> by borndem

I just don't know. There's such a gaping hole where his humanity should have been. I tried to write more about it but got carried away and now it's in a blog entry, which I've never written on this site, in case anyone wants to join in the retaliation daydream (nothing graphic or even physical—I think mental torture would do better for this waste of everything.)

Thank you everyone who's been keeping us updated about the trial.

Welcome to this most tragic of all cases, bettie. The sentence I bolded was eloquently stated by you -- and so right. Something happened to this hollow human being -- sociopathic to the nth degree and just plain evil.

I hope you'll stay with us through the verdict -- you've already done the most difficult part of this horror. Glad to have you with us to be in little Teghan's corner.
Thanks, amberjul. It was sweet, and it made me cry more than I have so far in this whole horror story.

Well, maybe, maybe that will help. What a sweet tribute to a child whom very few people knew. Maybe it will start someone thinking who can DO something -- someone who has connections, or the ear of someone, to get some laws changed, etc.

Please Note: There was one news story pic displayed on youtube at the end of Teghan's story that was notable, IMO. Some folks here might already be familiar with it -- It is the story of Brianna Lopez, who lived & died in New Mexico, for less than 6 months. Her slayers were sentenced to the max for what was called in NM, "Intentional Child Abuse Resulting in Death." At the time of the sentencing of the THREE (yes, 3) people who hurt & tortured her until she died, the maximum penalty was 18 yrs in prison, which they received.

Then, state Senator Mary Jane Garcia worked for 3 years to get the law changed to "mandatory life," so that's the penalty now.

The article also mentioned that a few relatives knew that this horrible abuse was going on, but did nothing. It sounded like people were working on changing the penalty for that offense, too, but nothing had officially changed when the news story about Brianna aired. IINM.

I hope any New Mexico folks reading this will correct my mistakes if they see them -- please.

The youtube article link is below.

Warning: There are a few graphic autopsy photos of the little girl, but I recommend listening to it -- you will hear about a few injuries to her that were also perpetrated on our Teghan. But stick with it -- it has an encouraging ending -- at least for the good folks in New Mexico.

The reason I recommend it is that it does show that things can happen to make changes in laws or penalties for convictions of those laws.

Please watch, as you can, but do LISTEN!

I hope you found the tears to be cathartic - words for what happened to Teghan seem to not exist; my own tears for her were a bit of relief.

About laws being changed. I am searching for a paper that documents the first US case of child abuse - historically speaking, it wasn't that long ago. At the time (as largely is the law here in present day), children were legally the "property" of their parents. In this initial case there were neighbors who looked to LE to help this girl, without luck. Their desperation eventually led them to the man who founded The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - yes, animals had more rights at the time than children. He was able to make a case; the child was removed from the home, the case went to court, and the abusive parents were punished.

We as a society are still in infancy regarding Children's Rights and laws to protect those rights. The lack of publicity about Teghan's story is indicative of how rare cases like hers come to court; they haven't caught the attention of the mainstream (yet). I have a feeling that as child abuse becomes more and more illegal and strictly punishable (as is occurring), we are going to see more and more cases such as Teghan's come to the light of day. So on the one hand, it's tragic that children are little more than property and it's just and right that children's rights are being recognized and made into law; on the other, as these laws are implemented, more situations of this kind will come to light, as we are witnessing for example with Teghan, Brianna Lopez, and many other children.

Thanks for responding to my post, borndem - nice to meet you!

Welcome to this most tragic of all cases, bettie. The sentence I bolded was eloquently stated by you -- and so right. Something happened to this hollow human being -- sociopathic to the nth degree and just plain evil.

I hope you'll stay with us through the verdict -- you've already done the most difficult part of this horror. Glad to have you with us to be in little Teghan's corner.

Well, I agree with you and bettie. There are people born this way; however, birth seems to be more rare - children whose mothers took harsh drugs (often in the name of making their pregnancies more safe, or in prevention of miscarriages!), tend to have issues of varying degree.

That being said, I do have a film that may interest people here. It is about a little girl who was abused in infancy, and its effect on her at a very young age. Her b/parents lost custody to the state, and she and her brother were taken in by a couple unable to have children - we need more people like these parents in the world, for what they have done for Beth and her brother, John.

Beth (the child of this film) could have become Teghan; she also could have become Jonathan.

The film is interviews with her psychologist; the film is sponsored by the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse. The link below the film gives more background and an update as to the course of this little girl's life.



P.S. I have no sympathy for Jonathan, just for the record.
Well, I agree with you and bettie. There are people born this way; however, birth seems to be more rare - children whose mothers took harsh drugs (often in the name of making their pregnancies more safe, or in prevention of miscarriages!), tend to have issues of varying degree.

That being said, I do have a film that may interest people here. It is about a little girl who was abused in infancy, and its effect on her at a very young age. Her b/parents lost custody to the state, and she and her brother were taken in by a couple unable to have children - we need more people like these parents in the world, for what they have done for Beth and her brother, John.

Beth (the child of this film) could have become Teghan; she also could have become Jonathan.

The film is interviews with her psychologist; the film is sponsored by the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse. The link below the film gives more background and an update as to the course of this little girl's life.



P.S. I have no sympathy for Jonathan, just for the record.
Powerful film. Thank you for sharing it with us. For many children, abuse is the most powerful thing in their lives. It is what they know, and all they know. Result is they will grow up acting out that abuse.

Edit: Wow, just did some followup. Beth's therapist was Cornell Watkins, convicted of the rebirthing (suffocation therapy) death of Candace Newmaker. I remember that well.
I have been silently reading along, and crying along with all of you. This case just plain hurts. Beautiful Teghan I wish ... I wish you were loved on earth, cherished, grew up with hugs and bubbles, stories, and butterflies. I wish your mother chose you over being selfish. Cr*p, it just plain hurts.
I have been silently reading along, and crying along with all of you. This case just plain hurts. Beautiful Teghan I wish ... I wish you were loved on earth, cherished, grew up with hugs and bubbles, stories, and butterflies. I wish your mother chose you over being selfish. Cr*p, it just plain hurts.

Glad you've joined us. I hope you will be here with us Monday for closing arguments followed by Verdict Watch.
I'm taking my iPad to work Monday so I'll watch as much as possible.
I will be watching Monday.

The abuse that Teghan suffered is just mind blowing.

I really think that this case should have more publicity. Her story should be shouted from the rooftops!

I realize that it is horrific, but Teghan was betrayed in life and ignored by adults that should have helped her.

It isn't right for her to be ignored in her death as well.
I'd like for him to be put into a situation similar to the hunger games, except he doesn't get any weapons & his competitors are a family of hungry lions.

I believe very strongly in the justice system, but there will never be appropriate justice in this case.
I will be watching Monday.

The abuse that Teghan suffered is just mind blowing.

I really think that this case should have more publicity. Her story should be shouted from the rooftops!

I realize that it is horrific, but Teghan was betrayed in life and ignored by adults that should have helped her.

It isn't right for her to be ignored in her death as well.

I agree. I've sent repeated emails and tweets to Nancy Grace, Jane Valez Mitchell, HLN and CNN....nothing. MSM apparently did not want to touch this story. A shame.:banghead:
Thank you Borndem,
Baby Brianna's abuse and death happened right here, ten miles from where I live, in Las Cruces, NM in 2002. Perhaps she is the reason I am so sensitive to Teghan's torture and death. We continue to keep Brianna's memory alive.

Thank you also borndem. When I watched baby Biranna's story, I was speechless at all the *other* stories that kept coming up. Other babies, other children. It took my breath away. All suffered in silence, died alone, not much notice at all except for small communities of followers, much like us here and Brianna's in Las Cruces. It's the U.S. hidden secrets. :-(
My boss was on vacation all last week, so I have the feeling that Monday she will have me too busy to check in here. I am crossing my fingers and hoping for justice for Teghan, even though I can't truly think of anything they can do to him that would even the score for Teghan.

I think I mentioned earlier in the thread that I have a friend whose 6 year old son was battling cancer. He lost that battle, just before midnight last night, surrounded by people who loved him and in the arms of his grieving parents, in the warmth and comfort of his own home, heavily medicated to ensure he felt no pain. He spent his last weeks being visited by friends and family, lovingly cared for by his mother (a nurse) and his father who adored him.

The contrast to Teghan's last days is something I cannot work through in my heart. She died under the glare of hospital lights, with emergency personnel horrified and sickened by the sight of her. Her last 10 days were brutal, painful, terrifying. She was alone, except for the monster who beat her, raped her, bit her, did lord knows what to her little body and mind.

I don't understand it. Teghan was no less innocent and deserving than this little angel. Why? How can this happen? The world makes no sense.
My boss was on vacation all last week, so I have the feeling that Monday she will have me too busy to check in here. I am crossing my fingers and hoping for justice for Teghan, even though I can't truly think of anything they can do to him that would even the score for Teghan.

I think I mentioned earlier in the thread that I have a friend whose 6 year old son was battling cancer. He lost that battle, just before midnight last night, surrounded by people who loved him and in the arms of his grieving parents, in the warmth and comfort of his own home, heavily medicated to ensure he felt no pain. He spent his last weeks being visited by friends and family, lovingly cared for by his mother (a nurse) and his father who adored him.

The contrast to Teghan's last days is something I cannot work through in my heart. She died under the glare of hospital lights, with emergency personnel horrified and sickened by the sight of her. Her last 10 days were brutal, painful, terrifying. She was alone, except for the monster who beat her, raped her, bit her, did lord knows what to her little body and mind.

I don't understand it. Teghan was no less innocent and deserving than this little angel. Why? How can this happen? The world makes no sense.

My sympathies to you for the sadness you must feel for your friends on the loss of their son. What a gift that he did not suffer and was surrounded by loving parents and family. Every child deserves to be loved and cared for.
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