GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #5

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Those jurors will never, ever get over the images they have seen of what this baby girl endured. I was a juror in a triple murder and rape and two of the victims were toddlers. I can see those photos as clear now as ever and it has been over twenty years.

On a jury for a murder trial also..not anything like this or yours, but still haunts me many years later. Our legal system requires citizens to serve on a jury so there should be some kind of follow up help especially in this kind of trial. I know.. Can't afford it.

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Ok I've asked this before~~~~are they going to shave his head for new mug shot?? Seems like all the welcome to the big house mugs the men are shaved

Hope they do it with a rusty butter knife.:facepalm:
Well, well, well. Looks like the jurors probably made their peace and came to a verdict before dinner and just needed time to go over their paperwork filling it out and making sure they got it right. Boy is gonna do his time hard with the way he treats corrections officers. I think I'll watch The Green Mile tonight and think how much more severe Richardson's corrections are going to be. They'll probably have to taze that boy a time or two.

When these cases are over I always think, okay let's put the victim back together again and we'll all go on together. But, nooooo, we have to go on without her!
Just returned and learned the verdict. Sorry I was unable to see and hear it, but thankful that SOB got the DP. If anyone ever deserved to be put to death, it is him.
Richardson sentenced to death for Teghan Skiba's murder

Smithfield, N.C. — Jonathan Richardson sentenced himself to death nearly four years ago when he tormented, tortured and terrorized his ex-girlfriend's 4-year-old daughter for 10 days before "finishing her off with such a vicious attack from which she would never recover," a Johnston County prosecutor said Thursday to jurors tasked with the life-or-death decision about the Smithfield man's destiny for Teghan Skiba's murder.
Those jurors will never, ever get over the images they have seen of what this baby girl endured. I was a juror in a triple murder and rape and two of the victims were toddlers. I can see those photos as clear now as ever and it has been over twenty years.

While I didn't talk to my friend about the trial (but hope to soon), I would ask him how he was doing from time to time. He has had some of the lowest points in his life over these 5 weeks. This one sticks with me (I have 2 daughters....5 and 11), and I didn't see any of the pictures. My friend has 2 daughters as well, so I know this really affected him.
Now it's time for them to find Relisha and charge ALL involved!
While I didn't talk to my friend about the trial (but hope to soon), I would ask him how he was doing from time to time. He has had some of the lowest points in his life over these 5 weeks. This one sticks with me (I have 2 daughters....5 and 11), and I didn't see any of the pictures. My friend has 2 daughters as well, so I know this really affected him.

I'll be anxious to hear his thoughts on all this, and hopefully he will avail himself of therapy to help him get over this. And no, it's probably not something he'll ever 'get over', but you know what I mean. Perhaps I should have said 'move on'. :please:
I hope someone lets the hospital know. The ER.. especially.:seeya:
I don't have the least desire to celebrate this victory. Just feel thoroughly drained. I want him to suffer. And I wish there was something I could do for the Skiba's. I look at my own grandchildren and shudder at the thought of any one of them suffering. :(
Thank you, Websleuth members for keeping vigil during this trial.

Thank you, Websleuths for providing a place to do so.

Thank you, prosecuters for not ducking your moral responsibilities.

Thank you judge, for keeping the wheels of justice turning.

Most of all, thank you Jurors, for listening to your heads and hearts.

Rest now, sweet Teghan.
I'll be anxious to hear his thoughts on all this, and hopefully he will avail himself of therapy to help him get over this. And no, it's probably not something he'll ever 'get over', but you know what I mean. Perhaps I should have said 'move on'. :please:

He's not the therapy type. We will do some lake therapy as soon as it warms up....and some golf therapy before then.
I don't have the least desire to celebrate this victory. Just feel thoroughly drained. I want him to suffer. And I wish there was something I could do for the Skiba's. I look at my own grandchildren and shudder at the thought of any one of them suffering. :(

It's hard to deal with it when all is lost and can't be undone. There is really no amount of suffering on his part that can make this right again, although, I am delighted some small measure of justice will be served, and he won't be able to touch a child ever again until the day he dies...which I hope comes sooner than later!

I feel so drained.


Me, too. I was crying and my adult daughter came in and asked what was wrong. She cried also. She was never spanked as a child, but she had plenty of timeouts. She told me she knew how fortunate she has been to have never even known anyone that could do something like that monster did. I hugged her and told her to remain the good person she is now.

We have dried our tears and are mad as hell again.

Now hopefully little Teghan can rest in heavenly peace. She more than earned her little wings.
I don't have the least desire to celebrate this victory. Just feel thoroughly drained. I want him to suffer. And I wish there was something I could do for the Skiba's. I look at my own grandchildren and shudder at the thought of any one of them suffering. :(

I feel the way you do Gracie.
I should get more satisfaction out of him skipping off to death row.
It is not enough though.
I want to go back in time and snatch that little girl away from him and the so called mother and get her somewhere safe.


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