Found Deceased NC - Tristan Blue, 2, Raleigh, 22 Dec 2014 *Arrests*

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I'm bringing your link forward again borndem. Hoping this works.

This snip brought me to tears. It is a must-read:

When you see a beleaguered mother lose her temper with a child in the store, do not turn away in disgust, smugly sure you would never act this way. Reach out. Help relieve some of her stress. Reassure her that you understand how she feels, because we are all imperfect. When the single father next door loses his job, offer an occasional meal to help ease the burden. When your friend is having marital problems, help care for the children so they do not become misplaced outlets for anger.

By relieving a parent’s stress even a fraction, you allow him a little extra patience for his child. You show that in our community, we support each other, and that caring for a child is our most important task.



Read more here:

I wish there was a button I could push which would share this snippet (and article) on every thread here on WS. It's so true and important and, ugh, sad.
Just wanted to insert: They were Aircraft Cleaners. At the airport I work at, the cleaners usually arrive after 9:00pm to start cleaning the aircraft that will be kept overnight. And continue cleaning every aircraft as it comes in. Depending on some of the flights/delays they could be there until dawn.

I wonder if they put him to bed before they left for work every night, and left him alone.
How long before a trial in this particular state? Not that I really want to hear of the details of this sweet, innocent little boys last days!
How long before a trial in this particular state? Not that I really want to hear of the details of this sweet, innocent little boys last days!

Wake County's population, as of 2013, was 974,289 -- lotsa people, lotsa trials. Raleigh, NC, is where the trials are held. First degree murder trials in Wake County usually take about 18--24 months to come to trial. This seems to be fairly typical for other areas of the country from what I've seen for the last several years.

The Wake County District has 6 Superior Court Judge seats, and they rotate within the 3rd Superior Court Division of NC which has 6 districts (confusing, eh??). M1 trials, as is usual, often take about 3--6 weeks, so scheduling these type trials -- which include the schedules of the specific judge, the prosecutors of the specific case and the defense attorneys -- can be quite a dance. So, we're in for a wait.

:thinking: Short question, long answer. :judge:
RALEIGH (WTVD) -- The caregiver of a Raleigh boy whose parents are behind bars charged in his murder tells ABC11 she saw the warning signs right before his death.
On Dec. 9, Cray remembers clearly Tristan was crying when Blue dropped him off. She soon noticed bruises on the boy's head and called an ambulance. At the hospital, doctors told her the bruising was nothing out of the ordinary.

So Tristan had been attending daycare. I wonder if his parents pulled him out, thus leaving him alone at home, because the daycare woman was noticing abuse and actually followed up on it.

Tristan's dad called this woman on Christmas Eve, just after he reported Tristan missing, asking if she'd seen him. He later texted her from the police station. The text says "I wish I knew where he was. I wish he were at home."

Cold, creepy, chilling. Once again red flags were missed. Score: abusers 1, children 0. :mad:
RALEIGH (WTVD) -- The caregiver of a Raleigh boy whose parents are behind bars charged in his murder tells ABC11 she saw the warning signs right before his death.
On Dec. 9, Cray remembers clearly Tristan was crying when Blue dropped him off. She soon noticed bruises on the boy's head and called an ambulance. At the hospital, doctors told her the bruising was nothing out of the ordinary.

So Tristan had been attending daycare. I wonder if his parents pulled him out, thus leaving him alone at home, because the daycare woman was noticing abuse and actually followed up on it.

Tristan's dad called this woman on Christmas Eve, just after he reported Tristan missing, asking if she'd seen him. He later texted her from the police station. The text says "I wish I knew where he was. I wish he were at home."

Cold, creepy, chilling. Once again red flags were missed. Score: abusers 1, children 0. :mad:

The comment thread is heartbreaking. I hope this is OK to share.

It appears Tristan's daycare provider truly cared for him and always will. :cow:


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The lump in my throat just turned into tears reading the comments. If only, if only....

Poor little angel. We are so so sorry you aren't here, but thankful you are now being protected and happy for eternity. Fly high, dear Tristan!!
So far the last sighting of Tristan seems to be on December 19 at the convenience store and possibly daycare per Cray's comments, making it likely that Tristan was murdered that night or on December 20. That helps explain why it took a while to identify his remains.

Also, IMO the dad's text on the 24th is a lesson in lie/truth telling. He said he didn't know where Tristan was, which was probably a truthful (and sneaky) statement if you consider that the lake is big and poor little Tristan's body would no longer be in the same spot where he was dumped - like trash I might add.

And if it was mom who did the dumping (it hurts to even type the words), then dad technically wouldn't know the exact spot. It's interesting to me how liars often skirt around the truth in order to protect themselves.

I guess my point is that sometimes what seems like a lie is actually a "fudged" verson of the truth. Like a little kid who denies throwing his toy truck at his sister - truthful because he threw his toy car, not his truck. KWIM? Now if only I could figure out how to apply this concept to other cases...

And dad's statement that he wished Tristan was home was probably also truthful since at that time dad was sitting at the police station, acutely aware that he was about to be arrested and oh so sorry he couldn't unring that bell.

Sorry for rambling; after seeing mom's FB page with all the cutesy pictures and comments and knowing her part in Tristan's murder all I really want to do is slap her upside the head a few dozen times. My feelings about dad are a given but what I will never be able to make sense out of is a mother who puts a man before her beloved child. I hope they both rot in prison.
I'm going to go sit in a corner and bawl my eyes out.

I don't understand this world sometimes. Especially now.

May justice for Tristan and all those who are harmed by evil be swift and harsh.

And may the missing find their way home.




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Daycare providers AND health care workers are mandated reporters. Why was the state not notified? And who watched her other daycare kids while she went to the hospital with Tristan? And why weren't Tristan's parents called to the hospital? And why didn't hospital social workers interview the parents at the hospital? Lots of details missing there...
Daycare providers AND health care workers are mandated reporters. Why was the state not notified? And who watched her other daycare kids while she went to the hospital with Tristan? And why weren't Tristan's parents called to the hospital? And why didn't hospital social workers interview the parents at the hospital? Lots of details missing there...

Excellent points


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RALEIGH (WTVD) -- The caregiver of a Raleigh boy whose parents are behind bars charged in his murder tells ABC11 she saw the warning signs right before his death.
On Dec. 9, Cray remembers clearly Tristan was crying when Blue dropped him off. She soon noticed bruises on the boy's head and called an ambulance. At the hospital, doctors told her the bruising was nothing out of the ordinary.

So Tristan had been attending daycare. I wonder if his parents pulled him out, thus leaving him alone at home, because the daycare woman was noticing abuse and actually followed up on it.

Tristan's dad called this woman on Christmas Eve, just after he reported Tristan missing, asking if she'd seen him. He later texted her from the police station. The text says "I wish I knew where he was. I wish he were at home."

Cold, creepy, chilling. Once again red flags were missed. Score: abusers 1, children 0. :mad:

According to a neighbor, Tristan was seen on Friday, Dec. 19:

Thomas said she would often see Tristan and his father at the neighborhood convenience store.

“We all know each other. We see each other at the store…we say hi,” Thomas said. “The little boy has been seen around several times. It's sad and sickening to know [what happened].”

Steven Blue and his 2-year-old stopped by the store just a few days before Blue allegedly killed his son.

“He was seen at the convenience store on Friday. It wasn't a pretty sight to see,” Thomas said. “[Blue] shut the door on the baby's head [and] wasn't very attentive to a child, more than what I thought a parent should be.

Putting these two posts together as I try to figure out what was going on in this little boy's life.

Do you think Tristan's head injuries happened before he was seen getting his head hurt in the door of the convenience store and that the father was just trying to cover up abusing him before? How many head injuries did Tristan suffer in his last weeks? Just heartbreaking!
This just in from WRAL:

Local News
[h=1]Warrant: Dad told police toddler was 'unresponsive' before body dumped in Falls Lake[/h]


From your link, borndem:


The warrant doesn’t say what led police to arrest the couple, only that through interviews with Blue, they learned Tristan was “unresponsive when he was removed from 5416 Apt. 1 Portree Place.”

Detectives say their investigation also led them to determine that Blue allegedly carried Tristan’s body in his 2004 Ford Taurus and dumped it into Falls Lake.

The warrant, no doubt, holds more details that will sicken, anger, and disgust us all. Understanding escapes me, as to how anyone, much less a "father" could have brought harm to this child, dressed in his cartoon pajamas, on Christmas Eve. :hearno:

He would have been excited at the upcoming holiday, as any youngster his age! Instead, his beautiful light was extinguished at the hands of the man he should have been able to look for care, protection, and trust. Worse still, IMO, he couldn't count on his mother to stand up, and prevent this turn of events.

Maybe I'm wrong to feel this way :dunno: But from all I've read so far, the pattern of abuse was witnessed by more than one person in public. I know from my own experience how the cycle of abuse plays out. It's a mother's duty to protect her child. A real mother will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety and security of her own flesh and blood.

This did not happen. It was the ultimate failure.

That's just how I see it.

Tristan should have lived to see last Christmas, and a whole lifetime of others. Instead, we will forever remember that he gained his angel wings instead.



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Watching the WRAL News live at 5:00pm -- Amanda Lamb reported that Tristan's dad admitted to "smothering the boy." I will follow with an article/link as soon as it goes out there.

ETA from Twitter:

Amanda Lamb (WRAL) ‏@alamb 1h1 hour ago .@WRAL Prosecutors say Tristan Blue's father confessed to smothering him. Mom admits not seen child in days. #WRAL

Darling Tristan, I am SO sorry, for your suffering you experienced during your all too short life. As #WeThePeople become more aware of the ugly truth of the life you lived, and the way you died, our hearts are shattered into tinier and tinier pieces.

I'm left to wonder if I'll have a heart left before true justice is served in your case. Thank you borndem, for posting these updates, and for your unwavering dedication to Tristan's thread (among countless others).

When I look at Tristan's photo, I can almost see a wisdom, pain and sadness that no two year old should carry. I thought I was imagining it back when the image was first released, and maybe I still am, but there's no denying the correlating facts of this case.

Tristan, I just pray that you're at peace. My faith continues to be tested, and I readily admit my struggle when such evil comes to bear upon such precious innocence. I know that no once can hurt you anymore, or ever again. I just wish you didn't have to suffer so horribly to gain your freedom from your pain. :tears:


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Watching the WRAL News live at 5:00pm -- Amanda Lamb reported that Tristan's dad admitted to "smothering the boy." I will follow with an article/link as soon as it goes out there.

ETA from Twitter:

Amanda Lamb (WRAL) ‏@alamb 1h1 hour ago .@WRAL Prosecutors say Tristan Blue's father confessed to smothering him. Mom admits not seen child in days. #WRAL

RALEIGH, N.C. — The father of a 2-year-old boy whose body was recovered from Falls Lake the day after Christmas confessed to smothering the child, prosecutors said Thursday during a routine hearing on the case.
Prosecutors also said Thursday that Dangerfield admitted to police that she hadn’t laid eyes on her son since Dec. 22.
In addition to searching for the boy, investigators searched the couple’s apartment and Blue’s Ford Taurus. Among the items they recovered was a long-sleeved Batman shirt found in the house and a pair of gray, Okie Dokie sweatpants in the car – both items of clothing the couple said Tristan was wearing when he went missing.

Ugh. Awful, awful people.

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