NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 2

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I'm not going to be able to do the afternoon part of the trial today. We have 2 children graduating from college, 1 grandchild graduating from college, and 2 grandchildren graduating from high school this week and next... and all are out of town. The two grown kids who are graduating are 37 and 39 and this is the 3rd and 2nd times for them. They keep bettering their education to better their jobs which I admire. My finances are very thin though as I have tried to help each of them :)
I hope something breaks loose this afternoon with respect to evidence in this case. Looking forward to getting caught back up with you guys tomorrow.
Jury is back and about to read verdict in Arias case!
I guess I should also introduce myself. I worked with Raven around 99-2004ish at company in Utah that does outsourced sales for Hewlett Packard. He was an outside sales rep back east while I was in Utah. Everyone at the company knew who Raven was because in group settings he would dominate the conversations and loved to be the center of attention. I have been following this from day one.

BTW...If I remember correctly he was let go for "questionable" business practices.
Welcome to the forum Cbaka. Thank you for taking the time to register and come here and introduce yourself.

Anything you feel comfortable sharing here will be most welcome. I know I am very interested in hearing from anyone who knew/knows Raven personally. Jump in any time. :)
Now they are saying the verdict in the Arias case will be read at 4:30pm.
Det. Benny Bradly on the stand - apparently he's the first one to interview Raven at the station.
I'm not going to be able to do the afternoon part of the trial today. We have 2 children graduating from college, 1 grandchild graduating from college, and 2 grandchildren graduating from high school this week and next... and all are out of town. The two grown kids who are graduating are 37 and 39 and this is the 3rd and 2nd times for them. They keep bettering their education to better their jobs which I admire. My finances are very thin though as I have tried to help each of them :)
I hope something breaks loose this afternoon with respect to evidence in this case. Looking forward to getting caught back up with you guys tomorrow.

Congratulations to your whole family! You are going to be one busy 'sleuther this week. Have a great time!

I feel like I should introduce myself a bit since I just kind of jumped in there in the middle of the conversation. It seems like you all kind of know each other, but then here comes me lol.

I worked at Eurosport with both Janet and Raven. I didn’t see much of Janet, only a handful of times but I worked directly with Raven. So I have followed this case closely since her murder and have always felt that he was guilty. I am just so glad that he is finally on trial. I was beginning to think it would never happen.

Sorry that I missed this post. Welcome Mrs.Hopkins. I am very happy to have you here. Any insights or opinions that you might feel like sharing are very welcome here. Some of us have been hanging out here a long long time waiting and hoping for justice for Janet. It's nice to have you aboard.
I cant speak with first hand knowledge but I was told that Raven was fired from our company for theft of computer hardware. I was not his manager or on his team but the rumors were common knowledge. Our employer did not peruse legal action with Raven or several others who were involved in similar activity.
Why would he have known to lift Janet's shirt to look for a wound? Wasn't there already a pool of blood coming from the neck wound?
Why would he have taken Janet's phone rather than his own to the soccer meet?
Yeah, that's a huge red flag - why did he take her cell phone with him?! That's not a normal thing to do. Unless you don't want your victim to be able to call for help - that's also a reason to stash THREE VEHICLES in the shop at one time - the Acura, the VehiCross, and the motorcycle.

In my opinion, I think he lifted up her shirt in hopes of making it look like a sexual assault.
Thank you sweet Jesus. Arias guilty of M1. Let's hope the same for Raven.
I'm not going to be able to do the afternoon part of the trial today. We have 2 children graduating from college, 1 grandchild graduating from college, and 2 grandchildren graduating from high school this week and next... and all are out of town. The two grown kids who are graduating are 37 and 39 and this is the 3rd and 2nd times for them. They keep bettering their education to better their jobs which I admire. My finances are very thin though as I have tried to help each of them :)
I hope something breaks loose this afternoon with respect to evidence in this case. Looking forward to getting caught back up with you guys tomorrow.
You must be about to burst your buttons. What a joyful time for you. Enjoy your time together, and be proud.
Boo. Having to see archived video and HATING the audio quality. My hearing is horrible. Sigh.
Why would he have known to lift Janet's shirt to look for a wound? Wasn't there already a pool of blood coming from the neck wound?
Why would he have taken Janet's phone rather than his own to the soccer meet?

Why would Raven, after pulling her T-shirt up around her breasts, not pull it back down, knowing EMTS and Police were coming, and leave her with some modesty for a bit, there was no reason to expose her breasts and leave her that way. I think he was going to try to make it seem as though she was raped or something.

Why would Raven take Janet's phone to soccer? Perhaps because she wasn't ever going to be able to use it again. Also, didn't he leave HIS cell phone in the Durango.
So I emailed WRAL and asked them where the Jennifer W. testimony video is because it's not up on their site. Sorry, not gonna get to see her video because they lost it during the storm ...... too bad so sad! (I added that last part :dramaqueen:)

Also, the reason they did not broadcast on the days of bad weather is because of some dumb (I added the dumb part) rule about not getting their employees electrocuted if the huge antenna on their truck is struck by lightning during a storm... or some silly reason like that.

I'm sorry but that just sounds really selfish to me. :abnormal:

But... I guess none of that really matters if one can't HEAR the DT nor the PT half the time when they DO broadcast/post links!!:eek:verreaction:


Maybe tomorrow will be better.

I think I'm going to take Det. Bradly and go to bed and see if I can hear any of his testimony. ;)

Good night WS.
Thinking of Janet........and all the pain and misery Raven put her through.

Come on PT....Janet needs justice!!

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