NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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I see another MD signed this form...not Dr Clark.
Very odd someone could state TOD at 10:55PM when the ME was not even notified until the next day.

Agree, Fax -- I don't see how or where the TOD was based on fact... Why didn't ME say "between *advertiser censored* and *advertiser censored* on date."? Appears to be based on what he has heard per RA's schedule and he is the only living person to give some kind of timeline after the home teacher left. Less than ideal TOD method IMO - am I overlooking something??
Judge stated the evidence is quite damaging - Please let it in!!
I'm going to just stare at that judge. His calmness is reassuring.
One would think the Durham DA's office *should be* better prepared for this trial. Yes, I know they've had lots of trouble over the years, but this is a far cry from the Peterson trial. :-(
Exactly, at this time the truth is that the emails between Scott & Janet would not have changed any testimony by any of the other witnesses on the case. To me it bolsters the State's case against Raven showing that she could only email people at work because he was so damn controlling.
One would think the Durham DA's office *should be* better prepared for this trial. Yes, I know they've had lots of trouble over the years, but this is a far cry from the Peterson trial. :-(

Michael Nifong, Tracey Cline, Jim Dornfried, Angela (someone or another) Theresa Pressley were on the case prior. Charlene & Luke got this 2 or 3 months ago I believe.
Oh great, now they want to delay to review.. sheesh. Yeah, that won't upset the jury.
Michael Nifong, Tracey Cline, Jim Dornfried, Angela (someone or another) Theresa Pressley were on the case prior. Charlene & Luke got this 2 or 3 months ago I believe.

Yes, it's been a terrible long and confused time period with the DA's, I know. It just comes across as disjointed for lack of a better word. Thank goodness he didn't find a mistrial. What a terrible thing that would have been for poor Janet. :banghead:
I see another MD signed this form...not Dr Clark.
Very odd someone could state TOD at 10:55PM when the ME was not even notified until the next day.

Agree, Fax -- I don't see how or where the TOD was based on fact... Why didn't ME say "between *advertiser censored* and *advertiser censored* on date."? Appears to be based on what he has heard per RA's schedule and he is the only living person to give some kind of timeline after the home teacher left. Less than ideal TOD method IMO - am I overlooking something??
This new evidence must really be something if Judge said it is damaging......I want to know what it is!

Thank you Lord....we can move on. I would hate to think what a mistrial would have done to Janet's family.
Tarheel I am confused by what he means, damaging against Janet or damaging against the defendant? I am confused on this point.
Scott Hall was an ex-boyfriend (back in the 90's) before she met Raven and considering she married Raven in 2000 and was murdered in 2005, that's not a big deal. As a matter of fact I believe Scott Hall was at her Janet's One Year Anniversary Vigil in Durham, when the defendant couldn't even bother to make it there.

To me her talking about rentals etc. proves she was ready to move out because she was sick of Raven's crap.

Janet's dead and murdered, her ex-boyfriend didn't do it, it just further proves that if Raven found out Janet & Scott were talking, he figured if he couldn't have her nobody would, but Scott and Janet wouldn't have gotten back together.

To me this further proves the State's case against Raven. None of the testimony by the friends of Janet's and relatives would have changed either because it proves she had no choice but to use her work computer to speak to people. It even proves the case more because Janet wanted her mother to call her at work, not the cell and I know that people are always reluctant to call others while they are working. It further proves how controlling Raven was.

I wonder if anything was found on the PDA or Palm Pilot, that was discussed at all so far. Raven would never leave something out that would have implicated him, so I am not seeing anything damaging there.
Trix, can you take the day? I mean.... well.... it's so nice to have you here live with us. I know, not realistic, but I'm selfish, I want you to stay here and be with us. You're already late... maybe ..... you ..... could ..... just ..... ummmm ..... pretend it's still Sunday. :/

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