NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #10

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Infrequent poster here. I mostly follow the Caylee Anthony case but this one has drawn me in too. This poor girl. She has suffered so much.

I do want to comment on some of the judgements/ remarks being made about "goths."

I am 34 years old and have been involved in the gothic subculture since I was a young teenager. I completely understand how, in such cases where someone who does something terrible like this SM most likely has, the general public will pick the thing that is most unfamiliar (and maybe even scary) to them and use it to help explain that person's behavior. One thing we need to keep in mind is bad people come from all walks of life. However, it doesn't mean all people in that group are bad.

Respectfully snipped for space.

Thanks so much for your post!! It's great to hear the perspective from someone who is living that life!!! Sounds like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders and are in NO WAY shape or form anything like EB!!!
(((sadnpod))) Anyone would've posted that, and I'm sure there will be more misinformation as the press tries to be the first with new info. Just like yesterday when one reporter jumped the gun and stated that AB went 'missing' because he wasn't home.

So, is that where the rumored bolo on dad came from? GRRRRRR
Ok - I just contact our wonderful Kimster about this and I'll let you know what they plan to do.

If you need any help, let me know! My parents took my kids on a little mini-vacation this weekend and my husband is out of town so I'm family-less and would be happy to help :)
If LE knew from the get go that the B's were trying to deceive them and throw them off track with that ransom note - then maybe when the dogs hit on the woodchipper -

Aye, that same thing hit me last night.
If they try to throw off the cops with the note, then this fire (mulch), ... I mean, I don't want to assume these people are that capable. It's hard since Zahra is involved, but I do believe that this was thought out.

Also, Welcome to WS, Sneechwatcher!
I was away from my computer all day yesterday so I was really hoping that I would come here today and see news of Zahra. I'll have to read all the posts I missed yesterday, but the most important post (that she has been found) is clearly not here. :(

On a happy note, I took my two fabulous kids to Disney yesterday and we had a wonderful time. They each had a friend there who was also with their family, so it was a really happy day that reminded me that there are moms and dads out there who rejoice in time spent with their kids. Zahra....and all of our other lost angels...deserved this. Each time I saw a stray balloon floating up to the sky, I prayed that it was headed up to one of our angels.
Is Zahra going to get her own forum? Or at least can we have another thread about the facts of this case, no discussion or questions asked? I'm asking because it would be nice to have a central place to keep everything straight. It seems like we have a wild accumulation of things and it's hard to keep track of it. If there just could be a facts thread, that would be good. Her own forum would be even better, IMO.

I guess work isn't distracting me very much. :(

ETA: I'd offer to do it, but I really don't have the time to right now, sorry.

I'm honestly not sure it would help. The media has no clue what's going on in this case. They are still regurgitating quotes from five days ago and reporting it as updated news. They are contradicting each other on an hourly basis. What a mess.
I'm honestly not sure it would help. The media has no clue what's going on in this case. They are still regurgitating quotes from five days ago and reporting it as updated news. They are contradicting each other on an hourly basis. What a mess.

You're right. But I think it would help separate the media links from the general thread so people looking for them aren't searching for hours. there are now 10 threads on Zahra PACKED with information. For newbies joining the case, it's a nightmare to sort through.
I think the Australian press has showed admirable restraint in not outing the mother and subjecting her to the overwhelming and unwanted attention she would have gotten in the U.S., given the same circumstances - being hectored by every talk show to put her private life in public purview. It's good to be free of the tabloid mentality for a change. Sure, we all want info, but at what cost? I'm sure the mother has been given the opportunity of in-depth interviews; but for whatever reason she doesn't seem to want to participate. In her shoes, can we blame her?

I think there is a lot more to THAT story (bio mom) than we know. The two reports we've seen go against each other. One claiming she has been searching for her for five years, the other stating that she maintained contact.

I don't know much about custody / domestic law in AU . Can someone there shed some light ? Do you have public records there? Is there more information about biomom maybe in an earlier news story about Zahra's battle with cancer ? Can you guys easily search old newspapers?
Any locals out there who can tell us more about what looks to be a bridge where 21st Ave. NW/6th St. NW crosses an inlet of Lake Hickory? (ETA and I am a tech primitive so on that map pushpin "A" marks 21 21st Ave NW, and the bridge I am looking at is in the northwest corner of the map, sans pushpin.)

I'm looking at this map.
RE: a forum for Zahra

I don't think this quite rates for a full forum right now - BUT I do believe we need a "Media reference". I remember when Haleigh first started by the 3rd or 4th day it was becoming very difficult to find past articles. I volunteered and went back thread by thread and pulled all the media articles we had and started the media reference.

I have a 2:00 appointment today. When I get back if the mods ok it - I will start eh media reference and go back and pull all that we have. (With Haleigh it took SEVERAL hours to do).

I'll contact a mod and see what they say.

I noticed this morning that there are media links here for Zahra:

[ame=""]NC Zahra Baker timeline and media links only - No Discussion - [/ame]
OYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.........Today is not the day for connection problems. Ya'll say a prayer for my service provider, they are gonna need it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I noticed this morning that there are media links here for Zahra:

NC Zahra Baker timeline and media links only - No Discussion -
KEWL!!! Well there it is. I just checked it and it seems there is quite a bit there already.

From now on - when anyone gets a new media article - please post it there. You can also post it here on the general discussion thread - but putting it in the media thread will keep everything up to date and nice and neat!

Thankx Patty - I hadn't had time to check that!
I think there is a lot more to THAT story (bio mom) than we know. The two reports we've seen go against each other. One claiming she has been searching for her for five years, the other stating that she maintained contact.

I don't know much about custody / domestic law in AU . Can someone there shed some light ? Do you have public records there? Is there more information about biomom maybe in an earlier news story about Zahra's battle with cancer ? Can you guys easily search old newspapers?

There have been many conflicting stories coming out in this case and the one most prominent is what the Sheriff says with regards to Adam and what the Police Chief states about Adam. We were lost yesterday in the midst of Adam cooperating and Adam not cooperating.

The Aussie mom may have stated she remained in contact over the years but may have lost contact within the last 5 years as stated in the article early on.

We are at the mercy of the reporters and clearly they don't always get the story accurate. :banghead:
I know it is only 11 am but I think I need a caffe' moch vodka valium latte!!!!!
This is nerve racking. That poor baby!
I thought Caylee and Haleigh and Kyron's cases were the worse, now this beats all!
Oh how I despise these monsters!!!!!
Did saddist abuse keep them together????
Good morning all praying for Zahra....I just read through what i missed over nightand something struck me. So many people want to know why her mother isnt raising a bigger stink. hes been out of her life for over 9 years, why would she? The mother figure she has had is her grandmother and she has spoken out, with love and concern and grief. I feel so bad for her loss. JMO
Alphaville---thank you for your post--it's good that you spoke out.

I was VERY worried about comments when Elisa's MySpace was discovered. Yes, the references to deathly things (images, music choices) and her angst did worry me, and I did feel like she was being somewhat of a "poser". But-- I know first hand that the goth culture does have a stigma (but I can see for good reason in some cases)...

I had a close friend in middle and high school (and knew a few other nice girls who were as well) that was "goth" and she was the sweetest, dearest person that wouldn't hurt a fly. And, in fact, she was a conservative christian. She is no longer "goth" today, but I always remember the *&^% she put up with from other kids--that was totally undeserved.

I believe that there are people who channel the "goth" culture, that just connect to that "darker side", but harbor no animosity toward anyone. And then there are those who are *already dangerous, mentally disturbed, isolated, or violent* people, who take that culture, relate to it in a more fundamental way, and use it as a catalyst for anger and violence towards others (ala Columbine, Sam McCroskey).

The goth culture does weird me out a bit, but I know better than to think everyone who participates in it are all violent people capable of killing.
The article says AB can go home as back to crime scene rental????
Is AB a citizen of US and of AU??? both or just 1 country?
Is the marriage legal? in US or just in AU?
Since AB has not been arrested can he freely go back to AU????
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