NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #14

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me either - have wonder what they will be charging for their "management fees"?
bellyup, I wish I had the same confidence as you. I just don't. One, he's an enabler. Just because he stood aside and watched the horror unfold, or knew something bad was happening and didn't stop it doesn't make him less of a monster. That was his flesh and blood and he didn't protect her. Mark one against him in my book.

I'm not 100% sure there was "horror" unfolding. I don't believe a stinkin' word of any of BB claims. The only other claims we have to go on are claims that she may have been in an attic (I don't buy that she was forced / kept in the attic) and some claims from a few teenagers that she made Zahra run on her leg and made mean comments to her. I think EB was evil..... for sur...e and I do think she probably hit Zahra :furious: but I am not convinced AB would have even known.

Two, he's acting all Dexter like, but not likable like Dexter. (I just got finished watching tonights ep, btw). He's aloof and very unemotional
He has to be completely and utterly exhausted. He was on the search for several days. He's emotionally and mentally spent. Without going into too much detail I've had ONE encounter with the police in my life. My husband was a "person of interest" in a teens disappearance several years ago. He was ultimately cleared of any involvement (was actually set up by a disgruntled employee who was later charged and convicted) and the teen was found safely. BUT let me tell you that the 3-4 days between finding out this girl was missing and being completely cleared ... was HELL. We didn't eat, sleep, shower, nothing. And it wasn't our child that was missing.

He's not all that upset that his only daughter is missing. He's not upset at people doing something in her memory, meaning she's dead. And he's not that upset it's a homicide investigation. It makes me wonder, did he ever really love Zahra at all?
It's a very real and very normal response IMO. I think anyone looking at AB with a psych background would say he's displaying classic PTSD symptoms.
Following a traumatic event, almost everyone experiences at least some of the symptoms of PTSD. It’s very common to have bad dreams, feel fearful or numb.
Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma
Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma
Loss of interest in activities and life in genera
Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb
Difficulty falling or staying asleep

I also could swear that there are minor charges they could haul him in for, like forgery or something else he did with EB? Why don't they do that instead of letting him walk around free?
Pretty sure the only thing that he's able to be taken in on is bad checks. He would be out rather quickly and then not talking to LE .
Is it possible LE jumped the gun on the "homicide" declaration ? Perhaps going only by the hits from the dogs which turned out to be "false leads" ?

Wouldn't they have gotten testing back on the "glove" by now and determined if it was blood that was described as "red goo" and if it was Zahra's blood or not ?
Call me skeptical...but I wouldn't give money to this organization.

I swear that earlier today someone posted the criminal record of the Reverend G who runs that site! There were numerous charges!

I found only one record for him from 2006 that stated he recieved a suspended sentence for OBT PROP BY FALSE PR/CHTS/SER (PRINCIPAL)

Maybe someone else can find that post or do a better search than I can!!

I hope that no one donates any money to him!!
As a resident of North Carolina, I am pleased to see that it apparently IS a law/requirement to report suspected child abuse or neglect according to this article. The wording of this statement indicates to me that ANY RESIDENT, not just someone in a mandatory reporting position, is liable under this law/requirement. Unfortunately, I do not see a statute listed in the article or I would post it. I am sure that it must be posted somewhere in the legalese of our state government.

~~~Snipped for brevity

In at least 51 deaths - more than one-third - social workers weren't told about additional incidents of suspected abuse in those families. State law requires any resident who suspects child abuse or neglect to report it to DSS.
No wonder this woman was so angry. She couldn't deal with real life but in her virtual world she could do, buy, be anything she wanted. I wonder how much they were playing? I do realize it could be very addicting (my grown DS is a gamer).

Could also explain why she was so mean towards Zahra - she didn't want to be bothered. Kinda like that Japanese couple that let their REAL baby starve to death while they were busy in their virtual world taking care of their baby there.

Now, I would love to know what LE has found out about these two from their computers. I also have to wonder if you do serious drugs in real life what this type of "game" can do to your psyche if you play while high?

Its no wonder why this world seems to be getting sicker and sicker everyday......

I also have a DS who is into this virtual life second life, it seems very much an escape to him. He lives with his mother in law and wife and kids but only seems interestesd in work when they are broke and have no money.

He is up all night often working his second life job and life and then works physical (construction/sparking lot asphalt) sort of labor in the real world. But when they (he and his wife) have smokes, phone minutes, and pullups for my granddaughter (who sould be getting potty training down by now but isn't) he is not interested in working or bettering his situation.


Some people play these games as diversion, entertainment.

Others do not, they get wrapped up in the good feeling of success or not caring about it in a false place, while real life falls to pieces.

I should ETA that my DS and DDL do not really have any bills, they get assitance and provide food for the household as their "contibution" to the monthly bills. I worry that they will never finish growing up and realize that when they chose to have my grandchildren, they comitted to raise those babies into teh besgt citizens possible and to be the best parents for them as possible. At least that's what I view deciding to brin a child into this world.

I will probably edit this as upon reflection it may seem harsh and I do not want to cause my DS and DDL to put distance between me and my grandkids, but I worry, you know?
I am awfully concerned about the fact that the last time she was seen was about three weeks ago and this corresponds to when people saw them at the trailer park where they lived alone and then said there was a bad smell....I hope the police are right onto I have no doubts they are.......if they put her in a dumpster there, then the chances of finding her are very slim.......

One thing.......good golly.....looking at this pair of spunks no wonder they were addicted to a virtual world.....

honestly.......gothicfairy at what 42!!!

I know the internet has opened up a whole new way of living, but sometimes I wonder if it is going to be the human races worst invention....
Revampz! Was hoping you'd drop by. Is there any news in the news (?) up there? I checked the Vic news over the weekend but not a peep about Zahra. Is there more info/is she of more interest in Nth Qld?
I also have a DS who is into this virtual life second life, it seems very much an escape to him. He lives with his mother in law and wife and kids but only seems interestesd in work when they are broke and have no money.

Don't stress tlcox, you have to let them do what they do and hope for the best. At least you know your granddaughter has a wonderful grandma! ;)

About Second Life - I had to try it out as part of a course I'm studying, and WOAH is it hard! Obviously I need more practice but I had difficulty staying upright and not walking into walls. I also made myself "car sick" from over-correcting when I tried to move around. Didn't like it at all!
Yes. Hi ReVampz, we were also wondering if you had heard anything local? one is saying much.....there is a lady in Giru KW who I have noticed has been contacted by media in the US.....she is about the only person who has said anything.....she was a friend of the family.........she has said that a few of them could not take to EB and the family was against taking her to the US.......from what I gather, I dont think it was the initial plan for them to live in the US...........she came here for a visit, and just stayed with him, but I dont think she liked it here so convinced him to go back to the states......but why he took Zhara....maybe he thought it would be nice for her to have a mum......

in the bulletin up here Karen Baker asked for the media to back off a bit ...they were upset about incorrect reporting......the main contention was with the report that AB was not co operating with police.....

here is the link in case you havent seen it...
I'm hoping they are getting assistance to get over there, especially KB. I am assuming since there have been no appeals for help that they can get over....I hope so.
I apologize if someone already posted this. I just read it a little while ago.

I have to say whoever wrote that article did a fantastic job pointing out her twisted personality, hypocrisy and sad descriptions of our dear Zahra. One of the best articles written on this.

If anyone missed the myspace page before it was yanked down I recommend you read that. It will fill you in nicely.
As a resident of North Carolina, I am pleased to see that it apparently IS a law/requirement to report suspected child abuse or neglect according to this article. The wording of this statement indicates to me that ANY RESIDENT, not just someone in a mandatory reporting position, is liable under this law/requirement. Unfortunately, I do not see a statute listed in the article or I would post it. I am sure that it must be posted somewhere in the legalese of our state government.

Judge Jeanine Pirro was on one of the morning shows and she said that although everyone in NC is a mandatory reporter, the only ones that can get in trouble legally/criminally for failure to report is teachers, doctors, etc.. not the average Joe.

There is no penalty if a neighbor or relative doesn't report.
Community Sets Up Zahra Baker Fund
Kelly Heffernan-Tabor Created: 10/17/2010 10:04:15 PM Updated: 10/18/2010 1:30:23 AM

Hickory, NC -- Police say they have received more than 200 tips in the case of missing 10-year-old, Zahra Baker.

As police continue to search for Zahra, people in the community are asking how they can help.

One organization in Hickory has set up the Zahra Baker Fund so people can do just that. The Spiritual Counseling Network, a non-profit organization, will use the money to help provide resources to the police and community.

Organizers of the fund want to make October 24th Zahra Sunday. They say the day would allow the faith community to pray for Zahra and those involved in the case.

Zahra Claire Baker Fund
"This little girl survived cancer twice, and she couldn't survive her own home," Tim Curtis, a Spiritual Counseling Network counselor, said into a bullhorn outside the Wal-Mart in nearby Granite Falls. "We're calling on your mercy and compassion."

The staff of the Spiritual Counseling Network also is collecting donations for the Zahra Baker Fund through a website,

Initially, money raised will help law enforcement in their investigation, said the Rev. Brandon Greeson, the ministry's director of marketing and outreach.

The money will also be used to offer counseling services to people affected by Zahra's disappearance, including her classmates and teachers, as well as law enforcement involved in the case.

If her body is recovered, the fund will help provide Zahra a proper funeral, Greeson said, and in the long term, the fund will support organizations working to fight child abuse.

"We don't want Zahra to be known as the little girl killed in Hickory," Greeson said. "We want her to be known as a little girl who meant something."

Zahra where are you, sweetheart. My heart breaks for this brave little girl who certainly beat the odds against cancer, twice, only to have this evil, wicked EB come into her life...Where are you sweet child..
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