NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #20

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AB may have been depressed and/or abused. I don't know. However, I can't consider him involved just after the fact. He's Zahra's father. If he didn't know what was going on in that home and about EB's behavior towards Zahra ... he should have known. It was his duty as her father to know. Regardless of his level of involvement and when he became involved, I still believe he has a great deal of the responsibility here.

Just a question, if the genders were reversed and EB was the biological mother and AB was the stepfather, would you still be willing to give the biological parent just as much slack? Honestly, I'm simply curious. It's not a judgement.

None of us know the answers yet to exactly who was involved in what & when. I'm speculating just like everyone else. It's just my opinion. I respect everyone's opinion here because I could very well be wrong.

If I've said something out of line, please flag for removal. Sorry for rambling, this case just has me very upset.

I agree....I am equally frustrated. What is also frustrating is that EB's family is buddying up with AB! So what if they think he is innocent.....he still had responsibility as her father to protect her. This same family says they witnessed abuse of ZB and called how can they give AB a free ride on all of these accusations! JMO
If LE were told during interviews that the mattress was disposed of in early October, could it have been AB that told them that during the home search last Friday? Why didn't they check the landfill for the county that they are presently living in? Did they put this information together with the supposed late night sighting of them in the old trailer park and decide to check the landfill for that county instead?


I could see AB doing that. He seems to have a simple way of thinking, and I can see him (out of EB's presence) thoughtlessly saying that to police. He seems to rattle on when he gets nervous.

Maybe they will check other landfills, but I can imagine they are not thrilled to have to do that.

I wish they'd give them both polygraph tests. Or at least ask them to take them and let us know if they were refused.
My question is this... If EB confessed to having written the "fake" ransom note, how is it she{or better yet her atty}ever explain away this fact?.. The only way this could not completely and totally implicate her in the ACTUAL murder would be if her atty has the confession thrown out.. Which I'm assuming as soon as charges are filed that would be the very first motion filed by the have it thrown out[am crossing my fingers that LE did completely "by the book"]therefor not a chance hell of it being thrown out...

But ok, in terms of us just trying to figure our the course of events vs. actual trial.. So, we know that EB wrote this fake ransom note..If Z was NOT "disappeared"[murdered] then there would be no reason for such a note..So IMO that directly=EB's direct involvement.[Lemme add here that IF it were such that AB had killed Z I do not believe under any circumstance that EB would "take the fall" for her beloved husband, rather she would throw him under the bus, FAST AND FURIOUS]..

THIS Woman IMO is out FOR ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IN THIS LIFE EXCEPT FOR HERSELF!!!! NOT for her bio-kids, bio-gkids, certainly NOT FOR HER STEP CHILD, and NOT FOR her 3rd hubby of only a year[as of this past July]...NO WAY, NO HOW IMO do any of these ppl matter to EB, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS CONCERNING FACING A DP CHARGE OF MURDERING A CHILD!!

It is for those very reasons that I question a direct involvement of AB in the murder of Z... I do not find it possible that he was clueless to all that went down in and around the murder, disposal, and cover up, but I do believe he was not directly involved in the murder.. IMO if he were then I believe she would already be spilling the beans telling the entire story with Adams part and involvement ONLY of course, her part left out.. Him forcing her to have helped and aided in it all...

Thats not happening and am thinking that main reason is that when it occured that AB possibly was not even present or at home and has a rock solid alibi for the time the murder occured, and she knows this therefor thus far she has not come up with a way to throw this off on AB...

He HAS TO BE INVOLVED THO, YOU GUYS!! I just cannot see a way in which he could not be involved...Am still pondering over when he actually entered the pic and what all he was directly involved with AND WHY?WHY?WHY?

SOME OTHER IMPORTANT QUESTIONS that I have are what the hell about the boss and his daughter who came over to the Bakers at 5a.m. when the fire and ransom note were discovered[AB references it in his 911 call saying boss came&brought his daughter, therefor they knew she was safe and not taken]...So boss is there in the home w/his daughter and they are discussing the ransom note and filing a report with LE[again refernced by AB in 911 call saying it was Officer Rowland that handled it]...ok, so NO ONE AT THIS TIME ever ever mentioned the fact that this ransom note stating they'd taken boss daughter that is "mistakenly" left at Baker's home and realized Boss daughter is alive and well and in their presence, it was never mentioned that along with the mix up of putting the note at the wrong home stating they'd taken "girl" to ever check to see if possibly since "they" had mistaken the baker home that quite possible too "they"[the imaginary knappers] mistook Z as the Boss's daughter...NO ONE EVEN ONCE HAD THIS THOUGHT CROSS THEIR MIND and bring this up, NO ONE! OBVIOUSLY NOT EB[she knew Z was dead, this to me says that AB was already "involved" at this point as did not mention to check onZ]... But why in the hell wouldn't the boss or the LE mention to go check on the daughter that was in the home that the ransom note had been left at...

Possibly it was brought up by boss or LE and AB and EB said oh yes we have already checked in on Z and she is safe and sound in her bed... This would be easy for LE to already know the answers to these questions...In questioning the boss or Offc. Rowland if either or both told LE that this was brought up and AB and EB assured them that they'd just checked on Z and she was a-okay...Then that already blows AB and EBs timeline..Boss and LE[during fire] were there after 5 am of the 9th..therefor if they told either of them theyd checked on their daughter to ensure her safety, they are TOTALLY 100% I said this is something LE already knows and has the answer to and if it is as I just stated, only a matter of time that AB is arrested as well..

Does that make sense??? Am I not correct in assuming that someone that was at that home after 5a.m. for the fire had to have mentioned checking on Z for the obvious reasons I stated 2 paragraphs up... Alot to ponder...But I'd say LE does have allot we have no clue of and also if the above is true there has got to be some strategy and/or main reason that LE is letting AB continue to be a free man, for now...

{sorry for the original screwed up post..I was copy/pasting my post from last night..when I was still on a T.O. from}Its fixed now..

I'm still on the fence as far as his level of involvement in (if any) in something as horrific as a murder. But, I'm wondering if perhaps EB convinced AB to participate in some sort of scam against the boss. Maybe the guy was kind of a jerk/overly demanding of AB, etc etc, so he willingly went along ["Who's in control now?" etc etc]. Again, I still think AB is not that sharp, is rather impressionable, lacking in social skills, etc. etc. etc. EB could have easily convinced him that they were just scamming Mr C. for money, ("look how much he overworks you, and he probably owes you some anyway..."). She could have told him she was just "hiding" poor Zahra until the whole fake kidnapping was over. There's still so much I don't understand, but I think it would explain to me why he seemed so weird and rehearsed in that call, has seemingly changed his story, etc. Maybe he was just nervously following some script his wife gave him ["don't say anything about Zahra, we need to get Mr C scared enough to give us some money"] and really didn't know about the horrific things his wife had already done.

I feel like if he any involvement in the planning, execution, even coverup, EB would already be pointing the finger. There's no way she'd be willing to sit in jail taking the heat while he roamed free! Unless cops think she'll eventually crack if he stays out of jail for longer?
I agree....I am equally frustrated. What is also frustrating is that EB's family is buddying up with AB! So what if they think he is innocent.....he still had responsibility as her father to protect her. This same family says they witnessed abuse of ZB and called how can they give AB a free ride on all of these accusations! JMO

Perhaps :waitasec: things are not as they seem? Maybe there is a purpose in that buddying up. I hope so.:innocent:
AB may have been depressed and/or abused. I don't know. However, I can't consider him involved just after the fact. He's Zahra's father. If he didn't know what was going on in that home and about EB's behavior towards Zahra ... he should have known. It was his duty as her father to know. Regardless of his level of involvement and when he became involved, I still believe he has a great deal of the responsibility here.

Just a question, if the genders were reversed and EB was the biological mother and AB was the stepfather, would you still be willing to give the biological parent just as much slack? Honestly, I'm simply curious. It's not a judgement.

None of us know the answers yet to exactly who was involved in what & when. I'm speculating just like everyone else. It's just my opinion. I respect everyone's opinion here because I could very well be wrong.

If I've said something out of line, please flag for removal. Sorry for rambling, this case just has me very upset.

Totally agree with your points.

Answer this, if Adam Baker was an American would he be getting the same pass? I keep saying don't let his appearance as a laid back Australian fool you. Stick a North Carolina accent on him and ask yourself what you would think.
Hi Mandy... No you're not offending me with questioning a difference of opionion.:)... I am NOT sympathetic to AB... I realize in reading my posts that it may very well come across that way...And that's why I did reiterate that I am not excusing his behavior and that if he been a "daddy" to Z then Z would not be dead...

At this time[and that very well may change with new info coming to light] but at this time I think its possible that AB entered the pic after the fact[am still pondering when he entered]... BUT IMO NO WAY IN HELL THIS MAN IS NOT INVOLVED... and I feel he will eventually be arrested and charged as well..[as in my last post I said that LE must have a strategy and reason for letting him be free at this time]...

So, it is not that I am giving this man slack, rather just explaining how I feel that EB prayed upon "his type" from way back to their having me on IMVU site.. I do believe there is straight up evil in this woman and I believe that AB was just another pawn used in her life..Tho, that still does not mean I have sympathy for, nor excuse in any way his lack of not being a present father to Z... SHE WOULD STILL BE HERE IF HE HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IT IS UNEXCUSABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IMO HE SHOULD ALSO BE CHARGED AND CONVICTED FOR WHATEVER HIS ROLE IN HIS DAUGHTER'S DEATH IS...

I (sort of) explained it this way to my husband the other night. He is having a hard time believing AB had anything to do with this. He isn't keeping up with the case, he only knows what he hears at night or what I talk about. He doesn't see how he had her and took care of her through her illnesses and for her whole life just to murder her or cover up her murder.

I told him:

a) we don't know just how much of that care came from him. From what we know he and Zahra lived with his mother in Australia so it could just as well have been her caring for her all that time.

b) he met this "fairy" online, wound up marrying her, picked up his and his daughter's lives and moved across the world. Now she has him by the balls so basically anything she says goes. I think he doesn't think very well for himself. He comes across as very dependent on others, so I'm sure she had no problem making his decisions for him.

I've posted before that I am still unsure about how involved I think AB is, but with everything we do know, to me, he IS undeniably involved, and I believe he knows where his daughter is.
Appreciate the posts on this page. Mulling over what Donjeta and SmoothOperator are getting at about the ransom note, calling the boss before 911, and AB's part in the crime.

Why did EB confess to writing that ransom note? I personally think maybe EB got restless being questioned, restless because she was jonesing by then, and wasn't thinking anymore. I'd probably crack easy for a cup of coffee.

Bless the day she made that utterance of a confession about the ransom note, and no taking it back now. She wrote the ransom note, and I have every confidence in this investigation that they will prove EB did something to Zahra.
Totally agree with your points.

Answer this, if Adam Baker was an American would he be getting the same pass? I keep saying don't let his appearance as a laid back Australian fool you. Stick a North Carolina accent on him and ask yourself what you would think.

GOOD point, darnudes! I have been guilty of being a sucker for an accent, once or twice :dance:
Honestly, stick a North Carolina accent on him....he would be just as guilty as EB.
Totally agree with your points.

Answer this, if Adam Baker was an American would he be getting the same pass? I keep saying don't let his appearance as a laid back Australian fool you. Stick a North Carolina accent on him and ask yourself what you would think.

Oooh, when you put it THAT way, yeah I think you might be right!

'Adam and Elisa Baker were arrested for communicating threats against their family members too.

They were arrested on May 22, 2010 and charged with communicating threats against Elisa’s niece Brittany Bentley, her fiancé Zackery Tyler and the couple’s 7-month-old daughter. The threats stemmed from an outstanding debt Bentley owed them, according to the arrest warrant.

“He (Adam Baker) chased me and my fiancée. He literally tried to run us off the road twice,” wrote Tyler in the complaint accompanying the warrant. “He got in the opposite lane, swerved at the driver’s side and we had to swerve to keep from getting hit, then he passed us and slammed his brakes. We had to slam our brakes and still almost hit him.”

The couple went home and gave Baker the money she was owed, but she demanded more. She and Adam threatened the couple with Tasers, according to the arrest warrant.

“They said they would kill me and Brittany Bentley and that they knew where our daughter was and they would kill her if I didn’t pay her,” Tyler wrote.

Bentley’s complaint is similar but provides additional detail.

“Then she went to my mom’s where my daughter was with a supposed gun after she threatened to kill my daughter,” Brittany wrote. “I fear for mine and my daughter’s and fiance’s life.”

The Bakers were charged with communicating threats as a result of the incident. Adam was also charged with assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly trying to run the couple off the road.

In March 2010, the Bakers were arrested and charged for failing to return a laptop computer, a 42-inch Zenith television, a stereo and a living room suite worth $2,411.69, according to court documents. The couple had rented the furniture and electronics from Bestway Rent to Own in Lenoir.

On the rental application Baker filled out she lists her occupation as “disabled” and her monthly income as $591.

As with the above charges, the Bakers failed to appear at their scheduled court date on June 30, 2010.'


I really see AB and EB as being in this together, as they were in the incident (and theft) above, they may have each played separate roles, and been involved in different aspects of what happened to Zahra, but AB was not an innocent bystander to her evil doings. He was her accomplice.
Totally agree with your points.

Answer this, if Adam Baker was an American would he be getting the same pass? I keep saying don't let his appearance as a laid back Australian fool you. Stick a North Carolina accent on him and ask yourself what you would think.

BBM This deserves a bump. AB is getting a lot of mileage from that accent which seems to give him a pass to appear like an innocent tourist that had nothing to do with his daughter.
Thanks and I just looked, I'm sure there is one somewhere but the person in the photo is Aaron not Adam.

I have a picture of Zahra and AB saved on my computer. They hug each other and look very happy. I think I can not post it since there is another child with them.
Appreciate the posts on this page. Mulling over what Donjeta and SmoothOperator are getting at about the ransom note, calling the boss before 911, and AB's part in the crime.

Why did EB confess to writing that ransom note? I personally think maybe EB got restless being questioned, restless because she was jonesing by then, and wasn't thinking anymore. I'd probably crack easy for a cup of coffee.

Bless the day she made that utterance of a confession about the ransom note, and no taking it back now. She wrote the ransom note, and I have every confidence in this investigation that they will prove EB did something to Zahra.

That's a really good point and I can completely picture that. Plus, interrogations are always set up like that. "Concede to this one point, and we'll go easy on ya.' [yeah right].

"Ok, fine. I wrote that damn note! I was a stupid joke. Can I get outta here now??"
'Adam and Elisa Baker were arrested for communicating threats against their family members too.

They were arrested on May 22, 2010 and charged with communicating threats against Elisa’s niece Brittany Bentley, her fiancé Zackery Tyler and the couple’s 7-month-old daughter. The threats stemmed from an outstanding debt Bentley owed them, according to the arrest warrant.

“He (Adam Baker) chased me and my fiancée. He literally tried to run us off the road twice,” wrote Tyler in the complaint accompanying the warrant. “He got in the opposite lane, swerved at the driver’s side and we had to swerve to keep from getting hit, then he passed us and slammed his brakes. We had to slam our brakes and still almost hit him.”

The couple went home and gave Baker the money she was owed, but she demanded more. She and Adam threatened the couple with Tasers, according to the arrest warrant.

“They said they would kill me and Brittany Bentley and that they knew where our daughter was and they would kill her if I didn’t pay her,” Tyler wrote.

Bentley’s complaint is similar but provides additional detail.

“Then she went to my mom’s where my daughter was with a supposed gun after she threatened to kill my daughter,” Brittany wrote. “I fear for mine and my daughter’s and fiance’s life.”

The Bakers were charged with communicating threats as a result of the incident. Adam was also charged with assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly trying to run the couple off the road.

In March 2010, the Bakers were arrested and charged for failing to return a laptop computer, a 42-inch Zenith television, a stereo and a living room suite worth $2,411.69, according to court documents. The couple had rented the furniture and electronics from Bestway Rent to Own in Lenoir.

On the rental application Baker filled out she lists her occupation as “disabled” and her monthly income as $591.

As with the above charges, the Bakers failed to appear at their scheduled court date on June 30, 2010.'


I really see AB and EB as being in this together, as they were in the incident (and theft) above, they may have each played separate roles, and been involved in different aspects of what happened to Zahra, but AB was not an innocent bystander to her evil doings. He was her accomplice.


That part sounds, aggressive, violent and says to me that someone can't control their anger. Pulling in front of someone and slamming on your breaks is bloody dangerous and it's happened to me in Aus. In fact it is required driving 101 for some bogans near where I live.
That's Amber? Oh my, major weight change on her just like her mother! Hummmm!

Can anyone do a side by side of Amber in the May 2009 photo and the one from court?

What's with all the weird hair colorings?? Creepy.

I don't mean to be rude at all so please understand :hug: but I am a little confused as to why we are posting about EB's daughter's weight and hair styles.

I just feel really weird about it because we are told to be respectful of the victim's family (those who are not involved in the crime) and I don't think these girls are involved to that degree. One has publicly gone to court to fight to keep her mom in because she is afraid for her life and has been abused in the past herself. They have been hurt by EB too and seem hurt by Z's disappearance.

My apologies I am not trying to start anything :hug: I would just hate for the family to come here and see we are posting side by side photos of their weight and pointing out hair styles(which can be sensitive subjects for a woman).
Honestly I really could care less what language this man speaks... He could be a mute for all I care... My opinion would be the same that he is a weak minded person, that emotionally checked out years ago, completely disconnected...

And I ve seen EBs kind way too many times and as I said earlier I see evil behind those eyes... As the ppl in her lives have already said she brings chaos and havoc when entered into their lives...she IMO is a manipulator that preys on those that she is able to control...

I give no free pass to AB and find that he too will eventually be beside his bride awaiting trial for this precious girls life..
Were any of the investigators present to witness it when EB ran out of the house screaming that Zahra is gone? Or was it just AB saying that's what she did?

I'm asking because I read some old threads to catch up and came across speculations about why the Bakers didn't "discover" Zahra missing when the firemen were there and found the ransom note.

Some possible reasons include that they chickened out or realized they still have to destroy some evidence or thought it would be better to give the nonexistent "kidnappers" more headway before anyone gives chase.

But this 911 call gives me pause and makes me wonder if they coud have thought that they might induce the boss to give them some money. Maybe not a million but enough to skip town. The note said no cops so they might have used that to try to convince the boss that they needed to handle it low-key.

What do you think AB meant to say in the red part? He told me to do what? Do the right thing and call the cops ASAP to file a missing person's report? I find it odd that after having his wife run out of the house in panic telling him his daughter is missing he calls his boss before calling 911 but it might make sense if they wanted to try their luck getting ransom money from him.

But I suppose it wouldn't have worked if EB already alerted the fire investigators to the missing child before AB called his boss.

It's a Very Important Ransom Note. It's interesting that when he launches into "like I said it was all addressed to him" it's a response to the dispatcher's vague query "you don't have any idea at all" which could mean a lot of things. They had been talking about Zahra and her leg prior to this and he could have thought about if he has any idea where Zahra could have gone or been taken to or why they took her leg but he totally wants to make a point about the ransom note and the mistaken identity scenario.

Which is really stupid if you think about it. You'd have to have really stoopid criminals if they didn't scout the other girl before abducting her to find out where she lives, what she looks like and if there is anything special about her, and their brain wasn't switched on when noticing that Zahra is missing a leg that the other girl isn't (I assume anyway). They must have noticed since they took the prosthesis.

Wow... Thanks for this post... You raise ALOT of good points...My head is in a tailspin.. and I definately get what you mean... It does seem like they were trying to get money from him... I would love to know if they called the boss first, before the fire and then first before they "noticed" her missing.. referring back to the ransom note... I would even venture to say that they reminded the boss about "no cops", and that his own son had been threatened.. That would be two attemps to get money out of the boss... That may be the leverage that the police used to get her to admit to writing the note..
I'm going on a long break to think about this more... :waitasec: I'll bet that boss is a WEALTH of info...
I could see AB doing that. He seems to have a simple way of thinking, and I can see him (out of EB's presence) thoughtlessly saying that to police. He seems to rattle on when he gets nervous.

Maybe they will check other landfills, but I can imagine they are not thrilled to have to do that.

I wish they'd give them both polygraph tests. Or at least ask them to take them and let us know if they were refused.

I honestly think it was AB who told them that the mattress/bed in Zahra's room was new and that they had thrown out the old one. He likely told them that when he was there with them during the search last Friday. I think LE didn't believe wherever he said they threw it out and put two and two together with the trailer park siting and decided to check that landfill instead.

They will likely find it either in the landfill for the county that they are in now or not at all because it was never thrown in the trash but disposed of in a different way.

The full moon just came in at 6:47pm tonight........I hope the extra moon beams lights the way for Zahra!
and makes EB/AB start telling the whole truth!
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