NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #20

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OK... after reading the Fox article (not surprised that Fox News got it wrong) it appears that Fox misunderstood the article from the Hickory Record, which does not state that the mattress has been found, but which DOES state that police hope to use DNA from it to firm up their timeline.

Fox took it and ran with it. I don't think that the mattress has been found.

darn, I had such high hopes the landfill search would result in SOMETHING, anything to further this investigation.
My question is this... If EB confessed to having written the "fake" ransom note, how is it she{or better yet her atty}ever explain away this fact?.. The only way this could not completely and totally implicate her in the ACTUAL murder would be if her atty has the confession thrown out.. Which I'm assuming as soon as charges are filed that would be the very first motion filed by the have it thrown out[am crossing my fingers that LE did completely "by the book"]therefor not a chance hell of it being thrown out...

But ok, in terms of us just trying to figure our the course of events vs. actual trial.. So, we know that EB wrote this fake ransom note..If Z was NOT "disappeared"[murdered] then there would be no reason for such a note..So IMO that directly=EB's direct involvement.[Lemme add here that IF it were such that AB had killed Z I do not believe under any circumstance that EB would "take the fall" for her beloved husband, rather she would throw him under the bus, FAST AND FURIOUS]..

THIS Woman IMO is out FOR ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IN THIS LIFE EXCEPT FOR HERSELF!!!! NOT for her bio-kids, bio-gkids, certainly NOT FOR HER STEP CHILD, and NOT FOR her 3rd hubby of only a year[as of this past July]...NO WAY, NO HOW IMO do any of these ppl matter to EB, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS CONCERNING FACING A DP CHARGE OF MURDERING A CHILD!!

It is for those very reasons that I question a direct involvement of AB in the murder of Z... I do not find it possible that he was clueless to all that went down in and around the murder, disposal, and cover up, but I do believe he was not directly involved in the murder.. IMO if he were then I believe she would already be spilling the beans telling the entire story with Adams part and involvement ONLY of course, her part left out.. Him forcing her to have helped and aided in it all...

Thats not happening and am thinking that main reason is that when it occured that AB possibly was not even present or at home and has a rock solid alibi for the time the murder occured, and she knows this therefor thus far she has not come up with a way to throw this off on AB...

He HAS TO BE INVOLVED THO, YOU GUYS!! I just cannot see a way in which he could not be involved...Am still pondering over when he actually entered the pic and what all he was directly involved with AND WHY?WHY?WHY?

SOME OTHER IMPORTANT QUESTIONS that I have are what the hell about the boss and his daughter who came over to the Bakers at 5a.m. when the fire and ransom note were discovered[AB references it in his 911 call saying boss came&brought his daughter, therefor they knew she was safe and not taken]...So boss is there in the home w/his daughter and they are discussing the ransom note and filing a report with LE[again refernced by AB in 911 call saying it was Officer Rowland that handled it]...ok, so NO ONE AT THIS TIME ever ever mentioned the fact that this ransom note stating they'd taken boss daughter that is "mistakenly" left at Baker's home and realized Boss daughter is alive and well and in their presence, it was never mentioned that along with the mix up of putting the note at the wrong home stating they'd taken "girl" to ever check to see if possibly since "they" had mistaken the baker home that quite possible too "they"[the imaginary knappers] mistook Z as the Boss's daughter...NO ONE EVEN ONCE HAD THIS THOUGHT CROSS THEIR MIND and bring this up, NO ONE! OBVIOUSLY NOT EB[she knew Z was dead, this to me says that AB was already "involved" at this point as did not mention to check onZ]... But why in the hell wouldn't the boss or the LE mention to go check on the daughter that was in the home that the ransom note had been left at...

Possibly it was brought up by boss or LE and AB and EB said oh yes we have already checked in on Z and she is safe and sound in her bed... This would be easy for LE to already know the answers to these questions...In questioning the boss or Offc. Rowland if either or both told LE that this was brought up and AB and EB assured them that they'd just checked on Z and she was a-okay...Then that already blows AB and EBs timeline..Boss and LE[during fire] were there after 5 am of the 9th..therefor if they told either of them theyd checked on their daughter to ensure her safety, they are TOTALLY 100% I said this is something LE already knows and has the answer to and if it is as I just stated, only a matter of time that AB is arrested as well..

Does that make sense??? Am I not correct in assuming that someone that was at that home after 5a.m. for the fire had to have mentioned checking on Z for the obvious reasons I stated 2 paragraphs up... Alot to ponder...But I'd say LE does have allot we have no clue of and also if the above is true there has got to be some strategy and/or main reason that LE is letting AB continue to be a free man, for now...

{sorry for the original screwed up post..I was copy/pasting my post from last night..when I was still on a T.O. from}Its fixed now..

If I were called to a neighbour's re: a randsom note involving a child, mine or another persons...The FIRST thing I would say is 'OMG! Check the kids!!!!!!!'
No doubt. Without a question.

I think the randsom note was 'conceived' either during a moment of panic or in a drug state. I am sure SM's fingerprints were ALL over it. She could probably not deny that she had written it.
OK... after reading the Fox article (not surprised that Fox News got it wrong) it appears that Fox misunderstood the article from the Hickory Record, which does not state that the mattress has been found, but which DOES state that police hope to use DNA from it to firm up their timeline.

Fox took it and ran with it. I don't think that the mattress has been found.


How can they use DNA from a mattress she did not sleep on firm up a timeline??
I have carefully studied Zahra’s pictures where she is standing. She is always leaning on her left side. That means that her left leg with prosthesis is much shorter that the right one, and thus that her prosthesis was not adjusted for long time. From what I know I am sure prosthesis for kids at that age should get adjusted every 3-4 months.
Unfortunately, it looks like it hasn’t happened in Zahra’s case : (
You can see her pictures here:
Fox News is reporting that a mattress has been found in the landfill and that it belongs to Zahra and it was thrown away just days before she was reported missing. Sorry, don't know how to post a link.

I really wish I knew what report to believe. Here they say, "The mattress was not located at the landfill, according to an official with the Hickory Police Department." Of course this is the Hickory Daily Record so take that with a grain of salt. :banghead:

"By the CNN Wire Staff
October 22, 2010 6:25 p.m. EDT

CNN) -- Authorities ended their search at a North Carolina landfill Friday for a mattress connected to the case of a missing 10-year-old girl, police said. They did not recover it.

Investigators had hoped to use the mattress to confirm interviews conducted as part of their investigation, Hickory police said in a news release. They had also hoped it would provide some DNA evidence related to the case."

Looks like Fox really is the one speading the misinformation :(

But what about the one in the picture by kcsmom76 (hope I got her name right)? LE needs to check that out. Hopefully it's still there.
I think I remember this member. Isn't she the one who went down to the water late one night to make pictures? If so, I think all of her pictures had the '07 stamp on them. Wow.

WOW!!! Shouldn't this be forwarded to the Hickory Police???
Can i please see a pic of AB? All this time, i've never seen a pic of him....only pic of Z and EB.

...just got back from dinner, we sat behind a big group of hearing impaired people..seeing them happy and signing, and some w/ aids made me think of Zahra :(

i just had to hug my daughter a bit too tight in the middle of dinner.....

Please don't take this wrong or think I am attacking you- I am simply trying to educate people.. As the mother of a deaf child that is my job.

Those in the deaf community are very against being called hearing Impaired as it implies they are defective and as far as they are concerned they are just fine the way they are...

Most people don't have an opportunity to mix and get to know the deaf community so you can't be expected to know how they feel so I'm just passing that on- hope you understand and don't take offense- it is just your post was the perfect opportunity to say something.

That said I know exactly how you felt watching them and thinking of Zahra those simple little hearing aides are what first drew me to that beautiful little girl.
How can they use DNA from a mattress she did not sleep on firm up a timeline??

I thought they discarded her old mattress?

I don't think the DNA would help firm up the timeline but I think they might have an idea when they dumped trash to which section of the landfill and finding the mattress in a certain section would tell them when it was brought there.

Failing that they could have taken note of the other garbage in the immediate vicinity of the mattress and been able to find some clues as to when they were dumped, like dates on packages of perishables or magazines, mail etc..
Can i please see a pic of AB? All this time, i've never seen a pic of him....only pic of Z and EB.



Zahra's case photos Baker -NC-/
Does anyone have the former address LE may be searching or still looking at? I think I will go on a sleuthing photography assignment tomorrow. ;)
How can they use DNA from a mattress she did not sleep on firm up a timeline??

If her DNA is not there, good chance she never slept on it. If not where did she sleep or did she even make it to that house?
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