NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #21

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thinking out loud... bear with me....~

why end a five day search at three days? Especially a huge task such as sorting thru a specific spot in a landfill for a specific "LIST" of items (stated in media article previously linked here)?

Either they:
1) found what they were looking for and are not disclosing that to the public
2) they got done early searching tons of garbage

I am thinking they found something but are not disclosing it at this time to the public but that is just my opinion.

They said that they didn't find the mattress in the landfill. Maybe they found the mattress somewhere else, like the woods.
I am really frustrated by all the conflicting reporting. EB visited her - EB didnt visit her, the found the mattress, they didnt find the mattress. etc.

I dont know what to believe and am afraid to post any info - which may not be correct.
I am really frustrated by all the conflicting reporting. EB visited her - EB didnt visit her, the found the mattress, they didnt find the mattress. etc.

I dont know what to believe and am afraid to post any info - which may not be correct.

As long as it's a mainstream media source it should be okay, annoying but not your fault that they didn't check their information.
I wonder if EB even has his job still?? As an employer to a few people, I am not sure what I would do.
Oh us too!! Is there something at the airport? We had 3 low flying LOUD ones in the last 30 minutes fly over.

Had to ride by the house this morning and nothing going on. I wonder what the next lead is or will be? The news is awfully quiet now.
Had to ride by the house this morning and nothing going on. I wonder what the next lead is or will be? The news is awfully quiet now.

I did notice a car/SUV parked beside it yesterday afternoon. I didn't get a good look though. It was lunchtime and 127 was congested. Do not think the cops would care if I explained to them I hit the car in front of me b/c I was busy staring at Zahra's house.
I did notice a car/SUV parked beside it yesterday afternoon. I didn't get a good look though. It was lunchtime and 127 was congested. Do not think the cops would care if I explained to them I hit the car in front of me b/c I was busy staring at Zahra's house.

Don't you think it's odd that the place is not quarantined off and people go into the yard to place balloons and stuffed animals in the yard? I suppose it's not a crime scene now?
I also checked out another place in Granite Falls today as someone here asked if I would. It was a former residence of AY and EB and is pretty isolated in the area around it. It would be a perfect dumping ground but there was a gate across the road going into the woods and power lines so we did not go in.

"Lisa Dubs confirmed Friday that she has been assigned to Baker’s case as provisional counsel. According to court records, Dubs’ role is to “Conduct a preliminary investigation, determine if the defendant is indigent and needs appointed counsel, and protect the defendant’s rights pending appointment of trial counsel.”

"Dubs is one of about 10 Catawba County attorneys permitted to defend clients facing the death penalty. Even though Baker has not been charged with Zahra’s murder, the case has gained nationwide attention and Hurley has decided that it is appropriate to appoint Dubs because of the likelihood that Baker will eventually be charged with the crime, Dubs explained."
Steven Elhers, Private Investigator hired by EB's lawyers, v basic licence info, you have to scroll down, it's alphabetically listed: Carolina/Regulations/Active5.pdf

No website that I could find...guess you wouldn't. Wonder if the hiring of a PI was why some of the FB pages disappeared? I mean it would have given him a prefect start on who's who and what's what wouldn't it, or not.

Granted this is o/t, but in the Anthony case, the PI's were within yards of Caylee's body the month before she was discovered.

Perhaps they are attempting to find evidence of where Zahra is without obtaining it directly from the people who may have a pretty good idea already. just speculation on my part. Or evidence of Zanny, oops, I mean the kidnappers who took Zahra from the home.

If this is their strategy, we can expect Zahra sightings pretty soon.
I also checked out another place in Granite Falls today as someone here asked if I would. It was a former residence of AY and EB and is pretty isolated in the area around it. It would be a perfect dumping ground but there was a gate across the road going into the woods and power lines so we did not go in.

Did you call in a tip to the Sheriff's hotline? They can have the power company disconnect the lines and can legally get onto the property if it is privately owned.
Did you call in a tip to the Sheriff's hotline? They can have the power company disconnect the lines and can legally get onto the property if it is privately owned.

No, I didn't. It was just a tip I got from someone here and they asked if I could check it out while sleuthing around. However, it makes perfect sense as isolated as it was. Didn't want to bother LE with something I had nothing to go on. I did take photos but haven't uploaded them yet.
Sounds to me like the state is paying for the lot;

'North Carolina’s Indigent Defense Services Director and Capital Defender Robert M. Hurley assigned Dubs to Baker’s case Monday.'

'Reilly was appointed to defend Baker on her assortment of charges unrelated to the Zahra Baker homicide investigation and the obstruction of justice charge that followed Baker’s Oct. 12 confession to police that she’d written a fake ransom note demanding $1 million.'

Not sure on the PI but he may come with one of the lawyers.

I feel sorry for the taxpayers in NC. Same thing happened to us in CA when we got stuck with the humongous bill from the OJ trial. And then gets off scott free. I have a feeling, though, EB won't have his luck.
"Police said that they hoped to "use the mattress to confirm interviews with persons associated with this investigation." They also said that the mattress would be used to reinforce the timeline of Zahra's disappearance." - They corrected their reporting to - Zahra Baker search: "Key piece of evidence" not found in landfill

I am wondring if LE was just trying to substantiate the furnitures employees statements.

"Lisa Dubs confirmed Friday that she has been assigned to Baker’s case as provisional counsel. According to court records, Dubs’ role is to “Conduct a preliminary investigation, determine if the defendant is indigent and needs appointed counsel, and protect the defendant’s rights pending appointment of trial counsel.”

"Dubs is one of about 10 Catawba County attorneys permitted to defend clients facing the death penalty. Even though Baker has not been charged with Zahra’s murder, the case has gained nationwide attention and Hurley has decided that it is appropriate to appoint Dubs because of the likelihood that Baker will eventually be charged with the crime, Dubs explained."

BBM- Even her lawyer thinks shes going to be charged, lol. :loser:
Why isn't Adam Baker visiting his wife and demanding a reason for the ransom note? At the very least he knows she is involved, one would think he would be spilling his guts about now. Instead he hangs around the police seemingly uninvolved and uninterested waiting for them to find something. I have a feeling he will remain stoic until and unless they get close to something and then he will pretend to fall apart. This man watched while his daughter was beaten and bullied by his wife and failed to intervene, he was complicit in her fate for this and IMO her disappearance.

I'm thinking he must have tried to get her to stop at some point because of that account of when her hand was so swollen from hitting Zahra's prosthesis. She told 2 different people that she had to tell AB that she fell because he'd be mad if he found out she hurt it trying to hit Zahra. So there must have been some attempt there. But, I guess, at some point, maybe she threatened to leave him or something if he kept at it so he stopped and preferred to look the other way. Sickening. A lot of women do that, too, when they afraid of losing the spouse.
BBM- Even her lawyer thinks shes going to be charged, lol. :loser:

It wouldn't be a giant leap. LE is conducting a homicide investigation, EB was caring for Zahra, EB allegedly admits to writing a bogus ransom note.....MOO
*sigh* At this point,if I saw a photo of EB in the kitchen making oatmeal cookies with
Zarha,I'd think there was something awful going on..
I hope this lovely child is found soon.

I do, too. It may sound so sad, but she deserves a proper burial with respect. A service to honor her life. EB probably threw her out like garbage. Sometimes I think angels come down to earth to see how we treat them. EB failed that one big time.
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