NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #21

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I feel sorry for the taxpayers in NC. Same thing happened to us in CA when we got stuck with the humongous bill from the OJ trial. And then gets off scott free. I have a feeling, though, EB won't have his luck.

Yet another attorney jumping on the 'ol 'fame and fortune bandwagon' to make a name for him or her self. WHY would any lawyer want to rep someone like this? What ever happened to personal integrity? CA, TH, EB all hire high profile attorneys but not one of these women have the means to pay anyone to represent them. Our tax dollars have much better things to do! Like educate children. I JUST don’t get it...
Don't you think it's odd that the place is not quarantined off and people go into the yard to place balloons and stuffed animals in the yard? I suppose it's not a crime scene now?

Totally!! The first week after she went missing I didn't want to drive by there much less down that road just b/c I figured it was all blocked off. I still haven't actually driven down there but I am kinda surprised.
"Police said that they hoped to "use the mattress to confirm interviews with persons associated with this investigation." They also said that the mattress would be used to reinforce the timeline of Zahra's disappearance." - They corrected their reporting to - Zahra Baker search: "Key piece of evidence" not found in landfill

I am wondring if LE was just trying to substantiate the furnitures employees statements.

maybe the ladies gave her a pen? something with LOGO ?
that would show timeline connection with furniture store???
Since when did the mulching landscaping business work at night? They won't even work in the rain.

I live in a condo community and we have a landscaping crew here, mowing grass, mulching,trimming bushes and trees, snow removal.
They have about 6 people and they also do other condo and commercial places.
They come at 9 am and usually leave between 3-5pm.
Now in winter if it snows bad, they come at night, not often.
Seems like they always have Sat/Sun off..........
take turns during winter snow removal.

At camp the tree guys only work daylight hours.
The gravel man same. He quits about 7pm..........
So AB's hours are ODD indeed!
His poor employer trying to do a favor to an immigrant,
probably paying under the table.........pulled into this mess
and have IRS on his butt,
If the online ad for the lawn co is correct, they only employ 4 people. I tried to find a website for them but it appears they do not have one. Also it appears that this co has only been around for 2 years (I believe that's correct and that I remember it correctly). As far as being paid under the table I know that it does happen quite often with day labor type jobs. For instance some moving companies will pay under the table as it helps with keeping their insurance lower. Some truckers have been known to "hire" someone at a truck stop to help them unload their load and that is paid under the table. I would imagine that it would be the same for lawn care companies. (MOO)

I remember reading that a mother who kills her child will dump the body around 3 miles from the home. We have 2 problems with that in this case. 1. Elisa is not her birth mother sonot sure if that would affect the statistic or not. 2. We are not sure where she was killed at. The 3 miles could be "starting" from anywhere. Unfortunately I feel that the only way Zahra will be found is if one of her "parents" tell LE where she is. I really wish they would go ahead and arrest Adam as well. Lock him up, play one against the other, the first one to tell the truth gets a little bit better deal. I don't want either one to walk away or get a light sentence but I do want this child found.
has any onre heard anything about the gooy glove the neighbor found in the back yard
by the wood pile?
also LE acted so sure that Zahra's little body would NOT be in landfill......why???
Can we believe that taking the wood chipper apart piece by piece did not turn out to be evidence???
Stories come in both positive and negative throughout this investigation, throwing us all off.
I'm sure this is not a popular opinion on here, but I am getting worried that LE "rushed to judgement." I keep thinking that it is possible that Zahra was kidnapped. IMO, everything LE has done appears to be a dead end. Keep wondering if they conducted a grid search around Zahra's home.
I live in a condo community and we have a landscaping crew here, mowing grass, mulching,trimming bushes and trees, snow removal.
They have about 6 people and they also do other condo and commercial places.
They come at 9 am and usually leave between 3-5pm.
Now in winter if it snows bad, they come at night, not often.
Seems like they always have Sat/Sun off..........
take turns during winter snow removal.

At camp the tree guys only work daylight hours.
The gravel man same. He quits about 7pm..........
So AB's hours are ODD indeed!
His poor employer trying to do a favor to an immigrant,
probably paying under the table.........pulled into this mess
and have IRS on his butt,

If he was working on an illegal basis in some respect, be it lack of greencard or being paid cash under the table then you shouldn't be feeling sympathy for his employer. People hire immigrants in that way so they can pay them a pittance and give them poor working conditions. That AB looks less like the sort of person you might usually associate with being employed in that manner makes not a bit of difference, the dynamics are the same.
I'm sure this is not a popular opinion on here, but I am getting worried that LE "rushed to judgement." I keep thinking that it is possible that Zahra was kidnapped. IMO, everything LE has done appears to be a dead end. Keep wondering if they conducted a grid search around Zahra's home.

Can't think of any reason under the sun that EB would have written a ransom note if Zahra was kidnapped.
I'm sure this is not a popular opinion on here, but I am getting worried that LE "rushed to judgement." I keep thinking that it is possible that Zahra was kidnapped. IMO, everything LE has done appears to be a dead end. Keep wondering if they conducted a grid search around Zahra's home.

Sorry but I tend to agree. They certainly put the present residence out of the pictures pretty quickly. I have always thought she was alive. I don't know why but I do. Maybe I am holding out hope.
Can't think of any reason under the sun that EB would have written a ransom note if Zahra was kidnapped.

Maybe she planned the kidnapping in order to get $$ in some way and it failed miserably. Of course again, JMO.
Has anyone heard any updates from LE or media about the missing Monte Carlo?

I would think, if LE were still looking for that car, they'd make a description of it public to try to draw tips on it. :waitasec:
I have to believe LE knows far more than they are relaying to the public. I've never followed a missing persons case that has been reclassified a homocide investigation within 3 days time lacking a body.

I'd like to know more about the financials EB is claiming as well. Neglecting the $600 for a moment what is the source of the additional $200? Her children are too old for it to be child support and to my knowledge she would have had to declare all household members (and SSNs) to claim food stamps. Unless AB and Zahra were in the States on a valid visa they would have been unable to get an SSN, AFAIK.

IF she was in receipt of food stamps (which I doubt) where was that money going since most of the bounced checks were at grocery stores? And I guess this makes her claim of $591 disability on the rental store application now a moot point.

O/T: Didn't our dear Ms. Anthony (sarcasm intended) also claim an income of about $1200 on a similar form? Hmph.
Maybe she planned the kidnapping in order to get $$ in some way and it failed miserably. Of course again, JMO.

Can't think of any reason under the sun that they would have needed to replace her mattress if something horrendous hadn't happened to Zahra in her bed :-(
Do many of you watch the crime shows on TV like "Snapped"? I've been noticing that oftentimes arrests aren't made until evidence comes back from the lab. That might be what we're all waiting for now.

Yes, there has to be some evidence tying him to the crime... not just that he lived in the same house. Even if he confessed, it's not enough... has to be some evidence to back it up.
Also maybe they believe that as long as he is cooperating, he can lead them to Zahra's body sooner. And that, too, could be why they're waiting. Trying a case without a body is possible, but very, very difficult to convict someone. Maybe they do have probable cause but just not enough to convict.
Can't think of any reason under the sun that they would have needed to replace her mattress if something horrendous hadn't happened to Zahra in her bed :-(

We had to replace my son's mattress because the cat peed on it. Just saying there are many reasons to replace a mattress. Just trying to think of a different angle here since we are running into so many dead ends.
We had to replace my son's mattress because the cat peed on it. Just saying there are many reasons to replace a mattress. Just trying to think of a different angle here since we are running into so many dead ends.

Well yes, of course there are reasons to replace a mattress other than a crime happening on it.. but in THIS situation, we've got a child missing who was said to have been treated increasingly badly by her stepmother, a fake ransom note, a mysterious fire, hits on vehicles by cadaver dogs, a 'last known sighting' of the child 2 weeks prior to her disappearance....and then we find out that her mattress was done away with and replaced about the same time the child was last seen :-(
I only hope there is a break soon. It hurts being so close and not being able to do anything.
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