NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 # 22

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also with EB fire 911, EB tells her husband's occupation, story of why there are wood piles and mulch then says her back yard is on fire.

I would think the first words out of AB/EB mouths would be HELP, send fire dept or Help my daughter is missing!!!

Again, telling a story of a plausible explanation first, before telling the 911 operator what she was calling about.
I googled how to operate a woodchipper

this is a small one.

I guess a roller does the actual feeding of the branch.
Some industrial ones can take up to a 31 inch log.
I just had to investigate if a woman could do it.
I can use an log splitter so I think a woman could do this.
Dogs hit on a small one and a larger one.
I am not ruling this out because I think EB is evil..........
Who is that? I listened to Pat Brown, which was very eye opening. She makes perfect sense.

you were on blog radio listening to Pat Brown.
Levi Page is a WS'er also and he is on blog radio with guests 4 times a week.
No one questioned me either when I was leaving the country with my kids. I did have my court papers with me if needed but no one ever said a word. Getting their passports was simple enough ex-husband refused to sign for them but I only had to fill out a form and submit that along with the court order.

Thing is...AB already broke a law just in taking Zahra out of Australia without a separate court order specifically stating he could. (Again I'm assuming he didn't take the legit route though.) I get the feeling moving to America was very much on impulse.

I've read several times in these threads that you need some kind of "letter" from the other parent in order to leave the country with your kids, but that has never happened to me. I've traveled in and out of innumerable countries with my daughter and never have I been asked for any kind of "letter" either. Just her passport. The same with cruises and such. Her father has taken her out of the country as well and has never needed any kind of letter from me allowing him to do so.

Thank you both for your input! This is one of the great things about WS is we have the ability to share from our own experience (and yes mine was travel out of the US also, but from CA going south).

I was told by the cruise line that I needed a notarized statement to travel alone with my minor children - come to find out on further investigating this is handled on a company by company basis, but another reason for the need was we were cruising Mexico and from everything I can find out, they can and will stop single persons traveling with minor children due to parental and stranger abductions, the following is what I found out about pass ports and then Mexico from:

IMPORTANT: The United States government does not have exit controls at the border. The U.S. government does not check the names or the documents of travelers leaving the United States. If your child has a valid passport from any country, he or she may be able to travel outside the United States without your consent.

U.S. law requires the signature of both parents, or the child's legal guardians, prior to issuance of a U.S. passport to children under the age of 16. To obtain a U.S. passport for a child under the age of 16, both parents (or the child’s legal guardians) must execute the child’s passport application and provide documentary evidence demonstrating that they are the parents or guardians. If this cannot be done, the person executing the passport application must provide documentary evidence that he or she has sole custody of the child, has the consent of the other parent to the issuance of the passport, or is acting in place of the parents and has the consent of both parents (or of a parent/legal guardian with sole custody over the child to the issuance of the passport).

(There are rare exceptions, handled on a case by case basis - for medical or other reasons.)

In the US if a parent (or both) fear parental abduction - ask that your child's name be entered into the State Department's Children’s Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP). Entering your child into the Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program will enable the Department to notify you or your attorney if an application for a U.S. passport for the child is received anywhere in the United States or at any U.S. embassy or consulate abroad.

Travel to Mexico -

If Only One Parent or Legal Guardian Is Traveling

Mexico is especially vigilant about child protection. A parent or legal guardian traveling alone with a child to Mexico must have a notarized letter granting the absent parent or guardian's permission for the trip - don't leave home without it or you will be turned away. (Legal guardians should also be prepared to show official proof of guardianship.) Legally separated and divorced parents should also carry a copy of the document that details the legal custody arrangements. Single parents can also show official documentation that there is no other parent (such as a birth certificate that does not list a father, or the absent parent's death certificate).


Me again, travel in Europe does not present these restrictions but I have read about people who have been detained - most often men traveling alone with children and many of the travel sites just suggest having the letter because it's easier than having to deal with presenting something you don't have, when preparing to board a plane. (Or traveling to Canada or Mexico by boat or car.)
Regarding woodchippers, I was watching Supernatural last week (or the week before), and to kill a creature, one of characters (not the main ones, Sam and Dean, but their friend Bobby) pushed it through a woodchipper. A large amount of material came out one end, but Bobby was also splashed with material on his face, neck, and top of his shirt. So if one were used, after seeing what it did in Supernatural (though I know that wasn't a real person put through it), I shuddered at the implicaton there. It would be a big mess that would definitely be on EB's upper torso and face (or AB. It'd be on whoever was directly behind the chipper). And a huge mess would come out of the other end. They would have found "material" all over that woodchipper, so I believe them when they say they ruled it out.
also with EB fire 911, EB tells her husband's occupation, story of why there are wood piles and mulch then says her back yard is on fire.

I would think the first words out of AB/EB mouths would be HELP, send fire dept or Help my daughter is missing!!!

Yes, passion i as well have found that to always be odd...why would you say "Yes, my husband works for a tree trimming co....our backyard is on fire..we have piles of mulch in our back yard...

And why was there piles of mulch? I mean I know for instance where we go get our mulch is at this huge co. that just has mountains of many many different type mulch...and they just take their dozer out there after you pick out the one you want and heave the load into the back of your truck...

Is this what she is describing that they had in their back yard?...otherwise I am not understanding and even if it was that I am still questioning a residential backyard as a place to store these mountains of mulch...KWIM?
You know for a few minutes I let my mind think that the Brit who is sending her money sent that money in payment for Zahra and she is alive but being sexually abused by a perv but then I came to my senses.

Is there any evidence that this mysterious Brit actually sent EB money? Or just what she told her daughter? I can't imagine anyone sending that hag any money. I think she did have a kiddie *advertiser censored* thing going on to make extra income if indeed this man sent her money. It wasn't for her feminine charm that's for sure.
so I take it no new developments then eh? Getting ready to call it a night. Let's hope we get a break tomorrow.
I cringe that I even thought this but.....I was thinking she moved the body on her own, too. I thought maybe she waited a bit - maybe until morning -- maybe in a drugged-out stupor -- and then went to move Z's body into her car to dispose of. But, by that time, rigor mortis had set in and she could not successfully get her in there or hide her -- she needed the Tahoe. So maybe she waited for AB to come home and go to bed while she got up and moved Z to the Tahoe. That would explain the cadaver hits in both vehicles.

This is JUST A GUESS. That was my first thought.

I also don't think she left AB completely in the dark as I think she wanted to incriminate him so somewhere along the line, she got him to help with something.

BBM - Are you thinking she moved Zahra during day light hours or before the 5AMish 911 call? He arrived home at 230AM per their timeline correct? Went to bed - so she waited for him to go to sleep, then carried Zahra to the car, left - returned in time to gasoline the car, write a bad note, lite up the back yard before calling 911 at 5?

My only trouble with this is she is a woman who doesn't seem to move around much, claiming this illness and that illness - her daughter said she had never seen her work. She has lost a huge amount of weight in recent months and Zahra is about 5 ft tall - IDK how tall step "b" is but that is a lot of work for one person to pull off alone, in a tight time frame.

Time wise it would work, from what we know about the area - it would work even better with help...
if KB really is ono her way I wonder what, if anything this means. Did LE give her any reason to believe things are rapidly progressing or winding down in their investigation?

Has she been given reason to come now as opposed to last week?

I am not certain of the specific rules when it comes to notifying "next of kin" but could Gramma from AU be considered next of kin, if LE wanted to continue to build a case against EB and AB? Do they by law have to tell the father if they had found anything???

Could they call her to ID items also?

Just thinking out loud.
Thinking badly again.....sorry
How big is EB???
If Zahra was 5' and say weighed 80 pounds.........
after death, dead weight and rigor...........could EB move her alone????
I'm small so I cannot compare.
I agree LCoastMom

passionflower: She could have placed her on a blanket and dragged her out, that isn't hard to do at all and if your adrenalin is pumping you surely could do things you normally couldn't.
I too think that the story re the UK man is a lie she told to the daughter.....she likes to make up stories to make herself either seem grander or get peoples sympathy.......and this is another one......
I also think AB became part of the whole thing AFTER something happened to Zahra.....and I dont think he is covering for her because he luvs her, I think it is more covering because of maybe scared of going down for drug dealing or she told him if he didnt help she would tell the police he was part of it or sexually abusing zahra or something similar.....
can someone catch me up to speed on if Zahra's biological mother has appeared in teh state yet?
You know I just had a thought (dangerous I know) Being that this family has moved several times within a short time frame has the police thought about looking at foreclosed homes, abandoned homes near by the house they are living in now and the previous one they just moved from?
Just checking in .... obviously no new updates other than the impressive legal representation in the event of a homicide charge. Hhhhmmm, putting two-and-two together in this particular case clearly equals information not reported to the public. My guess is EB is about to be hit with the mother of all charges. Let's see how she gets out of that one.
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