NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #3

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Sorry for all the run-ons and bad sentences. I thinking faster than I can type and have made MANY mistakes. I know you all understand what I am trying to convey though.

Take it from an English teacher - you're a terrific writer.
O/T- I would like to let everyone know what my past experience has been in trying to get CPS to go and check on a child that I had great concern with, This has been approx 3 years ago, And I really don't want to get into the detail of this child because it is still not known that I am the one who made this report...But I can say that the immediate family had great concerns about this child but they were scared to call CPS because they did not want this mother to have her only child ripped from her, But I have a family member that was in contact with the family members that were concerned, so this is how I was being given information on this child, Now I will say that this was not a abuse case as much as the child was being neglected (which I feel is also a form of abuse)...So I called CPS and gave them the mothers name, child's name, address and all of the information that I had on this neglect...I was told that I would be called by the investigator IF they decided to open a case...As time went on I kept getting more information about this child but no call from CPS Investigator, I had also given my name to CPS, It took me calling 6 times to get them to finally open and Investigation for this poor child, and to this date CPS is still involved in monitoring this child...So for someone to call and either give there name or call in an anonymous tip it is not like they just say OK we will start an investigation...So in my opinion it is not fair to blame friends or family members who you may think did not call CPS they very well may have called and nothing was done, and if the family is aware that one family member has already called they may feel that there is no reason for numerous members to call....I will also say to anyone out there that is aware of neglect or abuse just because you may know a call has already been made, Make one yourself the more people who call in will possibly get an investigation started sooner...Just wanted to tell everyone my experience on this subject.

I made a call for a child that I knew was being sexually assaulted. Told them I worked with the child's uncle who had told me about the ongoing suspicion among family members that the child was being abused, and detailed information of how the child was acting out (Which screamed of sexual abuse).

CPS told me point blank third hand information was not credible and I needed a family member to call them. That they could not open a case based on a rumor. I was stunned. I called the school where the child attended and tried to get a mandatory reporter to take note of the behavior and become aware of so they could report it.... nothing ever happened.

The Bentley person in this case is being reported in some articles to claim she had called CPS. Clearing dad and stepmom were upset with her about something.
Why would SM have a Taser? Are they easy to obtain in the US?:waitasec:

For someone on another continent, I am so caught up in this, it makes me want to weep thinking of that dear little girl and how frightened she must have been.

OT But I was an adopted child and abused before and after the adoption, I had this magical thinking thing that enabled me to always hope that things would be alright tomorrow, I wonder whether Zahra felt like that?
Sorry O/T.. blah blah
I don't know why it bothers me so much that she was made to leave her cats behind. Sad for the cats (hopefully someone took them in) and sad because when I was a kid and had so many horrible things going on in my life (including cancer) my cat was one of my best friends. He didn't look at me funny because I had no hair, was either too skinny or too puffy (depending on what meds I was on) or that I couldn't do much more than lay around.
I'd like to think that someone took this sweet angel to protect and love but isn't really being realistic. The next best thing is that wherever she is, she's whole again, can run and play and have all the cat to love that she wants.

It is very sad and there is a lot to blame on the SM and even Dad but if the landlord at the new house said no animals that really can't be blamed on SM and Dad.

I've been in that situation and it so hard---Over the years I did find a solution- if you have a Dr who is understanding have them write a statement that the animal is a therapy animal- just like service dogs for the deaf and blind-animals are also used in treating depression, panic attacks and anxiety issues- Landlords can not refuse to allow the animals.
Why would SM have a Taser? Are they easy to obtain in the US?:waitasec:

For someone on another continent, I am so caught up in this, it makes me want to weep thinking of that dear little girl and how frightened she must have been.

OT But I was an adopted child and abused before and after the adoption, I had this magical thinking thing that enabled me to always hope that things would be alright tomorrow, I wonder whether Zahra felt like that?
Sorry O/T.. blah blah

they are easy to obtain, depending on your state they may be illegal or require a permit, but they are not difficult to get
Why would SM have a Taser? Are they easy to obtain in the US?:waitasec:

For someone on another continent, I am so caught up in this, it makes me want to weep thinking of that dear little girl and how frightened she must have been.

OT But I was an adopted child and abused before and after the adoption, I had this magical thinking thing that enabled me to always hope that things would be alright tomorrow, I wonder whether Zahra felt like that?
Sorry O/T.. blah blah

You can buy a stun gun/tazer for as little as 20 bucks on ebay.
When I was talking to the neighbors I did ask that question and they said Zahra DID leave the house with them because she had two cats she had to leave behind because "they wouldn't let her have them" at the new house. Who they are I don't know if it was the step-monster/dad or the new landlords.

To help nail down the last time Zahra was seen by folks other than SM and AB, do we know the date they actually left this house with Zahra in tow but minus her kitty cats?

It is very sad and there is a lot to blame on the SM and even Dad but if the landlord at the new house said no animals that really can't be blamed on SM and Dad.

I've been in that situation and it so hard---Over the years I did find a solution- if you have a Dr who is understanding have them write a statement that the animal is a therapy animal- just like service dogs for the deaf and blind-animals are also used in treating depression, panic attacks and anxiety issues- Landlords can not refuse to allow the animals.

Dad had pitbulls at the new house. It was in an article.
To help nail down the last time Zahra was seen by folks other than SM and AB, do we know the date they actually left this house with Zahra in tow but minus her kitty cats?

I have heard conflicting reports of six weeks to three months.
I am going to log off for a while and love on my own kids. I'm sorry that we all came together for this, but it nice to know that there are others out there who care about the innocent children out there and are determined to find out what happened to them. BBL.
I made a call for a child that I knew was being sexually assaulted. Told them I worked with the child's uncle who had told me about the ongoing suspicion among family members that the child was being abused, and detailed information of how the child was acting out (Which screamed of sexual abuse).

CPS told me point blank third hand information was not credible and I needed a family member to call them. That they could not open a case based on a rumor. I was stunned. I called the school where the child attended and tried to get a mandatory reporter to take note of the behavior and become aware of so they could report it.... nothing ever happened.

The Bentley person in this case is being reported in some articles to claim she had called CPS. Clearing dad and stepmom were upset with her about something.

These things are delicated. I had my son when I was 15 and my very religious god fearing aunt thought I was the devil and called CPS on me a dozen times because she out right hated that I had a baby so young and "THOUGHT IN HER MIND" that I was not a good mother. She did not have any proof of this and made a lot of things up.

I almost lost my beautiful son who is now 17 because of this evil woman. I went through some pretty terrible things and even now because of this if someone calls on me again it will never leave me.

So no RUMORS should not be allowed. People call CPS to "get revenge" sometimes and we should also blame these people for the children that DO NOT get the help they need.

I read somewhere else that the outstanding warrants on Adam are also for misdemeanors such as writing bad checks, but unfortunately I don't have the link for that. It was on a website where you can look up outstanding charges and such. His middle initial is T if that helps anyone who knows how to search those things.

ETA: I just saw that we're not allowed to link the site. Sorry.

hi Big4 and all. I am a newbie and following Kyron Horman mostly, but saw this and wanted to pipe up and say I heard that same thing. It was from one of the newcasters in a video link on one of the news channel sites. I couldn't tell you which one, though. It was an woman with shoulder length dark hair, if that helps. She definitely said it was for bad checks because I remember thinking that they must have been in financial trouble or buying drugs since they were both writing bad checks.
O/T- I would like to let everyone know what my past experience has been in trying to get CPS to go and check on a child that I had great concern with, This has been approx 3 years ago, And I really don't want to get into the detail of this child because it is still not known that I am the one who made this report...But I can say that the immediate family had great concerns about this child but they were scared to call CPS because they did not want this mother to have her only child ripped from her, But I have a family member that was in contact with the family members that were concerned, so this is how I was being given information on this child, Now I will say that this was not a abuse case as much as the child was being neglected (which I feel is also a form of abuse)...So I called CPS and gave them the mothers name, child's name, address and all of the information that I had on this neglect...I was told that I would be called by the investigator IF they decided to open a case...As time went on I kept getting more information about this child but no call from CPS Investigator, I had also given my name to CPS, It took me calling 6 times to get them to finally open and Investigation for this poor child, and to this date CPS is still involved in monitoring this child...So for someone to call and either give there name or call in an anonymous tip it is not like they just say OK we will start an investigation...So in my opinion it is not fair to blame friends or family members who you may think did not call CPS they very well may have called and nothing was done, and if the family is aware that one family member has already called they may feel that there is no reason for numerous members to call....I will also say to anyone out there that is aware of neglect or abuse just because you may know a call has already been made, Make one yourself the more people who call in will possibly get an investigation started sooner...Just wanted to tell everyone my experience on this subject.

First off Kimmer, thank you for standing up for this child.

This is exactly why the system is broken. It should not take 6 calls for someone to take notice or action on a possible abuse situation to a child.
These things are delicated. I had my son when I was 15 and my very religious god fearing aunt thought I was the devil and called CPS on me a dozewn times because she out right hated that I had a baby so young and "THOUGHT IN HER MIND" that I was not a good mother. She did not have any proof of this and made a lot of things up.

I almost lost my beautiful son who is now 17 because of this evil woman. I went through some pretty terrible things and even now because of this if someone calls on me again it will never leave me.

So no RUMORS should not be allowed. People call CPS to "get revenge" sometimes and we should also blame these people for the children that DO NOT get the help they need.


I understand that, I know people make these calls for revenge.

But neighbors and bystanders are only going to have speculation and rumors (rarely do you have a photo). I had this child's name, address, where she was attending school, and graphic descriptions of her behavior that screamed she was being raped.

They didn't even take a statement.
They didn't contact the uncle I worked for.
They could have contacted her school and asked for a qualified set of eyes to look for the things I was describing.

But at the end of the day you have a child I am quite confident was being sexually abused at a minimum, multiple adults that new, lots of people talking about it, and the only person that was willing to call was told they weren't credible no investigation.
I spoke with a detective a bit a go. They are aware and on it.

I figured they already had it but sent the link to an officer yesterday when it was discovered, just in case SM had been posting from somewhere other than home and a hard drive search wouldn't turn it up. He said that he has an investigator assigned specifically to social media and they had already turned that page up.

Just wanted to mention that again so that anyone reading through will know that the HPD is definitely aware of the myspace page and likely all the other usual (and probably unusual, too) social media. Like Ella said, they are really on top of this.
I figured they already had it but sent the link to an officer yesterday when it was discovered, just in case SM had been posting from somewhere other than home and a hard drive search wouldn't turn it up. He said that he has an investigator assigned specifically to social media and they had already turned that page up.

Just wanted to mention that again so that anyone reading through will know that the HPD is definitely aware of the myspace page and likely all the other usual (and probably unusual, too) social media. Like Ella said, they are really on top of this.

Hugs to you. I was feeling like a loon. Thanks again.
JMO, it was one thing for Dad to come off all "unknowing" because he was werking (like RC), but now with all these rumors of past abuse of Zahra, it sounds like Dad let his own daughter be brutalized by this SM. I can't stand to see him start sniveling now.

The good news is EB already cracked and admitted to the ransom letter. It seems likely she'll spill the rest soon.
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