NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #31

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It appears that Adam Baker was well aware that Zahra must have taken off her prosthetic that night before bed, because he indicates that the prosthetic leg was TAKEN by the kidnappers:

Hmmm....good point. This leads me to believe that she was indeed IN bed, when whatever happened, happened. Since he let it slip that it was taken seperately and not WITH her. Good catch!

By "with" her, I mean while she was wearing it.
The way it was said to Pete was the Thursday before as in October 7th. I agree that if it was before that she would have said the week before or a week or so before she went missing. The wording definitely lead him to believe it was the Thursday before (2 days) before she went missing.

The Channel 9 broadcaster Dave Faherty told my husband that EBs daughter had bailed AB out of jail. IMO that would make sense if BS was the daughter he is talking about. Especially IF she had been with Zahra that Thursday. She would know in her heart that AB was at least telling the truth about that part.

Ok, You opened up Pandora's box here. So, now I am unleashing what I know. AB is living with BS, as well as his Mom and Brother. She took the Mom to bail him out. LE told them it was time to pick him up, he was told that it was going to happen. No big surprise to him.
Yes, I am thinking the same thing, and cannot believe I skipped past that information without realising the significance earlier! Depending on when Zahra died, I am thinking this 'discovery' was either motive for murder, or motive to report missing an already murdered Zahra.

BBM: that.


For now.

If KB knew, AB knew. Puts him back in the frame as the main culprit in my mind, the more I find out about Adam Baker, the guiltier he looks.

That, too.
They would not be using bed rails and a mattress to scent off for a live person either. A scent article is something that you have to be able to use everytime you start them, and heading down the trail with a mattress in tow just wouldn't be too practical. You usually use something small and preferably something that only that person has had contact with.
Hi guys and gals,

In addition to the information that I cannot share to try to confirm "biomum" is Zahra's mother, I can share this:

I have personally seen biomum's attempts to find Adam Baker dating back to 2007. The evidence I have seen could not be manipulated, so I can tell you that along with the other information that confirms to me this is Zahra's mom, that clinches it for me without a doubt.
You guys have to read what biomom said under those baby pictures it is located. It gives motive, and a possibility maybe she isn't dead. I think AB learned that his X found where they were...and in haste they cooked up a sloppy kidnapping it turned into homicide. I think she isn't dead!

I SO wish that was what happened, and Zahra was in some secret hotel tonight in a new set of PJ's with a new prosthetic leg that actually fit her. The concept you have suggested is VERY valid, but surely, LE has already chased that dog down the end of the road. LE isn't digging that yard up for nothing.... THIS is why we need to find the truth, and all of us - espeically Zahra - needs to have the truth brought forward. Let justice prevail.....
BS, somewhere on facebook (I thought the love 4 Zahra page but could be wrong) made a comment about the last day she spent with Zahra and what they did on that day and how much she enjoyed it. That's all I can remember. I got the impression at the time the day with Zahra was months ago but I could be completely wrong on this, it was just my impression of the way she was writing. If anyone has all of BS's comments she made on facebook they may have it. I don't. I know we can't copy and paste her comments here nor can we link to that site as it is gone, but maybe if anyone has those comments they could be emailed to LE. Just a thought.

I think...even if the page were deleted, IF BS had email notification on and if the creator of the Love 4 Zahra page had email notification on there will be evidence of what BS did post on the wall even if the page was taken down.

IMHO FB would have copies of all post's. I recall seeing on the news regarding FB that nothing on FB is actually deleted it is just the user chooses to hide the post from their own view and others view. What I mean to say is, There are permissions on FB and the delete permission might not mean delete but it might just mean hide from public view even for the person who writes the comment.

Since I joined FB I always wipe my wall clean, be it daily, every 2nd day, weekly so my wall say's I have no more posts but my thoughts are if FB has my file showing active posts it is just as likely there are all my previous hidden posts there too even though I have deleted them I believe the posts would still be there somewhere. I think FB's bread and butter is all the comments visible and hidden to give a positive aspect and also to show patterns of what a user deletes, dislikes etc
Zahra went missing on the 9th, 2:30am reported to 911.

Correction, Zahra was REPORTED missing on the 9th. The old mattress was allegedly disposed of before or on the 7th and the new mattress purchased on the 7th.
Hi guys and gals,

In addition to the information that I cannot share to try to confirm "biomum" is Zahra's mother, I can share this:

I have personally seen biomum's attempts to find Adam Baker dating back to 2007. The evidence I have seen could not be manipulated, so I can tell you that along with the other information that confirms to me this is Zahra's mom, that clinches it for me without a doubt.

so do you think this was the motive because AB learned the Biomom found them? And is there a chance that LE is wrong and Zahra isn't dead but maybe they planted evidence so people will think it even LE?
Oh, how absolutely darling! What a little sweetpea! She looks so full of happiness and personality in those pictures.

The bio-mom's comments in a subsequent post are so poignant and painful. She had located Zahra only DAYS before she disappeared after years of trying to find her. Also, through a friend she says she tried to ask the grandmother, KB, whether they might have some email communication and was rebuffed.

Makes one wonder, with the timing and the possibility grandma could have tipped AB off, whether knowing that bio-mom had found them might have played any role in Zahra's disappearance.

Zahra's mothers comments have just ripped my heart out. There are no words to say how deeply sorry I am that this woman has to suffer this unimaginable situation.
Ok so KB finds out that biomom wants contact on the 5th don't know what time, but I'm assuming the 5th Aussie timezone...would this make it earlier or later EST?

So it would fit, AB finds out and acts on it within a day of learning about it.
You guys have to read what biomom said under those baby pictures it is located. It gives motive, and a possibility maybe she isn't dead. I think AB learned that his X found where they were...and in haste they cooked up a sloppy kidnapping it turned into homicide. I think she isn't dead!

Don't know. Could also be why a reason had to be come up with to explain her disappearance. As much as I would love to think so, I just cant wrap myself around the idea that sm and ad sequestered this child somewhere in order to protect her from biomom and keep her all to themselves. Thats wishful thinking. They are the bad guys. Biomom is not.:innocent:
Hi guys and gals,

In addition to the information that I cannot share to try to confirm "biomum" is Zahra's mother, I can share this:

I have personally seen biomum's attempts to find Adam Baker dating back to 2007. The evidence I have seen could not be manipulated, so I can tell you that along with the other information that confirms to me this is Zahra's mom, that clinches it for me without a doubt.

If only you would share this with Tricia in some form so we can at least have it confirmed here at WS.
Correction, Zahra was REPORTED missing on the 9th. The old mattress was allegedly disposed of before or on the 7th and the new mattress purchased on the 7th.

Where was it reported that the new mattress was purchased on that exact day? I missed it.
Hi guys and gals,

In addition to the information that I cannot share to try to confirm "biomum" is Zahra's mother, I can share this:

I have personally seen biomum's attempts to find Adam Baker dating back to 2007. The evidence I have seen could not be manipulated, so I can tell you that along with the other information that confirms to me this is Zahra's mom, that clinches it for me without a doubt.

Val, your word is good enough for me.
Well if it is EB's family that AB is staying with, and they posted bail for AB, then hello, that means EB has to make AB happy to keep up the lie or whatever. Get my drift? I cannot spell out what I'm thinking...LOL
I like the theories about Z being alive due to bio mom finding her, but with all due respect, highly unlikely.

No one is going to spend their time in jail, be accused of murder nation wide and set up a horrendous crime scene to keep the child from her bio mom.
so do you think this was the motive because AB learned the Biomom found them? And is there a chance that LE is wrong and Zahra isn't dead but maybe they planted evidence so people will think it even LE?


While I think it might be a possibility that biomum finally finding her could have precipitated it, I do not believe Zahra is alive. These are people fueled by money and convenience in their lives. And not much more I don't think.
what if she isn't dead, but they are hiding her?

I wish there was some small hope that Z was really hidden away somewhere but if she was I think EB would have given up that info the minute it went from missing person to Homicide.

I just don't see her going down for anyone, not even AB. EB seems to care about herself first, second and third.

JMO of course.
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