NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #33

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I'm amazed that AB seems to be immune to any LE prosecution, other than some piddly charges that he subsequently was able to worm out of in exchange for a token bond amount ... pathetic if you ask me. :furious: I will be very interested to see the outcome and where this miserable creature fits into the demise of his own child.

There's no way in this world that this guy hasn't been involved in this horrific crime, no way. Aussie or not, I'm not standing up for him. Whether or not he was intimidated by E-whatever-her-surname-is, he should have been more in tune to his daughter's needs - both emotional and physical. He is scum, I'm certain I'm not alone in these feelings.

I hear you! I think the fact that he is Aussie makes me even angrier at him if that's possible. You are not alone in those feelings at all.....can you imagine him attempting to walk down the Main Street in Wagga Wagga right about now? It would not go well.
Since we don't seem to have any verification for when the mattress was "acquired", I'm taking the Oct. 7th date out of my mind. Same with regard to reports that BS saw Zahra on the Thurs. prior to her disappearance. I'm also not inclinced to place much stock in AB stating he saw Zahra on Thurs. So, that leaves me with the account of the women at the furniture store. Anyone recall what date that sighting was?

Mornin', all! :coffeecup: Well, for our Aussies, I guess it's evenin' all! :toast:

Kat, re: what I bolded above, the one thing that I am inclined to place stock in, as far as what's come out of AB's mouth, is when he slipped up and told the TV reporter that Tuesday was the last day he saw Zahra. Dunno why, and *maybe* he just misspoke, but it has stuck with me. :twocents:
I watched that police officer in that press conference again, the one when they announced a missing person's to homicide and this tough guy, trying to push back the tears. It is overwhelming and you can tell he is a strong man that doesn't cry easily. What did he see or know that we don't that would make him break up so much?

This officer had more emotion on one second this AB has had the entire time!

That touched me,also.
I think he may have been talking to family members and neighbors,who told him of the torture Z had to endure at the hands of EB. You look at pictures of this angelic face,hear about all she has overcome with cancer,then how she was treated by her stepmother!! It's enough to make anyone cry.
And her dad let it happen.That's even worse,IMO :furious:.
I hear you! I think the fact that he is Aussie makes me even angrier at him if that's possible. You are not alone in those feelings at all.....can you imagine him attempting to walk down the Main Street in Wagga Wagga right about now? It would not go well.

I would pay to see that! I personally feel disgusted that he has brought our good country into disrepute. I'm ashamed to be associated with him.
I'm amazed that AB seems to be immune to any LE prosecution, other than some piddly charges that he subsequently was able to worm out of in exchange for a token bond amount ... pathetic if you ask me. :furious: I will be very interested to see the outcome and where this miserable creature fits into the demise of his own child.

There's no way in this world that this guy hasn't been involved in this horrific crime, no way. Aussie or not, I'm not standing up for him. Whether or not he was intimidated by E-whatever-her-surname-is, he should have been more in tune to his daughter's needs - both emotional and physical. He is scum, I'm certain I'm not alone in these feelings.

We have no idea what EB is telling LE. If AB is involved in either the deed itself or the cover-up, EB would either have to rat him out, or LE would have to have something solid to connect him to the crime, apart from EB's statements. It's not a stretch to think that perhaps she committed the deed and he helped cover for her. Perhaps she isn't sharing AB's involvement with LE because she feels she has no reason to do so. My best guess is that LE suspects AB is involved somehow, but they are putting their ducks in a row before they take the next step. JMO.
I hear you! I think the fact that he is Aussie makes me even angrier at him if that's possible. You are not alone in those feelings at all.....can you imagine him attempting to walk down the Main Street in Wagga Wagga right about now? It would not go well.

I feel the same way, I feel he has shamed us, and painted an awful, picture of the Aussie Male.
I was just off looking for the video when he said he saw Zahra last on Tuesday. The stupid reporter took his foot out of his mouth for him and said, "You mean Thursday" I didn't find it but if anyone hasn't seen that one I'll find it and post.

I've read about that statement many times, but have never seen the actual interview. If you have a link to it, I'd LOVE to have it.
MrsG Are you able to supple links to the photobucket things they took down?
I remember the reporter "saving him" by suggesting Thursday. I honestly thought he meant Tuesday, but she convinced him it would be better to say Thursday. Just my memory of what i was feeling at the moment i reviewed that video clip.
Mornin', all! :coffeecup: Well, for our Aussies, I guess it's evenin' all! :toast:

Kat, re: what I bolded above, the one thing that I am inclined to place stock in, as far as what's come out of AB's mouth, is when he slipped up and told the TV reporter that Tuesday was the last day he saw Zahra. Dunno why, and *maybe* he just misspoke, but it has stuck with me. :twocents:

I don't put much stock in the Tuesday statement either, but I definitely do think it was a slip-up on his part. Wish the reporter hadn't corrected him. I'd have found it very interesting to see where his statements would have lead working with the Tuesday date.
Ok... I've just went through and removed several posts that in my opinion are attacks on fellow members here.

It is against TOS to do this. Questioning a members motive as to why they post something is an attack. We have many locals here concerned about Zahra just like we all are here. The locals that have been verified can and do post what they hear and see it doesn't make it true of course and they are not pretending it does.

Its fine to question why it doesn't fit with what we know, it is not alright to question a member for why they posted it. I think our locals are doing a great job for us, and giving a lot of there time doing it. If you are going to repeat what a local has heard state it as that so we don't have confusion and it doesn't become fact. Thank you.

The "communicating threats" charges were filed on May 23 - so the incident likely would have happened on that date or shortly before.

Both EB and AB were charged with "communicating threats" stemming from the (alleged) incident. The charges are still pending, to my knowledge, with upcoming arraignment dates for both EB and AB (IIRC: November 18).

AB also has a charge of "assault with a deadly weapon", supposedly because he was driving the car and attempted to run BB (and her family) off the road. EB is reported to have been in the car with him.

IIRC, there was also a Taser involved in the incident (EB supposedly threatened BB and/or her family with it).

The charges were dismissed with leave. Which means they can recharge them if "more evidence" is garnered. When AB was jailed this time, there was no bail amounts on those charges, yet they still showed up? I'm not sure how that works, but they were dismissed (with leave) once already so they may be holding them in their back pocket in case they need them ?
I would pay to see that! I personally feel disgusted that he has brought our good country into disrepute. I'm ashamed to be associated with him.

It's perfectly natural that you feel that way, anytime a compatriot behaves badly abroad we feel it reflects on our entire country and everyone in it. I feel the same about British people who show my country up in the way they behave abroad.But the vast majority of people know that one bad apple is NOT representative of an entire nation, the vast majority of Aussies have NOTHING to be ashamed of, you have a well-deserved reputation worldwide for being wonderful, warm-hearted people. Oz has nothing to apologise for here.
I made the assumption early on that EB did the deed and AB helped with cover. I'm no longer convinced that it couldn't have been the other way around. I doubt it, but it is possible. ( I would like to know how EB got that black eye.)

BS (Eb's daughter) stated on facebook that it likely came from her as they had gotten into several fist fights.
Quick thought that stands out from that video: again, the added info. "I was out working in the yard (pause) with one of the pieces of equiptment (pause) when her mother came running out..." Why not just say he was out working in the yard? Why add the info that he was working with a piece of equiptment? KWIM?

(Anyway...have to leave the rest of my thoughts for later. Have to take 2 of the fur babies to the vet this morning.)
I saw at the beginning of the threads it says no sluething the london Guy. Does this mean we don;t speak about him?
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