NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #6

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The child may have had a relatively 'happy' life until SM began to feel that she was no longer getting 'gratification' from Zahra, either from attention from the dad, and being the 'doting' stepmother to the child, or simply because she felt the child was becoming more of her own person.
I've worked with narcissists. They can be very charming, captivating, and even 'likable' at first. Then, the veneer starts to wear off and you start to see who they really are. Most are controlling, self involved, and don't really understand that anyone matters besides them.
Z's dad sounds like he was taken in by this woman, and maybe realized, too late, that she wasn't what she made herself out to be, and didn't know how to get himself out of it. He may have been really afraid of her. He probably was 'distanced' from his child, through a form of brainwashing those who are abusive use. It's like they form an alliance with the abuser to survive.

I hope that this little girl's case brings about a change in laws to help all children. I just don't know how to change things so children put into situations where psychopaths have access to them can get away safely.

I have been reading this all day, and feel so sad.
Wood chipper is very, very loud and this in itself could frighten most children. The child is hearing impaired. So we have a potentially involved wood chipper and a missing child who's hearing aids were left behind. I'm not going to go further than that......I don't even want to think it, but I just can't help it.

As awful and horrific as it is to imagine a father being able to use a wood chipper in this way, there must be a blanket and bag involved, thus leaving traces of those also in the mulch. KWIM?
This is my first post here on Websleuths. I only found out about this website today as I was googling the most up-to-the-minute information on precious Zahra's case. But, I'm grateful to have found this website - it is a source of humanity amidst the horror of what has happened to Zahra.

I don't know Zahra or her "family." I don't live in North Carolina. I do not have children. But, Zahra has touched my heart in a way that cannot be described. From the moment I saw her photo on the local news, I was drawn in. The sparkle in her eyes, her beautifully imperfect smile, and her strength - she pulls at my heart. She is a little girl I will never forget. She is a little girl who, despite the horror she has undoubtedly endured at the hands of those who were supposed to love, care for, and protect her, is a hero. Zahra is my hero. And, those that harmed that innocent child and snuffed out one of the brightest of spirits should be punished. But, there is no punishment great enough. And, such, my only consolation is that Zahra is an angel now. An angel in life and an angel now in death. Precious girl, you will never be forgotten. Sweet angel, your spirit lives on.

I don't know what else to write at this moment. The horror of what LE is experiencing is beyond the depths of my imagination. My prayers go to those working on this case and those who truly love this child and are willing to fight for her justice. There is humanity in this world - one only needs to read these threads to see that. May God bless Zahra and those who hold her close to their heart. And, may God offer the final judgement on those who took an innocent child well before her time.

Thank you all for being here and for allowing me to be just one of many who adore this very precious little girl.

Welcome aboard.
The dogs have probably alerted but they haven't found any actual remains for confirmation. The same would be true with blood. LE has made a visual of what looks to be blood. It must then be tested, id'd as belonging to Zahra and small amounts don't prove death.

If they were clearing brush last night my guess is they are looking for a burial in addition to working on the wood chippers. Because of the fire at the home that involved the mulch pile that makes me believe she was put in the wood chipper and then they tried to burn the remains down to ashes.

And possibly the person/s who were operating the woodchipper would have evidence on their clothes so maybe they tried to burn their clothes too?
Hello Lexingtons!!!

More pics of Zahra...



What's especially chilling about this case is the large number of reasonably recent photos of Zahra looking perfectly happy and healthy, interacting with various family, family friends, step-siblings, schoolmates, etc. I really get the sense that there weren't any serious problems in her life (other than the cancer) until fairly recently. She strikes me as having been totally unprepared for the arrival of a truly dangerous stepparent in her life, as opposed to many abused/murdered children, who've spent most or all of their lives in a dangerous home environment. Not that any child is ever really "prepared" to handle abuse, but it must be a much bigger shock when it starts after many years of comfortable, safe childhood.
Photo comparisons:


  • May to October 2010 Comparison.jpg
    May to October 2010 Comparison.jpg
    27.2 KB · Views: 84
Do you happen to know the date (year) they were married Elpher? TIA.
What if she "fell" in. No blanket, no bag. He did say he went to check on a job or something to that effect. Think it's possible, regardless of how remote, that he was careless, Zahra paid the price, and that EB covered for HIM?
Don't throw stuff at me. I'm just trying to look at it from all sides and all possibilities.

As awful and horrific as it is to imagine a father being able to use a wood chipper in this way, there must be a blanket and bag involved, thus leaving traces of those also in the mulch. KWIM?
BS's myspace says married? Hm. Also a blog entry on husband being gone. That's the first I've heard of that, but that and being a phlebotomist seems as if she's definitely over 18.
Z's dad sounds like he was taken in by this woman, and maybe realized, too late, that she wasn't what she made herself out to be, and didn't know how to get himself out of it. He may have been really afraid of her. He probably was 'distanced' from his child, through a form of brainwashing those who are abusive use. It's like they form an alliance with the abuser to survive.

Another factor could be if the father was using illegal drugs. MGF certainly looks like she's been into some really hard stuff, but if the father was even just a habitual marijuana user, given that he was in this country based on his marriage to MGF, he might have been afraid to go to authorities, for fear his own illegal drug use would be discovered and lead to possible deportation and/or loss of custody of Zahra. And I'm sure MGF would have been encouraging him to believe that he couldn't contact authorities without getting in serious trouble himself.
According to the search warrant, the items removed from the Chevrolet Tahoe and Toyota Camry include: Duke Power bill, numerous papers with writings and phone numbers, assorted receipts, (3) passports with paperwork, (2) toothbrushes, hair brush, assorted ink pens, (2) lighters, (2) pillows, sheet, comforter, (3) gas cans, (4) burnt samples from Tahoe and brush pile, pink jacket, plastic bowl with green vegg. matter, assorted drug paraphernalia, Chinese take-out menu, 1990 Burgundy Toyota Camry, latent lift, photos, and Chevy Tahoe.
Is she holding a SNAKE????? in that top picture?????

Baby ball python. Best starter-snake pet ever. Very non-aggressive. When they freak out, they curl up in a ball o' snake (hence the name).

She was safer holding that snake than living with SM, guaranteed.
I have a question and Hope I'm not out of line. But are people going to Zahra's sisters private facebook account being added as a friend and then saving her pics and posting them here? If so I think thats wrong. I am just wondering since a couple Ive seen posted I've only seen them on Zahra's sister's facebook page. ( Ive not seen her myspace page or if its public etc) lol I am SO behind its moving so fast hard to keep up and doing mommy duties.
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