NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #6

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I wouldn't take that as proof of her age. I know 13 year olds who have their age listed as 21 on myspace. JMO

there is stuff on there relating to her graduation, being years ago, i don't think it is an issue in this case, but i agree in general
I found a Brittany Starbuck on FB and her hometown is Hickory... her profile pic looks to be of her and Zahra in sunglasses... never seen that shot before.

From that page, there are others who say something about knowing Zarah & another photo of her (in a profile pic) I haven't seen elsewhere. Find it by looking at list of friends.
There could be a hair found with the ring of decomp, like in Caylee's case.
More pics of Zahra...


Hey all! I'm still sorta new here! I followed along intensely with the Morgan Harrington case, and this sweet little Zahra has captured my attention and heart in the same way. Bless these two sweet girls.

That said, there's something I was thinking of as I went to bed last night (and these threads are moving SO FAST that I haven't caught up with Thread #6 yet -- forgive me if this has already been brought up (but I'm doubting it has, as it's a bit "out there":crazy:)

I'm wondering where AB & the SM met online?? I know this doesn't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things BUT, what I'm curious about it this:

I read SM's MySpace where she is complaining (bragging even??) that she's had brain cancer 3 times along with another disease. I also read in an article linked in thread #5 (sorry I don't have the link now!) that she (step mom) would put her kids in wheelchairs and pretend they were sick.
Now, my hypothesis is this: what if Step-Mom was drawn to AB online because he had this sick child. Like, she saw $$$ -- through charities, fundraisers, etc. Like she finally found a "real" sick kid who she could exploit. One could get the idea that SM is an attention wh0re in the video for the hearing aid fitting (ie. there were MANY people that day -- why did they feature Zahra so heavily? -- was SM angling with the news-reporters for attention?? (they also refer to SM as Zahra's mother, nothing about "step-mom")
What about if this is a case of Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy (link to wiki page -- hope that's okay!)?? Perhaps SM was making little Zahra "sick" to evoke more sympathy for the girl?? Maybe it got out of hand and Zahra died due to this maltreatment? They (SM & AB) don't know what to do for a month (six weeks??) (sorta like Casey Anthony??) and so they pull this kidnapping/ransom nonsense??

Sorry... I'm a bit all over the place with this. I'm just finding this story truly horrific and compelling. I can't get that sweet girl out of my mind. Any thoughts on what I've written here are welcome. I may be really out of line with this, but I think there is WAY more that will be coming out in the days/weeks ahead.


You are not out of line with your theory, IMO. I have wondered the same thing since SM was arrested. Well, even before that. As information has been discovered I am more and more convinced that she is a narcissist. I have also considered that perhaps she thought a(another) sob story about a missing, disabled child would generate monetary donations. What types of scenarios are played out in a demented mind to gain attention?

All MOO and all that jazz!


Scrambling to catch up so apologies if this has been said before :blushing:, but did anyone else notice that SM seems to have lost significant weight between her wedding photos and her mug shot & court appearance this week?

My head is swimming with all the info and updates but IIRC, somewhere in one of these news reports, someone suggested that EB has a drug abuse problem. Anyone else remember this? IMO her weight loss supports that theory.

To think of what Zahra must have lived, every day, with that creature... horrifying. What horrible secrets she was forced to keep, even as her body testified to what was happening.

"Zahra" means variously "shining," "flower," "blossoming flower," "white/white flower," "splendor," "dawn."
Is she holding a SNAKE????? in that top picture?????
I think all kindergartners should be educated about abuse. Sexual and physical/verbal abuse. (age appropriate terms on the sexual).

Give them examples. Tell them they have rights. That no one (young or adult) has the right to hit them, lock them in a room for day, yell and scream bad words at them, etc. and if this happens, that no matter what they need to tell a trusted adult. Even if it's a family member, even if they are threatened not to tell anyone, they need to tell someone because no one has the right to touch them in an uncomfortable way or to hit them, hurt them, verbally abuse them.

I probably could word it better, but you know what I mean.

I think it would really help with abuse. Many abuse victims don't realize that it's abuse. They just know it's their life.

There's a flip side to this, though. Many/most kindergarteners have trouble comprehending the distinctions between ordinary touching and acceptable punishment (swats on the behind or hollering when a child is doing something really dangerous or destructive) and the things programs like this are intending to refer to.

I recall once reading a post on a parents' message board from a mother who was irate about her preschooler having been exposed to something like this at school. The child was confused and showing signs of regarding ordinary hugs and kisses from relatives in a new light, as if maybe she shouldn't be letting them do this. Think about it: it really IS "uncomfortable" for a child to receive a loving hug and kiss on the cheek from a grandparent who s/he's rarely seen before and who has bad breath and hairy nostrils. What the program had done was to put confused and damaging ideas into the mind of small child who hadn't previously been having any issues interacting with the adults in her life. After the program, the child seemed to be nervously monitoring normal interactions as if she thought she'd be bad somehow if she allowed whatever those mysterious touches were that she'd heard about in school. And obviously, spelling out "wrong touching" or severe physical abuse in graphic detail is totally inappropriate for a random room full of preschoolers.

There's no easy answer, but I'd really prefer to see programs like this reserved for a more targeted group. I.e. for children of parents with criminal convictions and/or court-ordered drug/alcohol abuse diversions. Those are the children most likely to encounter abuse *and* to live in a social environment where adults outside the family aren't paying much attention to the well-being of children in the community and/or don't like to call authorities about anything, because they've got illegal drugs in their own homes, outstanding warrants, etc.

But of course, in the US at least, we've got a big problem with criminal/drug-abusing parents (and non-parents) not getting formally charged or convicted, even when LE is well aware of their activities. The "little" things really are strong markers for dysfunctional homes and children being at risk, but the overloaded legal system usually just can't be bothered to pursue the "little" things, so a stepparent like MGF can have a long list of criminal charges pending and at least one no-show for a court date on a serious charge, and still have no actual criminal record to serve as the legal basis for enrolling a child in a mandatory program for teaching them how to recognize and report abuse.
Wood chipper is very, very loud and this in itself could frighten most children. The child is hearing impaired. So we have a potentially involved wood chipper and a missing child who's hearing aids were left behind. I'm not going to go further than that......I don't even want to think it, but I just can't help it.
This is my first post here on Websleuths. I only found out about this website today as I was googling the most up-to-the-minute information on precious Zahra's case. But, I'm grateful to have found this website - it is a source of humanity amidst the horror of what has happened to Zahra.

I don't know Zahra or her "family." I don't live in North Carolina. I do not have children. But, Zahra has touched my heart in a way that cannot be described. From the moment I saw her photo on the local news, I was drawn in. The sparkle in her eyes, her beautifully imperfect smile, and her strength - she pulls at my heart. She is a little girl I will never forget. She is a little girl who, despite the horror she has undoubtedly endured at the hands of those who were supposed to love, care for, and protect her, is a hero. Zahra is my hero. And, those that harmed that innocent child and snuffed out one of the brightest of spirits should be punished. But, there is no punishment great enough. And, such, my only consolation is that Zahra is an angel now. An angel in life and an angel now in death. Precious girl, you will never be forgotten. Sweet angel, your spirit lives on.

I don't know what else to write at this moment. The horror of what LE is experiencing is beyond the depths of my imagination. My prayers go to those working on this case and those who truly love this child and are willing to fight for her justice. There is humanity in this world - one only needs to read these threads to see that. May God bless Zahra and those who hold her close to their heart. And, may God offer the final judgement on those who took an innocent child well before her time.

Thank you all for being here and for allowing me to be just one of many who adore this very precious little girl.
Does anyone have a link to the wedding pics please? I didn't save it. TIA.
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