Still Missing NC - Zebb Quinn, 18, Asheville, 2 Jan 2000 *Arrest in 2017*

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I always felt like the car accident may have happened and he just flipped when Zeb hit his car. It's beyond obvious he is responsible for his disappearance. It will be interesting to hear testimony of the lipstick-painted car and the puppy inside the car. So bizarre!

Yeah, it could be something as innocuous as that. I'm interested to know how Owens suffered the head injuries and broken ribs. Zebb's car wasn't found damaged, so it couldn't be that Owens ran him off the road and killed him.

Although it's obvious that Owens murdered Zebb, I still want the other mysteries cleared up, like the pager, puppy, lipstick etc.
Yeah, it could be something as innocuous as that. I'm interested to know how Owens suffered the head injuries and broken ribs. Zebb's car wasn't found damaged, so it couldn't be that Owens ran him off the road and killed him.

Although it's obvious that Owens murdered Zebb, I still want the other mysteries cleared up, like the pager, puppy, lipstick etc.
I keep thinking Owens was hired to hurt Zebb, had help from a family member, panicked, and tried to put it back on the people who hired him by planting the car. IMO only! he could have arranged to have the car driven to a place where it would obviously be found (with lights on) and planted a hotel key, puppy, lipstick heart, to put it back on this person. Just my conjecture: the jacket was maybe even stolen from the person/people Owen wanted to pin this on.

Furthermore, I think this theory could explain the pager incident. Perhaps the person who hired Owens to harm Zebb knew a dinner party would be a good alibi, and Owen’s accomplice broke in to the Aunt’s house and paged Zebb.

The only reason I’ve never really said all this out loud is I can’t figure out why Owens would not have ratted on somebody who hired him to cause Zebb harm.

Sorry for rambling. This is all my 20 years of convoluted thinking about this, so take it with a grain of salt.
Here's what I think what happened, Jason and Zebb were on their way to get a new car. I think that Zebb went to a payphone and called Misty, who may have been told him that Wesley was abusing her. Scared for Misty, Zebb probably told Jason that he had to leave and maybe told him why. Zebb goes to wherever Misty is but Wesley is, or soon comes there. Whatever happens to Zebb happens and when Wesley finds out that Jason might know too much so he beats him up. Jason tells people he had gotten into another car accident and makes the call to Walmart pretending to be Zebb so investigators could be distracted, in fear for his life.
But I really don't know about the Codd situation, I do think he did what he did to their bodies.
The evidence suggests he's the one person he know for sure was involved. o_O
He definitely knows what happened, I personally think Wesley did it though. He was mad at Zebb because he was in love with Misty. I think the lips on Zebbs car was some sort of taunt by Wesley
He definitely knows what happened, I personally think Wesley did it though. He was mad at Zebb because he was in love with Misty. I think the lips on Zebbs car was some sort of taunt by Wesley

Owens already has previous for vehicular homicide, and he happens to get into a car accident on the night that Zebb disappeared?

Not that I'm ruling out the others, because there are still some loose ends to this story. Surely, Owens would've ratted them out by now?
Owens already has previous for vehicular homicide, and he happens to get into a car accident on the night that Zebb disappeared?

Not that I'm ruling out the others, because there are still some loose ends to this story. Surely, Owens would've ratted them out by now?
He was in a second car accident apparently, I think those injuries were from him being beat up.
Anything new??
20 years after the disappearance of Zebb Quinn, still very few answers

The latest story I could find included this statement from the "... Buncombe County District Attorney Todd Williams on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2020, and asked about the status of the case against Owens. Williams says the case remains pending trial and he hopes to have a trial date set soon."

IMO part of the delay may be from the pandemic and possibly from investigators tying up loose ends. Hopefully when it does actually make it to trial we will get the answers to all the little lose ends that are dangling around.
I would love to hear everyone's theories if you wanted to share. I have known of this case for quite a while now, and I still don't know what to think. Before Robert Jason Owens was arrested for his murder, this was my theory:

Wesley paged Zebb from his aunt's pager that he had taken, indicating to Zebb that there was some type of emergency with his aunt, so Zebb panicked, explaining the rush to get to a phone to call someone. However, this was just a way to lure Zebb to the phone, where Wesley picked up and threatened him and told him to square up, basically. Then Zebb panicked and rear-ended Owens, met up with Wesley and Misty, was murdered in an uncertain method by Wesley, and Misty took care of his car, putting all the lipstick doodles on it and the puppy in it, and drove it to the hospital, being seen by the witness during that. I guess I wasn't sure how Owens' phone call or injuries played into that.

I didn't think Owens was involved at all, at first.

However, when they arrested Owens for the murder and indicated that they had more evidence about his guilt, I started to feel completely clueless. I still don't think anything is super obvious, or clear. There are 2 theories I can think of that would sort of make sense, assuming his guilt:

1) After Zebb got the page and got back from the phone, he rear-ended Owens, and some sort of confrontation (away from witnesses) happened that led to a fight between the two men, explaining Owens' injuries as Zebb fighting back, which ultimately led to Owens beating Zebb to death.

2) Robert Jason Owens, Wesley, and Misty all worked together to kill Zebb. Owens used the used car as a pretense to lure Zebb into a dangerous situation. Again, Wesley was the one who paged Zebb using his aunt's pager, and Owens waited (knowingly but playing dumb) as Zebb went to the payphone to call Wesley, where he was threatened by him. In his panic Zebb rear-ended Owens' car. As Zebb sped off, Owens waited a minute and then followed him to whatever location he was told to go to by Wesley. Then it was Owens and Wesley against Zebb, probably while Misty was watching. Imo it is likely that Owens was the one primarily using force against Zebb, and was more injured by Zebb fighting back. It's possible that Owens was beating him up while Wesley used a weapon such as a gun or knife on him. After Zebb died, or possibly during the attack, the men sent Misty to get rid of the car, telling her to park it somewhere it would be found and to put weird stuff in it to draw attention. That's where she's spotted by the witness.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Could the lips on the car mean “big mouth”? Like I’ve seen that as a drawing back in school days in 80s-90s and some graffiti on cargo trains. Maybe whoever had the car thought he was maybe saying stuff he shouldnt?? Just a ponder
Of course IMO jmo all that jazz *hugs*
I wish Zebbs case would progress already, poor guys had no justice for such a long time.
Something I'd like to know is if Owens was friends at all with Wesley and/or Misty? Every account I've come across about this case doesn't mention any sort of relationship between Owens and Wesley/Misty, however if he is involved then I feel like he must have at least been acquainted with them. Otherwise the alternative is that one or both approached him out of the blue to ask for help in luring Zebb, which would be a risky and pretty dumb move.

I'm unsure of Owens' role in this, but in any case he for sure knows what happened and for some reason isn't telling... You'd think he would rat out the others if they were also involved but he's already in prison for another murder charge so he probably doesn't see the point in snitching on them. (I don't think it would reduce his sentence?)

The way the car was left is very strange. I think the lips drawing is likely a taunting message, to Zebb and/or to some of his family members who worked very close to where the car was found. The puppy... I really have no idea. The "puppy love" theory is a good guess, but would they really be that elaborate? It could be part of the message, it could be to make sure the car was taken notice of more quickly (but why?!)

I also don't think the aunt was involved, it's more likely her pager was used by Wesley or Misty to lure Zebb over. From there is the mystery... Perhaps Owens followed Zebb all the way, witnessed Wesley attack and fatally injure Zebb, and helped with the clean up while Misty took his car?
Something I'd like to know is if Owens was friends at all with Wesley and/or Misty? Every account I've come across about this case doesn't mention any sort of relationship between Owens and Wesley/Misty, however if he is involved then I feel like he must have at least been acquainted with them. Otherwise the alternative is that one or both approached him out of the blue to ask for help in luring Zebb, which would be a risky and pretty dumb move.

I'm unsure of Owens' role in this, but in any case he for sure knows what happened and for some reason isn't telling... You'd think he would rat out the others if they were also involved but he's already in prison for another murder charge so he probably doesn't see the point in snitching on them. (I don't think it would reduce his sentence?)

The way the car was left is very strange. I think the lips drawing is likely a taunting message, to Zebb and/or to some of his family members who worked very close to where the car was found. The puppy... I really have no idea. The "puppy love" theory is a good guess, but would they really be that elaborate? It could be part of the message, it could be to make sure the car was taken notice of more quickly (but why?!)

I also don't think the aunt was involved, it's more likely her pager was used by Wesley or Misty to lure Zebb over. From there is the mystery... Perhaps Owens followed Zebb all the way, witnessed Wesley attack and fatally injure Zebb, and helped with the clean up while Misty took his car?

Owens got indicted so we do know that much but what about all that other stuff like wesley misty the aunt etc the hotel key has been bothering me, like where the heck is it from and it could have held crucial clues. ive had so many theories run thru my brain like yours but then it changes cuz it’s like well why? Like what was the motive? How come no one has ever came forward fessing up? None of it even makes sense, I hope for answers. The pandemic really hit everything so hard. Back logged like crazy

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