Still Missing NC - Zebb Quinn, 18, Asheville, 2 Jan 2000 *Arrest in 2017*

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Bumping for Zebb. His 32nd birthday is coming up. Maybe he can finally come home to his mom and sister.
This is the first time I've seen this thread - or heard of Zebb's case. It caught my eye because I went to college in Asheville, and actually, I moved to Asheville on January 2, 2000. Eerie coincidence. I don't remember ever hearing a word about this when I was in college, but I guess we were sort of in an insulated bubble that wasn't really aware of much happening outside of school - even so close by.

My apologies if I've missed something in the links, but who is Misty? I haven't seen the Disappeared episode and she's not mentioned on his Charley Project page. I keep seeing her name in the posts but I don't know who she is in relation to all of this.
Bumping for Zeb.

I've just watched his "Disappeared" case. I really thought they were going to solve the case and we'd know what happened at the end of the show.

I think Misty and the boyfriend were most definitely involved.
As for the Aunt and Jason, i'm not sure what to believe.

What's the significance of the puppy? Why was it left in the car? I think Zeb's Mum said it was to attract the attention of others, but i'd have thought the car alone with the lights on and lipstick would have done so already.

I really hope/pray the family one day get some answers.
After watching this on disappeared I can not help but think that Misty and her BF are some how involved especially if we are to believe that a witness spotted someone similar driving zebbs car, to me they have the clear motive.

Also the fact that the page to zebbs beeper came from the aunts house is strange unless I am mistaken was the aunt not Misty and her BF's alibi on the night he disappeared I find it hard to believe someone else sent that message apart from that trio for me 1 or all of this trio are involved.

I also would not rule out Jason but his story of the night does seem to tally up I dont think we can judge him on a future Misdemeanor and assume he was involved because of this however the phone call he made to his work does concern me if I was making that call and somone was trusting me to make that call I would want/like to know why. I wish there was a link between him and any of the above and then maybe we would have the answers.

With regards to the car the perp clearly wanted this to be found and maybe the lips and the puppy had been staged for this reason however to me this just points to an immature perp rather then an actual message (his car was going to be found anyway opposite the place of his family's work)
The puppy and the lips mean "puppy love", which Zeb clearly had. Either someone is feeling very guilty or just down-right-mean, but this car was put near his mother's apartment for her to see. A cryptic message meant for his family to taunt them even more or out of a guilty conscience without giving himself/herself away. Although, it would lead me right to the person Zeb had a super crush on, or someone she knows.
There were a lot of players in Zebb's demise, IMO. Owens, M, M's BF, and... Z's paternal aunt?? What the what??

The only one with real motive though is M's BF... how did the others get roped into it? The more people you involve in a crime, the higher the likelihood that someone's going to talk and bring LE to your doorstep - why did he/they involve so many people?

The way the car was left was just bizarre... headlights on, lipstick drawing on back window, and live puppy inside? I agree with what was said on the show, that all of those things were meant to get the car noticed and found by LE or Zebb's family quickly.

It's incredible to me after watching that, that this is still unsolved. :waitasec:

Plus the aunt said someone broke into her home paiged Z and moved picture frames then later denied that she said that to police.
I just saw the Disappeared episode for the first time; I'm surprised this case hasn't gotten more attention.

My two cents: :twocents:

-Misty and her boyfriend seem, umm, QUITE likely to be involved

-Like another poster, I think the puppy + lips were meant to symbolize "puppy love," probably as a way to taunt Zebb or his family

-Was the puppy a purebred labrador retriever, I wonder? If so, even back in 2000 those dogs would have cost a lot, likely several hundred dollars, unless there was a health issue or something. Did police contact all known lab breeders in the area, I wonder?
So bizarre. I'd seen parts of this episode of "Disappeared" once before, then saw all of it a couple of days ago.

When trying to look up some kind of update, I came across a topix board with
some interesting comments (along with some trolls who I'd like to smack up-side the head, along with taking their computer/internet access away for life.

One of the comments talks about the aunt picking up & moving after Zeb disappeared. I do think she knows more than she's led people to believe.

Concerning his car being found, I know it's been said that whoever left it wanted it to be found. My question is why? Seems like it would've been easier to have just left it on a side street, or out in the country somewhere.
At first I thought maybe whoever had left it maybe wanted Zebs' family to find some comfort in finding it, but that thought didn't last long. There was no comfort, only more questions.
Now I think that the suspect(s) thought it would be a funny way to flip the bird to LE.
I just really wish they could find Zeb, for his mom & sister
this is definitely a confusing case and i truly hope they find something soon i also think that misty and the bf have something to do with it but the car is so random not sure what to think of it
this is definitely a confusing case and i truly hope they find something soon i also think that misty and the bf have something to do with it but the car is so random not sure what to think of it

I agree that the car is a really puzzling thing. Like others have said, why not just ditch it in the woods where it won't be found for a while? It's not like there's a shortage of dense, dark woods in the Asheville area!

I am thinking the car (parked near the mother's and sister's workplace) was a "taunt" to Zebb's family, which makes me think even more that young people (i.e., Misty and her boyfriend) were likely responsible.
When watching the Disappeared episode, was anyone else startled/scared when they flashed that picture of the composite sketch? I wasn't really expecting such a strong resemblance to Misty but the image was like BAM in your face! :eek:
When watching the Disappeared episode, was anyone else startled/scared when they flashed that picture of the composite sketch? I wasn't really expecting such a strong resemblance to Misty but the image was like BAM in your face! :eek:

Absolutely, that sketch was spot on! Misty kept trying to tell LE that she & Zeb weren't that close, but Zeb had spoken to at least his mom about how much they were talking (his grandma too, I think) so she was busted on that from the word go. I just don't see how people can go this long without their guilt just eating them from the inside out. Of course maybe it is eating at them & they will finally come forward & tell what happened.

Re: the aunt and her call about her house being broken into with the picture frames moved around...wth?
She says she didn't call LE about a break-in, LE says she did :banghead:
Either she did or didn't, seems like it would be pretty easy to prove. A call to police about a break-in wouldn't their be some kind of record?
I dont understand this case i feel like that if LE pushed harder one of these ppl would either crack or slip up and tell on themselves there are a couple of different cases like this i mean for the most part the 2 (imo) main suspects were pretty much still kids shouldn't be 2 hard for and experienced detective to get them to slip up or confess ... just my thoughts...
I dont understand this case i feel like that if LE pushed harder one of these ppl would either crack or slip up and tell on themselves there are a couple of different cases like this i mean for the most part the 2 (imo) main suspects were pretty much still kids shouldn't be 2 hard for and experienced detective to get them to slip up or confess ... just my thoughts...

I completely agree. It doesn't make any sense, and its a shame that justice hasn't been served here.
Does anyone know if Misty’s family and Zebb’s aunt actually ended up starting a business together? I’m wondering if they needed money and the call from Zebb’s aunt was to lure him somewhere and rob him of the money he had for a new car. It was said that Zebb and his aunt weren’t close, so I also wonder if the aunt really had his pager number or if Misty gave it to her. Why would the aunt have his personal pager number if they weren’t close and didn’t contact each other much.
Just watched this case on Netflix. This case can't be more weird! I really hope justice will be served one day and the family gets the answers and a chance to properly mourn their loved one.
This is such a perplexing case... and to think that he aunt might have had something to do with it.

Something caught my eye on the DOE page that I hadn't seen mentioned before--

"Quinn's car was discovered abandoned on January 16th with a live black Labrador puppy inside, as well as a plastic hotel key, several empty drink bottles, hairs, and a jacket. The puppy and jacket were not Quinn's."

BBM. Jacket?? Can't believe there's not enough DNA on there or that it wasn't much use.

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