ND - Dru Sjodin, 22, Grand Forks, 22 Nov 2003 - #3

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Well ~ maybe with luck ~ they'll be able to get a Dru's Bill passed that is even tougher. 1 year isn't enough ~ 3 years is needed. It took that guy 9 months after getting out of prison before he took, abused and killed Dru. 9 months is too close to being a year...

That guy never should have been let out of prison in the first place. Rape and Attempted murder ~ and the only reason it was only attempted is because the woman managed to get away.

And Democrats worrying about guys like this and their civil liberties... yeah right... makes me all the more glad I switched to Republican.
I started a thread over in the political forum discussing a prop that passed this year in California, the voters were misled by the paragragh in the voters guide and had no clue that it was a double edged sword...
Thanks Gator Mom,
I'm reposting this from a dear friend who posted this at
www.volunteers4dru.org It shows where Dru's Law has been held up since April 2004:hand: Visit www.drusvoice.com for more information!
The subcmmitee which deals with Dru's Law of course where Representative Robert 'Bobby' Scott is a member is ' The Committee for Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security'. Each member has a link to their homepage with their e-mail. mails.
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and
Homeland Security
Mr. Howard Coble, Chairman http://coble.house.gov/ North Carolina (R)
Email Howard Coble by clicking here
Washington DC Office
207 Cannon HOB, Tel: 202-225-3926

Mr. Tom Feeney http://www.house.gov/feeney/ Florida (R)
Mr. Bob Goodlatte http://www.house.gov/goodlatte/ Virginia (R)
Mr. Steve Chabot http://www.house.gov/chabot/ Ohio (R)
Mr. Mark Green http://www.house.gov/markgreen/ Wisconsin (R) Mark.Green@mail.house.gov
Mr. Ric Keller http://keller.house.gov/ Florida (R)
Mr. Mike Pence http://mikepence.house.gov/ Indiana (R)
Mr. J. Randy Forbes http://www.house.gov/forbes/ Virginia (R)
Mr. Robert 'Bobby' Scott http://www.house.gov/scott/ Virginia (D) bobby.scott@mail.house.gov
Mr. Adam Schiff http://www.house.gov/schiff/ California (D)
Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee http://www.jacksonlee.house.gov/ Texas (D)
Ms. Maxine Waters http://www.house.gov/waters/ California (D)
Mr. Martin Meehan http://www.house.gov/meehan/ Massachusetts(D) martin.meehan@mail.house.gov

It would have been a nice Christmas present for Dru if this committee had released 'Dru's Law' for a vote by the House of Representatives. The members of this committee are of course themselves members of the House and certainly many are not happy that Dru's Law has not been released from their committee due to the opposition of some other members.
KatzHome said:
Well ~ maybe with luck ~ they'll be able to get a Dru's Bill passed that is even tougher. 1 year isn't enough ~ 3 years is needed. It took that guy 9 months after getting out of prison before he took, abused and killed Dru. 9 months is too close to being a year...

That guy never should have been let out of prison in the first place. Rape and Attempted murder ~ and the only reason it was only attempted is because the woman managed to get away.

And Democrats worrying about guys like this and their civil liberties... yeah right... makes me all the more glad I switched to Republican.
This has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. Too many important issues are used as mere political tools by BOTH parties. I'm sure that most Democrats and most Republicans agree that something needs to be done to protect our children from these monsters.

I think a large part of the problem lies not in Congress but in our judicial system. If these criminals were sentenced appropriately on their first or second or third offense, they wouldn't have the opportunity to be back on the streets. Too often, the punishment does not fit the crime and monsters like this one are released because of a punishment that is too lenient.
Ntegrity said:
It's hard to believe anyone could be so unfeeling they'd want to harm someone as beautiful and innocent looking as Dru. Sometimes the cruelty in this world is almost more than I can bear. The lovely smiling faces of Dru, Laci, little Jon Benet, and all the others, will haunt me forever. May their murderers never have a moment's peace for what they've done to these poor girls and the families who loved them.
I know this was a 2004 post but I wanted to respond. I know it seems unfathomable to many that a young beautiful girl could be brutalized so horribly and then murdered. What I would like to say is it is necessary to understand that many times it is because of their youth and beauty someone might want to do this to them. A/the perpetrator is so evil and wicked they feel they must destroy beauty in the most depraved manner.

I have two daughters, 20 and 24, beautiful, nice and I try to make them understand you aren't too young or beautiful to die. You don't have to be paranoid just be AWARE. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep your head up.

L.E. has talked with many a sexual predator and ask them how they chose their victims. "The victim was not paying attention to what was going on around them." A perp studies people, body language, demeanor etc. They know the one who is aware would more than likely give them a fight, cause a scene and that's the last thing they want. They want nice and compliant.

There are always exceptions to every rule but if a woman does nothing else for self-protection Please! Keep your head up and take in what is going on around you. Really look and see.
Excellent Post, Duffy ! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

duffy said:
I know this was a 2004 post but I wanted to respond. I know it seems unfathomable to many that a young beautiful girl could be brutalized so horribly and then murdered. What I would like to say is it is necessary to understand that many times it is because of their youth and beauty someone might want to do this to them. A/the perpetrator is so evil and wicked they feel they must destroy beauty in the most depraved manner.
I have two daughters, 20 and 24, beautiful, nice and I try to make them understand you aren't too young or beautiful to die. You don't have to be paranoid just be AWARE. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep your head up.

L.E. has talked with many a sexual predator and ask them how they chose their victims. "The victim was not paying attention to what was going on around them." A perp studies people, body language, demeanor etc. They know the one who is aware would more than likely give them a fight, cause a scene and that's the last thing they want. They want nice and compliant.

There are always exceptions to every rule but if a woman does nothing else for self-protection Please! Keep your head up and take in what is going on around you. Really look and see.
The attorney defending Alfonso Rodriguez against the federal charge of kidnapping and killing Dru Sjodin says recent court rulings make the prosecutor's attempt to make it a death penalty case unconstitutional.

In a hearing Friday in federal court here, attended by Sjodin's parents, Richard Ney argued that federal death penalty guidelines will allow the U.S. attorney's office to use a lower standard of evidence to press for capital punishment if Rodriguez is convicted at trial.

Ticamom said:
Excellent Post, Duffy ! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Thank you Ticamom. I am very concerned about our children and women and want so badly for there to be less victims.

Probably about 2 years ago Oprah did a show, dressing women up as very convincing men, and sent them out at night. The women said it was an epiphenal moment for them in it was night a day difference going out as a "male" as opposed to a woman. I found that very interesting.
U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley responded in writing Friday to arguments made last month by Richard Ney, a Wichita, Kan., attorney representing 52-year-old Alfonso Rodriguez Jr.

Rodriguez, of Crookston, has two previous convictions in Polk County, Minn., for sexual assault and another for attempted kidnapping. Prosecutors contend they are "aggravating factors" which make Rodriguez eligible for the death penalty.

Ney, who has handled death penalty cases, argued in his defense motions that the victims didn't suffer serious bodily harm as alleged by prosecutors in their notice to seek the death penalty.

But Wrigley argued that psychological and emotional trauma from a sexual assault satisfies the definition of serious bodily injury, and the question should be allowed to go before the jury.

U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson will hear oral arguments on the motions at a hearing scheduled for Aug. 19.

What is that attorney trying to say...that the killer doesn't want to die?????
Well that is just tough. That fat troll knew what he was going to do when he walked up to Dru and made her get in his vehicle. I can't stand defense attorneys. I don't know how they can get up in the morning and look themselves in the eyes in their mirror. How do they sleep at night? I would rather starve then defend perverts and killers. No wonder they don't ask their clients if they committed the crime or not. By not asking they can tell themselves that he/she probably is innocent. Don't these attornies ever think about their own children or grandchildren when they go to bat for these low life scum? I know this guy won't ever return to the streets but why should his life be spared?

I'm sure he will get the death penalty and hopefully it happens right after the trial. I wish I could be there to see it happen!!
What can judge Erickson say to that defense attorney's filing ~ "Yeah, right..." :razz: :croc: That piece of work should have gotten the death penalty years ago ~ before he had a chance to put his filthy hands on Dru.
Laura Walker, the mother of Dru Sjodin, plans to lead a rally in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday for passage of a law designed to project children from sex crimes.

The Children's Safety Act comes in the wake of Sjodin's 2003 kidnapping and death.

Walker, of Pequot Lakes, Minn., and Sjodin's father, Allan Sjodin of Minneapolis, have been working to stop similar crimes by improving laws and tracking sex offenders. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12213319.htm
Who is Sandra that people keep referring to in this thread?
mysteriew said:
U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley responded in writing Friday to arguments made last month by Richard Ney, a Wichita, Kan., attorney representing 52-year-old Alfonso Rodriguez Jr.

Rodriguez, of Crookston, has two previous convictions in Polk County, Minn., for sexual assault and another for attempted kidnapping. Prosecutors contend they are "aggravating factors" which make Rodriguez eligible for the death penalty.

Ney, who has handled death penalty cases, argued in his defense motions that the victims didn't suffer serious bodily harm as alleged by prosecutors in their notice to seek the death penalty.

But Wrigley argued that psychological and emotional trauma from a sexual assault satisfies the definition of serious bodily injury, and the question should be allowed to go before the jury.

U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson will hear oral arguments on the motions at a hearing scheduled for Aug. 19.


I REALLY dispise defense attorneys.
When is this lowlife piece of garbage going to go to trial? I say let's save the state some money and take this evil troll out to where he murdered Dru, make him take his clothes off, ram a big stick up his azz, cut off his penis, shoot him in the feet...then the knee caps...then the upper legs... you get the idea. Then just leave him there and let the animals take care of him. He doesn't deserve anything better.
I couldn't agree more. He doesn't deserve another day on this earth. :furious:

Bobbisangel said:
I say let's save the state some money and take this evil troll out to where he murdered Dru, make him take his clothes off, ram a big stick up his azz, cut off his penis, shoot him in the feet...then the knee caps...then the upper legs... you get the idea. Then just leave him there and let the animals take care of him. He doesn't deserve anything better.
Bobbisangel said:
When is this lowlife piece of garbage going to go to trial? I say let's save the state some money and take this evil troll out to where he murdered Dru, make him take his clothes off, ram a big stick up his azz, cut off his penis, shoot him in the feet...then the knee caps...then the upper legs... you get the idea. Then just leave him there and let the animals take care of him. He doesn't deserve anything better.
Even that sounds too good for him. The evil *advertiser censored*.
Bobbisangel said:
When is this lowlife piece of garbage going to go to trial? I say let's save the state some money and take this evil troll out to where he murdered Dru, make him take his clothes off, ram a big stick up his azz, cut off his penis, shoot him in the feet...then the knee caps...then the upper legs... you get the idea. Then just leave him there and let the animals take care of him. He doesn't deserve anything better.

Tell us how you really feel, Bobbisangel. :angel:

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