ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #1

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Larry's RV has a fence, seemingly, that surrounds the place. How did he go from outside the fence to inside the fence?

Have/has every single RV on that place been gone through with a fine tooth comb? Where's the connection to the RV place? I'm not buying the idea that the RV destination was a random draw.
Why aren't those dogs back down there. That's driving me nuts. They have his other shoe, it just seems like a no-brainer to me, to take that other shoe and start in. What would it hurt?
IB , are you familiar with the Hannah Graham case?,

Kidnapped in VA.They have the probable perp but cannot find her.

There is quite a bit of info on him, but huge gaps as well in terms of where he lived, likes to do.

Anyway, I wonder if with your geo profiling if you could go to the sites and see if you can digure anythjg out? If you don't know about it, it is a lot of reading.

It's been since Sept 13.
Stil o/t IB

He was accused of a rape several years ago but charges were dropped.

I think there may be enough info there for you to work with
As everyone probably already knows, it was reported that TB was wearing a baseball cap the night/morning he went missing. I'm assuming it must have been with the body since they only mentioned his phone & the shoe being gone. If that's the case, I find it interesting the shoe's lost but the cap isn't.
IB , are you familiar with the Hannah Graham case?,

Kidnapped in VA.They have the probable perp but cannot find her.

There is quite a bit of info on him, but huge gaps as well in terms of where he lived, likes to do.

Anyway, I wonder if with your geo profiling if you could go to the sites and see if you can digure anythjg out? If you don't know about it, it is a lot of reading.

It's been since Sept 13.

Unfortunately I have only paid attention to the highlights in that situation. :( Maybe later this afternoon I'll try to read a little.
As everyone probably already knows, it was reported that TB was wearing a baseball cap the night/morning he went missing. I'm assuming it must have been with the body since they only mentioned his phone & the shoe being gone. If that's the case, I find it interesting the shoe's lost but the cap isn't.

The missing shoe is one reason I feel he was transported and not killed at the RV site. As to the cap, that's something the perps would have realized was left in a vehicle. There's nothing to say the cap was actually on him when he was found. Maybe they just threw it on the ground (prints?)
I just had a rather dumb thought about the shoe. Maybe the (or one of the) attacker/s wore the same size, style and color shoes and got blood all over his. He may have just taken one of TB's to replace it, especially if it was a combination of TB's and the other person's, and didn't leave his in its place because it had his DNA all over it. I think I might be getting desperate for something to make sense. :blushing:
O/t IB!!!

They have linked the perp to another murder and a rape in Hannah Graham.

Can you help find her please!!!!
I wonder if his wallet was stolen? On one of his pics there is a brown wallet.

I still can't get over that last tweet, it could be a coincidence but it just doesn't feel like that to me. I would like to know what they were doing and why they were out "getting lost" when JW sent that text.
I wonder if his wallet was stolen? On one of his pics there is a brown wallet.

I still can't get over that last tweet, it could be a coincidence but it just doesn't feel like that to me. I would like to know what they were doing and why they were out "getting lost" when JW sent that text.

The wallet! Stupid I didn't think of that.
Yes...the wallet...What happened to his wallet?Why didn't someone think of that before?Did Tom carry a wallet? What have his friends said.
Baseball Cap also.
Generally if in fight and getting hit in the head it probably fell off. Was it near the body or is it missing also?
Alot of questions need to be answered yet.
I am new to posting here but not new to the website. You are all incredibly smart & provide interesting angles/thoughts I haven't had on cases.

Ok.. So I am actually from Fargo, ND. I am extremely concerned about this case being that I just sent my oldest son away to college in Duluth, MN... I am a "family friend" of Andrew Sadek (missing & later found deceased in the Red River in Wahpeton, ND).

Let me assure you that Andrew Sadek WAS murdered. Let me assure you that ND LE officials are at fault for making him be a drug informant or else face FELONY drug charges (for selling $80 worth of pot no less).

Two kids are murdered within 90 miles of each other... Both have previous small law enforcement problems (Andrew : selling pot. Tommy : DUI & Minor in Possession)..

Someone needs to alert NATIONAL authorities on these cases because ND is doing their best to keep these two killings OUT of the spotlight which would make their colleges seem unsafe.

I do not think the interstate was used to transport Tommy's body across state lines.. I went to college at NDSU - they crossed at the 2nd avenue bridge downtown. Whether there are cameras there, I do not know. Also.. Recently there was a case in which a body was hidden in a camper that was not found until over a year later when the RV was rented to a group of people heading to the Kentucky Derby. Maybe that was their plan to get rid of the body but they got interrupted? It beats putting in the river because it eventually winds up being found (even with a backpack of rocks STRAPPED to their body as in Andrew's case..).

maybe ?? was to lose Tom somewhere.....
But the last text should have said "I am lost.I am going to die.Just get somebody" if this were a setup to murder someone.
and saying you were lost and then show up later don't make sense......its like the cart is before the horse.
Somebody get their signals screwed up?
Somebody jumped the gun and didn't get the play.
My brain is not computing here.
Even if the tweet was just goofing around it just don't make sense.Maybe I am stupid.
Too bad tweets can't be longer than 140 characters. Otherwise we could probably have this case solved.
I also think they took the Main Street bridge or the 1st ave bridge...I don't know why they picked that RV lot but it looks like a good place for drug drop to me.
But I don't understand why the authorities did not look into every RV because they are unlocked anyway.....huhhhhh????????
The ladder truck being called in does not make sense either unless to untangle a pair of shoes from a power line.
I think I am an Alice in Wonderland....I am doing alot of wondering but not as an Alice.
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