ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #2

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I agree with you. I also have a tattoo in my friends honor - he died of cancer after a long battle. I am 50. It was my first. I just added another UND Sioux logo (I say this for Rocco). In total, there are about 50 of us with tattoos in the memory of our friend. I don't think it is strange.. I mean, I'm old. & I have one.. Of course the young kids have them!
If someone would get Tommy tattoo AND also be responsible for his death? That would be borderline psychotic behavior. It would speak to no "consciousness of guilt."

I have a hard time wrapping my mind around this crime.

Just throw in' this out there to our fellow young WS posters: is it common for associates to get tattoos when another one passes on?

Just curious.....

hey college kid here who didn't know tb but know some friends of his. i know a bunch of kids who have tattoos of people who have died ... friends grandparents .... not weird at all.
I respectfully disagree with this one, at least the way it is here. My now 13yo finally got an iPhone for Christmas last year, and he was among one of the last in class/age group to get one. And even then all single mom here could afford was the free iPhone 4. Everyone my college kids have come on contact with have a better phone than their iPhone4, and I wouldn't think of having anything less than unlimited everything on all phones -- because it would cost me a fortune in overages!! Point being, my college kids are in reality the poorer of the students up there, I just don't see or have heard of any college student with a prepay or sharing phones. Everyone has their own fancy phone. I wonder why he used Tom's phone as well. Maybe to set up a firm disappearance time??

i dont know any kids who run out of phone or text since no one talks on the phone and everyone has unlimited text but sometimes they run outta their data package. maybe he used tbs phone cause his died.
I don't recall seeing anything that said TB and JW were at the trap before sending that ”lost” tweet to CM. I'm assuming that they were and they went out to get ”something” and couldn't find their way back. The ”lost” tweet did come before the snap chats between TB and PF, but CM didn't tell JW to text him back for privacy, etc. He replied to the ” lost” tweet saying ”text me the address”. According to CM both TB and JW were at the trap after the ”lost” tweet leaving us to assume that someone picked them up or sent them directions; I don't think we know for sure how and when they arrived at the trap. I also don't think we know if TB's snap chats with PF included TB's picture or video, only that we've been told that PF believed it was TB himself that sent them. JW did lawyer up shortly after returning home. He was receiving a lot of threatening tweets, texts and phone calls after news spread about TB's missing/death and people became aware of the ” lost” tweet. That could be the reason for the lawyer, but maybe not. I think TB and JW went out to get drugs that night and got lost in an unfamiliar area, but that's jmo. I'm not sure if TB made it to the trap that night; we only have CM's version and as far as I know he's the only one that said that TB was there and that he left the trap ” to go hang out with some baseball players” around 3:40.

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Is there talk about why JW was being threatened? Do I remember someone mentioning that TB's Father got a little hot towards JW? Honestly, I thought I read it in a post and tried to find it before mentioning it here - I was going bonkers looking. I also remember reading something about CM's response to JW's "lost" tweet, telling him he was sloshed. Does anyone else remember reading that?
Is there talk about why JW was being threatened? Do I remember someone mentioning that TB's Father got a little hot towards JW? Honestly, I thought I read it in a post and tried to find it before mentioning it here - I was going bonkers looking. I also remember reading something about CM's response to JW's "lost" tweet, telling him he was sloshed. Does anyone else remember reading that?

I read a couple tweets to
JW from friends of TB saying he needs to come clean (that's my generic version of what they were saying). I don't recall reading anything about TB's father being ”hot” towards JW, I did read here that TB's parents were not welcoming any condolences from JW. I don't recall a text/tweet about being sloshed either, but it could have been deleted before I went to look at it.

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seems odd a bunch of friends get tattoos as soon as he dies, not seeming to leave any time for them to wait to understand what happened to their friend or who killed him. i'm sure it doesn't relate to the case.. maybe just a sign of immaturity and the prevalence of tattoos these days


It's like they're not concerned HOW he was murdered or WHO committed the violent homicide....it's just a reason to get a tattoo? Where is the public outrage & concern? Where's the effort to solve this heinous crime?

And about tattoos---I could care less
hey college kid here who didn't know tb but know some friends of his. i know a bunch of kids who have tattoos of people who have died ... friends grandparents .... not weird at all.

So what's your theory on who killed TB?
The "sloshed" response to JW's tweet to come get them is/was there. Just not attached to CM's or TB's tweet (or was deleted). Someone did a screen shot in archives but I can't find it now - it may be in Amanda's photo bucket. It's there and that was the response.
You remember correct, there was a "hearsay" post that JW's parents tried but TB's parents didn't want to hear from them. I don't remember seeing anything pertaining to "dad".
The "sloshed" response to JW's tweet to come get them is/was there. Just not attached to CM's or TB's tweet (or was deleted). Someone did a screen shot in archives but I can't find it now - it may be in Amanda's photo bucket. It's there and that was the response.
You remember correct, there was a "hearsay" post that JW's parents tried but TB's parents didn't want to hear from them. I don't remember seeing anything pertaining to "dad".

Yes, I remember hearing somewhere that the dad was going around banging on doors asking questions.
And I don't blame him & I'm not passing any judgements on the dad.

I don't want to be misconstrued or have my post mean anything more than what was stated by anyone here.
** Sorry this was in response to above post - maybe JW used TBs phone because he was dead.
HUMMMM....now there's an idea! Maybe we are overlooking the obvious! These are 20 year old kids. Their thought process (especially if compromised) is going to be elementary.
We have all worked on this for 60 days to no avail and whoever did this to TB only had minutes to figure out their escape plan. ** That is, if it wasn't a random pick up/murder. Which I highly doubt! Feels way too personal to be random.
if i had to guess they were likely out buying party supplies and something went wrong with the purchase and TB got beat up. maybe the bad guys targeted him and JW got away. stuff happens at house parties all the time and no one talks so i think a ton of kids are keeping quiet since they were probably participating in the party. the other angle is that maybe they were at another party and one of them was talking to the wrong girl and someone came after them for some revenge. maybe TB and JW got separated and they targeted TB. maybe people who know are mad at JW since maybe he was the one talking to the girl and he got away. im down in the cities but have partied up in Fargo and i have seen all of the things that i mention happen. i was out in Minneapolis this summer with a bunch of hockey friends and one guy disappeared and came back like 10 min later bleeding with a black eye. he had walked away to say hi to a girl and met a guy who didn't appreciate him talking to her.
if i had to guess they were likely out buying party supplies and something went wrong with the purchase and TB got beat up. maybe the bad guys targeted him and JW got away. stuff happens at house parties all the time and no one talks so i think a ton of kids are keeping quiet since they were probably participating in the party. the other angle is that maybe they were at another party and one of them was talking to the wrong girl and someone came after them for some revenge. maybe TB and JW got separated and they targeted TB. maybe people who know are mad at JW since maybe he was the one talking to the girl and he got away. im down in the cities but have partied up in Fargo and i have seen all of the things that i mention happen. i was out in Minneapolis this summer with a bunch of hockey friends and one guy disappeared and came back like 10 min later bleeding with a black eye. he had walked away to say hi to a girl and met a guy who didn't appreciate him talking to her.

I enjoyed your hypothesis & agree about the partying but I doubt it had anything to do with girl related involvement, IMO.
Have you been able to check yik yak cause mant have tweeted it was very "busy" during that time. I understand you have to live geographically close to NDSU to read yik yak.
** Sorry this was in response to above post - maybe JW used TBs phone because he was dead.
HUMMMM....now there's an idea! Maybe we are overlooking the obvious! These are 20 year old kids. Their thought process (especially if compromised) is going to be elementary.
We have all worked on this for 60 days to no avail and whoever did this to TB only had minutes to figure out their escape plan. ** That is, if it wasn't a random pick up/murder. Which I highly doubt! Feels way too personal to be random.

actually want i meant to type was maybe JW used TBs phone cause JWs phone was dead. JW didnt know anyones phone number to text but TB may have been following CM on twitter. im connected to a ton of people on there who i dont know that well and who i dont have phone numbers for.

but what i wrote may have been true too. maybe something had already happened to TB and JW ended up with his phone and dumped it later since hum having it looked supsicious. i can testify that drunk kids my age dont think super logically and if they were using something else that gets even more likely since lots of people get really paranoid if their on harsher stuff
yea its prime yik yak time when all this happened. ive seen fights break out over connections from there where a bunch of kids are in one room and people figure whos talking to who
** Sorry this was in response to above post - maybe JW used TBs phone because he was dead.
HUMMMM....now there's an idea! Maybe we are overlooking the obvious! These are 20 year old kids. Their thought process (especially if compromised) is going to be elementary.
We have all worked on this for 60 days to no avail and whoever did this to TB only had minutes to figure out their escape plan. ** That is, if it wasn't a random pick up/murder. Which I highly doubt! Feels way too personal to be random.

Mama---I always had the distinct thought that JW could've been using TB's phone because TB could've been dead or seriously injured & that's why TB wasn't making the call to CM himself. I don't know where JW's phone was but there could've been a **profound** reason why he was using TB's phone.

However & even more curious is a variety of friends statements that counter it---like it was just a reference to COD (really?----NOT!!!) & another saying they were back at the trap after that. And then there's the old timeline snafu as to when the call/snapchat happened with PF.

None of it makes sense....
yea its prime yik yak time when all this happened. ive seen fights break out over connections from there where a bunch of kids are in one room and people figure whos talking to who

Is that timeframe still viewable on it?
Mama---I always had the distinct thought that JW could've been using TB's phone because TB could've been dead or seriously injured & that's why TB wasn't making the call to CM himself. I don't know where JW's phone was but there could've been a **profound** reason why he was using TB's phone.

However & even more curious is a variety of friends statements that counter it---like it was just a reference to COD (really?) & another saying they were back at the trap after that. And then there's the old timeline snafu as to when the call/snapchat happened with PF.

None of it makes sense....

i dont believe that it had anything to do with playing COD no one sends a tweet saying their lost you would just ask people in the game. the timeline does make sense if people are covering for themselves by modifying facts. like who knows if they both ever made it back to CMs place. who knows if JW had TBs phone and tweeted for help. but then again maybe JWs phone died, he used TBs to get a ride and was just joking about being in danger to get a ride from friends who may have been busy and not wanting to get them. that time of the night and college guys are thinking about hooking up and dont wanna be bothered by their buds needing a ride. lots of who knows here but i do extremely doubt they were talking about COD
Maybe it was all about going to get party supplies (thanks minny) & it was a set up by a gang or bad dealers to just rip them off? They had no intentions of providing TB & JW the goods & trouble began. This gang was there for what they could take---phone, backpack, nice sneakers (but maybe after trying one on, realized they don't fit). Could be a group of fairly young culprits. TB is hurt bad, JW doesn't know where his phone is but sees TB's & sends the ominous message to CM.
JW realizes they're outnumbered & takes off while TB tries to fight them off. TB dies from violent, heinous homicide.
Maybe there is nothing more than that. Simple & awkward cover ups are going on amongst the friends just to prevent further trouble & embarassment about party supplies & habits. PLUS there is a danger in ratting out a scary gang & providing info to LE about them!
People therefore could be ticked at JW but it still accounts for a lot of folks not talking. And you'd also have some that would shrug their shoulders, feel bad yet stipulate "if you live by the sword" type of mentality.

If the above is true, there's a dangerous situation out there for sure.
i dont believe that it had anything to do with playing COD no one sends a tweet saying their lost you would just ask people in the game. the timeline does make sense if people are covering for themselves by modifying facts. like who knows if they both ever made it back to CMs place. who knows if JW had TBs phone and tweeted for help. but then again maybe JWs phone died, he used TBs to get a ride and was just joking about being in danger to get a ride from friends who may have been busy and not wanting to get them. that time of the night and college guys are thinking about hooking up and dont wanna be bothered by their buds needing a ride. lots of who knows here but i do extremely doubt they were talking about COD

I totally agree about the message NOT being about COD. I put my "really?" but edited to reflect my snark so it's "really---NOT"). ;)
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