ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
How likely is this scenario: LE has NOT ruled the car owner as not involved. But wants him to think they have.

I know - getting deep into psychology here. Shoot it down if it's not a valid theory.

Not buying it. I'm all for throwing theories out there and praise you for doing so, but I don't see it. Maybe if they had done so privately, but with the lack of info released thus far I don't see them releasing this to the media if they weren't sure the driver was not involved.
Not buying it. I'm all for throwing theories out there and praise you for doing so, but I don't see it. Maybe if they had done so privately, but with the lack of info released thus far I don't see them releasing this to the media if they weren't sure the driver was not involved.

You're likely correct and no offense taken. It just seems fishy....they couldn't find it and its owner works nearby? Hmmmmmm....
You're likely correct and no offense taken. It just seems fishy....they couldn't find it and its owner works nearby? Hmmmmmm....

It's owner works nearby? Just curious where you saw that (I missed that little tid bit).
It's owner works nearby? Just curious where you saw that (I missed that little tid bit).

Apparently I hallucinated it. I cant find any reference to that. Sorry guys.

They always said the LSD would effect me sooner or later.
3030 24th Ave S


I'm pretty sure that's the building that the cameras were on. if you zoom in, you can see the white truck parked by the fence in the same spot as the video.


I agree with Denny - that is the building with the camera. Therefore, the camera is east and next door to the RV lot. If the person(s) who left the body approached the RV lot via this route, they were seen by this camera. Makes you think that the body must have been at the back (north side) of the RV lot, or possibly the east side. The only other approach to the back of the lot would be 29th street south. I wonder if there are any cameras on that road? Could LE have released the video to let the suspect know that they were seen on camera?
Can I add a #4?
I'd like to know the EXACT location where the body was found. The media keeps showing random pictures of the RV lot but I've never seen an exact location identified. Was he found close to the road? On the north, east , south or west part of the lot? In the middle of the lot? Where?? It's no secret because the media was swarming all over the place when they removed the body. It would have taken at least an hour for the forensic team to get there and do what they needed to do before the body was removed and sent for an autopsy so the media must know the exact location. Unless...........I missed it. If I did, would someone please post it. TIA

According to the interview video with the parents, the body was found along a low fence that was surrounding the lot. Not sure whether he was inside or outside of the fence, but its possible that if someone did drop the body off there they could have done it without stepping foot in the rv lot, by approaching it from the back. And we can't even be sure that his body was dropped off or he was even dead before being in the vicinity. This is back to Square 1 I guess
I definitely believe that whatever happened to him happened in Moorhead. There would be too much risk transporting an injured person or a dead person that far through 2 cities. With stop signs, stop lights, and the possibility of speeding, etc, why take the risk? And whatever did happen I believe happened nearby. To me there is just no logical sense in dropping him off there unless it was close. If you truly wanted to hide a body without it being found, there would be better places to do that I would think. But then again, we really don't know if he was dropped off there. He could have wandered from somewhere (after being injured of some sort) and fallen and died.
Seriously, with no cameras , probably in the miles of tundra like terrain, why drop him in a place that would have cameras? That makes zero sense.
Why do I feel like I could go back to September 26th and copy/paste old statements that are still plausible? Oh? Because there has been NO NEW information released since then? Just wondering if you are all ready to join my team of suspecting incompetency among LE yet? It's ok if you aren't ready. I suspect we will be waiting this out for a long, long time.

Which one of these things doesn't belong?
1.) No motives.
2.) No suspects.
3.) No person of interest.
4.) No danger to the community.

Answer: 4.) No danger to the community. If they don't know why or who killed him, how can we be sure there isn't someone targeting people in the community with a foot fetish who likes iPhones?

This is upsetting to me. I hope they get some breaks soon in this case.
How likely is this scenario: LE has NOT ruled the car owner as not involved. But wants him to think they have.

I know - getting deep into psychology here. Shoot it down if it's not a valid theory.

Since they released a statement saying the owner of the car was not involved, why not include in the statement what he was doing driving around like that since it was so odd?
Since they released a statement saying the owner of the car was not involved, why not include in the statement what he was doing driving around like that since it was so odd?

Seems odd that they would release information on the model of the car though.. Pretty much saying: this person was not involved and their name is being witheld, but by the way it was a 2005 nissan maxima
I completely understand that LE has to hold back certain pieces of information to protect the integrity of the investigation. And I respect that some details shouldn't be released out of respect for the victim or to protect the identity of certain witnesses. That being said, I hope LE learned the following from releasing this info:
1. LE couldn't figure out who owned this car after 4 and a half months of investigating. However, they were able to find the owner and rule this person out within three days of releasing this information to the public. Releasing info to the public can be a tool!
2. The public still cares about this case and will help if given the necessary info.

That being said, releasing the following info would really help:
1. What was the cause of death?
2. Why is it that they don't believe there is any danger to the public with this case not being solved? The fact that they don't believe the public is in danger tells me that they think his death was the result of a specific confrontation, and that the person who did it is not running wild with plans to do this again. But I don't know that with any level of certainty because they haven't provided further detail. (This is one of those things that could fall under the "protecting the integrity of the investigation" umbrella, but it would give all of us a lot more clarity if they would just tell us.)
3. Was it a "tip" or an "interview" that allowed them to find the body? If it was a tip it could just mean that the people at the RV place told them he was there. If it was an interview it means that someone knew he was killed there or dropped there, and gives me much more confidence that they are close to solving the case. (Again, this could be a "protecting the integrity of the investigation" issue, but after almost 5 months of investigating I think it is a fair question to ask.)

My theories (with applicable eggs in parentheses - updated since the last time I did this):
Beaten over dispute while buying party supplies (5)
Hit by car (4)
Fight at party (2)

I'm still holding one egg and reserve the right to move eggs around as more info comes available.

No eggs for 'ran into random thugs while walking home'? It's not exactly a good area of town and IIRC, there were some drug arrests recently in that area.
Seems odd that they would release information on the model of the car though.. Pretty much saying: this person was not involved and their name is being witheld, but by the way it was a 2005 nissan maxima

I just have a sense there's more to this story....I'm thinking (ok perhaps we can call it hoping) that this car will be heard from again.
Even by accurately identifying the make and model of the car, how did that lead to the owner? And since it was so suspicious, what good story did they have for LE to be quick and confident it was not involved.
Would it make sense that at the time the car and owner were the eventual tipster? They had to have had one to start looking in such a random spot. Perhaps they overheard something and went to check it out. So technically they would not be involved. And perhaps since that time they sold the car and the new owner really doesn't have anything to do with this mess.
Even by accurately identifying the make and model of the car, how did that lead to the owner? And since it was so suspicious, what good story did they have for LE to be quick and confident it was not involved.
Would it make sense that at the time the car and owner were the eventual tipster? They had to have had one to start looking in such a random spot. Perhaps they overheard something and went to check it out. So technically they would not be involved. And perhaps since that time they sold the car and the new owner really doesn't have anything to do with this mess.

If this car is found to be connected to the original tipster I'd be ready to jump on board with MM and her merry band of LE distrusters. One can assume (?!?!) they looked into that possibility.....right?!

My inclination is to believe/hope there's a hook in the bait they threw out here via the media....unless it's really nothing more than a Sunday drive.
All of this reminds me of tactics used to hunt pheasants:

Sometimes you want to make as much noise as possible to flush the birds.

Sometimes you stand and wait quietly making them nervous. EventuallY they flush and lose the game of nerves.

Sometimes we use hand grenades........
I meant what if the tipster had called in unanimously. Then they wouldn't have known there was a connection.
But I love the pheasant hunting comparison. This seriously makes the most sense so far.
No eggs for 'ran into random thugs while walking home'? It's not exactly a good area of town and IIRC, there were some drug arrests recently in that area.

It's more just a gut feeling on my part that it wasn't random thugs. But that certainly could be what happened. Can't rule that one out.

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