NE article about Patsy?

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tipper said:
John Kerry's Prostate Cancer "Cured"
October 03, 2004

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has been cured of prostate
cancer, his doctors have told him, according to a report in the Sunday issue
of The New York Times.

Dr. Patrick Walsh, said "The likelihood that he is going to have a
significant problem with this cancer is infinitesimally small, " reported the
New York Times.

During an interview last month and published this Sunday, Kerry, 60, told
the Times that "I am cured.," and "I am cancer-free, and the percentages of
me being cancer-free 10 years from now are about as good as they get."

A Feather in My Wig: Ovarian Cancer Cured, Seventeen Years and Going Strong!
[font=Verdana,arial]by Barbara Van Billiard[/font] (Paperback - January 1, 1999)
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Let me rephrase that for you cancer survivor who is realistic about the disease says they were "cured" IMO.
Cured = Saved, Saved By The Cross, Saved by God. Cancer = the Shadow, Evil, Satan, Death. Patsy is self validating her fantasy. Patsy thinks JonBenet is in a heaven with a God awaiting her mother's arrival. Again, that is a self serving, self created fantasy. Patsy uses lawyers, and DNA reports from CBS to perpetuate the intruder fantasy, and the fantasy that she was not involved.
I don't know BM, maybe the accronym really stands for Sacrificed Behold The Cure? If you think it's a religious reference and that JB was sacrificed ....I don't know, just bouncing some ideas around here.
One key to the acronym is the idea that the note is completely about the author. It has little or nothing to do with JonBenet, John, anything or anybody outside Patsy's mind. I say it was written by Patsy in a state of dissociation and regression to a juvenile personality. The drama of the note revolves around the unresolved personality development and moral crisis of Patsy when a juvenile.

The note says John is to follow the instructions to the letter. That is a reference to the upcoming acronym, making the acronym part of the story, part of the process going on in Patsy's mind. If the instructions aren't followed the consequences are death, if they are followed she lives, she is saved from death by John.

Psalms 32:8 I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way to go.

33:19 To deliver them from death.

50:15 And call apon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you will honor me.

119:146 I have called out to you, save me!. And I will keep your statutes.

If you follow repeating patterns and connections, things make sense. The note is not random or meaningless.
Most juveniles I know aren't that into the Bible. If Patsy had slipped into a state of dissociation and regression to a juvenile personality I don't know that it (1) wouldn't have been noticed by others outside the family (2) would only have lasted a few hours and (3) she would have killed her child in that way.

We know that Patsy is also into French wording.

I used to think it was Saved By The Cross too, in reference to Patsy's religion, but I don't anymore. It's not the cross that saves anyone (crucifixion actually was an instrument of death) it's either God or the (person's) Savior.
When an adult regresses they can have the personality of a juvenile and the moral state of a juvenile but can retain access to content obtained by the adult persona through the years. Over time, stories of Patsy's eccentricities will come out. She was noticed. Weren't the Christmas decorations, the presentations of her pageant gowns and crown childish? Didn't Steve Thomas say she was a chameleon and would at times act like a little girl?

The cross is the image associated with Christ. Saved by the cross IS saved by God. It's not your interpretation of things that counts, it's Patsy's. You are not a part of the Charismatic Christain subculture, Patsy is.

In Depth Psychology terms, the mandala is an ordering principle that appears to people in times of stress and psychological disorientation.
Ummmm, ok if you say so. You make it more in depth than I think it is, but you're the one who studied this aspect. Now excuse me while I :bang: that stuff back out of my mind. ;)
Seeker said:
Ummmm, ok if you say so. You make it more in depth than I think it is, but you're the one who studied this aspect. Now excuse me while I :bang: that stuff back out of my mind. ;)

As long as you do it to yourself and don't involve someone else by proxy, go ahead. :bang:
BrotherMoon said:
As long as you do it to yourself and don't involve someone else by proxy, go ahead. :bang:

Darn! There you go ruining all my fun again! :p
BrotherMoon said:
From Aid To Bible Understanding;

Satan [Heb., sa tan; resister, adversary].

And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel. (Gen. 3:14, 15) Here god made it known that Satan, cast outside God's holy organization, would have no life sustaining hope, but would eat dust, as it were, until he died. The "seed" eventually was to bruise him in the head, which would signify a death wound.

This is why Patsy hit JonBenet on the head, after strangling her.

Golgotha [skull] The place outside, although near, the city of Jerusalem, where Jesus Christ was impaled. "Golgotha" or "Skull Place" is also called "Calvary" (Luke 23:33), from the Latin calvaria ("a bare skull"). - From Aid to Bible Understanding.

The association between the skull and death is clear.
From Aid to Bible Understanding;

Spirit [Heb., ru'ahh; Gr., pneu'ma]. The English word "spirit" is from the Latin spirare, meaning "to breathe".

The heart is frequently tied with the spirit, indicating a definite relationship. -AtoBU

The duct tape, final position of the neck cord and the "heart" on JonBenet's hand are symbolic.
People walk around you every day with psychosis or in a dissociative state and NO ONE notices. It's all inside most of the time. Sometimes outside behavior reflects it, but everyone I've ever spoken to or has a mental illness tries with all their might to hide it. Good heavens, nobody wants to come off as weird or nuts! Sometimes, as we all know, those with mental illnesses can't hide it or are too tired of trying. Sometimes something triggers a large outward display. Most people, however, can continue to act fairly normal on the exterior. BroMoon's comment about Patsy's strange behavior toward JonBenet is an example of the inner life coming out. She obviously didn't do this all the time; however, her friends were going to talk to her about JonBenet. What does that suggest to you? Don't you think the pageant thing was more than a little over the top? How about the way Patsy kinda "overdid" everything?

The inner life of a person can hum along with all kinds of stuff going on in it. That's true for all of us. Some people have rather elaborate things happening. The plan doesn't surface much until something triggers it. It's kinda like a pot boiling over. Perhaps Patsy was angry when she killed her child (if she did), but the anger triggered something already going on.

Just my own thoughts... :p
Possible, of course, hitting her head on something in the bathroom, but the blow was to the top and back of the head.

Another possibility for us to maybe take a break and consider is discussed at which I believe is my link about sexual Sadism, both mild and major, Need to Inflict Pain & Humiliation to provide self-stimulation, then Lust Murders, etc. got such a stack of printouts I may have to edit this later to add other links.

Survivors typically clean up the evidence of autoerotic asphyxiation when the body is found.

One article says autoerotic asphyxiation is a homosexual thing and another says it isn't.

Another says it's about control, total control of another individual.

Other paraphillias, or disorders often coincide with this one.

No record of it happening before age 9, so JonBenet wouldn't have been doing it to herself, and the fingernail scratches where she tried to get the ligature off prove that. If the parents had staged all that just because she hit her head on something, mutilation of corpses, I believe, is necrophilia.
FBI people were even brought in. Wouldn't the experts have recognized it?

Another link .
BrotherMoon said:
Her "cure" is intimately connected to S.B.T.C , Saved By The Cross. Her cancer and her dark side (moral lapses) are fused in her mind. That fusion is Satan. According to her, she was cured by God, not physicians. Ergo, she was saved by God. She is confusing what is going on in her mind with what is going on in her body, just like she confused JonBenet with her mind. Victory is over death and Satan: Evil. She is projecting that need onto her body, just like she projected it onto JonBenet. She keeps getting "cured" because psychotics have to keep re-enacting the fantasy, as their actions in the real world never really resolve what is going on in their minds.

People often ask, "If she is a killer or shows symptoms of a serial killer, why didn't she kill again?". The answer is, her serial nature is being attended to by her "cures". I have expected her psychotic needs to involve Burke somehow, but it looks like she is fulfilling this need through repeated cures.

Thanks for bringing this up Seeker, you make me as happy as a little girl!
"She is confusing what is going on in her mind with what is going on in her body . . . " That could explain why she put on the same clothes she was wearing the evening before. It could be a symbolic way of going back in time to a point when JB was still alive--a reverse transformation to help erase the event (accidently killing her daughter) from her mind.
skybluepink said:
"She is confusing what is going on in her mind with what is going on in her body . . . " That could explain why she put on the same clothes she was wearing the evening before. It could be a symbolic way of going back in time to a point when JB was still alive--a reverse transformation to help erase the event (accidently killing her daughter) from her mind.

Yes, Sky, what you say may be true. What might also be true, and lack a clear psychological underpinning, is that Patsy was up all night taking care of bussiness and never got any shut-eye.

She apparently wasn't dead on her feet or the officer would have noticed? Maybe the adrenalin that saw her through the long, laborious note was still pumping at daybreak. This is quite possible. Adrenalin produces sweat, and she hadn't taken a shower, she said, so why couldn't the officers detect that? Oh, I forgot...the Estee Lauder. Also, if she had been crying, as one would expect, wouldn't the eyes be red and the mascara disintegrating? Well, this is all female stuff; how would I know.

Did she act psychotic that morning? There's a term for a brief psychotic episode. Do you know it? It was used to describe Jeffry MacDonald's alleged breakdown--a drug-induced micropsychotic episode? I forget.

The BPD shoulda' sent a shrink to the house that morning, eh; not a police officer. The shrink'd have solved the case in nothing flat...except possibly for flat affect.

Degree in the mail....
Yo, Bro. Moon? Are you tha-ah?

Hope you haven't been bashed by Patsy for all your bashing of her. Do you realize that you need to select a "statement" to go on all your posts, according to a previous moderator here, not to get sued, a disclaimer such as "Just my opinion"?

Seeker's being more tactful than I'm going to be. I personally think it's awfully arrogant for anyone to presume to analyse (sp?) when our law says a person is to be assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, when we're not licensed to psycho-analyse anyone. The Terri Schiavo case seems to be proving even professionals may not be so qualified, and there's a petition to impeach that Judge who refuses to hear 90% of what the good side says. ("My mind's made up; don't confuse me with the facts"? )

I'm here looking for that post about confession, actually, thought it was in this thread, by a Catholic. I was just giving the oversimplified protestink point of view, confessing only to God. I don't really think any of the family are guilty, except of not adequately protecting JonBenet.

There's someone who overpowers mens' MINDS, Daniel 11:21, corrupts by con artist flattery and flatters the corrupt, has a covert reign of terror enabled by a series of 8 heads of state or "kings", gets laws changed, Daniel 7:25, and our legalization of Abortion/Euthanasia and the Catholic expression "Culture of Death" may be all the proof we need that he's now.

If more proof is needed, hm....there's a woman he fears is studious enough in prophecy clues to expose him, that he tries to get rid of, schemed to mis-use some "look upon" technology in the ancient book of Micah, hoping to get something on her I guess, and ancient Jeremiah says she's made a Tower Among the Flock, instead of any clergy, who are blinded by his flattery. There's a smear campaign against her like a flood of words but the Bible says she's "The Daughter of Women", "A Tower", and "Clothed With the Sun", probably just waiting for the gov't to catch him, when "none shall help him, right there in Daniel 7 when his time is up. By some strange coincidence, we've had 8 heads of state since Dallas, the last one being one of the previous 7, as in Rev. 17, which we aren't meant to understand until it's happening, but it's not crazy-making as the covert devil would have us think, while he has people trying to destroy Christianity, Ten Commandments, respect for God's Words, etc.

Patsy may know he's going to be revealed but that she couldn't get by with it right now. Some of the Reverse Speech things have said "So now we're supposed to hate you," about JonBenet. That's a "sign" who it was, in my strong opinion. He tries to break up families, sometimes for a properties motive, Micah 2, by slandering mothers and alienating their children from them and from God. He's a failure in religion, Bro. Moon, trying to destroy it and us. So Terri's husband probably fell into this mindset and they may have already begun starving her before the "legal" authorization in hopes that new legislation isn't enacted in time. We may never know.
I like that label, "micropsychotic". In looking it up, and yeah, I had to, it appears these little episodes occur less frequently as one ages, so darn..darn..she would likely be symptom free by now. Eight years removed from a possible diagnosis! Patsy gets away again!

Likely I will now be overusing this new found (on my part) word, as until now I called what I see "adult temper tantrums". When a child wants something that he can't have, or wants a situation to be what it can't reasonably be, he can shout ,lay on the floor, hold his breath or whatever he needs to do to try to force the adults to play by his rules. My son-in-law, a sociopath/pd mongrel type, has these tantrums often, he gets an idea in his head, acts out, often criminally, puts the blame on his victim de jour, never has the need to feel remorse because the whole action was/is someone elses fault. While I have always seen these episodes as "adult temper tantrums", I see this guy will now have a psychiatric defense when he finally kills someone, a "micropsychotic episode". Sounds like a month of r&r due him at the local institution, poor guy.
Ours will get the break, he has a history of these behaviors, assault, domestic violence, property destruction, and on, so likely his has built a defense with years of these "micropsychotic" episodes.
Poor Patsy, BM, considering she has only a disassociative personality disorder ya' think she just had one little episode, that nasty one where Jonbenet died?

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