NE NE - Chance Englebert, 25, Gering, 6 July 2019 (new father)

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I still think foul play, but what do I know?

I so agree @Steelslady... That was unfortunately my gut feeling from the beginning. I don't know Chance, but he does not seem like a guy who would walk away from everything... New baby, wife, loving parents... I just can't believe that...
Thanks for the information. I was not privy to see the text and am only going off what I’ve read from other members. But the emoji still fits in my idea of the phone slipping or his hand sliding across the keyboard trying to put the phone in his pocket. My phone has autocorrect and works occasionally but not always. It makes you wonder why they wouldn’t release the message if it had a meaning. Of course, maybe that’s why the don’t release could go either way. I sincerely hope he is safe. And yes many streets were flooded. My whole Side of town was under water. It was devastating and to have a person missing during that devastation is even worse. Again, I hope he made it somewhere safe.
Thanks for the information. I was not privy to see the text and am only going off what I’ve read from other members. But the emoji still fits in my idea of the phone slipping or his hand sliding across the keyboard trying to put the phone in his pocket. My phone has autocorrect and works occasionally but not always. It makes you wonder why they wouldn’t release the message if it had a meaning. Of course, maybe that’s why the don’t release could go either way. I sincerely hope he is safe. And yes many streets were flooded. My whole Side of town was under water. It was devastating and to have a person missing during that devastation is even worse. Again, I hope he made it somewhere safe.

The message was received by his Aunt, she has no idea what he was saying. She messaged back but got no reply. The message also had capitals and lower case letters.
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I still think foul play, but what do I know?

I too am considering foul play. They have contacted business's a long the route he may have walked and nobody saw him or has him on camera except the camera shot around 9:00 p.m close to Five Rocks Rd and Owl Rd in Terrytown. Seems it's possible someone picked him up and something criminal happened after that. A lot of different possibilities for why he's missing.

Also he was seen on camera earlier in the evening, someone told me by Domino's. Think that would have been on 10th St. I'm more interested in the later sighting and his last phone ping by Riverside Country Club in Terrytown. There were two sightings and Police confirmed it was him.
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I've just listened to the second part of the Chance Engelbart case on the Crime Pursuit podcast. I did not listen to the first. This one featured a very informative interview with Chance's mother (really sad :( ), but good lord, the one podcast host needs to stfu. She talks WAY too much, not letting up for a couple of minutes to let anyone else get in a word. Happens over and over. If you can stand her, it's a good listen. The people that do this podcast can't get Chance's wife to participate.

ETA: This is not a "professional" podcast. The one male podcaster says at the end, "Ya know, people ask do you do it???" I'm quite certain NOBODY asks these podcasters "how they do it." LOL
She was interviewed by host Marissa Jones from The Vanished podcast about her husbands disappearance. IMO, Marissa is fair when she interviews family/friends, even if some have opposing views of each other.

I don't blame the wife at all for declining most "show" interviews.

Is there a transcript or summary of this anywhere? I'm not much of a podcast person.
Hello - I'm not sure about a transcript. However, here's the link to the episode. You can listen to it on-line, without having a podcast app.

EPISODE 197: Chance Englebert — The Vanished Podcast
I listened to the first twenty minutes, and most definitely have formed an opinion on this case. To stay within TOS I will not mention names, but I will say that I hope polygraphs have been administered.

I'm not buying the version being told.

I almost cried listening to Chance's Mom, and it sounds like his friends would give their right arm to have him back. Praying for the truth to come to light, and that justice will be served.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Hello - I'm not sure about a transcript. However, here's the link to the episode. You can listen to it on-line, without having a podcast app.

EPISODE 197: Chance Englebert — The Vanished Podcast

Thank you so much for this. Hmmm, I listened, and am not sure what to think. I didn't really find his wife suspicious, I thought she was relatively straightforward and said she was really pushing for LE to investigate. Her family hiring an attorney or asking about a death certificate under the circumstances of a new baby, single mom, etc., could be or not be a bit of an eyebrow raiser BUT given that he was seen alive leaving their property and on video and a witness means that whatever happened to him didn't happen at her grandparents' house.

So I'm still open to any possibilities with accidental mishap and body not found, OR other foul play.

A remote possibility I guess, is given that someone on her family's side that went out looking for him, that they found him and were upset and mad that he walked off and...

I don't know, I don't know.
This whole case as become a jumbled mess, both sides of the family including his best-friend should take a polygraph. It's has become the '' He said, She said '' game.
I don't know this young lady nor do I know her family, circumstances or her heart. I don't tend to quickly accuse people because I know from years of reading and commenting here that sometimes what appears to be obvious can be way off base from the truth. So please take this in the spirit of the discussion here and not in any kind of opinionated/made up mind way.

Serious question for those that are not suspicious about her asking the law enforcement for a death certificate:

I understand that she may not understand how all of this is to be done and all of that, but what do you think she thought she needed a death certificate for so soon?

It is extremely hard for me to understand that the loved one of the missing would already be wanting to get down to that business so soon. At that point in time he was just missing. I *might* could give her a benefit of the doubt if there were signs of his demise found, but in this case, I just can't. It is just such a quick jump to assume that he is dead and reduce him to "funds needed now".

It is also hard for me to get a grip on the older people in her life being unaware of how this works and advising her to go about getting a death certification so quickly.

Multiple copies of the death certificates are needed to file claims on life insurance, social security death benefits, any other types of savings/benefits/ and bank accounts. I could see someone advising her to get this process going in order to get money to live on, but wow....wasn't he just considered missing at this point? Typically the death certificate is not something that is just jumped right into. It is filed for after you have had to accept the death as fact and you are now dealing with tying up all of their legal and estate matters. I just can't wrap my brain around this if the missing person is a loved one and you are still searching for a living person with no evidence of a death. Sorry. Inexperienced, badly advised or suspicious?

Having handled the aftermaths of two different family members' natural deaths, I also must point out that asking LE for a death certificate has me puzzled. That typically involves the coroner and in our case, the funeral home helped us with all of that paperwork. I am incredulous at typing this, but you need proof the person is actually deceased! I can't imagine anyone NOT being suspicious of that request in that amount of time.

Now, in a case without a body I suppose a judge would entertain evidence from LE to make a case for declaring someone legally dead without a body, but (correct me if I am wrong) I thought you had to wait a period of 7 years before doing that and it must go through a court of law.

Anyway, I have really tried to play devil's advocate for her, but I have not been able to satisfy my own thinking on this death certificate point. It is definitely the sticking point for me. If she is a total innocent, I bet she regrets ever asking for it and if I were her I would start looking at the person who told her to ask for it. Something is not right with it.

I also struggle with the fact that she told the new employer not to hold his job for him. It can be explained, I suppose, but this combined with the death certificate request makes this one not settle well for me. I feel like at the very least she knows more than she is telling. It is time to let his mother know what is being held back.

Just My Own Opinion
Thank you so much for this. Hmmm, I listened, and am not sure what to think. I didn't really find his wife suspicious, I thought she was relatively straightforward and said she was really pushing for LE to investigate. Her family hiring an attorney or asking about a death certificate under the circumstances of a new baby, single mom, etc., could be or not be a bit of an eyebrow raiser BUT given that he was seen alive leaving their property and on video and a witness means that whatever happened to him didn't happen at her grandparents' house.

So I'm still open to any possibilities with accidental mishap and body not found, OR other foul play.

A remote possibility I guess, is given that someone on her family's side that went out looking for him, that they found him and were upset and mad that he walked off and...

I don't know, I don't know.

BBM That bothers me, too.
I agree with you regarding the death certificate question. I know everyone is different and I haven’t been in the situation personally, but I know even in dealing with an unexpected suicide of a close family member, I was in denial. It took me a year before I stopped trying to call her phone and praying she was going to pick up. I would think one would be holding out hope that he was safe and would return. The only way I could see jumping to the death conclusion so quickly was if 1) I had been prepared and/or waiting for this day to come or 2) I knew more than I was letting on. Sometimes we speak before our minds think things through. I am not at all accusing, I’m only sharing my thoughts on the matter. Even with the money concerns, I would be even more determined to find him and I would be utilizing any support from family I could get. And I realize not everyone has family but I certainly can see how a question like she asked so soon after would cause some distention between all of them.
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