NE NE - Jason Jolkowski -19 - Omaha - 13 Jun 2001 - #4

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I checked up on the UID skull at Camp Joy Holling found in 2017. Still UID, listed as Male. Was Jason ever considered/ruled out?
IIRC, the cops mentioned that they ruled out some cold cases that the skull didn't match, but didn't list any by name. Jason is a pretty high profile case in Nebraska that I feel like if that skull OR the one just found recently matched him we would already know about it.

Not sure if this was ever shared here, but this is generally what I think will happen with JJ's case one day. This woman was killed by her husband and was put behind a false wall in their home for 28 years. She was only discovered after contractors came to clear their home after the husband died. Not saying JJ is in his own home, but whenever the *most likely* loner type who harmed him dies, his home will be renovated and that's when the discovery will be made. Just my own theory.
I agree 100% that it's extremely doubtful JJ was the victim of a robbery, drive-by shooting, and/or was the inadvertent witness to a "drug deal" and assaulted because of this, etc. In these types of cases, I don't see the perp(s) spending a lot of time getting rid of the body. Conversely, it seems that in crimes like this - the perp(s) first thought(s) is to get out of the area ASAP. And, even if they did take someone's body with them for purposes of concealment - would it still be missing 20+ years later?! IMHO, very unlikely.

However, I'm still not sure about the bullying angle. If JJ were still being bullied/harassed after H.S. (no evidence either way regarding this, of course) & if the bullies were extremely mean spirited/vengeful, I can kind of see a situation where they would assault someone & then conceal the body. I.e., middle-class kids or rich kids w/wealthy parents would obviously have a lot more to lose than gangbangers. Again, however - there's no evidence/info. either way about this possibility.

Re: the houses that were on JJ's walking route to the H.S., my understanding is that at least some of these were rentals - at least ATT. So, it's conceivable that if the answer to JJ's fate lies in one of the houses, the perp. could easily have moved away long ago. Or, it's obvious they could have passed on - given that it's been 20+ years since JJ vanished.

Yes, it's unfortunate that a more aggressive investigation on this case wasn't done on Day 1. However, as KJ (JJ's mother) said in the "Unfounded" podcast interview, she does understand that Omaha is a big city, etc. & there are a lot of missing persons cases the authorities have to investigate. And, after following a lot of true crime/missing persons cases, if JJ had been female & of the same age (i.e., over 18) - it's very possible the investigation wouldn't have been that aggressive least not initially.
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Not sure if this was ever shared here, but this is generally what I think will happen with JJ's case one day. This woman was killed by her husband and was put behind a false wall in their home for 28 years. She was only discovered after contractors came to clear their home after the husband died. Not saying JJ is in his own home, but whenever the *most likely* loner type who harmed him dies, his home will be renovated and that's when the discovery will be made. Just my own theory.

Very disturbing story - Thanks for the post/link. I never heard about this before. I couldn't find a dedicated thread on this case here on Websleuths, so thought I'd post here. I don't want to de-rail this JJ thread too much, so will just say this:

It sounds like the authorities suspected the husband here from the beginning, but couldn't prove anything. It also sounds like they didn't do a very thorough investigation of the house, possibly because they were unable to?! Too bad that this guy got away with this horrific crime. Here's another informative article re: this case:

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IIRC, the cops mentioned that they ruled out some cold cases that the skull didn't match, but didn't list any by name. Jason is a pretty high profile case in Nebraska that I feel like if that skull OR the one just found recently matched him we would already know about it.
I wish we knew for sure if JJ was ruled out.

Not sure if this was ever shared here, but this is generally what I think will happen with JJ's case one day. This woman was killed by her husband and was put behind a false wall in their home for 28 years. She was only discovered after contractors came to clear their home after the husband died. Not saying JJ is in his own home, but whenever the *most likely* loner type who harmed him dies, his home will be renovated and that's when the discovery will be made. Just my own theory.
I do believe you are most likely right, unless JJ was left in a half hour or so away wilderness area.
If she couldn't get into the school, that would be the closest payphone at the time. I forget that not everyone had cell phones then. (Do these ads really have to interrupt my typing? I'm going to leave a note for the web developer, being one myself...)

I had a flip phone then. Maybe a pager. Whatever the company paid for. If I had my own, it was 100 minutes a month. My how things have changed.
Thank you.

I never had a pager. In 2001, I had a bag phone which I primarily left in my vehicle for road side emergencies. I had this until 2002ish.

I often have to stop and remind myself how different telecommunications were as recently as the 2000's.
I checked up on the UID skull at Camp Joy Holling found in 2017. Still UID, listed as Male. Was Jason ever considered/ruled out?
Im guessing yes. I'm trying to recall but I think I wrote to Namus to inquire. Dont think it was id'ed yet.

Update: and just checked and I wrote to Namus in June of this year about the 2 different skulls and got a polite response which I posted a few pages back. Someone could always write to Joe Welsh at Namus again to see if skull id'ed. I would think if it was JJ though that that would be publicly announced IMO!
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I guess whether or not Jason has been ruled out for these two sets of remains depends on if they have matching identifiers. According to Doe Network, Jason has DNA out there, hopefully and most likely in CODIS. This is a guess, though. No fingerprints or dental records appear to be available. I find it odd it says dental records are unavailable. Unless he never went to the dentist, I hope he has them in NCIC and the info in DN is wrong or outdated. If one case has only DNA, and the other, only dental records, then there would be no way to rule them out. If they have matching identifiers in the same system, we're to assume they'd be compared/have been compared and are ruled out (or in if a match).
I like the theory of him being lured into someone's house and then killed. It could take less than a minute for him to disappear from the sidewalk this way. I can't recall where i read it, but someone stated that a house was sold in that neighborhood for far less than the asking price, but it was a couple or more months after Jason disappeared. If anyone is a real estate expert, sorry if its been mentioned before, but the sale of homes in the area shortly after his disappearance might lead to a list of potential suspects. Unless that was already part of the investigation
I can't recall where i read it, but someone stated that a house was sold in that neighborhood for far less than the asking price, but it was a couple or more months after Jason disappeared.
That was my house. My GF and I split up in 2001, and we did a quitclaim so I could buy her portion of the house. I lived right behind Jolkowski's at that time. Then I re-finance, then I sold the house in and around 2006. That's how I ended up a member of the site. Someone here had questions about that house. I had been quietly following this forum and reddit for years hoping to see some clue. After Mathew found me, I thought I should join the site to give a neighbor's perspective, though I have to admit I didn't know the Jolkowski's super well. I worked with JJ's uncle at SITEL. My parents knew them though the St. Vincent DePaul Society. In fact, my mom knew about disappearance before I did. That always bugged me that the news didn't get out. After that, every other house in the neighborhood had a yellow ribbon in the yard.
I like the theory of him being lured into someone's house and then killed. It could take less than a minute for him to disappear from the sidewalk this way.

Agreed. My initial theory was that JJ getting into a car led to his vanishing without a trace. But, it may even be more plausible that he wasn't seen/noticed by anyone if he walked into a house - especially if it happened shortly after he walked away from his own home.

In my current neighborhood & in the few other neighborhoods I've lived in, if I'm out walking around - I actually don't pay much attention to people walking into houses/garages (especially if I don't know them). But, if I see a pedestrian getting into a car - I may pay more attention to this & would probably notice this more. But, that's me.

Obviously, without at least something to go on - the authorities couldn't go around & search people's houses in the area without probable cause. And - if the perp(s) was someone in one of the houses, they had plenty of time to get rid of the evidence...given that the "investigation" (and I use that term loosely) didn't happen until 10 days after JJ vanished.

Though none of us know what really happened to JJ, it angers & sickens me that he was almost certainly taken advantage of/killed by someone he probably knew & trusted. If this perp. is still alive, hopefully they will pay for this crime at some point. Unfortunately, given the length of time that has lapsed since JJ's disappearance, IMHO the likely-hood of this case ever being solved is extremely slim.
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I like the theory of him being lured into someone's house and then killed. It could take less than a minute for him to disappear from the sidewalk this way. I can't recall where i read it, but someone stated that a house was sold in that neighborhood for far less than the asking price, but it was a couple or more months after Jason disappeared. If anyone is a real estate expert, sorry if its been mentioned before, but the sale of homes in the area shortly after his disappearance might lead to a list of potential suspects. Unless that was already part of the investigation
I think that sale was due to a marriage breakup and not related to Jason's disappearance (in past discussions here) I too think he was lured into a house or car.
I like the theory of him being lured into someone's house and then killed. It could take less than a minute for him to disappear from the sidewalk this way. I can't recall where i read it, but someone stated that a house was sold in that neighborhood for far less than the asking price, but it was a couple or more months after Jason disappeared. If anyone is a real estate expert, sorry if its been mentioned before, but the sale of homes in the area shortly after his disappearance might lead to a list of potential suspects. Unless that was already part of the investigation

Poor lad. I hope he is at peace and that it was a quick death.

What do we feel was the motive? He wasn’t expected to work that day so I wouldn’t imagine it could be someone known to him. I imagine robbery personally in this scenario.

He seems like a very quiet, friendly, and respectful individual. I don’t believe it will be solved because I think nobody anybody knows anything aside from Jason and the person/s involved, but I feel his remains are probably buried under a house or in any park/wooded area near by.

Terrifying someone standing at 6ft 1 can be killed in the morning, in a quiet area, for no real reason. It’s these kind of cases that make you not want to leave house.
Poor lad. I hope he is at peace and that it was a quick death.

What do we feel was the motive? He wasn’t expected to work that day so I wouldn’t imagine it could be someone known to him. I imagine robbery personally in this scenario.

He seems like a very quiet, friendly, and respectful individual. I don’t believe it will be solved because I think nobody anybody knows anything aside from Jason and the person/s involved, but I feel his remains are probably buried under a house or in any park/wooded area near by.

Terrifying someone standing at 6ft 1 can be killed in the morning, in a quiet area, for no real reason. It’s these kind of cases that make you not want to leave house.
It seems the consensus is it was more likely a perverted motive rather than a robbery. IMO. If a robbery I just cant imagine he would have been murdered and hidden as well although of course possible. I do agree that hopefully someday Jason will be found in either of the two places you mentioned.

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