NE NE - Jason Jolkowski -19 - Omaha - 13 Jun 2001 - #4

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If we go back to square one with JJ's case, then I think the first thing to look at would be the neighbors who were there in 2001 and are still there now. Just on Jason's block, there's only about 3 homeowners that had the homes in 2001, inlcuding C.L. who was the last person to see Jason that day. The only reason this is important is because if JJ was lured into a neighbor's home as many think, then I personally do believe he's mummified in a wall or crawlspace. Someone moving out and new owners coming in would have greatly increased likelihood of discovery.
I believe that could likely be the case as well. However, the perpetrator(s) had 10 days to disappear JJ's body. And he could have even been moved in the 20+ years that have followed.
That’s crazy only 3 are left living there. I’m sure there are legal records of every person who lived there in 2001? This should of been investigated.

Agree completely that the investigation should have been more thorough ATT, but with all of the missing persons cases in Omaha I doubt the authorities had time to even scratch the surface here. Not making excuses here - just being realistic. And, even when JJ vanished & the investigation was being conducted (starting 10 days later), the authorities couldn't go to each house (that may have been on his route to the school) & demand to search the place - without probable cause. I.e., without an eyewitness and/or video footage, they wouldn't have had a particular reason to focus on any one home/car/person, etc. Also, note that 2001 was an era well before most people had ring/security cameras in front of their homes.

.....about supposedly being followed by a vehicle 2-3 years after Jason’s disappearance in the same area. He claimed he had reached out to police but never reported it at the time as he wasn’t aware of Jason’s disappearance. It’s very creepy that he said he was also 6ft 1, of polish descent, and a similar build to Jason.

I remember this particular post on one of the many JJ threads I've read. The incident allegedly occurred several years after JJ vanished & may have roughly been in the same general area/part of town. According to the poster - the car was following him for 1-2 minutes & a strange guy was insisting he get in the car - disturbing & creepy. I do wonder if this alleged incident was connected to JJ's vanishing, but there's obviously no way to be sure. If this alleged stranger wasn't from JJ's neighborhood & if JJ didn't know him - I don't know that JJ would have gotten in his car, even if he had insisted.

I still believe that JJ's vanishing is connected to someone he knew. IMHO it was someone in his neighborhood (either in a home or driving in a car).

Also the girl mentioned in the old thread here who was a childhood friend of Jason who claimed she was kissed by him but didn’t feel the same. Did Jason have an ex girlfriend?

That's an extremely good question.
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EDIT: ignore my post, i always mix up jason's case with another one - the kid who was in the beethoven disney movie who's still missing, i believe
Agree completely that the investigation should have been more thorough ATT, but with all of the missing persons cases in Omaha I doubt the authorities had time to even scratch the surface here. Not making excuses here - just being realistic. And, even when JJ vanished & the investigation was being conducted (starting 10 days later), the authorities couldn't go to each house (that may have been on his route to the school) & demand to search the place - without probable cause. I.e., without an eyewitness and/or video footage, they wouldn't have had a particular reason to focus on any one home/car/person, etc. Also, note that 2001 was an era well before most people had ring/security cameras in front of their homes.

I remember this particular post on one of the many JJ threads I've read. The incident allegedly occurred several years after JJ vanished & may have roughly been in the same general area/part of town. According to the poster - the car was following him for 1-2 minutes & a strange guy was insisting he get in the car - disturbing & creepy. I do wonder if this alleged incident was connected to JJ's vanishing, but there's obviously no way to be sure. If this alleged stranger wasn't from JJ's neighborhood & if JJ didn't know him - I don't know that JJ would have gotten in his car, even if he had insisted.

I still believe that JJ's vanishing is connected to someone he knew. IMHO it was someone in his neighborhood (either in a home or driving in a car).

That's an extremely good question.
I have not heard anything about Jason having an ex- girlfriend. IMO he did not. I dont find it unusual either. Some of us as teens did not have a gf or bf for variety of reasons and JJ was known to be a somewhat homebody type. Thats the impression I have gotten from everything I've read about him. IMO. I believe he met with foul play along his walking route, in a mid morning event, as odd as it seems! I have tried to look up local SOs at the time but it is kind of difficult. Maybe someone here could get a complete list of residents and SOs from the year JJ went missing although I know thats a big ask lol. I assume LE
and cold case investigators have done so but without results. Still, it would be interesting to see it.
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my two scenarios for this one are:
- he saw something he wasn't meant to see
- hit by a car, perps took body

just my opinion, bc i dont know what else would make sense here
Yes we have discussed the hit by a car theory quite a few times but it just doesnt seem likely in broad daylight on this route that noone wouldve seen or heard this happen. Let alone lifted his body into a trunk and disposed of it elsewhere. I would think they would just leave him be and speed off. I think most likely scenario is he was lured into helping a neighbour in their home while passing or being lured into a vehicle. Just IMO.
Omaha, just arrested a 41-year-old woman for a series of murders. They include some that we have talked about where the bodies were dumped on Rainwood road.

Thanks for the info. I'm thinking one of her victims was the body we heard about recently, does that sound right? I'm wondering if she has more victims out there we don't know about.

The devil can be a man or a woman - The Listener, Robert McCammon
my two scenarios for this one are:
- he saw something he wasn't meant to see
- hit by a car, perps took body

just my opinion, bc i dont know what else would make sense here

That's an interesting theory but drug dealers probably check to make sure the area is clear before making a deal. Plus they wouldn't do it near lunchtime on a bright summer day. Any other type of criminal also would have checked around before doing anything wrong. It's just hard to imagine him stumbling on a random crime at 11AM on a Wednesday morning in a residential area.

The hit-and-run theory is getting less popular. The video of the walkthrough his neighborhood shows too much activity for it to have gone unnoticed.
That's an interesting theory but drug dealers probably check to make sure the area is clear before making a deal. Plus they wouldn't do it near lunchtime on a bright summer day. Any other type of criminal also would have checked around before doing anything wrong. It's just hard to imagine him stumbling on a random crime at 11AM on a Wednesday morning in a residential area.

The hit-and-run theory is getting less popular. The video of the walkthrough his neighborhood shows too much activity for it to have gone unnoticed.
I’ve actually witnessed drug deals in broad daylight. Often the drug dealers will do what people think they’d never do because are police going to be combing the streets at 11am looking for a drug deal going down randomly in the street? Not saying that’s the case here, but just saying it sure does happen.
I’ve actually witnessed drug deals in broad daylight. Often the drug dealers will do what people think they’d never do because are police going to be combing the streets at 11am looking for a drug deal going down randomly in the street? Not saying that’s the case here, but just saying it sure does happen.
Yep. There was one just up my street a few months ago. In the middle of an intersection with a busy road just ahead at noon on a Sunday. The guy was shot dead. There were multiple witnesses.

Not that I believe this is what happened to Jason, but I think there would have been some sort of a commotion. He disappeared in a quiet, unseen manner. Makes me think it was something far more sinister.
I read the above quote before it was deleted. Jason's vanishing is so mysterious that it sounds perfectly believable to me. As does the sighting of him near the gas station near the school.

Only thing I don't buy is that Jason took his own life or that he left to start a new life somewhere since Jason, by all accounts, was not street savvy at all, and just wouldn't have been able to pull off secretly running away without anyone ever finding him (even if he did want to).
I read the above quote before it was deleted. Jason's vanishing is so mysterious that it sounds perfectly believable to me. As does the sighting of him near the gas station near the school.

Only thing I don't buy is that Jason took his own life or that he left to start a new life somewhere since Jason, by all accounts, was not street savvy at all, and just wouldn't have been able to pull off secretly running away without anyone ever finding him (even if he did want to).

I agree. Nothing infuriates me more than that kind of lame, cheap explanation. Very, very few people just get up and leave without telling a soul - and without having any means whatsoever to contact them - and you never hear from them again - it can happen/has happened - but it's very, very unlikely - and in this case, I'd say impossible to have happened.
Only thing I don't buy is that Jason took his own life or that he left to start a new life somewhere since Jason, by all accounts, was not street savvy at all, and just wouldn't have been able to pull off secretly running away without anyone ever finding him (even if he did want to).
Wishful thinking, and knowing the family a little, I used to hope this was a possibility. I had heard rumors that Jason's dad had wanted him to join the seminary, and that Jason might have revolted against that idea, but that was just neighborhood gossip.

It was estimated that Jason had $60 in his pocket, a debit card that he never used, and a cell phone that made no calls. In those days, a lot of people didn't know that your phone could be tracked to the cell tower it might have pinged off of. (now it's in every crime show, every case on the evening news, and with GPS, they can track your location)

He would have needed help to cover his tracks that well, financially and coaching. Had he been robbed, however, I would think the perps would have tried to access his card and phone. They would have had to have been wise to that as well.

Jason had a paycheck at Fazoli's that he never picked up. Maybe that check was not going to be cut for another week, but you would think he would have needed that cash to run on his own.
Wishful thinking, and knowing the family a little, I used to hope this was a possibility. I had heard rumors that Jason's dad had wanted him to join the seminary, and that Jason might have revolted against that idea, but that was just neighborhood gossip.

It was estimated that Jason had $60 in his pocket, a debit card that he never used, and a cell phone that made no calls. In those days, a lot of people didn't know that your phone could be tracked to the cell tower it might have pinged off of. (now it's in every crime show, every case on the evening news, and with GPS, they can track your location)

He would have needed help to cover his tracks that well, financially and coaching. Had he been robbed, however, I would think the perps would have tried to access his card and phone. They would have had to have been wise to that as well.

Jason had a paycheck at Fazoli's that he never picked up. Maybe that check was not going to be cut for another week, but you would think he would have needed that cash to run on his own.
Based on what little we've been told, harming himself and/or voluntarily running away are very low on my list of possibilities of what happened to Jason. Unless there was something about his home or personal life that would drive him to do either of those that we don't know about, like undiagnosed mental health issues or a big fight with his parents, I just don't see them happening.
Do you happen to know which neighbor's house was searched? If so, was it the one on Pinkney where the gentleman who claimed he was possibly the last person to see Jason lives, or a different one? Also, I wanted to thank you for being here.
I had heard rumors that Jason's dad had wanted him to join the seminary, and that Jason might have revolted against that idea, but that was just neighborhood gossip.
Well the seminary thing is definitely more than rumor since an article about his disppearance mentioned he was in communication with an religious organization in St. Louis. Now whether or not this was Jason's choice is unknown, but seems odd since he was said to want to be a DJ. I always wondered if maybe his parents didn't believe in his dream of being a DJ and were totally fine with him having to drop out of the program. Perhaps being a customer service rep at SITEL was like a "last resort" for a career in their eyes, and if that failed then off to the seminary. Speculation of course.
Do you happen to know which neighbor's house was searched? If so, was it the one on Pinkney where the gentleman who claimed he was possibly the last person to see Jason lives, or a different one? Also, I wanted to thank you for being here.
The man who probably saw JJ last was the neighbor across Pinkney. Kind, African-American man that you have probably seen in some of the videos about this case. He was at the 20 year memorial. I saw him in the video someone posted here from one of the crime podcasts taking out his garbage. He is a retire of one of the railroads (not Union Pacific).

I had not heard of any houses being searched until I joined this forum, but I can't believe it was his, unless because he was the last witness the police asked, and he accepted. Again, the police never even knocked on my door, and my backyard butted up to theirs.

I heard about the case from my mom, who knew the Jolkowskies through St. Vincent DePaul Society. It was probably a week old by that time. I walked down to the house that evening. Expressed my concern and asked if there was anything I could help with. That is the longest conversation I ever had with them. Later I talked to JJ's uncle at SITEL. He and I both worked IT. I had an order come through to put JJ into the intranet system from HR. They hadn't even been notified yet. Everyone was in disbelief. Because JJ never had a starting date at SITEL, there was never any talk about it there. The radio station ran missing person ads for a long time. In his short time, he apparently made an impression there. The whole neighborhood displayed yellow ribbons for a couple of years.
The man who probably saw JJ last was the neighbor across Pinkney. Kind, African-American man that you have probably seen in some of the videos about this case. He was at the 20 year memorial. I saw him in the video someone posted here from one of the crime podcasts taking out his garbage. He is a retire of one of the railroads (not Union Pacific).

I had not heard of any houses being searched until I joined this forum, but I can't believe it was his, unless because he was the last witness the police asked, and he accepted. Again, the police never even knocked on my door, and my backyard butted up to theirs.

I heard about the case from my mom, who knew the Jolkowskies through St. Vincent DePaul Society. It was probably a week old by that time. I walked down to the house that evening. Expressed my concern and asked if there was anything I could help with. That is the longest conversation I ever had with them. Later I talked to JJ's uncle at SITEL. He and I both worked IT. I had an order come through to put JJ into the intranet system from HR. They hadn't even been notified yet. Everyone was in disbelief. Because JJ never had a starting date at SITEL, there was never any talk about it there. The radio station ran missing person ads for a long time. In his short time, he apparently made an impression there. The whole neighborhood displayed yellow ribbons for a couple of years.
Thank you for the insight.

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