NE NE - Jason Jolkowski, 19, Omaha, 13 June 2001 - #1

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Thank you. We're working on local media attention, as others have worked on national. We'll have a special poster uploaded during that timeframe, too.

Spread the word in anyway that you can. Place posters and pray.
Published with permission.

Missing Inaction

The families of two missing Nebraskans have gained renewed hope for finding their loved ones, thanks to a Pennsylvania philanthropist.

Jason Jolkowski of Omaha and Gina Bos of Lincoln are among a score of missing persons whose cases could get a boost from businessman Joe Mammana. The millionaire launched a campaign offering rewards of $100,000 each for 20 missing person’s cases, after hearing about a worldwide concert tour created by Bos’s sister, Jannel Rap.

The reward fund will be available Nov. 5-24, and will be paid to anyone with information that either leads to the missing person’s recovery or to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator responsible for the disappearance.

Mammana made news when he offered rewards in the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway in Aruba. And an Ohio anti-crime group has threatened to file suit after Mammana refused to pay $31,000 dollars for information that led to a suspect’s arrest in the slaying of an Ohio State University student. Mammana said he would only pay for information that leads to a conviction, and that case hasn’t been decided.

Bos, a singer/songwriter and mother of three, vanished Oct. 17, 2000, after performing at Duggan’s Pub in Lincoln. Rap lined up more than 180 bands to play on the Squeaky Wheel Tour across the United States and in nine countries this past fall to generate awareness for missing persons.

The announcement came as a relief to the family of Jason Jolkowski, a Benson High graduate who was 19 when he disappeared June 13, 2001 from the driveway of his family’s home in Omaha.

His mother, Kelly Jolkowski, says that with an average of 105,000 open missing person’s cases in America at any given time, the odds of being selected as one of the 20 cases were astronomical. While no one has led authorities closer to solving her son’s disappearance, “we hope that money makes them talk,” she said.

After Jason went missing, his family set up Project Jason, a nonprofit organization that assists families of the missing nationwide. They also passed Jason’s Law in Nebraska, establishing a searchable public database of missing adults and children.

“We help other families find their missing loved ones, but we don’t have ours back,” Kelly Jolkowski said. With this month’s added reward, “they want to give us that opportunity,” she said.

Coping with the loss of a loved one is difficult, but “the ambiguous loss [that occurs] when you don’t know what you’re grieving for” can be unbearable, Jolkowski said.

“It doesn’t get easier,” she said. “It’s Thanksgiving in a couple weeks. There’s still an empty place at the table. And there’s still a hole in our hearts.” ,

Anyone with information about Jason Jolkowski should call 444.5818. Anyone with information about Gina Bos should call 441.7204. Information about their cases can be found at and at

09 Nov 2006
Geraldo Rivera is featuring the 2 Million Dollar Story on his show, Geraldo at Large. you can watch a video about Beatrice's recovery in the archive. Click on the 11/9 link. The other 19 missing persons are shown briefly. Here's the link:

Geraldo At Large - Video Archive
I hope a reward can bring you the answers you need. I hope you and your family are doing OK, Kelly. My thoughts are with you and your family, especially with the holidays coming up.
Thanks sisters. We're doing good right now.

Published with permission:

Human Remains Found
Authorities: Skeleton belonged to a woman
Human Remains Found near Glenwood

Iowa's Division of Criminal Investigation says human skeletal remains were found in rural Mills County at about 9:00 a.m. Tuesday.

Workers on a Mills County farm just northwest of Glenwood off of Interstate 29 discovered the body and called authorities.

Investigators arrived and found the body in very bad condition. They say the remains consisted mostly of a skeleton.

DCI officials did say that it was a woman's skeleton, but they have not released the approximate age of the person.

"There's clothes, and things like that, that we're looking at right now and seeing what we might be able to match up and what we can use to identify her," said DCI Special Agent David Dales.

Kelly Jolkowski knows the routine all to well when human remains are found. She is still waiting for answers concerning the disappearance of her son Jason, who has been missing for more than five years.

"You have dual emotions because your heart breaks for what is going on," Jolkowski said. "You want to know what happened to the person. On the other hand, someone has their answer."

Last year, Nebraska lawmakers passed "Jason's Law" to establish a missing persons clearing house through the state patrol. In one week alone, almost 40 people are reported missing.

Jolkowski is working to pass a similar law on the national level. (My note: This is a grassroots effort to pass a law in each state, not on the national level.)

Meanwhile, Douglas County authorities tell Channel 6 there is one high-profile case that Tuesday's remains are not likely to solve. Chief Sheriff's Deputy Marty Bilek says the department does not believe the skeleton in Mills County belonged to Jessica O'Grady. The 19-year-old went missing in May and is presumed dead. Her boyfriend, Chris Edwards, is set to stand trial for her murder next year.
Bumping up for Jason, and all who love him..those who continue to search and to hope... May Jason be home soon...
Thinking of Jason and his family, today and every day...
Just to let you know that you and Jason are never far from my mind and that today especially, I will carry you and Jason very close to my heart and make special mention of Jason at Jennifer and Adrianna's Christmas vigil tonight.
Just thinkin' of you, Kelly, and Jason, and all of your family. I hope you all take some time for yourselves over the coming holidays.
Here's hoping for answers for Kelly in the new year. Somebody knows something, please bring Jason home to his family.
Kelly, I'm always thinking of Jason and praying for your family. God bless you for channeling your pain into so much good work for other missing people. May 2007 bring you answers about your son, and prayerfully, a safe homecoming to you. Hugs!!
Happy 2007 Kelly , Jason & Family

May this be the year that Jason comes home again.
new person here,

Jolkowski family I'm so sorry this has happened. My heart bleeds for you. I hope Jason is found safe asap. It's very noble of you to help so many others whose loved ones have also disappeared.

This is truly the most bizzare missing person's case I've ever heard of! Lemme get some things straight. So Jason's brother saw Jason bringing the trashcans in, just glanced outside and noticed him and then went back to whatever he was doing. And some neighbors noticed him putting the trashcans away too, yes? But then they went inside or turned away, whatever. So conceivably somebody could've driven up to your home and snatched Jason and sped off? He may not even have walked anywhere. Is the route Jason would've took to the high school residential or business? Quiet or busy? Safe area? Did Jason have any mental problems? mentally disabled at all? Is it possible he may have hitchhiked? (doubt it) I heard on the Montel segment that he liked to take walks. Long walks? Did he ever stay out longer than you expected? Have there been any other missing persons cases in your area....male, late teens, dark hair, just walking somewhere? Were there ever any real leads? I'm sure you had some tips come in but was there ever any that led somewhere or did it turn out somebody was just taking a shot in the dark and it had nothing to do with Jason? Did the police use bloodhounds to trace his scent?

This is ridiculous. What on Earth could've happened to this boy!? :(
I just can't believe he was walking to his school a few blocks away on a nice summer day and he vanishes. Tragic.

what does everybody think happened?

Thanks for caring and for your questions. I would guess that most of the answers are elsewhere in this thread, but I will answer.

We have no idea what happened. We live in an older, fairly quiet residential area, but there are bad areas within 8 blocks away. Yes, someone could have taken him from near the driveway, but no one heard anything, and there were also two ladies out walking who did not hear or see anything.

He never did worry us by staying out too late and, as far, as I know, he did not walk further away than places in the neighborhood. He just did not mind walking. He has learning disabilities which could make him gullible. There are no other cases we know of in this area that are similar. There have been no viable leads, ever. No search dogs were used. We did not know of such things at that time, and it rained heavily two days after he disappeared.

Everything and everyone associated with him and the case has been thoroughly checked out and some persons even questioned as many as 3 times.
Okay, thank you for taking the time to respond. I was a little confused because some of the reports said he was waiting for his carpool in front of the house.

I read over some of the previous pages and you should absolutely be allowed to see the case files. You're his mother and the authorities should be letting you in on everything and making it clear to YOU that they are checking any leads, you shouldn't have to wonder if they're doing their job and especially since it was a while ago...they should still take this seriously. This is the last thing you need, wondering if the cops are helping. You mentioned you wouldn't be able to afford a PI but then eventually you did end up hiring one? (you wrote you wouldn't wanna be on the other end of his interrogations) I hope you ended up getting one. It's ridiculous the cops aren't even helping you search sex offenders in your area from that time. They said it's wasn't a sex offender beause it's not their "M.O."? Nonsense, there is no evidence in this case so there can be no M.O. to go on. All we know is that your boy has disappeared without a trace. Of course sex offenders DO kidnap people. Obviously some of the posts I've been reading over were written a while ago, I certainly hope you've had some success in hiring a PI and getting the police to not keep you out.

This always sticks with me because I happened to be in Omaha during that time and was leaving that very morning June 13th, 2001 (I was in town for the College World Series)

Thank you for everything you've done, you're an incredibly strong person. I don't think I'd be able to function if I had to go through what you've endured. You're very selfless. Best wishes.
The "carpool" statement was something media messed up on in the beginning and never really corrected. I would not refer to getting a one-time ride to work as a "carpool".

LE doesn't have to share their information. If parents want the case files opened to them, that would involve a lengthy and costly court proceeding which is generally not successful and that we could never afford. Even if a person could afford to do this, and did succeed, it would be difficult for a family to use the information without emotion. In certain situations, this could cause more problems than it might solve, and even cause harm if things get carried away and the family is dealing with less than scrupulous persons. If the family trusts that LE is taking action, they should leave it in their hands.

We decided that we trust the LE are doing what they can at this point. We have a different detective on the case, and he has checked into the SO issue. We did have a pro-bono PI at one time, but there was nothing more he could check out. We cannot afford a PI either. Most can't.
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