GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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Thank you to whichever mod changed Juliette's thread title.
When I saw GUILTY there I cried all over again. :tears:

It's not complete Justice but we can't have everything in life I guess.
It's as close as we will get to Justice... so hopefully it's enough for you Juliette.
Hopefully you can keep your siblings safe... they need somebody to do it. :tantrum:







Bless Juliette's heart.
Thank you Aunt Monica.
Thank you jury.

Anything I have to say to the egg donor & sperm donor, would get me banned & send my granny spinning in her grave.
Thank goodness! JUSTICE FOR JULIETTE! Thank goodness Monica pushed and pushed for this.
PRAISE GOD this jury got it right! GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY

Charyse and Casey really need to take a deep look into their hearts (if they have one) and ask themselves do they even deserve to raise their living children. They both betrayed this beautiful little angel girl.

So happy for Monica for fighting the fight for Juliette.

I know that Lisa Guerrero (Inside Edition) is in Gering and will be doing a follow-up on Juliette's case.
So glad to finally get a guilty verdict in this and so baffled as to why the parents have reunited and refuse to testify or want justice for their deceased daughter. What is the mother trying to hide and why does the dad support her in that? Something is very wrong there.
Charyse and Casey.jpg
Recent photo of Charyse and Casey - Juliette's mom and dad (If you can call them that seeing as they betrayed her.)
Good question. Why wouldn't Charyse testify? Because the defense would have blamed her instead of Brandon. And they'd be right. She knew full well Juliette was being beaten. She likely beat her/them regularly.
I remember back at the beginning the babysitter said the kids were dirty and came in smelly clothes and that she often bathed them. Shuhreess was a poor excuse for a mother from day 1.

But could they indict her for murder/manslaughter? No, she has immunity, right?
I just have to confess that all this time I had been saying her name "CHU-Reese."
Like Chick.
Oops. Not that I really care. I just found it funny. :giggle:
Justice ... Finally ... For Juliette
Geurts family celebrates guilty verdict

As the family of Juliette Geurts exited a Scotts Bluff County District courtroom, they celebrated Thursday.
They shouted. They cried. They hugged each other.

They finally had justice. Justice for Juliette.

Maunette Loeks ‏@mloeks 57m57 minutes ago

I've covered this story from home ... hotel rooms ... court rooms over 6 1/2 years. Finally, Justice for Juliette.
Mom Believed Boyfriend Beat Her Daughter To Death, But Refused To Testify


Guerrero tracked down Charyse in Wisconsin and she also pointed the finger at her ex-boyfriend.

Guerrero asked, “Did Dustin kill her?”

“Yeah, I believe that he did it,” she replied.


As she was leaving the detention center, Guerrero caught up with her again and asked,
“How do you feel about Dustin being convicted?

But Charyse stayed mum.

“As a mother, why wouldn't you want to testify against the man you told me killed your daughter?”
Guerrero asked, referring to her 2012 interview.

But Charyse’s only response was “Can you please leave me alone?
Here she is leaving jail with Casey Geurts, the father of Juliette.

Lisa Guererro, who was instrumental in this journey for justice for Juliette caught up to the mother.

I followed this case way back when and have only done drive by's in the years that followed with dwindling hope. Congratulations to all of the loved ones and supporters who finally saw a little bit of justice done. I have no kind words for bio mom whatsoever.
Dustin Chauncey has been sentenced to 80 years to life.

(unfortunately Charyse Geurts is free to do what she pleases)

The beating suffered by the toddler had been barbaric, Zimmerman said. He described the girl as having been "kicked in the belly so hard that her liver exploded," "punched in the chest so hard that it bruised her lung" and beat in the head so badly that she suffered bleeds to the brain. The girl, who had suffered a febrile seizure earlier on the night of her death, only wanted the comfort of her mother and Chauncey had been angry because the girl interrupted him and the girl's mother, Charyse Geurts, in the bedroom.

She was helpless, defenseless, and left to die by Chauncey, Zimmerman said. He outlined Chauncey's arrest record, which involved a juvenile record from as young as 14 years of age and a history of assault. He said that it was "absolutely, crystal clear" that Chauncey deserved to be sentenced on the life end of a 20-year to life sentencing scale.
I somehow missed that this was even a possible sentence. :thud:
Awesome! :woot:

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