GUILTY NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, brutally murdered, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 #4 *Boswell appeal 2023*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Danielle Shenk NTV @DaniShenkNTV
  • A sign that Loofe knew something was off was that the makeup bag Sydney always took with her, was lying on the bed with her glasses in them. Loofe said if Sydney was going anywhere for a long period of time, both those things would be with her.
  • Loofe, along with law enforcement, went to Sydney’s home in Lincoln only to find no sign of her daughter.
Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW @bayleybischof
  • Susie and George Loofe drove back to NeLeigh the night of Nov. 13. It's the last time they saw Sydney in person.
  • Susie is walking through the last few days she spent with her daughter. Sydney went home for the weekend the week she went missing, and her parents drove to Lincoln with her Sunday night so they could take her to a doctor's appointment Monday morning.
Danielle Shenk NTV @DaniShenkNTV
  • The prosecution finished their questioning of Loofe with pictures of Sydney in different outfits, including items that were found during the search, and tattoos that she had.
  • One particular tattoo being the upper inside of her right arm saying, “Everything will be okay some day.”
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Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

Sydney worked at 12:00 p.m. on the 15th and left work early with permission. She was scheduled to work at 6:30 a.m. on the 16th, but she never showed up. Her boss sent employees to drive by Sydney's home and she even went herself after she got off work on the 16th.

She said police were there when she showed up, and she saw Sydney's car was still at the house and Sydney's Menards apron was on the couch inside her house.

She said the next day, on Nov. 17, Sydney was scheduled to work again and she and other employees stood in the parking lot waiting for Sydney's car to drive into the parking lot. It never did.

The defense asked the boss only a few questions, if she was aware of Sydney's marijuana use, which she wasn't, and if she was aware of Sydney's depression which she said she was.
Danielle Shenk NTV

Law enforcement gained access to Sydney's apartment on the 17th through an unlocked window. Through the search of her apartment, they found no signs of a struggle or Sydney Loofe.

Lincoln Police Department Sergeant Tyler Cooper is now on the witness stand. The prosecution is questioning him about the search of Sydney’s apartment.

The defense is now taking their turn questioning Sgt. Cooper about his search of Sydney’s apartment. Cooper noted a laptop that was found belonging to a friend who was in Kansas City at the time.

Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

Cooper told the prosecution he was there when police searched Sydney's home. He said they found no signs of a struggle, but thought it was unusual her purse and her car were at the home, but her wallet and keys were gone.

He said it was apparent she either never made it home or left her home willingly.
Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

Cooper said they checked Sydney's prescription bottles to ensure there wasn't evidence of an overdose. He said it appeared a normal amount of pills were gone from the bottles.

Danielle Shenk NTV

Cooper says as the team was leaving her apartment, they locked up, turned the lights off, and notified neighbors to contact them if they saw anything. Officers were told to keep an eye on the area.

Lincoln Police Department Captain Jake Dilsaver was involved with the investigation process and now takes the stand.

Dilsaver discusses pinging Sydney's phone on November 16th and how it had been inactive for about 24 hours. The last known location being in Wilbur, Nebraska.

Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

The next witness was Lincoln Police Captain Jake Dilsaver. He was working third shift the night Sydney was reported missing. He said he assigned an officer to continue searching for Sydney near her home, and also requested a "ping" on her cellphone.

The "ping" showed Sydney's phone hadn't been active in about 24 hours, and it was last used in the Wilber area. Dilsaver said he called Susie Loofe to ask if she knew why Sydney would be in that area and Susie said she didn't know, thought maybe she was just traveling through.
Danielle Shenk NTV

  • Sydney's longtime friend Brittney Flinn takes the witness stand as she shares details about their friendship and the last time she spent time with her.
  • Brittney and Sydney were together the weekend before she went missing as they attended the craft show in Neligh, Nebraska.
  • Brittney exchanged texts with Sydney on the 14th about the date she went on with "Audrey Cain" or Bailey Boswell. Sydney sent Brittney a picture of Boswell.
Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

  • A childhood friend of Sydney's, Brittany Flinn, is the next witness. She said she was friends with Sydney for 16 years and the two were roommates at one point in Norfolk as well. Even when they didn't live together, Brittany said she and Sydney talked weekly.
  • Flinn, through tears, described her last visit with Sydney. She said Sydney was home in Neliegh and went to a craft show with her home. There, Flinn said she ran into Sydney with her mom and young daughter.
  • Flinn said texted with Sydney on the 14th. Sydney told Flinn she had been on a date, Sydney sent Flinn a photo of a girl she had gone on a date with. That girl, was Bailey Boswell. It was a screenshot of her Tinder profile, the name read "Audrey"
  • Once Flinn found out Sydney was missing, she sent this photo of Bailey Boswell, then known as "Audrey," to Sydney's little sister Mackenzie.
Danielle Shenk NTV

  • Flinn's time on the stand ended after discussion about Tinder and the last time she was in contact with Sydney.
Danielle Shenk NTV

  • Coworker and friend Brooklyn McCrystal takes the stand as she discusses their "relaxed" friendship. McCrystal says they would run errands, clean, watch movies, and just hang out.
  • McCrystal learned that Sydney was missing on Nov. 16th after contact with Sydney's younger sister, McKenzie. McCrystal received a picture of "Audrey" to see who Sydney went on the date with the night before.
  • "I made an account to match with her," said McCrystal, "I wanted to match with her so we could find Sydney." McCrystal made the decision to make a Tinder account to try and find "Audrey" which she did after some time.
  • "She was the only one I swiped right on, so I knew it was her," said McCrystal, “I’m going to find Sydney." She shared that she was excited to finally match with "Audrey" on Friday the 17th, which they began conversation about meeting up.
Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

  • Another one of Sydney's friends is on the stand now, Brooklyn McCrystal. Brooklyn met Sydney while they both worked at Menards. They hung out and talked almost every day. Brooklyn helped the police track down Bailey Boswell as a person of interest in the case.
  • After Brooklyn found out Sydney was missing, she got ahold of the photo of the "Audrey" that Sydney had gone on a date with. Brooklyn said she knew Sydney met "Audrey" on Tinder, and also knew that date was the last known place Sydney had been.
  • Brooklyn said she created a Tinder account with the goal to find and match with "Audrey" because she thought it would help her find Sydney. She found "Audrey" and matched with her, started talking to her and got her phone number.
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Danielle Shenk NTV

Once McCrystal got "Audrey" to text her instead of messaging on Tinder, she notified the police she's been in contact with "Audrey" or Bailey Boswell. Law enforcement told McCrystal to mention Beatrice, Nebraska when trying to find a location of where "Audrey" lives at.

Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

Once she got the phone number, Brooklyn and "Audrey" start texting and try to make plans to meet up. "Audrey" said she's busy but might be free one day during the weekend. Brooklyn told the police about the number she got and they told her to try and get "Audrey's" location.
Danielle Shenk NTV

  • Testimony is underway again for this afternoon's session of the #baileyboswelltrial as we continue with Brooklyn McCrystal, Sydney's friend that created a Tinder account to match with "Audrey Cain" or Bailey Boswell.
  • The defense is questioning McCrystal if she knew the person she was contacting, "Audrey Cain," was really even Bailey Boswell. Making the point that McCrystal had no way to verify who she was really talking to.
Sorry I was going to try to add on to this from the reporters' tweets but I lack skills!
But did see that prosecution had LE testify about phone links to Pinger app and Verizon IP. Sounds like Defense raised possibility of others accessing the IP address but not sure what else. (Per Shenk tweets.)

Imagining her coworkers standing in parking lot hoping she'd drive in. So tragic.
Tuesday, Sept. 29th:
*Trial continues (Day 3/Day 5 per twitter) (@ 9am CT) - NE - Sydney Loofe (24) (Nov. 15, 2017, Lincoln; found Dec. 4 & 5, 2017) – *Bailey M. Boswell (23/now 25) charged & indicted (6/11/18) & arraigned (8/6/18) with 1st degree murder & improper disposal of human remains & charged (3/1/19) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP.
*Charged (8/9/19) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty.
Trial began with jury selection on 9/23/20 & trial began on 9/25/20. (thru 10/16/20). Saline County to Lexington, Dawson County for trial. Jurors: 8 men & 7 women.
Court info & Jury Selection (thru Day 2) & Trial (Day 1) 3/3/20 thru 9/25/20 reference post #474 here:
Found Deceased - NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 *Aubrey Trail GUILTY* #4

9/28/20 Day 2 of Trial: State witnesses: Susan Loofe (mother of Sydney). Sydney's boss at Menards (no name given). Lincoln Police Sergeant Tyler Cooper. He was the supervisor during the original welfare check at Sydney's home the night of the 16th when she was reported missing. Lincoln Police Captain Jake Dilsaver. He was working third shift the night Sydney was reported missing. He said he assigned an officer to continue searching for Sydney near her home, and also requested a "ping" on her cellphone. It had been inactive for about 24 hours. The last known location being in Wilbur, Nebraska. Brittany Flinn (Sydney's childhood friend & one time roommate). Exchanged texts with Sydney on the 14th about the date she went on with "Audrey Cain" or Bailey Boswell. Sydney sent Brittney a picture of Boswell. Brooklyn McCrystal. Met Sydney while they both worked at Menards & helped the police track down Bailey Boswell as a person of interest in the case & created a Tinder account to "match up" with Boswell. Lincoln Police Department Officer Joseph Yandrick, who became involved in the missing person&'s case for Sydney. Lincoln Police Investigator Cameron Cleland (contacted "Audrey" on 11/16 & 11/17/17). Saline County Sheriff’s Deputy Dillon Semrad, who had experience with tracking phone numbers, starting looking into who was behind the number. Trial continues to 9/29/20.
*Aubrey C. Trail (51/now 53) – Found guilty of all charges 7/8/19. A 3-judge panel will hear penalty phase. 11/15/19: Judge denies Trail’s death penalty challenge. Judge denies motion for new trial. Aggravation & Mitigation hearings on 12/15 thru 12/18/20.
The rest of yesterday afternoon:

Bailey Boswell Trial Day 4: Witnesses describe last days spent with Sydney Loofe, early days of investigation

On the morning of Nov. 17, McCrystal had matched with “Audrey” on Tinder, the two started talking and eventually McCrystal got a phone number. She turned that phone number over to the police.

Lincoln Police Investigator Cameron Cleland said he called it and talked to who he thought was “Audrey” on Nov. 16.

“Audrey” told Cleland she went on a date with Sydney the night of the 15th. She said they drove around, smoked marijuana and then she dropped Sydney off at a friends house near 56th and Cornhusker and never saw her again.

Cleland talked to “Audrey” again on Nov. 17, he said he knew she was being evasive and not telling the whole truth, so he took photos of “Audrey” to Wilber to try and find out who she was and where she lived.

Cleland also passed the phone number of “Audrey” to the Saline County Sheriff’s Office, where Saline County Sheriff’s Deputy Dillon Semrad, who had experience with tracking phone numbers, starting looking into who was behind the number.

Semrad said he was able to find out it was a fake “Pinger” phone number created by a third party app. He reached out to the app, “Pinger” and was able to find the IP addresses the phone used. He told the jury that using those IP addresses, he was able to find out it was a Verizon phone number, and eventually get the number and the name on the account. The prosecution said this would eventually tie that number back to Bailey Boswell, showing that she was the person behind the “Audrey” account.

The defense asked Deputy Semrad one question- whether or not you could tell who was using the phone at the time the messages were sent from the “Pinger” number, he said no.

Testimony wrapped up after Deputy Semrad.

The prosecution will continue calling witnesses Tuesday morning.
Danielle Shenk NTV

  • Coworker and friend Brooklyn McCrystal takes the stand as she discusses their "relaxed" friendship. McCrystal says they would run errands, clean, watch movies, and just hang out.
  • McCrystal learned that Sydney was missing on Nov. 16th after contact with Sydney's younger sister, McKenzie. McCrystal received a picture of "Audrey" to see who Sydney went on the date with the night before.
  • "I made an account to match with her," said McCrystal, "I wanted to match with her so we could find Sydney." McCrystal made the decision to make a Tinder account to try and find "Audrey" which she did after some time.
  • "She was the only one I swiped right on, so I knew it was her," said McCrystal, “I’m going to find Sydney." She shared that she was excited to finally match with "Audrey" on Friday the 17th, which they began conversation about meeting up.
Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

  • Another one of Sydney's friends is on the stand now, Brooklyn McCrystal. Brooklyn met Sydney while they both worked at Menards. They hung out and talked almost every day. Brooklyn helped the police track down Bailey Boswell as a person of interest in the case.
  • After Brooklyn found out Sydney was missing, she got ahold of the photo of the "Audrey" that Sydney had gone on a date with. Brooklyn said she knew Sydney met "Audrey" on Tinder, and also knew that date was the last known place Sydney had been.
  • Brooklyn said she created a Tinder account with the goal to find and match with "Audrey" because she thought it would help her find Sydney. She found "Audrey" and matched with her, started talking to her and got her phone number.

Wow! Kudos to Brooklyn for her dedication and sleuthing skills to help find her friend! That's amazing. We could all use a friend like her.
Bayley Bischof 1011 NOW

The prosecution is continuing to call witnesses in the Bailey Boswell trial- this morning, they're talking to Alan Koll, Trail and Boswell's landlord in Wilber.

A Saline County Sheriff's Deputy testified before Koll that he was involved in the initial search of the house in Wilber on the night of Nov. 18, 2017. He said he only looked to check for people who were injured or in need of help, didn't find anyone and locked up.

The deputy said while he was at the home, the Koll's did talk about the strong smell of bleach.

The defense is asking Koll more about the conversation surrounding the decision to rent the apartment. He says Trail did most of the talking, Bailey seemed shy. The defense asked if Trail seemed controlling, Koll said no. Trail asked Bailey if she wanted to rent the apartment.

Jennifer Koll, Alan's wife is the next witness.

She says she took her daughter to get her braces off on Nov. 16 2017, and came home that afternoon to discover a strong smell of bleach in her garage and her entire home.

She's allergic. She says she started getting nauseous and had to open all the windows and had to go outside to get fresh air.

She was looking for the source of the smell, walking through her home. She says the further she got down the stairs, the stronger the smell.

During an interview with police after Loofe went missing, Koll said thought she saw Loofe at her home in the summer of 2017 while she was mowing. Now, though, she says she couldn't be sure, that she just saw a blonde.

The witness on now is Nebraska State Patrol Investigator Pedro Nabegh. He was part of the first search warrant serve at Boswell and Trail's apartment in Wilber. Right now, they're going through the photos he took during the search.

Among the items found in the apartment, were multiple bottles of bleach.

Danielle Shenk NTV

One of Nabegh's photos shows the kitchen sink with an evidence marker. He says it indicated they had collected swabs from near the sink's drain to preserve any potential evidence from that area.
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Danielle Shenk NTV

Next to take the stand is the Koll's son Dayton. He was living in a room in the basement during the time that Boswell and Trial were residing there.

Dayton was home the night of November 15th and doesn't recall any loud noises or screaming, but did smell a slight smell of bleach. That smell became stronger the morning of the 16th, but he says nothing else was different.

The defense questioned Dayton about the location of his apartment in reference to Boswell's and the structure of his door.. He stood by his answers of not hearing any loud noises the night of the 15th into the morning of the 16th.
Danielle Shenk NTV

A second search of the Trail/Boswell residence was conducted on November 22nd. Photos revealed streaks that were found on "a good portion" of the wall, according to Nabegh.

Items were also found in a search of a silver Chrysler 300 outside of the Wilbur residence. Two wooden club-like weapons were found along with a small knife. The owner of the vehicle was never identified.

Another vehicle was later searched. Other miscellaneous items were found in the black Ford 500, including the registration for the vehicle belonging to Aubrey Trail.
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Wednesday, Sept. 20th:
*Trial continues (Day 4) (@ 9am CT) - NE - Sydney Loofe (24) (Nov. 15, 2017, Lincoln; found Dec. 4 & 5, 2017) – *Bailey M. Boswell (23/now 25) charged & indicted (6/11/18) & arraigned (8/6/18) with 1st degree murder & improper disposal of human remains & charged (3/1/19) & recharged (8/9/19) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP.
Trial began with jury selection on 9/23/20 & trial began on 9/25/20. (thru 10/16/20). Saline County to Lexington, Dawson County for trial. Jurors: 8 men & 7 women.
Court info & Jury Selection (thru Day 2) & Trial (thru Day 2) 3/3/20 thru 9/28/20 reference post #490 here:
Found Deceased - NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 *Aubrey Trail GUILTY* #4

9/28/20 Day 3 of Trial: State witnesses: Saline County Sheriff's Deputy Tom Hudiburgh who was a part of the K9 unit for the team that searched for Sydney's body. Alan Koll (Trail & Boswell's landlord in Wilber). Jennifer Koll (Alan's wife). Dayton Koll (Koll's son). Nebraska State Patrol Investigator Pedro Nabegh. He was part of the first search warrant serve at Boswell & Trail's apartment in Wilber. LPD Investigator Cynthia Koening-Warnke who was a part of the search of the Trail/Boswell residence. FBI Special Agent Eli McBride. After contact with the Lincoln Police Dept, the FBI became involved in the case a little after Thanksgiving in 2017. Saline County Sergeant Richard Zimmerman He was a part of the search to find Sydney around the Wilber area. Lincoln Police Department Officer Matt Franken. Trial continues to 9/30/20.
*Aubrey C. Trail (51/now 53) – Found guilty of all charges 7/8/19. A 3-judge panel will hear penalty phase. 11/15/19: Judge denies Trail’s death penalty challenge. Judge denies motion for new trial. Aggravation & Mitigation hearings on 12/15 thru 12/18/20.
Following up with the finish of yesterday's testimony:

One of the investigators in on the search, is Nebraska State Patrol investigator Pedro Nabegh.

“We were looking for things that could establish a timeline for Sydney Loofe or the residents, for DNA evidence that could be Sydney Loofe’s or the residents for later comparisons,” Nabegh said.

Nabegh walked the jury through dozens of photos he took inside the (Wilbur) apartment.

They found a prescription bottle with the name Kaitlyn Brandle on it, a receipt with the name Anastasia Golyakova, bottles of bleach, a stained bedsheet and torn up receipts.

Prosecutor Mike Guinan held up the bleach bottles in court.

Nabegh confirmed they looked like the same bottles he saw in the house.

Defense attorney Todd Lancaster questioned him about this piece of evidence.

“Do you have any idea when they (the bleach) were purchased, when they were used,” Lancaster said. “All you know is they were in the house.”

“Correct,” Nabegh said.

Guinan also displayed the gray bedsheet that was taken off the bed.

Nabegh pointed out some yellow stains on the sheet.

During opening statements, prosecutor Sandra Allen said a sheet was found with Loofe’s body. Allen said the sheet appeared yellow, like it had been a darker fabric that was washed with bleach.

Lincoln Police Investigator Cynthia Koenig-Warnke was also involved in searches in the Wilber apartment.

Her role was to use lights and chemicals to look for blood evidence. She testified that she used a tool called BlueStar to test an area in the living room.

“It was a unique reaction I had never seen before,” Koenig-Warnke said. “It illuminated and it had that sparkle and it had a circular pattern. It was a unique reaction both to have some kind of false positive and illumination that was positive for blood.”

Koenig-Warnke said false positives can be caused by household cleaners, among other chemicals.

The next notable witness is Lincoln Police detective Matt Franken.

Franken helped fill in the blanks between Sydney’s disappearance and Boswell and Trail being arrested.

Franken said he became aware of Loofe’s disappearance on the 19th, and was immediately concerned.

“The circumstances surrounding her disappearance was very suspicious to us, the smell of bleach was very suspicious,” Franken said.

Franken’s first step was to go to Saline County to meet with Saline County Sergeant Richard Zimmerman to discuss the initial searches of Boswell and Trail’s apartment and to secure a search warrant for an in-depth search.

He said they then found out Boswell and Trail were traveling with a young blonde woman with a thick Russian accent in October, and once they found the antique receipt with her name on it, a crew headed to Antique Aardvark Mall.

Another team headed to Ameristar Casino in Council Bluffs.

The security at the hotel and casino had capture Boswell on surveillance video.

Franken said Boswell and Trail were seen on camera at the hotel with a third person identified as Kaitlyn Brandle on November 17.

By the time they arrived on the 19th, they weren’t there anymore.

“Typically in the 21st century, we catch a lot of people using their phones,” Franken said. “That wasn’t working so we had to do the things we did before cell phones existed.”

Franken said he found out Boswell’s grandmother was sick and would likely die very soon and her funeral would be the week of November 25. He said he had the FBI wait at the funeral in Leon, Iowa just in case Boswell showed up, which she didn’t.

They also started a tip-line. They got two tips that Boswell and Trail were spotted in Iowa.

At the end of it, it was Boswell and Trail who lead to their own arrest. Franken said they posted a video on Facebook which allowed police to track them to a hotel in Branson, Missouri on Nov. 30, 2017.

At this time, they still didn’t know where Loofe was.

Lincoln Police investigator Bob Hurley, who lead police to Loofe’s body using cellphone data is likely to testify Wednesday.

Bailey Boswell Trial Day 5: Boswell, Trail’s landlords discuss strong bleach smell
Danielle Shenk NTV

Day 6 of the #baileyboswelltrial and first on the witness stand is the general manager from the Days Inn in Iowa who recognized Aubrey Trail and Bailey Boswell as they were on the run.

Trail and Boswell make their way out of Iowa to a hotel in Branson, Missouri. Special Agent Dana Kreeger testifies about the search photo evidence taken of their hotel room.

A couple of cell phones were left behind in the hotel room and a receipt indicates the two had recently purchased the phones.

A fanny pack was found containing protein bars, a radio, and map. One bag that appeared to be recently purchased, had clothing with some of the tags still attached, according to Kreeger.

A bag containing hygiene items, protein bars, water bottles, winter clothing, walkie talkies, and a pay by month cell phone are amongst some of the numerous items seized, according to Backen.

Backen says a purple wallet, believed to be Boswell's, was found containing her driver's license, a will written by Trail, numerous cards, and a list of names. A wallet was also found for Trail.

The will stated that if anything were to happen to Trail, all of his possessions would go to Boswell.

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