Just a note: it hasn’t been said whether MacKenzie Lueck had ever met AA previously. Everyone has jumped to the conclusion that this was their first meeting, but that’s not confirmed at this point. *He* claimed they had never met before, but I’d say we can safely assume nothing he says is true.
And with Sydney, well, meeting a woman in person isn’t nearly as risky as meeting a man in person, generally speaking. While admittedly it was a quick search, I wasn’t able to find any cases of women murdering someone they met on a dating site other than Bailey Boswell.
The most common cases of women killing someone they met online seem to be women who lure and then kill pregnant women in order to take their babies.
People meet people online and then in real life all the time and rarely does something like this occur. I found this article from Nov 2018 reporting that worldwide, most women are killed by their partners or other family members.
Most Women Killed by Partners or Family, Global Homicide Report Says
And if you look at the many cases we see on WS, that seems to be pretty accurate.