Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 - #3

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Trails video interview was difficult to hear at times due to the acoustics of the courtroom and his speech which is often mumbled . In looking back at my notes there are a few things he said then often contradicted himself
He said the body was cut into 8 pieces ( not true) said it was cut this way due to the way she died. Said if this had been an intentional death it would have only been cut into 6 pieces. At first he denied knowing anything about the heart being missing but then a few minutes later talked about putting it in a container with blood so it would incarnate faster. He at one point said he drank the blood then said it was put in container

He indicated SL arrived at their apartment after that he called the other 2 girls. He would not divulge who they were but did say it took only 20 minutes for them to arrive. I think this is BS as kaitlyn and Ashlie both live a much further distance . He also said he wouldn’t divulge who they were but later named them and their part in the cleanup. He also indicated each person had to give up something with the evidence as an apology. He left a ring that meant a lot to him (not heard of this yet), Katie left a cat collar, BB left shoes. Someone left favorite sex toy-maybe Ashlie
He also indicated both he and BB wore sauna suits He was asked about the torn crotch in one but his response was mumbled
According to Trail after body was cut up and put into trunk he and BB dropped the other 2 off( how did they get there?) then drove to the “spot”. Said BB drove . Later moved body parts from trunk to back seat
When he was talking about drinking the blood he talked about the crazy women that come to his house. He said these 2 comments which make no sense to me.
“Katie crawling around house eating out of cat bowl” and “Ashlie wanting to skin people alive”
Then he goes on to say his house is all about Money sex and Women
He also said that after SL and the other girls arrived that they all went somewhere and this was before SL died in his bedroom
My thoughts are if there
was a fantasy of some sort the 2 girls were just actors not the buyers
I am only putting down what I heard and still believe AT is trying to bring others into it that may not have been there
I also think there was never a sex fantasy planned but an intentional murder for $ that AT is trying to cover up
IDK. My theories seem to change daily
Maybe prior victims were brainwashed followers? It seems like he is manipulative enough that he would make sure the victims also committed a crime themselves - so if they reported a crime against him, they would be afraid of also being charged with crimes they committed.

That's my hunch, not fact.

His jail letters to BB indicate this
One more thought then I will quit hijacking this thread
Last week it was stated to me by someone close to the case that they think AT will be in court when the “women” testify as he is all about control and may think he can influence their testimony by being there
Also indicated the women’s testimony will divulge things regarding their time spent with AT and BB that are beyond anything you could ever imagine. No specifics given

I am going again this week as I have to stick it out. I guarantee this will be the last murder trial I ever attend. I do not know how the LE and FBI do this everyday and retain any bit of of sanity
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Can I just take a moment to say how much I *LOVE* that the trial has continued on without Trail being present after his dumb attention-getting act of self harm? I’m sure he thought there would be drama and the trial would be postponed!
I think that was his intention. I hate that he chooses each day if he wants to be there-but glad it goes on without him. Just shows who is important here Sydney - not him!!
Trails video interview was difficult to hear at times due to the acoustics of the courtroom and his speech which is often mumbled . In looking back at my notes there are a few things he said then often contradicted himself
He said the body was cut into 8 pieces ( not true) said it was cut this way due to the way she died. Said if this had been an intentional death it would have only been cut into 6 pieces. At first he denied knowing anything about the heart being missing but then a few minutes later talked about putting it in a container with blood so it would incarnate faster. He at one point said he drank the blood then said it was put in container

He told them the cemetery in Clay County is considered special in his belief system and the way they disposed of Loofe's body was intentional. He said he dropped in six spots because her death was an accident.

I think he was referring to how many sections her remains were deposited into, not how many pieces her body was cut into. At least, thank us how I read the following to mean:

“He told them the cemetery in Clay County is considered special in his belief system and the way they disposed of Loofe's body was intentional. He said he dropped in six spots because her death was an accident.”

“"If she had died on purpose there would have been eight parts, she was laid out in six parts that helps her reincarnate faster," Trail said.”

In FBI interview, Trail shares his account of how Sydney Loofe died
He told them the cemetery in Clay County is considered special in his belief system and the way they disposed of Loofe's body was intentional. He said he dropped in six spots because her death was an accident.

I think he was referring to how many sections her remains were deposited into, not how many pieces her body was cut into. At least, thank us how I read the following to mean:

“He told them the cemetery in Clay County is considered special in his belief system and the way they disposed of Loofe's body was intentional. He said he dropped in six spots because her death was an accident.”

“"If she had died on purpose there would have been eight parts, she was laid out in six parts that helps her reincarnate faster," Trail said.”

In FBI interview, Trail shares his account of how Sydney Loofe died
You may be correct. I was referring to his response regarding how he cut up the body and drew diagrams for the FBI of where he made the cuts. He contradicted himself many times
One more thought then I will quit hijacking this thread
Last week it was stated to me by someone close to the case that they think AT will be in court when the “women” testify as he is all about control and may think he can influence their testimony by being there
Also indicated the women’s testimony will divulge things regarding their time spent with AT and BB that are beyond anything you could ever imagine. No specifics given

I am going again this week as I have to stick it out. I guarantee this will be the last murder trial I ever attend. I do not know how the LE and FBI do this everyday and retain any bit of of sanity
FYI: You're not hijacking the thread at all! Your insight from the "front lines" is valuable and interesting. You're doing a great job at representing what is happening in court to us back here at WS.

We don't have a huge group on this thread so several posts from active members in a row isn't really hijacking anyway, imo.

“He told them the cemetery in Clay County is considered special in his belief system and the way they disposed of Loofe's body was intentional. He said he dropped in six spots because her death was an accident.”

“"If she had died on purpose there would have been eight parts, she was laid out in six parts that helps her reincarnate faster," Trail said.”

In FBI interview, Trail shares his account of how Sydney Loofe died

Sorry, but this is utter nonsense. The number of dismemberment cuts depends on the manner of death? I think that is at best laughable fiction and at worst the sign of a self-serving "belief" system.

Sorry, AT, not everyone thinks you are someone who knows the secret knowledge of how to spiritually kill, dismember, and dispose.

It's just a cover for his fantasies and power trips to get people to do what he wants them to do.

He's so full of B.S. that the B.S. flows out of him in words. imo.

You may be correct. I was referring to his response regarding how he cut up the body and drew diagrams for the FBI of where he made the cuts. He contradicted himself many times
I agree...he contradicts himself and lies often. Perhaps the witnesses next week will shed some truth on the matter, no matter how vile and disturbing it is? We can only hope that someone will break down and feel the need to clear their conscience to allow the truth to be heard.
Sorry, but this is utter nonsense. The number of dismemberment cuts depends on the manner of death? I think that is at best laughable fiction and at worst the sign of a self-serving "belief" system.

Sorry, AT, not everyone thinks you are someone who knows the secret knowledge of how to spiritually kill, dismember, and dispose.

It's just a cover for his fantasies and power trips to get people to do what he wants them to do.

He's so full of B.S. that the B.S. flows out of him in words. imo.


He is one sick SOB, no matter what. I know most people feel that he made sloppy mistakes that ended up lead investigators to them... but I still feel that with the planning that occurred: luring Syd, checking her out in person at Menards, all the purchases made beforehand to dismember and clean , draining of the blood before dismembering , and the actual dismembering itself...that perhaps Syd was not his first victim.

It lends credence to the idea that a snuff film may have been the motive...whether for his own sick amusement or for potential buyers.
He is one sick SOB, no matter what. I know most people feel that he made sloppy mistakes that ended up lead investigators to them... but I still feel that with the planning that occurred: luring Syd, checking her out in person at Menards, all the purchases made beforehand to dismember and clean , draining of the blood before dismembering , and the actual dismembering itself...that perhaps Syd was not his first victim.

It lends credence to the idea that a snuff film may have been the motive...whether for his own sick amusement or for potential buyers.
I think you're right that he has committed similar crime (or staged a similar crime for camera) in the past. It's also likely a looooooong fantasy of his and perhaps he has been thinking about this for years, if not actually doing it.

I'm wondering if in the past he hired prostitutes and/or used brainwashed followers and/or faked the scenes. And to up the ante for his fantasy, decided to challenge himself with an innocent victim lured into it.

IDK. jmo
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The story about having a buyer lined up is B.S. The two buyers he mentioned were women. Really? That's just his dumb storytelling - confusing and dramatic.

I do think there are buyers for such films, and I'm sure he knew how to find a market to sell what he made. But I think it all was his idea. He was not making a film at the direction of anyone else.

The two buyers he mentioned was a lie on his part. We already know that story was a lie because we have seen AT and BB premeditated the murder.

However, the idea of a profit motive is the only logical explanation for this, which means there was a buyer already lined up.
Interesting read while awaiting monday court.

The Psychology of Corpse Dismemberment - The Motivation Behind the Most Grotesque of Crimes

clipped by me
"The third most common category is usually referred to as an 'offensive' mutilation where the dismemberment is in fact the real purpose of the murder all along, and these include lust and necro-sadistic murders. Those driven by primarily sexual motives mutilate the corpse in characteristic ways, Konopka, Kunz and colleagues report, for example severing genital organs or breasts. Some perpetrators pull out abdominal organs through the disfigured genital tract. Death by strangling is apparently very common in this kind of homicide."
I think they were making a film and had a buyer already. I honestly think the whole thing was just a business deal for AT and BB. All the super bizarre stuff he did was probably at the request of the buyer. At least that's my theory.
The two buyers he mentioned was a lie on his part. We already know that story was a lie because we have seen AT and BB premeditated the murder.

However, the idea of a profit motive is the only logical explanation for this, which means there was a buyer already lined up.

I also think profit is one motive (in addition to fulfilling his fantasy life), but the profit comes selling the video or charging viewers, imo. He's filming on spec, imo.

But if you have info about an upfront buyer, is the source of info something other than his mouth - or is it your opinion?

Interesting read while awaiting monday court.

HuffPost is now part of Oath

The Psychology of Corpse Dismemberment - The Motivation Behind the Most Grotesque of Crimes

clipped by me
"The third most common category is usually referred to as an 'offensive' mutilation where the dismemberment is in fact the real purpose of the murder all along, and these include lust and necro-sadistic murders. Those driven by primarily sexual motives mutilate the corpse in characteristic ways, Konopka, Kunz and colleagues report, for example severing genital organs or breasts. Some perpetrators pull out abdominal organs through the disfigured genital tract. Death by strangling is apparently very common in this kind of homicide."

JMO, this is very interesting because I do believe the dismemberment was THE real purpose for the murder.

The owners of the residence and their son reported they didn't hear anything that night. I think Sydney walked into the apartment and AT snuck up on her from behind and strangled her. I think her phone was turned off by either BB or AT and it was after Sydney was dead.

IIRC, within a matter of days of meeting on Tinder, there were over 100 communications between BB and Sydney. It appears BB put forth quite a bit of effort into gaining Sydney's trust and BB's goal was to get Sydney to go to the apartment in Wilber. Would she risk making Sydney suspicious by telling her that she lived with a much older man and that he was going to be at the apartment that night? I don't think BB ever mentioned anything about AT to Sydney.

This is all JMO. The testimony at trial this week will tell the whole story.
JMO, this is very interesting because I do believe the dismemberment was THE real purpose for the murder.

The owners of the residence and their son reported they didn't hear anything that night. I think Sydney walked into the apartment and AT snuck up on her from behind and strangled her. I think her phone was turned off by either BB or AT and it was after Sydney was dead.

IIRC, within a matter of days of meeting on Tinder, there were over 100 communications between BB and Sydney. It appears BB put forth quite a bit of effort into gaining Sydney's trust and BB's goal was to get Sydney to go to the apartment in Wilber. Would she risk making Sydney suspicious by telling her that she lived with a much older man and that he was going to be at the apartment that night? I don't think BB ever mentioned anything about AT to Sydney.

This is all JMO. The testimony at trial this week will tell the whole story.

I’ve thought this exact same thing.
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