Need direction on Casey's supposed miscarriage, please

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In the event that she got pregnant by this B guy (only speculation based on Casey's comments), what if, she told him this, and he didn't believe it was "his", and this offended Casey.

What if this is the same scenario that happened with Caylee's bio dad when he was informed about "that" pregnancy.

The first time, she was gonna punish the bio dad and his entire family for eternity but never letting them have knowledge of, or contact with, Caylee.
She didn't like how that was working out.

The next time, if there was another time, she wants to punish the bio dad, but she doesn't want to be saddled with another snot head, so she just has an abortion (it sounds better if you call it a miscarriage/no intent to kill).

Maybe seeing the bio dad after a abortion/miscarriage or birth of a live child that is secret, could have pushed her over the edge and feel the remorse and guilt (promiscuity), and Caylee was a reminder of that.

I'll bet she was really offended when JG wanted a Paternity test! And she prolly didn't want to experience "that" again, either.

Poor Casey, if she kept getting pregnant and no one would step up, unless they "knew for sure" it was their child. Couldn't somebody just love Casey enough to make a family with her, no matter who's blood was involved?
She would feel like such a victim of her own sexuality, and other peoples shallowness. No wonder she would feel like a victim, if this was not just a hypothetical scenario, and it was true.
If she did have a miscarriage, could her lawyer claim post partum psychosis????
Casey's "personality problems" aren't recent.

She had been fibbing about having a job for going on two years.

The woman had an imaginary nanny and was also taking money from her family and JG prior to intimacy with Brandon and long after Caylee's birth. She lied and told Jesse HE was the daddy (when she knew it wasn't possible) BEFORE Caylee was even born.Heck...Casey told people she had a "female problem" and a "tumor" to explain her Caylee baby bump.

Obviously, Casey has a history of twisting the truth and hurting others to benefit HERSELF from before giving birth to anyone.
Casey's "personality problems" aren't recent.

She had been fibbing about having a job for going on two years.

That puts her past having PPD from Caylee's birth and acting goofy prior to intimacy with Brandon.

Not too sure on that, I believe I read somewhere that sometimes ppd doesn't always show right away in some people, that it takes time for it to expose itself.

Perhaps, this was the case with her, and if she did have a miscarriage this added to it..

I do like the point a previous poster had about her possibly having an abortion instead of a miscarriage and using it to her benefit by crying "victim".
Not too sure on that, I believe I read somewhere that sometimes ppd doesn't always show right away in some people, that it takes time for it to expose itself.

Perhaps, this was the case with her, and if she did have a miscarriage this added to it..

I do like the point a previous poster had about her possibly having an abortion instead of a miscarriage and using it to her benefit by crying "victim".

IMO, Casey was twisting the truth and using people before Caylee was even born.
I never believed the story that she freaked at a party because the man who impregnated her was there--she had so many lovers how could she possibly pinpoint just one?
If she did have a miscarriage, could her lawyer claim post partum psychosis????

No. Post Partum is literally "after birth." However, he could make a claim for severe emotional trauma. If I were her lawyer, I wouldn't go this route. There are far too many holes that cannot be filled.
Poor Casey, if she kept getting pregnant and no one would step up, unless they "knew for sure" it was their child. Couldn't somebody just love Casey enough to make a family with her, no matter who's blood was involved?She would feel like such a victim of her own sexuality, and other peoples shallowness. No wonder she would feel like a victim, if this was not just a hypothetical scenario, and it was true.

*resp. snipped. my bold
this is exactly what jesse did after he discovered he was not caylee's father. he still wanted to marry casey and raise caylee as his own child. it was casey who ended the relationship.
i don't see casey as any kind of victim and i believe she's far more shallow than anyone around her.
IMO, Casey was twisting the truth and using people before Caylee was even born.
you know i sit and think about her and i try to see her as a 2 year old .. with brown eyes and hair and a baby like caylee .. wth ever happened to that child that became a monster .. ? how can someone be born that way ? are they or are they made that way ? i cant blame it all on ca and ga .. they tried and people that blame the parents all the time take the responsiblility off of the kid and that gives the kid the excuse to be that way ..
you know i sit and think about her and i try to see her as a 2 year old .. with brown eyes and hair and a baby like caylee .. wth ever happened to that child that became a monster .. ? how can someone be born that way ? are they or are they made that way ? i cant blame it all on ca and ga .. they tried and people that blame the parents all the time take the responsiblility off of the kid and that gives the kid the excuse to be that way ..

I see her that way too. That is how I can have compassion for George and Cindy even when I am very sure they have known almost since the beginning that Casey did it.

George and Cindy remember that baby and child despite what Casey became.

Which does not excuse Casey.

Every one of the 11 women on death row for killing one or more of her own kids was once a cute baby (too many to count serving lesser sentences for the same crime). Gacy and Dahmer were innocent babies.

You are right, after you are an adult,you, not your parents, are responsible for your actions.
I think I have it figured out, lol. Casey must have given Brandon a STD and that was one reason he was not friendly to her. She has to be a victim so she claimed she had a miscarriage due to the STD and probably blamed him for giving it to her. That may be why LE asked RI if he knew of any STD and if protection was used. RI was at the party, talked to Brandon and witnessed some of this.
If she did have a miscarriage, could her lawyer claim post partum psychosis????

JB can claim anything he wants...however he has no psychologist or psychiatrist on his witness list. Also, if he claims this he is then admitting that KC did it.
KC's alleged miscarriage, like her claims of abuse (you know, the ones she confided only to her bf's :rolleyes:), was a ploy to win attention and sympathy. I knew women like her when I was young, and I've seen the same narcissistic behavior in some young women I know today. This kind of woman walks into a party looking for a fix. She counts the heads in the room, multiplies that by two, and starts jonesing over the number of eyes that could be turned toward HER.

There's nothing wrong with a little attention (I'm an actress. I would know.:crazy:) It goes beyond the point of fun with this bunch, though. They usually resort to high drammmmmma to get their fix. Really screws up a good party. *blech*:sick:

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