Need direction on Casey's supposed miscarriage, please

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Like some of you fellow sleuthers, I knew a girl who told everyone she was with child in order to keep a dude around. Then he ducked out on her anyway and she did the whole flip flop that she miscarried and when he came back into her life, she said she didn' on and so forth and it ended up she was never with child...she was in dire need of it happens and I believe that KC LOVES LOVES LOVES attention.

As far as the abortion thing, though...she DID steal money and we haven't seen a huge or detailed accontability as to where all of that stolen money has gone (I mean, we've seen some, phone bills, material things as such).

I can't put anything past KC.
No way
No how.

We've all known girls like that.

Some even REALLY get pregnant when they think a guy is getting away. It doesn't seem like Casey lacked male attention. But, to some attention equals validation.

I see Casey as a bottomless needy pit both with her family and socially.

Maybe she needed to have lots of back-ups and back burners because she was terrified to be alone. Abandonment issues?

She is sure on the center stage now.

I don't buy the whole miscarriage thing for one second. I think it was a ploy of hers to try to gain sympathy and possibly get the boy back.

I also wonder if she could become pregnant again. It was intimated that she has STDs (remember during the interview of the former cop that was fired because of lying about his relationship with her?). She obviously didn't like condoms (text messages & fired cop are proff of this). STDs can affect your ability to conceive (by creating scar tissue which blocks the sperm from the egg). Could could have had PID and not have known about it until it was too late.
bold is mine. In the Rusciano interview LE asked him if she had or mentioned any STDs and if they wore protection. I guess looking at that question you could find it possible that LE were wondering if he had contracted something from her that they knew of...... but I think it was aimed more at what type of risk taking behavior she was engaging in other than drugs, alcohol, and **nurse coughs** losing her child for a month (losing being a loosely applied term lol) without doing a thing.

Her friends seemed to think that she had a miscarriage with, iirc, Brandon and they got into it at a party and she was very upset. We could also wonder if they were arguing about something beyond miscarriage....for example did she tell friends she had one.... and he found out...and never knew she was pregnant to begin with? Of course it would be my guess that she wasn't pregnant to begin with but who the he!! knows in this case. Trying to guess what the heck she does and how she thinks is impossible for the normal, non~sociopathic person.
After I read about this guy in one of the documents I wondered if he had been interviewed by LE.
It makes sense he would be.
Is there an interview report anywhere with B??
Maybe I missed it or maybe it has not been released??:confused:
If Casey actually did have a miscarriage it's not likely, IMO, that she'd know for certain that Brandon was the father. How many men does this make that we know she's "been" with in the last few months? Is anyone keeping track?
After I read about this guy in one of the documents I wondered if he had been interviewed by LE.
It makes sense he would be.
Is there an interview report anywhere with B??
Maybe I missed it or maybe it has not been released??:confused:
www.myfoxorlando seemed to have a lot more of them processed (it could have been released but not processed by any media yet......).. I do not recall seeing brandon S tho.... (yet) Does anyone know if he is still in the military?
If Casey actually did have a miscarriage, it's not likely, IMO, that she'd know for certain that Brandon was the father. How many men does this make that we know she's "been" with in the last few months? Is anyone keeping track?
:clap::clap::clap: well said Chilly Willy! I assume she would use it on anyone who was not bending to her wiles....(as per what exit13 had to say about it when he actually questioned BS about it....up above in another post)
I'm just wondering if this has yet to be confirmed or not yet...As, I believe perhaps it may play a part in her state of mind at the time...Not saying its an excuse for what she did to that precious little girl, but perhaps something defense would try and use...As BAEZ keeps stating, we don't know the whole story...
In Iassens statement to police he discussed this and said that Brandon never believed it was true. (this was in the last doc dump on the 21st)

I don't think it's true. I don't think there ever was a miscarriage, I find it odd that her 'best friend' Amy never even heard about it until the night of the 'anything but clothes party'. As much as Casey talks she'd have said something about this prior to then, Absolutely.

In Iassens statement to police he discussed this and said that Brandon never believed it was true. (this was in the last doc dump on the 21st)

I don't think it's true. I don't think there ever was a miscarriage, I find it odd that her 'best friend' Amy never even heard about it until the night of the 'anything but clothes party'. As much as Casey talks she'd have said something about this prior to then, Absolutely.


Thats true, but maybe she didn't tell anyone this time for fear of the same thing happening and her mom making her keep her baby again?

can someone remind me if KC claimed to have a miscarriage or if this was just a rumor?
can someone remind me if KC claimed to have a miscarriage or if this was just a rumor?

I can't remember what thread it was in, but it wasn't rumor, it was something that KC had claimed.
It was mentioned by one of her friends that she said it at a party when she became upset and spent an hour and a half sobbing over a guy named Brandon who showed up there. It was hearsay so could be a rumor.

Personally, I took it as another one of her attention seeking episodes and never put much stock in it having any truth to it. It was not mentioned before or after by anyone else that she was pregnant any other time besides with Caylee.
Miscarriage or Abortion? Would it make a difference if she was suffering post-partum depression, with a death penalty sentence?
keeping in mind that this is similar to george's "stroke" be careful what you post and let's see how this thread goes.
Brandon ignored Casey at the party.

IMO, the miscarriage story was a ploy to get attention from him.

I put the story in the same category as George's heart attack and Zani's car accident. Or Zani. Or having a job. Or having $15K in the bank. Or George and Cindy giving Casey their house. Or the appointments Casey made with realtors to view places to live with Amy..etc.
I agree. I think she was setting up yet another excuse for the foul odor in the car, just in case no one bought the squirrel story. But, a miscarriage in the first trimester would not have hair strands the color and length of Caylee's hair with a black death band on it. I also seriously doubt a miscarriage would have enough human tissue to create such an odor of human decomposition.

I had a loss early in the second trimester at home & without going into too much detail, I can absolutely vouch for you on these two points.But, than again, she isn't that bright, she might have thought there would be a smell.
I personally think that the only thing that KC likes for people to think of her of is a VICTIM.....Poor me abused by my father, messed with by my brother, poor single mother, terrible family life, ill father (stroke), miscarriage is just another way for her to try an garner sympathy from people....She apparently never got the message that being a surviovor is much cooler than a victim..

And then when you add in this whole dang mess we all heard it on the last tape she thinks that she is as much a victim of this mess as Caylee...Makes me want to puke...
It could just be a rumor, but I've seen a post or two that Casey had a miscarriage end of May/beginning of June. Can someone help me find more posts/info about that allegation? Thanks in advance!

Another Casey Lie to get attention - she told Brandon she had a miscarriage when she was dating him & she told Iassen about it. This is in the search warrant notes from Dec 11:

"Iassen was at the "anything but clothes" party where Casey confronted Brandon Snow about a miscarriage. Iassen didn't see the argument, but he did see Casey crying afterwards. This was the only time he ever saw her cry. Brandon later told Iassen he didn't believe Casey had any miscarriage."

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