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My understanding was that Hannah was denied a phone due to issues of skipping school, that sort of thing, is that not correct? If so, it is not that bizarre a punishment, I guess. I also do not believe she would not have a house key or the code for the gate. Has this been verified? Or just Dad saying this about the code, when he might not know for sure?
He knew for sure. About the phone restriction and the gate.
The phone restriction was a recent event. Jeff was trying to co-parent effectively and be supportive of both Hannah and her mom.
His only way to get in touch with Hannah was to call moms phone or sit in a specific parking space, that could be seen by her apartment windows, and wait.
He and Hannah had standing dinner dates and kept to them as much as possible.
She had spent a lot of the summer with him. And had recently moved back with her mom to continue in the same Gainesville City School system.
Hannah had a way into the apartment. There is a video of Hannah's mom describing coming home that day, Hannah was not home, but her mom knew she had been home after school because the mail had been thrown on the couch, so she did not worry.
When Hannah was not home when she awoke from a nap, she began to worry. <I WILL POST LINK TO VIDEO>.
Here is another interesting article I found today.

Gainesville High School Students' Racist YouTube Rant Forces Girls To Leave School, Apologize (video)

Feb 12, 2012 - After two minors from Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Fla., posted a nearly 14-minute-long racist rant on YouTube, the girls are "no longer students at the school."

Gainesville High School Students' Racist YouTube Rant Forces Girls To Leave School, Apologize (VIDEO) | HuffPost
Hanna Truelove was from Gainesville, GA. Where her family still lives. This is not about what this post tries to make it about.
Please welcome our newest verified member. Dsasleuth is verified as a very close friend of Hanna Truelove's father.
Hanna's father had wonderful things to say about Dsasleuth and has known her for decades.
You can ask Dsasleuth questions but it is up to Dsasleuth whether they answer or not.

Verified members must always be treated with respect.

Thank you Dsasleuth for your hard work and for becoming verified.

Take Care,

Sorry to interrupt the flow of discussion, OT but needing to clarify:

Due to some software limitations and to avoid some behind the scene confusion, Dsasleuth's avatar had to be reduced in one respect in order to add that they are a Liaison for Hannah's thread only. This is to avoid or at least reduce the potential for Dsasleuth to get bombarded with messages from members from a multitude of other threads who could be thinking that Dsasleuth should be helping resolve all their problems ;)

Tried editing six ways to Sunday, and the best I could come up with was to show "Hannah Truelove Liaison, Verified Family Friend" because the system simply would not accommodate "Hannah Truelove Liaison, Verified Friend of Hannah Truelove's Father".

Just wanting to clarify that Dsasleuth's status as a friend of Hannah's dad has not changed, only how it has to appear on their avatar.
FYI, many links are broken in this thread (as with many, if not most of the very old cases). I repaired a couple of the early ones in this case but had to stop as time simply does not permit.

Members may be able to find some of them by running the old URL through the Wayback Machine, but it is impossible for Mods and Admins to find the time to do this.
Hannah's name is misspelled as Hanna in the title of the cold case forum thread.

An effort to clean up Hannah's case and find original broken links.
Also creating a worthy timeline.
And find a private forum to toss ideas around how to get this case back into the news.
Any and all help appreciated.
This post requesting help will be delete as soon as possible.
Thank you Sleuths
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Hanna Truelove was from Gainesville, GA. Where her family still lives. This is not about what this post tries to make it about.
The article linked here is from Gainesville FL. Hannah was anything but racist.
Re post..

December 31, 2019 rbbm.
Hannah Truelove’s murder remains unsolved
"It’s a peaceful, almost idyllic, North Georgia setting.
Until we realize we’re walking towards the site of one of the Atlanta-area’s most notable cold case murders: Hannah Truelove. The 16-year-old Gainesville High School student who was killed just a few hundred yards from her home.

“This is the spot where Hannah’s body was located,” Lt. Dan Franklin of the Hall County Sheriff pointed out. “It’s basically a ravine that is used for runoff for street drains from the apartment parking lot.”

Aug. 23, 2012 started off as a normal day for Truelove.

She went to school at Gainesville High School, returned home to the Lake Lanier Club Apartments where she lived with her mom, and hung out in the yard of the apartment complex for a few hours with friends.

“She had lots of friends. Seemed to be pretty popular in school,” Franklin said.

Truelove was last seen at 7:30 p.m. that day, standing outside in a common area of the apartments. By 9:30, when she had not returned home, her mother knew something was wrong.''

''She’d been stabbed several times and left in a stream bed a stone’s throw from Lake Lanier.''

But Lt. Franklin believes Truelove knew her killer.''

''He also thinks more than one person may have been present when she was stabbed.

“Who we try to reach are not necessarily the person that had the knife in their hand, but anybody that was present and maybe would be less culpable and didn’t have as much responsibility but was just there, maybe in a situation they didn’t want to be in," Franklin said.''

•Aug 23, 2018
Why was she considered at risk? And I wonder if she mentioned anything to anyone about who was or might of been the stalker? The details are very thin
I'm new and trying to be a bit helpful with this case. I did not know Hannah personally but I have lived nearly all my life in the Gainesville area and was still frequenting the area when she died. I would like to help provide info on the area in general if anyone has questions on that. As for some comments I've read:

The Buses did use (at least mine did) cameras every day, as far as I can tell they didn't change very much when I was going to school compared to hers so I'd say they are probably the same kind, short simple recording ones and pointed only one way. If there WAS bullying on the bus or anything suspicious that would have been caught and mentioned. It's generally unsafe to be picking fights or doing anything too rough housing on there and people would often get written up for that.

Cell Phone: It was super common to have phones taken away as punishment. I don't really see her not having this as unusual.

Key: I was a latch-key kid as well, I know gates around here for the apartments do have codes or cards to get in but I doubt they had auto locking doors in the apartments. In my many years living in this area and having moved up and down the roads I've not had or seen any locking mechanism that did it when someone left. I have seen however battery operated locks that require a code to get into or a key. These are the only ones I've seen lock automatically behind someone if the door is fully closed. The alarms on these also go off or beep a few times if they are input wrong.

So far as I know the area/apartments cannot be seen by the main road when you drive past them to head into town or down the road further. Since its on the lake its very common for people to ride their boats out to spots or islands to hang out.
I'm very new to and wondering if each of these cases has an area/link for all the evidence that's been compiled thus far (available to the public) or do I need to search thru 15 pages of speculation & multiple hyperlinks to piece the info together? I get that's part of the process yet I'm wondering if there's one main place where the primary info can be read. Thanks much.
I'm very new to and wondering if each of these cases has an area/link for all the evidence that's been compiled thus far (available to the public) or do I need to search thru 15 pages of speculation & multiple hyperlinks to piece the info together? I get that's part of the process yet I'm wondering if there's one main place where the primary info can be read. Thanks much.

Hi @MaddieR and welcome to Websleuths !

Some of the lengthier/more complex cases here have what are called MSM/Media threads. Those threads contain only MSM links and quotes, with no discussion. Not all cases have those, though.

Not sure it will help, but I've found a trick when I want to get caught up on a lengthy thread. Scroll through looking for blue font. All MSM articles should have a blue font. It's still time-consuming on very active cases, but it helps.

There is also a search option at the top right of the thread if you are searching for a particular term - say "weapon" or something similar. Be sure you check the "search this thread only" box to get info relative to that thread.

Hope this helps a bit.
Hi @MaddieR and welcome to Websleuths !

Some of the lengthier/more complex cases here have what are called MSM/Media threads. Those threads contain only MSM links and quotes, with no discussion. Not all cases have those, though.

Not sure it will help, but I've found a trick when I want to get caught up on a lengthy thread. Scroll through looking for blue font. All MSM articles should have a blue font. It's still time-consuming on very active cases, but it helps.

There is also a search option at the top right of the thread if you are searching for a particular term - say "weapon" or something similar. Be sure you check the "search this thread only" box to get info relative to that thread.

Hope this helps a bit.
Thank you for taking the time to reply and I'll be sure to apply your tips.
Hello, Im new here, however I have had interest in cold case, missing, ect cases for as long as I can remember. I just found this forum and I am wanting to help try to bring closure. Can anyone let me know what the stopping point was on this case. I am going to go back through the thread and look at the comments and links
Hannah's facebook page has a photo from June that says "my hubby"?

Hannah Truelove

There are several things on the twitter that stand out to me as concerning. First is the post on 8/22/12 when she said "I need to move out of these dang apartments" Could she be meaning dangerous? Did she have a stalker. She talks a lot about love and appears to be going through sometime breakup or heart ache. Then you go back 8/18/12 the tweets about being scared and not being able to do this alone... Jump back to 8/22/12 she talks about getting a little tummy. Could she have been or thought she was pregnant by said male?
Dad on NG tonight stated that she had been badly scratched all about the face which led dad to believe that possibly a female is involved in the murder..

Imo the initial stalker issue is likely to not be the avenue that most originally believed it to in the way the teens talk, and tweet, and such imo i thinks its likely shes talking about like someone trolling on her twitter..or stalking her facebook..they very much are regular terms that teenagers seem to use these days when talkiing about seeing that maybe some girl they dont like..they see her following her twitter and therefor would say something like "ive got this uglyazz stalker"..which initially looked and very well could have been a lead indicative to something with more meaning..but imo from reading her tweets I really dont think that "stalker" is meant in the way many believed it was..

I strongly believe there to beindicators that she was tweeting that she was pregnant or thought there was a great possibility she was pregnant..way to many tummy and back aches..sprinkled in with tweets to a recent ex saying"so you think we *advertiser censored**d up dont you?" oops pregnant..he of course sees it as a not so good thing she seea it differently..just kinda what i read into it..

But then tonight after hearing dad make the flat out suggestion of his believeing a female was actually involved in the murder...and specifically remarked about the obvious horrendous way in which Hannah's beautiful face had been basically mawled..well imo it just put a whole new twist, or added layer onto im not sure what to think now..

And the car is being really talked up as a big break..i sure hope it delivers the answers of who did this..LE feel confident not random, she knew her murderer for certain and even stated that Hannah actually appeared to have gone into that area of woods behind the complex where she was found...they believe she was not forced there..that she willingly went into those woods..

Again just one more thing that for me made me feel this was no stalker that she feared..this was someone she knew and likely to some extent even had or at one time had a level of trust with the person with whom she willingly walked into those woods with..from there from what dad says things turned very extremely violent..bless him..he identified her..and he cried when saying how could someone do what had been done to his little could someone we capable of that?

And then states he has a belief a female is involved..these are people she knows and imo its very likely to be more than one and imo i feel even 1male 1female which recently seems to be having some type resurgence of male/female tag team murderers..

<modsnip> On a post on 8/25 SB mentions regreting having an argument and leaving things that way...
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