Need insight regarding a picture

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Just a reminder...

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Done. I was just taken aback by it.
...with my observation re: pavers in the pic....I'm going back to delete those now.

Back to signing "Daddy", etc., etc. :) Happy posting :)

Discuss :)
Removed. Question answered. thanks! If you quoted this post, please edit and remove your link to the child that is not related to this case. thanks!
hey guys,.. did some digging and according to Casey's facebook account the picture in my siggy was added December 20, 2007 hope this helps
I also need help with a picture! Please look and see if this is Caylee on some person named crystals page. Sure with someone would tell me what to type to get pics to show up on these threads to make it easier than links. thanks.

Caylee and Casey
Crystal and Caylee or not?

Doesnt look like Caylee at all to me, she has redish hair, and Caylees is definitly brown
I also need help with a picture! Please look and see if this is Caylee on some person named crystals page. Sure with someone would tell me what to type to get pics to show up on these threads to make it easier than links. thanks.

Caylee and Casey
Crystal and Caylee or not?

no its not Caylee jmo
I PM'd Hailejaide w/ same question, but, off-line apparently.

Anyone know where the pic of Caylee inside the playhouse that is in Hailejaide's sig originated? Is there a date associated w/ that pic (e.g. filename, or group of pics it is within)?

Reason for my asking...

Very early in the case another poster dug into the dimensions & details of Caylee's playhouse. I'm unable to locate it at the moment, but, IIRC, Caylee's playhouse does not have a floor.

Didn't the July 4th weekend yardwork include pavers under the playhouse? I know there was a tip about a slab, and, IIRC that turned out to be the pavers being installed under the playhouse. Sorry I don't have all the facts straight on this aspect. I know LE moved the pavers for the cadaver dog search.

A close-up of the floor in the pic of Caylee inside the playhouse in Hailejaide's sig appears to me show seams in the floor that could be paver seams.

Do I have my facts straight? Or, did the paver work on 7/4 involve REPLACING pavers vs. INSTALLING pavers???? :confused:

So...what's the story:
1) Those aren't pavers in the pic
2) Those are pavers in the pic and they were legit pre-7/4
3) Those are pavers in the pic and somethin's hinky

Not sure if this is answering your question but my son has the exact playhouse and there is no floor in it.
I wasn't in chat and blowing up the pic it does not look like excema, nor does it look like something that might have happened with a fall and putting her hand down to break a fall. It also does not look like blisters which appear on the hand from hand foot mouth/coxsackie virus. ( my son had it).

It does look like a burn. When my son was that age he knew something on the stove was hot but didn't understand the burner area was still hot after everything was removed from the stove and did that once, but that was slightly and looked different ( not as red ) as he removed his hand quickly.

To me it looks like a burn that Caylee would have wrapped her hand around something hot.... jmo.

It could also be a strawberry mark or birth mark of some kind, but I don't recall reading Caylee had any birth marks.

The only birthmark noted by KC in the interview was a birthmark/beauty mark..a line on her left shoulder.
Thanks, I will take the links down, dont want to bring another child into this mess.
The picture with Crystal and the baby she has a space between her front teeth. I think that it is not Caylee.
Hi, I might have a way to drive this a little closer to home for you. I hope you and your spouse never divorce, but IF you did and your wife got a new boyfriend. How would you feel if your daughter was 2-3 years old and sleeping in the SAME bed as her mom AND the new boyfriend. Even if nothing was going on between the adults. Would you be ok with it happening? How would that make you feel? It's one thing if the male is the dad.

Hinky: I think it does look like the sign for dad.


Word. It is absolutely inappropriate for casey to have her in bed with a brand new boyfriend, whether they were 'doing anything' or not.

I think people are reading WAY too much into this pic. It looks like ASL, which is common to teach little kids. I could see Cindy working on it with her. My girls both knew lots of ASL signs at Caylee's age.

Her hand doesn't look burnt at all to me. It looks like chalk, marker, paint, food. My girls always have random stuff on them like that.
Ok, first my apologies to TruthSeeker because I'm lifting his/her picture from their signature because I can't find the original.


I need four things regarding this picture:

1. The full picture, without any additions around it, not cropped, etc.
2. Where it was found (whose account, URL, something).
3. Date.
4. I need to know if this picture means anything to anyone. Those who were with me in chat, please don't interject-- I don't want to prejudice anyone's mind. I want to see if anything in particular jumps out at anyone, with this picture.

Please help!


Without looking at anyone's replies, the first thing that jumps out to me is her appearing to use sign language. I have thought that everytime I have seen this picture.
FWIW a couple of people had commented on what she was doing with her hand as coming from a children's movie. I can't remember which movie and can't find where it was posted. Just that it's something the character in the movie did.

The song Allstar by Smashmouth is in the movie Shrek. The lyrics are.. I don't recall anyone in the movie doing the LOSER sign though.

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

FWIW It is of my opinion she is doing the LOSER appears that KC liked to make her say WHAT UP DUDES...per one of KC's friends and the boobie pictures. She also liked to dress her up..put glasses on her etc.It appears that KC likes making her do and say stuff that screams "look what I can do, aren't I cute" JMO.

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