Neighbor and eyewitness Jim Kelley

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I'm interested in the 2:00 am second sighting.May I please ask does someone have a link or remember what the person said about it.Didn't they say it was a camper type truck or trailer on back or something?What other street ect... are around this area?

[ame=""]Neighbor and eyewitness Jim Kelly - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Thank you.I thought I remembered something different.Does any one have a link to where this person says what they recounted seeing at that time?

IIRC, we only heard from Jim Kelley. It was he who said another neighbor saw the truck at 2:00 am also and that the neighbor let her dogs out then. (I believe he said "her".) But I never remember actually hearing any witness say they saw the truck except Jim Kelley. (Though I could be wrong of course.)
It's amazing that someone just happened to be up at that time, be looking out at the street and luck into seeing this truck. Even more amazing that they happened to have seen it the first time around. This person must spend a lot of time staring out at the road.
Such a shame that the truck in question doesn't have GPS, so much could be answered.

Didn't they say that barking dogs were the reason their attention was brought to the truck? I know I live out in the country and when my dogs are barking I always check out what's going on...of course, it's usually a bear or racoon, but because we live in a very quiet area, a truck being near the house would also get them going. Just a thought.
It's amazing that someone just happened to be up at that time, be looking out at the street and luck into seeing this truck. Even more amazing that they happened to have seen it the first time around. This person must spend a lot of time staring out at the road.
Such a shame that the truck in question doesn't have GPS, so much could be answered.

The first sighting, him and the neighbor were both outside, IIRC. As for the middle of the night one -- I live in a very quiet cul-de-sac. If a car drives in at that time of night and I'm up, I'll certainly look out to see who it is because it'd be unusual. It seems at Mr. Kelly's home, it's even more unusual.
I don't have a link, but didn't LE say way back when that they had ruled out the various truck sightings? I always took it to mean this one was included, that perhaps the driver had contacted LE to explain why they were up there.
May I please ask does someone have a map link of this area he is talking about and the sounding areas?
Maybe I'm the only person on this earth that thinks it is very convenient that rs owns a white ford crew cab...(?) I've had a lot of confused fingers pointed at me anytime I've brought it up.
May I please ask does someone have a map link of this area he is talking about and the sounding areas?

In the beginning pufnstuf made a great map that showed this area. It was posted in the reference thread, but last time I went to look at it some other weird map came up. Maybe it's moved?
Is LE investigating him or something?

Not that I am aware of. It seems some folks have found it suspicious that DeDe might have had access to a white crew cab truck via her brother.
Not that I am aware of. It seems some folks have found it suspicious that DeDe might have had access to a white crew cab truck via her brother.

Yea, in another thread that came up--someone had found a FB page that had taken what they said was DD's photos and put them on their page (DD's page is now private). Among the things shown: a white pickup truck said to belong to DD's brother.

However, that photo was from 2009, slightly more than a year ago, I think. There was no way to tell who nabbed the photos to put them up (at least I couldn't find one, but I'm not FB proficient), nor much of anything else. Other than whoever grabbed them to publish didn't mind putting pictures of other people's children out there. There's no way we can know if DD's brother still owns that truck, if it was his. Whew.

And no, as far as I know, he's not being investigated.

Along with this is the story that at one point JW owned a white pickup truck. Really. I haven't yet been able to verify it, but it's been said that he used it in...wait for it....his landscaping business. What is it with all this landscaper tie-ins???!!!
Yea, in another thread that came up--someone had found a FB page that had taken what they said was DD's photos and put them on their page (DD's page is now private). Among the things shown: a white pickup truck said to belong to DD's brother.

However, that photo was from 2009, slightly more than a year ago, I think. There was no way to tell who nabbed the photos to put them up (at least I couldn't find one, but I'm not FB proficient), nor much of anything else. Other than whoever grabbed them to publish didn't mind putting pictures of other people's children out there. There's no way we can know if DD's brother still owns that truck, if it was his. Whew.

And no, as far as I know, he's not being investigated.

Along with this is the story that at one point JW owned a white pickup truck. Really. I haven't yet been able to verify it, but it's been said that he used it in...wait for it....his landscaping business. What is it with all this landscaper tie-ins???!!!


there's no way of knowing if that page actually came from DeDe's FB. If so, it was snagged before she made it private and is being misrepresented (elsewhere) as a direct link to her photo album. Sneaky and deceitful, IMO. Since those people won't admit to copying the page to their own, I really have no use for them or their tactics and therefore don't take it as any proof DeDe may have had use of a truck that day.

there's no way of knowing if that page actually came from DeDe's FB. If so, it was snagged before she made it private and is being misrepresented (elsewhere) as a direct link to her photo album. Sneaky and deceitful, IMO. Since those people won't admit to copying the page to their own, I really have no use for them or their tactics and therefore don't take it as any proof DeDe may have had use of a truck that day.


And even if we accept the chance that the truck did belong to DD's brother, we don't know that he still owns it. Nor do we know that he's in the habit of lending his truck to his sister. And especially at the last minute. We don't even know if he still lives in town or nearby.

What's amazing me is how many white trucks there are out there! Or maybe I'm just noticing them more. Last night I was in a drive-through line with a white truck in line--again.

If we start looking at all white trucks possibly owned by any relatives/friends of any of the major parties in this case--wow. And then figure out who had access to them--wow.

But one thing we do know--if JW had/still had a white truck, that's one DD didn't have access to! I think his communications have made their breakup quite........clear. Ahem. :angel:
I need links please. MSM links stating that these men own these trucks. The rule here is if you cannot link you cannot discuss.

ETA the ex is sleuthable because he made himself a public figure in this case. But it has to be an link from any of the sources or blogs we do allow here . Thanks.
I need links please. MSM links stating that these men own these trucks. The rule here is if you cannot link you cannot discuss.

Thanks GrandmaJ for clarifying that. I thought that was the rule, so I was very confused when I saw the links to the FB photos, and the discussion about white trucks supposedly owned by others. I can't remember now where that thread is, the one when it came up, and there was this big discussion about the photos/truck and how FB works.

BTW, are we supposed to be referring to FB pages, and posts/conversations there at all? And wind up discussing what other people are discussing on FB? Those discussions confused me too.

Obviously, the wind in OK has been blowing from a confusing direction!

ETA..I was typing while GJ was adding her ETA. And I also want to ask if we're allowed to discuss material from blogs. TIA.
Every night when I go to sleep I think and pray for Kyron.
The other night I dreamt about an old friend of mine who used to have long hair. In the dream I was standing behind him and he was sitting on a sofa and he had his hair pinned up like a womans, and I said wow , you know what from where Im standing you look just like a woman. And let me add, I have never seen him ever do this, so the dream was significant to me.
Which got me thinking about the woman with the truck that this Jim guy had seen. What if it wasn't a woman but a man with long hair ?
Is LE investigating him or something?

If LE is investigating everyone because they may drive a white ford truck then no wonder it is taking them so long.

I read an article sometime ago that said there are more white pickups on the road than any other color.

I imagine with some parts of the area being rural a lot of people have white Ford pickups.

Thanks GrandmaJ for clarifying that. I thought that was the rule, so I was very confused when I saw the links to the FB photos, and the discussion about white trucks supposedly owned by others. I can't remember now where that thread is, the one when it came up, and there was this big discussion about the photos/truck and how FB works.

BTW, are we supposed to be referring to FB pages, and posts/conversations there at all? And wind up discussing what other people are discussing on FB? Those discussions confused me too.

Obviously, the wind in OK has been blowing from a confusing direction!

ETA..I was typing while GJ was adding her ETA. And I also want to ask if we're allowed to discuss material from blogs. TIA.

Kat there are some blogs that we do allow. Others we do not. If you have a question about any blog just drop any one of the mods a note. :)

The way those photos appeared it was confusing as to whether it was a true FB or copied to another person's FB. So it kinda got by us. :eek:

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