Neighbor and eyewitness Jim Kelley

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If what Mr. Kelly says is correct, then the neighbor who "loosed the dogs" 1)also noticed the truck (or was contacted by Kelly about it at the time) and 2) was sufficiently bothered by it's presence to let her dogs loose as a protection factor. I've lived at the end of a dead end road in a situation where I couldn't see a neighbor's house for all the woods and no one was in hollerin distance. Almost no one ever came down there but when they did we knew it. It was freaky and scary the few times someone just drove up because it wasn't a place you would end up by accident. That's why I had a BIG dog!

My personal experience and the fact that it happened twice on the day Kyron went missing and is within a few miles of his home makes me very curious and can't help but lean toward the direction that this truck had something to do with Kyron's disappearance. I too wonder what view one can get from there.

This is a great lead by a very credible witness. Has LE taken cadaver dogs out there lately? Also, TH could have put on a blond wig.
This is a great lead by a very credible witness. Has LE taken cadaver dogs out there lately? Also, TH could gave put on a blond wig.

No need for a blond wig. Mr. Kelly never said the driver was blond. He only said it was a woman.
I got to thinking about that area, that street, and those events, and for some reason I'm drawn to thinking that rather than a good place to dispose of a body, it might be a good place to MEET someone who might live on a nearby street, close enough to walk, who didn't want to be seen meeting on their OWN street. One of the small roads that backs to the houses on sixth, perhaps.
All of this sounds like great information but what I don't get is why would two seperate neighbors or residents notice this same truck at 3 and 2 am? kinda strange to me, it would seem like they were at work or in bed? hmmmmm
All of this sounds like great information but what I don't get is why would two seperate neighbors or residents notice this same truck at 3 and 2 am? kinda strange to me, it would seem like they were at work or in bed? hmmmmm

As far as I could tell there are only 2 houses on NW 6th. We were there on a Friday afternoon around 4:30, and the last house had people outside.
I would imagine during the night, you could hear a car coming up Folkenburg and then onto 6th due to the gravel, the rutted road, etc.

It is not a very long road (6th)..
Hmmm...:waitasec:trying to envision this look...guess it wasn't a nice one like, "howdy neighbor"!

Is that anything like The Hairy Eyeball?

heheheh.. it is *definitely* like the Hairy Eyeball! And not at all like Howdy, Neighbor! :dance:
I wonder if that was JK; we discussed it, but Subaru Guy seemed older than I remember JK. I suppose I could go back for the video, but it doesn't seem important.

free, thank you SO much for adding your half of the description; I was unwell yesterday and couldn't get into narrative mode.

As for the people being in a bathrobe (just the woman IIRC, she was standing, the guy was sitting) and being up at 2am, as I said to free at the time, in my house, we're regularly up until 1am, and DH is out on the front porch then for a smoke. Our next door neighbor is in bed by 9 and up at 3:30am to go to work (actually, the guy next to him gets up that early too). Point being, people keep all sorts of schedules, so it doesn't surprise me that someone would hear a vehicle at that hour.
And, like free says.. it's a noisy road.. not a good place for a meet, or for sneaking around.

I hadn't thought about the option of sneaking through to meet someone from the property behind there. There is at least one reported story of someone making their way to JK's property (unrelated event from the past) from that direction, on foot. I'm going to look at the map more closely and see what I see. It wouldn't be a great place to be hiking around in the dark. Gods only know what's lurking underfoot!

One of the other reasons we wanted to bump this topic up now is the addition of all the *other* 'white trucks' into this story since JK's comment and since the thread was started.

fanks, free :D
No need for a blond wig. Mr. Kelly never said the driver was blond. He only said it was a woman.

I do think one of the reports about this said that the woman seen in the truck (at least one of the two times) was a blond b/c, of course, I was looking for a description of the hair color.

I'll see if I can find a link.
This had to be the place they saw the white truck idling on that Friday, and I honestly cannot imagine why someone would be just sitting there, you cannot see anything but woods.


freefallzzz, thank you so much for your report. Reading it was almost like being there!

I am, however, literally laughing out loud.

Perhaps it is a sign of my misspent (but much enjoyed) youth, but one immediate reason springs to my mind as to what someone might want to do out there very late at night. Two teenagers looking for a nice, private place to park, on a low traffic road they would be unlikely to be seen and hassled by police. To watch the stars, of course. Yeah, that's the ticket.

They wend their way all the way to the end, thinking there won't be any houses nearby and discover, much to their chagrin, that not only is there a house right there, it has an alert tenant with large dogs!

Well... darn it.

Perhaps TMI but when I was young, Detroit was king and Dee-troydt still believed in sheet metal. Cars were approximately the size of yachts.

I knew a place out in the country, down a little gravel road that had been cut off when the interstate went through. There were no houses down that little quarter mile or so road and it was only used to access the fields on either side. Well, and by my teenage self with boyfriend.

The road had weeds growing up in the middle of it and about halfway down, there was a big tree with branches that had grown over half the road. If you backed down the road carefully and parked behind the tree, the car really wasn't visible from the road. There were no houses nearby, so we could play the radio, dance in the road and, uh, watch the stars. If the weather was nice, I had a blanket and if it was rainy, the backseat was close to the size of a single bed.

We did occasionally see a car go past on the blacktop but no one ever came down that little dead end road.

I would never, of course, want my own nephews to have such clandestine adventures. But I don't regret them.
How do we know the person driving the truck did not contact LE and was therefore cleared?

LE did state at one time, in the early weeks, that they had checked out all sightings involving various trucks and I assume this is one of them.
I do think one of the reports about this said that the woman seen in the truck (at least one of the two times) was a blond b/c, of course, I was looking for a description of the hair color.

I'll see if I can find a link.

I read it too, but also I question the fact that if LE brought specific cadaver dogs over there.

Cadaver dogs - Some dogs are trained in detecting the odor of [ame=""]decomposing[/ame] [ame=""]bodies[/ame]. Dogs' noses are so sensitive that they are even capable of detecting bodies that are under running water[11] Pioneering work was done by Dr. Debra Komar ([ame=""]University of Alberta[/ame]) in Association with the RCMP Civilian Search Dog Association in this area. The result was the development of training techniques that resulted in near 100% accuracy rates.[12] Her research has been published in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology.
I do think one of the reports about this said that the woman seen in the truck (at least one of the two times) was a blond b/c, of course, I was looking for a description of the hair color.

I'll see if I can find a link.

IIRC, the blond hair came about because early on (before there was a dedicated forum), someone posted a photo of a male RSO with long blond hair and questioned if Kelley had actually seen a woman --- or a man with long hair. Later, when it was being said the driver was blond, no one was able to find an article / interview to back it up.
There is no way in hell Terri could have gone back in a truck at 2 am without being tailed by the cops. I find that highly implausible.

But if she actually did go out in the middle of the night, saying that she was out of tampons or diapers or baby needed medicines or something like that, and was caught idling on a side road doing who knows what so they would have had one more reason for looking at her direction.

Probably not her if it was a blonde, a wig sounds a bit too secret agent. Wonder how far from the witness the vehicle was to them to be able to describe the driver.

Did the person who saw the truck by night give any description of the driver, because it would have been harder for him to see?
IIRC, the blond hair came about because early on (before there was a dedicated forum), someone posted a photo of a male RSO with long blond hair and questioned if Kelley had actually seen a woman --- or a man with long hair. Later, when it was being said the driver was blond, no one was able to find an article / interview to back it up.

Well, I haven't been able to find a link. BUT, I'm new to WS's and I wasn't here before there was a dedicated forum, so I couldn't have seen it there. And I specifically remember that I first read JK's account in the msm. I don't think I got the blonde info from a post here w/o msm back-up, because I'm pretty good about separating rumor from msm in my head -- especially about a crucial fact such as that. Even if I read it here first, it's something that I would have needed to verify on my own. A red-head driving a pick-up on a deserted road w/i days after the disapperance would have been something I wouldn't have relied on a post here for, with respect to all of the members :)

jmoo...and again, I'm happy to be wrong. I just feel strongly that I read this in msm, b/c otherwise I would have concluded a long time ago that it was definitely significant. And I hadn't.
But if she actually did go out in the middle of the night, saying that she was out of tampons or diapers or baby needed medicines or something like that, and was caught idling on a side road doing who knows what so they would have had one more reason for looking at her direction.

Probably not her if it was a blonde, a wig sounds a bit too secret agent. Wonder how far from the witness the vehicle was to them to be able to describe the driver.

Did the person who saw the truck by night give any description of the driver, because it would have been harder for him to see?

haha...I agree on the "too secret agent" part. I was asking myself earlier why I think ANYTHING is beyong the realm of possibility in this case. But, I too can't go for the blond wig theory.

The other thing I was thinking is how the heck could she have gotten out of that house alone. Forget LE. If, under the circumstances, TH said at 2 am, hey Kaine, I need to run out and get something for baby, he would have been like "no way, I'm going with" either out of suspicion or for protection. Even for tampons, he could go with, right? lol
I was thinking more along the lines that "whoever" (TM or somebody else) was in the white truck (could be the Horman's truck or could be somebody else's truck) on that road those two times, had something to do with Kyron missing..
I was thinking more along the lines that "whoever" (TM or somebody else) was in the white truck (could be the Horman's truck or could be somebody else's truck) on that road those two times, had something to do with Kyron missing..

I don't disagree with that. That's a whole lotta coincidence, imo.
I do think one of the reports about this said that the woman seen in the truck (at least one of the two times) was a blond b/c, of course, I was looking for a description of the hair color.

I'll see if I can find a link.

"Neighbors stop by Brooks Hill Historic church, across the street from the school, to mull over the investigation. "This kind of thing is unheard of," says Jim Kelley, 50.

Kelley, who lives about a mile and a half down hill, at the end of a winding, secluded country lane off Cornelius Pass, said police, federal agents, K-9 teams and helicopters scoured the area Saturday.

"We had two odd sightings of a vehicle on our road Friday," Kelley said. Around 3 p.m., he and a neighbor reported seeing a white pick-up truck with a female driver pull to the end of the long road, idle and then turn around. Then again at 2 a.m. Saturday morning, a similar white pickup truck appeared, idled and when a neighbor loosed her dogs, eased away.

"A, it was strange to have a car there, any car there, that we didn't know, and B, it was strange to have a vehicle come down our dead-end road twice in the same day, hours after a little boy goes missing," said Kelley. "That's beyond rare."

Kelley said authorities have twice searched the deep ravine, creek and railroad tracks located near the end of his street by air and on foot. "
"Neighbors stop by Brooks Hill Historic church, across the street from the school, to mull over the investigation. "This kind of thing is unheard of," says Jim Kelley, 50.

Kelley, who lives about a mile and a half down hill, at the end of a winding, secluded country lane off Cornelius Pass, said police, federal agents, K-9 teams and helicopters scoured the area Saturday.

"We had two odd sightings of a vehicle on our road Friday," Kelley said. Around 3 p.m., he and a neighbor reported seeing a white pick-up truck with a female driver pull to the end of the long road, idle and then turn around. Then again at 2 a.m. Saturday morning, a similar white pickup truck appeared, idled and when a neighbor loosed her dogs, eased away.

"A, it was strange to have a car there, any car there, that we didn't know, and B, it was strange to have a vehicle come down our dead-end road twice in the same day, hours after a little boy goes missing," said Kelley. "That's beyond rare."

Kelley said authorities have twice searched the deep ravine, creek and railroad tracks located near the end of his street by air and on foot. "

I know, I know...but ISTG I saw blond in there somewhere. Believe me, "no description" would have been enough for me. Actually, even w/o the Kelley thing, it's enough for me. But I swear I saw blonde somewhere MSM lol.

Neither here nor there, though. If the Kelley account is relevant (and I believe that it may be) it'll all come out in the wash. In the meantime, there's plenty more for me, personally, to hang my hat on. Just wish I could find the dang link :furious:
haha...I agree on the "too secret agent" part. I was asking myself earlier why I think ANYTHING is beyong the realm of possibility in this case. But, I too can't go for the blond wig theory.

The other thing I was thinking is how the heck could she have gotten out of that house alone. Forget LE. If, under the circumstances, TH said at 2 am, hey Kaine, I need to run out and get something for baby, he would have been like "no way, I'm going with" either out of suspicion or for protection. Even for tampons, he could go with, right? lol

He doesn't seem like that type; he seems pretty detached from detail, not so curious---that's how she may have gotten by with the booze and the boys and God-knows-what. They both seem to sort of be in their own worlds and are ok with that, till June 4th when suddenly they need to pay attention to one another. BAM! divorce filing.

I know, I know...but ISTG I saw blond in there somewhere. Believe me, "no description" would have been enough for me. Actually, even w/o the Kelley thing, it's enough for me. But I swear I saw blonde somewhere MSM lol.

Neither here nor there, though. If the Kelley account is relevant (and I believe that it may be) it'll all come out in the wash. In the meantime, there's plenty more for me, personally, to hang my hat on. Just wish I could find the dang link :furious:

I agree, I'm sure when I read the article before, it mentioned the woman had blond hair.

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