neighbors being questioned about handyman

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My guess is they were showing a mug shot.

Wonder if the PI from NYC will be able to find Jersey? LOL LOL

Didnt read through all the posts yet but will comment as needed. I dont know how they would get a mugshot when all the know is that he is known by the name of jersey, unless on his previous arrests he is known as jersey as an alias. I am going way out there on this one, but lets say DB was having an affair with this handyman, could it be possible she had a picture of him someplace? I know sounds far fetched but so far this whole case is far fetched to me.
Homeless Jersey has not been seen since Lisa disappeared. It may just be that with LE combing the area, he decided it was a good time to find a new place to crash. Still I'm very glad they are checking him out.
My guess is they were showing a mug shot.

Wonder if the PI from NYC will be able to find Jersey? LOL LOL
hehe, and I wonder how long it will take to determine if the is a fan of material or if it is a regional reference?

A mug shot suggests LE knows the identity of this guy, does LE know the name of this guy?
I think they have his photo from a still image in the raw videos they subpoenaed.(How do you spell that?) lol
It could be as simple as the bar having a pic of him from an event they might have held or what-not.
I do have to ask this question though. Why would a homeless man, handyman, whatever we want to call him want with this baby. I just cant see that being the case. I think they should go ahead and look into it of course but I find it hard to believe he would have anything to do with it and I do hope he comes forward if that is the case. I know I said this before, but statistically men do not kidnap babies, and if, lets see if he was a pedophile, he would have went after one of the boys, because once again statistically pedophiles are attracted to little boys more than girls and usually around the age of her other boys. This doesnt add up for me unless once again we go back to the theory that the mother had something to do with this and she was working along with this guy. I can buy the theory from above that she might have been with him and he disposed of Lisa's body for the mom and then high tailed it out of there. Otherwise, he should come forward.
I think they have his photo from a still image in the raw videos they subpoenaed.(How do you spell that?) lol

But none of the news channels have turned over their raw footage yet. That is why they are going to court. They were discussing that on FOX this morning with, I cant remember the judges name and I like him too, but they said it is very hard to get raw footage from a news agency, they usually wont part with them and really unless told by a judge they have to, constitutionally they dont have to. So I dont think they got it from the news footage at this point. The bar, if it has a camera is the best bet.
"Jersey." Wow. Yesterday it was Wild Bill, and now, Jersey. This resembles a B-movie film script more and more.
This helps my original theory

Posted yesterday:

I just joined WS, but have been following for years, glad to be here. I live in the KC metro and can't get poor little Lisa off my mind. I have a theory about what may have happened. Hope this is allowed. Here goes. IMO!

-DB is involved in an affair with this "handyman" or "homeless" man that had been seen around the area. (I will call him "handy" from here on)
-DB knew JI was going to be working that evening/night for a while (at least a week)
-She planned an evening with "handy" while JI would be gone.
-Something happened that evening with Lisa being sick. Shaken, overdosed, suffocated...something happened and Lisa passed.
-"Handy" told DB that he would take the body and dispose.- don't like typing that!!
-"Handy" is the man that the neighbor man saw walking with a baby at midnight on his way to dispose of the body.

This is where i get stuck.... those damn phones!!!!!

-There is a reason police have been showing "handy's" photo to neighbors.
-This is why they were so quick to search the well today, "handy" may be homeless and may have known that house.
-The only thing I can't piece in is where JI is involved?? Is he clueless or is he trying to protect DB and his child?

You are all really good at this and will shoot holes in my theory, but I find myself growing really frustrated with this case and I'm grasping for ideas! Thoughts?

So where are the boys while all this with "handy" is going on? tia
It says that the bartender hadn't seen him since the night he kicked him out of the bar. Wouldn't that make sense? I'm thinking most people wouldn't show there faces at a place they were just kicked out of. Or, perhaps, the bartender had kicked him out before and he did come back in the past, so that is why it's significant that he didn't come back this time.
Poorly worded, but hope you know what I'm saying.
Yea, that too - but they would have to know his name to find a mugshot. Maybe some of the neighbors sat down and looked at LE's book of mugs - but I still kinda think they got it from that bar. Wonder if they really know his name? If they did, wouldn't they have released that - instead of saying that people know him as "Jersey"?
After I reread the article(which is always a good idea for me to do) I see the bar owner says the man used to live near the vacant house that was searched, doesn't that suggest the bar owner could give an address of where Jersey once lived? And if that's the case LE would now if not before, have a name and a face, maybe. Also the article states the bar owner spoke 'off the record'.
I do have to ask this question though. Why would a homeless man, handyman, whatever we want to call him want with this baby. I just cant see that being the case. I think they should go ahead and look into it of course but I find it hard to believe he would have anything to do with it and I do hope he comes forward if that is the case. I know I said this before, but statistically men do not kidnap babies, and if, lets see if he was a pedophile, he would have went after one of the boys, because once again statistically pedophiles are attracted to little boys more than girls and usually around the age of her other boys. This doesnt add up for me unless once again we go back to the theory that the mother had something to do with this and she was working along with this guy. I can buy the theory from above that she might have been with him and he disposed of Lisa's body for the mom and then high tailed it out of there. Otherwise, he should come forward.

There are sick people in the world. Kicks, perversion, revenge or even just opportunity to have power over someone is enough.
After I reread the article(which is always a good idea for me to do) I see the bar owner says the man used to live near the vacant house that was searched, doesn't that suggest the bar owner could give an address of where Jersey once lived? And if that's the case LE would now if not before, have a name and a face, maybe. Also the article states the bar owner spoke 'off the record'.

You know, thats another thing now that I read what you wrote again that makes this WHOLE case screwy. The bar owner doesnt know the guys name, thinks he is homeless but he knows where he lives. What, did he drive him to the abandoned house or something one night. How the heck would he know where this guy lives that he threw out of his bar. That doesnt make sense either. Does this case having anyone else scratching their heads. No wonder the police have nothing so far. Everything sounds like it came out of the twilight zone.
It says that the bartender hadn't seen him since the night he kicked him out of the bar. Wouldn't that make sense? I'm thinking most people wouldn't show there faces at a place they were just kicked out of. Or, perhaps, the bartender had kicked him out before and he did come back in the past, so that is why it's significant that he didn't come back this time.
Poorly worded, but hope you know what I'm saying.

He was kicked out for being drunk. Wasn't he?

Remember the "garage clinking" : maybe he hoped to drink up in the basement, then came upstairs for a little fun.

Seems like smashing someone else's happiness might maker him feel powerful for a minute or two.

That doesn't mean this is what happened or even what I think happened. Just saying peopel do that - sick people, people with mental problems, drug problems, problems fitting into the world.

Where's his tidy house? Where is HIS pretty baby? There was a beautiful family killed in my town by intruders who at the end of the day, just wanted to see nice people suffer.
I do have to ask this question though. Why would a homeless man, handyman, whatever we want to call him want with this baby. I just cant see that being the case. I think they should go ahead and look into it of course but I find it hard to believe he would have anything to do with it and I do hope he comes forward if that is the case. I know I said this before, but statistically men do not kidnap babies, and if, lets see if he was a pedophile, he would have went after one of the boys, because once again statistically pedophiles are attracted to little boys more than girls and usually around the age of her other boys. This doesnt add up for me unless once again we go back to the theory that the mother had something to do with this and she was working along with this guy. I can buy the theory from above that she might have been with him and he disposed of Lisa's body for the mom and then high tailed it out of there. Otherwise, he should come forward.

when under a year gender rarely matters as much.

An example of why and a case most don't watch:
filmed himself binding a 11-month-old baby boy's hands to his legs with electrical tape in the video and propping him up before graphically raping the child.

Not a murder because the family let him stay but still, infant pedophilia is not as rare as some think. They want the power to destroy innocence and don't have the nerve to face bigger kids imo
There are sick people in the world. Kicks, perversion, revenge or even just opportunity to have power over someone is enough.

Yes there are very sick people in the world but this just doesnt make sense. It would only make sense if the mom knew this man, JMO.
Maybe the picture of Jersey was a still taken from a video camera at the bar. That wouldn't be a real clear picture though. Anyway, just a guess.

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