Nejame Donates $5000 Earnings to Meter Reader Reward

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Just to be clear -

I don't know anything at all about the "foundation" that gave money to NeJame, and what they stand for or represent. I used "foundation" as in any type of "foundation" that might donate money to a good cause.

Patty, I am sorry to have insinuated that you were supporting the NLHF.
I just figured that you were following along with the rest of us, considering what has been discovered and all about it. Wish I could say more, but rules are rules.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
see what happened to no one getting $$$$ from a poor murdered disappointed /: yes he found her but why is he getting all this money? couldn't it be used to help prevent future occurances of this type? or maybe to the people who really need it, times are hard I understand but that is an outstanding amount of money. I always thought rewards were in tact for returning living people to persuade kidnappers into returning or encouraging people to look harder for them.....geez /:
Patty, I am sorry to have insinuated that you were supporting the NLHF.
I just figured that you were following along with the rest of us, considering what has been discovered and all about it. Wish I could say more, but rules are rules.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

No problem here :blowkiss:
Sorry if I missed this in this thread already, but I thought I had read/heard on t.v. (NG's show) that the MR was NOT on the county's clock but instead went to look in the woods on his own time. There was even questioning to why in the 911 call it was said he had the OC insignia on his truck if he was "off the clock". I wish I had a link to post, but it was on t.v. I know I seen it.

If that is the case then I would suppose he would be eligible for the reward, no?
While we're at it, I wish someone would give some money to the real (not imaginary) ZFG. I know she has a lawsuit pending, but when I saw her on TV I was really moved by how much her life has changed due to being named by KC. I know we are also not supposed to talk about *her*, so I won't. But her situation is completely unfair. I went to Universal once; KC could have just as easily named me as the imaginary nanny and my life would be upside-down.
see what happened to no one getting $$$$ from a poor murdered disappointed /: yes he found her but why is he getting all this money? couldn't it be used to help prevent future occurances of this type? or maybe to the people who really need it, times are hard I understand but that is an outstanding amount of money. I always thought rewards were in tact for returning living people to persuade kidnappers into returning or encouraging people to look harder for them.....geez /:

I've said it before on a similar thread. It just doesn't make any sense to give a reward for remains, recognition yes, but not a reward. The focus always has to be on recovering a live person. Otherwise, I agree, the incentive is lost. The reward should automatically be withdrawn once a person's remains are found. It sends the message that solving crimes or closure trumps the value of a life.
Maybe Mr. Kronk really doesn't want to accept any money for the discovery.

I don't think I'd want it, if I was in a similar situation. Seems so sad to
benefit from another's death. What could one spend the money on and
not be always reminded of the deceased child? Very sad.
I hope the meter reader does accept the 5K offered by Mr NeJame. That is very much a classy thing to do. Since Mr NeJame is a lawyer, I am SURE he has friends that are lawyers that can help the meter reader and family to "accept" this money or allocate it to some bills or a trust fund in the mr's family. People with large amounts of money hide money all the time. WHen you have a lawyer, they know how to do this. I am sure they can find away around this. Good luck to the meter reader.
I have no problem with the Meter Reader accepting a reward.

I do not like this involvement of the Meter Reader popping in and out of the "find". It makes me uncomfortable and that it could leave a hole big enough to drive the entire FedEx Fleet thu. Nothing personal about Mr. Kronk. Not personal.
There is no link yet, but here is a copy of the email sent by Mr. Kronk's attorney this afternoon to the press :


Roy Kronk is very appreciative to Mark NeJame for his generous gift of $5,000.

Apparently, Mr. NeJame received $5,000 for his earlier involvement in the case

and has decided that since Roy did find Caylee, the money should appropriately go

to him. Roy is very thankful that Mark NeJame has recognized his singular efforts

in finding Caylee and hopes that this sends a message to others that kindness does exist

for people who do the right thing in life.

David Evans
Attorney for Roy Kronk
Well that is simply awesome. Thank you MN for honoring this man who found Caylee and has suffered through so much undeserved scrutiny and very little praise, which he deserves. If not for Mr. Kronk we'd still be hearing ad nauseum about this little girl being *missing* and her spirit might never have found peace. If her family won't thank you, Mr. Kronk, I'm glad someone has.
Just saw this also waiting for the new video to be released.

I'm glad. IMO, I think he deserves it and did nothing dishonest.
I'm glad Mr. Nejame decided to do this. I think it shows stark contrast that the Anthony's former attorney is rewarding this man in appreciation for bringing Caylee home when there has not been so much as a public thank you from her own family.
What a kind and thoughtful thing to do. Mr. NeJame..You make me proud!
This is great news! Now I am wondering why a reward fund has not been set up for RK considering many find him so deserving?
There is no link yet, but here is a copy of the email sent by Mr. Kronk's attorney this afternoon to the press :


Roy Kronk is very appreciative to Mark NeJame for his generous gift of $5,000.

Apparently, Mr. NeJame received $5,000 for his earlier involvement in the case

and has decided that since Roy did find Caylee, the money should appropriately go

to him. Roy is very thankful that Mark NeJame has recognized his singular efforts

in finding Caylee and hopes that this sends a message to others that kindness does exist

for people who do the right thing in life.

David Evans
Attorney for Roy Kronk

Nejame has turned out to be a hero, one of very few, in this case. I was concerned he was in it for the publicity in the beginning, but after he developed a relationship with Tim from EQS and effectively quit because of principles and values he moved way up in my book. This is added frosting to show the man is a good man.
Very proud of MN! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I believe he is a very genuine and honest person in this whole fiasco.

Thank you to R. Kronk also!
what a truly wonderful thing to do. Kudo's to MN!

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