Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

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Wow...I was reading the old thread and just read that Avery's uncle retired from the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Dept. With Allen already under surveillance, I wonder how easy it would have been for him to alter the evidence in the 1st rape case. Just a thought....


Don't they say in the documentary that Allen confesses while in jail to that rape ?

Also, they were watching this guy like every 1-2 hours a day for quite some time. Avery had alibi's by tons of people that he wasn't even in town.

I get what you are saying, but unless we get Allen saying he was threatened or something, seems kind of far fetched. He was an officer, not the chief of police.

I noticed that too, he was interviewed in the documentary.
I found this picture. It is of a woman holding blood tubes like the one that held Steven's Blood. It does look like it has a very noticeable hole in it after she draws the blood. http://powerpictures.crystalgraphic.../blood_tech_handling_tubes_blood_donation_bag

This does say that the hole was probably there when someone did tamper with that evidence. Maybe the convenience of a hole just made it all the more easier to take the blood out. Cause I still can't explain why the box it was in was just scotch taped, and the Styrofoam the blood sat in was also cut open without proper procedure of the chain of custody. Still think they should have investigated why it was opened in the first place.

and I also found a pdf file about how to collect biological evidence if anyone was interested.

On Zellner's facebook page...I so wish I knew what she knows, because with her background and history there is no way she would jeopardize her reputation like this unless she had proof, I don't think. Thoughts?
I started the documentary and made it through 7 episodes so far. I hadn't heard about this case and wondered what the media hype was about. I came into it with no opinion. SA may have done this but there is that nagging reasonable doubt. Brendon I don't think really knew anything. He clearly was trying to figure out what they wanted him to say. The biggest reasonable doubt for me is how that key magically appeared. jmo.
Don't they say in the documentary that Allen confesses while in jail to that rape ?

Also, they were watching this guy like every 1-2 hours a day for quite some time. Avery had alibi's by tons of people that he wasn't even in town.

I get what you are saying, but unless we get Allen saying he was threatened or something, seems kind of far fetched. He was an officer, not the chief of police.

I noticed that too, he was interviewed in the documentary.

I was just wondering...we saw in the Gliniewicz case some very rouge LE's. Gliniewicz was passed up for the Chief position and was applying to the Chief positions in other towns. Avery's family seems to have a hatred toward the sheriff's dept even though their uncle works there. I found that kind of odd. I grew up around a lot of kids in a big city with family members that were LE, seemed to me they were always getting their kids out of trouble. I wonder how the uncle felt toward the dept. I wonder if he was passed up for promotion. I did notice that not only have the brothers been convicted of SA, but Dassey family members as well. Seemed to me there were a lot of restraining orders as well. Looks like a pattern of violence against women and SA in the family.
As I was reading the original thread for 2005-2006, I noticed a websleuth member...(I believe Sparky1000??) had mentioned that Steve Avery had bought a dining room set from his sister the week before. I wonder what other furniture he may have bought from others. Just theorizing....could he have bought another bed from someone else? One in which was used as Dassey confesses that may have been burned? That would bring up the question...where is the coils? But, today's day and age we have mattresses such as memory form, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they have coils.
Hello, I am not sure where to jump in here. I just finished the series and I have one burning question I wanted to post. I certainly have not read everything yet so please forgive me if I missed a discussion on this.

In the video taped March 1 interrogation with Brendan at the Sheriffs Department (The one where his mother doesn't come in with him, but comes in at the end and he says they ' got in his head') they are asking him what happened with Theresa's head. During the questioning on this topic it sounds like Brendan says "They cut her hair" then they push him more and he says "They punched her". I wasn't reading along the first time I heard this clip. I heard this again because this clip is replayed in Episode 8 or 9. I went back to Episode 3 again and read that the subtitles say "THAT HE cut her hair" and "THAT HE punched her" which really doesn't make any sense grammatically ( not that Brendan is always grammatically correct either). I just wanted to point out, it sure does sound like "They" to me and not "That he". MOO, did anyone else hear it like this?

You can see this by going to episode 3 and to the 53 minute mark.

I am mostly of the opinion that Brendan knows ' kind of ' what happened to her. I believe people, probably including SA , on the property killed Teresa and that Brendan may have overheard a few bits and pieces and repeated some parts of that. He may know ' they' did something to her and not really know who ' they ' are but knows it's some of his family. Also, while we're talking conspiracies and tainted evidence, exactly WHO is responsible for the transcripts ? If you hear with your ears something totally different than what is transcribed, who is right ? The official document forever states ' that HE' and if it doesn't sound like is what he's saying, how do we know ?


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Producers discuss MAM and address accusations. "Both women feel that Kratz is trying to hijack the discussion about Steven Avery's conviction."

"There's a lot of stuff that Kratz and others don't want people talking about"

I love the tweet by Buting :

#MaM #BeNotAfraidPeopleofManitowoc. Eyes of the world are now on you. It's time to tell what you know. Cops won't dare retaliate now.

Because it's the truth. Now is the time that other stories of a corrupt LE can emerge. Typically when things of this nature occur, it's because those in power feel comfortable doing so. I mentioned in the Kachinsky email thread that how comfortable he felt doing these things was indicative of a much larger problem.

Maybe even those in the system who have seen things and are willing to blow a whistle. Even if Avery is guilty, it doesn't change that people are supposed to be treated fairly. I do wish someone who understands how to get these guys punished for what they did, would actually step up to do that. It clearly doesn't seem the system itself has a mechanism to handle this kind of situation with at minimum an investigation into these individuals. Avery's lawsuit of 36 million was the only thing that they feared, and their insurance deciding they weren't going to cover that because these guys were implicating themselves by not even investigating a credible lead.

I'm still puzzled by all this , because it still appears that you can ignore credible leads and get away with it, at least as far as the system as a whole is concerned. Otherwise these guys would have been investigated by a larger body and dealt with , back in 2005. Regardless of this case, it's painfully obvious they are guilty of willfully framing Avery back in that rape case.
I am mostly of the opinion that Brendan knows ' kind of ' what happened to her. I believe people, probably including SA , on the property killed Teresa and that Brendan may have overheard a few bits and pieces and repeated some parts of that. He may know ' they' did something to her and not really know who ' they ' are but knows it's some of his family. Also, while we're talking conspiracies and tainted evidence, exactly WHO is responsible for the transcripts ? If you hear with your ears something totally different than what is transcribed, who is right ? The official document forever states ' that HE' and if it doesn't sound like is what he's saying, how do we know ?

I think that's a valid point. I need to look at that video.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that if SA was involved that no one else would have noticed anything. That is one of the hardest parts for me to accept. I think at least 2-3 people know full well what went on, if it was someone from the junkyard.
Wow...I was reading the old thread and just read that Avery's uncle retired from the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Dept. With Allen already under surveillance, I wonder how easy it would have been for him to alter the evidence in the 1st rape case. Just a thought....


There is nothing anyone could ever do or say that will convince some people that Steven Avery was innocent of that rape, is there?

He had multiple alibis and was exonerated on DNA evidence. Are you suggesting his uncle had Allen's DNA to "plant" in the evidence??? Allen was under surveillance by a different department, not Manitowoc.
As I was reading the original thread for 2005-2006, I noticed a websleuth member...(I believe Sparky1000??) had mentioned that Steve Avery had bought a dining room set from his sister the week before. I wonder what other furniture he may have bought from others. Just theorizing....could he have bought another bed from someone else? One in which was used as Dassey confesses that may have been burned? That would bring up the question...where is the coils? But, today's day and age we have mattresses such as memory form, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they have coils.

:thinking:.....the answer to all these questions in moo
I really believe if he had replaced the bed at ANY point during that investigation, we'd know. He only had, what, like 8 days between her going missing and him being arrested? And he wasn't at home during that time because investigators had kicked the family off the property.

So no.
I really believe if he had replaced the bed at ANY point during that investigation, we'd know. He only had, what, like 8 days between her going missing and him being arrested? And he wasn't at home during that time because investigators had kicked the family off the property.

So no.

Also They say he had 5 days to clean up. but really the police were on his lot and watching him since Nov 3. when she was reported missing. So had he cleaned up he only had 3 days. Speaking of them coming out to his place on the 3rd. I believe that news clip where Steve tells you they walked through his trailer was taped on the evening of Nov 3. Between Nov 3 and Nov 5 when Andy Colborn Called in her car till it was found on the 5th. They had these 2 days to plant the evidence on his lot. The car. Then the police had 8 days after the 5th to plant anything they wanted. They were in fact there 3 days before they started pulling other evidence. Seems a lot was found on Nov 8. The plates, The Bones, The Key. Not sure what else was found but those are some of the key pieces found on the same day.
I think that's a valid point. I need to look at that video.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that if SA was involved that no one else would have noticed anything. That is one of the hardest parts for me to accept. I think at least 2-3 people know full well what went on, if it was someone from the junkyard.

Yes ! No matter who killed her , if it took place on that property, involved towing her car and burning her body for hours and cleaning up the garage etc, then someone else on that property knows what happened. We are talking about a multi hour event, altogether. It's a holiday, Halloween night, right? People are drinking and partying and coming and going , at least the family members. I don't believe every other family member stayed tucked in their own home glued to the tv , with the sound really loud from 3 pm until midnight or so on that Halloween night. Did not happen that way ! Moo
I really believe if he had replaced the bed at ANY point during that investigation, we'd know. He only had, what, like 8 days between her going missing and him being arrested? And he wasn't at home during that time because investigators had kicked the family off the property.

So no.

I don't see why a bed couldn't be disposed of in even 1 day, hours even, without anyone knowing.

Given how little everyone seems to know about his whereabouts and what was burned that day, why would it be surprising if he burned the bed the same night or even the next day ?

Not saying this is what happened, but surely I see it as possible.
Yes ! No matter who killed her , if it took place on that property, involved towing her car and burning her body for hours and cleaning up the garage etc, then someone else on that property knows what happened. We are talking about a multi hour event, altogether. It's a holiday, Halloween night, right? People are drinking and partying and coming and going , at least the family members. I don't believe every other family member stayed tucked in their own home glued to the tv , with the sound really loud from 3 pm until midnight or so on that Halloween night. Did not happen that way ! Moo

So, there are multiple families on this property and if all of them are innocent, no one notices the stranger burning her body in the firepit???
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