Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

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AC went to SA's the evening of Nov 3rd, a few hours after she was reported missing. His report IIRC was not done until June 2006. :facepalm:

I find this extremely shady. He beelines for SA's property a few hours after she was missing knowing it might be a conflict of interest due to the law suit. Was this not the day he was accused of calling in her plates while at her vehicle? What time did that take place? He doesn't write a report until June of 2006? Again making a report a very long time after said incident occurs.

if you can find that article or where in the testimony it is, I would like to read it :)

It wouldn't necessarily have to be raining.... Where I live... it gets pretty cool in the morning/night around that time of year (if it's not already snowing lol) and sometimes there is just dew or moisture on the windows.

I'm glad you mentioned that. I was wondering about a picture I saw of her vehicle that rear windshield wiper was in the "up" position. I was wondering when I saw that picture if it could have been raining?


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I find this extremely shady. He beelines for SA's property a few hours after she was missing knowing it might be a conflict of interest due to the law suit. Was this not the day he was accused of calling in her plates while at her vehicle? What time did that take place? He doesn't write a report until June of 2006? Again making a report a very long time after said incident occurs.

He figures the day he called about the plates had to have been November 3rd because he was not working on the 4th, and the vehicle was found on the 5th. They must not timestamp those calls.
I'm glad you mentioned that. I was wondering about a picture I saw of her vehicle that rear windshield wiper was in the "up" position. I was wondering when I saw that picture if it could have been raining?

I have not noticed that before! Interesting for sure!
In one of the transcripts or articles I read it stated that when the vehicle was found, the windshield wipers and/or control knob were found still in the "on" position. So whoever moved it, possibly moved it while it was raining and when they turned the ignition off, they failed to turn the windshield control knob off first.

In one of the evidence photos of several LE vehicles at the Avery Auto Salvage you can see big rain puddles of water.

I don't know what other days/nights it rained there between the time TH arrived and the search.

...I can't maybe in the 2005 thread...but I think it was raining on one of the search days..not sure if that was the community search day or LE search day, but someone said it was pouring rain...we do know from testimony from Pam Sturm that it was not raining in the morning of the 5th, but it was cloudy and overcast. It maybe that it rained after that--but I'm not sure if it rained before that. If it rained after the car was found--the wipers are a mood point.

Ha...Ha...Ha...Missy--we must think alike...

Anyway, I do believe I read that the 4th was clear as well. Didn't the pilot testify that it was a clear day?
I'm glad you mentioned that. I was wondering about a picture I saw of her vehicle that rear windshield wiper was in the "up" position. I was wondering when I saw that picture if it could have been raining?
.03 in on October 31, 2005 (Monday)
.00 in on November 1, 2005 (Tuesday)
.00 in on November 2, 2005 (Wednesday)
.00 on November 3, 2005 (Thursday)
.00 in on November 4, 2005 (Friday)
.30 in on November 5, 2005 (Saturday)
.25 in on November 6, 2005 (Sunday)
Can anyone help me---I don't know how to get my cell phone posts over to the other thread. Thanks in advance!
Good point, but considering what SA did on a daily basis, I wouldn't expect him not to also have wounds.

If that was Scott's and he worked in construction ,he had to be very terrible at his job. Just saying. My step dad was a framer and all his friends built houses ,laid brick put up trusses . The only time I saw the crew members have injuries like that was from the bar fights they got into on the weekends. (it was the 80's ).
Those are RH's hands, if IIRC he testified that he had just finished nursing school at that time.

RE: SA's cut. JMO I don't see it in video's and pictures from the interviews he did with various news stations. I also don't find it that odd considering his line of work. My husband is an electrician.... he comes home almost every day with a new scratch/cut/scrape.... if he doesn't, I know he didn't work too hard that day LOL
...I can't maybe in the 2005 thread...but I think it was raining on one of the search days..not sure if that was the community search day or LE search day, but someone said it was pouring rain

In Avery's statement to police, he claimed to have probably watched the 10pm news the night of Monday Oct 31, 2005 because he might have heard it was going to rain the next day (which would be Tuesday Nov 1).
I'm thinking along your lines... how hard would it be to follow TH around that day and find a moment when she was vulnerable to possibly hit her vehicle out on a rural road. Then engage her in an altercation.
I have also seen some pics/video's of SA that show no cut on his finger from news footage, pictures.
[video=youtube;AaTUc2DdcS0][/video] towards the end of the video. This is just one that I had handy in my history LOL

Thank you for this! I'd been looking for a video showing his hand and couldn't find one! SA says he cut his hand laying tin roofing at the cabin, right?
I think that is what he said in his statements or somewhere Hippiemomof5, I have not read it yet, but apparently a family friend testifies that it was cut before the 31st.
If it was there, it could have "opened" up. If it was not there then hmmmm. Even this video, it's not really clear, but it's also not noticeable. There are some other video's/pics that I've seen too but don't know exactly when they were taken.
Shortly in to this video he wipes his eyes and you can see his cut on the finger.
Mystic ~ any idea when that video was? I don't see these dated at all.... but the video you put up says "from his brothers house", the one I posted earlier says "Crivitz" (sp?)
The cops started by trying to trace TH's path that day and who she met with. They employed a local pilot to do searches for her vehicle in case she had gotten in an accident (that's in testimony).

The assertion that LE and others immediately pointed at Steve Avery without thinking anything else is not what was testified to. At first TH's friends thought she might have gotten in an accident. LE thought the same might have happened and those first searches were following that possibility.
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