GUILTY Netherlands - Jos Brech, 55, wanted for murder, Vosges (Fr) winter 2018

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves


Jan 31, 2014
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Europe's most wanted

BRECH, Joseph Theresia Johannes (Jos)
  • Wanted
  • Murder, grievous bodily injury
Sex: Male

Approximate height: 180 cm

Date of birth: Oct 29, 1962

Nationality: Dutch
Ethnic origin: European
Spoken languages: Dutch

State of case:
Ongoing investigation

+31 88 6615547
Sirene The Netherlands, + 31 88 6629470

Dutch police is on the lookout for Jos Brech. He is suspected of involvement in the death of 11-year-old Nicky Verstappen in 1998. Jos Brech’s current whereabouts are unknown. He left the Netherlands in the fall of 2017. His last sign of life dates from February 2018. His relatives reported him missing in April 2018. His last known place of residence was Vosges in France. Over the past few years he was mainly active in the world of bush crafting. He organized trips in Europe, among other things, and as a result regularly stayed abroad himself. He is an experienced bush crafter, which means he can survive in the wild for a longer period of time. At present, Jos Brech is 55 years old.
Jos Brech was reported missing in April 2018 when he did not return from a long hike in the Vosges mountains in France. His fellow bushcrafters organized searches with dogs.

The came the news that he was the main suspect in the murder of young Nicky Verstappen (11) who disappeared from a summercamp and was found dead a few days later (1998).

In 2017, Dutch LE organized a DNA investigation among thousands of men who had been living in the area at the time of Nicky's death.
Jos Brech was "invited" to give DNA (legally no one can be obliged to do so if you are not a suspect) but he never turned up. His family however was able to provide a sample that was a 100% match.

It is suspected that Jos Brech went on this trip to evade justice.
On Wednesday police revealed that dna found on the boy’s body corresponded with that of Jos Brech, a survivalist and former scout leader who was reported missing by his family in April. He had left the Netherlands in October last year for a chalet in Vogezen, a mountainous area in eastern France.


Brech lived at the time of Verstappen’s death with his mother in Simpelveld, some 13 kilometres from the spot where Nicky’s body was dumped . He was spotted in the vicinity a couple of days after the murder and questioned by police. In 2001 he was questioned again. It also emerged that Brech was a suspect in an earlier sex crime, but that case was eventually dropped.

More than 200 tips about Nicky Verstappen murder suspect -
This is the cabin where Jos Brench for the latest time was seen
The police are searching hard for the missing Jos Brech. The last known whereabouts of the defendant in the Nicky Verstappen case, is a cabin in the French Vosges. Reporter Marcel Maijer is at that cabin, of which Brech was co-manager, and explains what the environment looks like.

"I did not mind coming to the hut", says Maijer from the Vosges. "From the village of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines you have to go up on a piece of paved road, which at a certain point changes into a stone path, the cabin is about 100 to 200 meters from that path. 812 meter height. "

Friend of Jos Brech: 'He has a plan'
(video not avaible)

Well hidden
Because the house is well hidden in the woods, it was quite a search, continues Maijer. "It is not in the middle of nowhere, but it is a good base from which to withdraw from the vast forests."
No electricity
The cottage is devoid of all comfort. There is no gas, no light, no electricity. "Everything is made by hand, like the water tank, and the house is entirely made of wood, just really manual labor."

Before the press conference took place yesterday, the police searched the cabin, says Maijer. A neighbor of the cabin confirms that. She has seen a lot of police lately. Helicopters also flew in July. "So I wondered what was going on," she says to Maijer.

"I have heard the news," she continues. "Then I thought: hey, I saw that man." She has not noticed anything else about Brech, she says. "It's someone like you and me."

On Wednesday police revealed that dna found on the boy’s body corresponded with that of Jos Brech, a survivalist and former scout leader who was reported missing by his family in April. He had left the Netherlands in October last year for a chalet in Vogezen, a mountainous area in eastern France.


Brech lived at the time of Verstappen’s death with his mother in Simpelveld, some 13 kilometres from the spot where Nicky’s body was dumped . He was spotted in the vicinity a couple of days after the murder and questioned by police. In 2001 he was questioned again. It also emerged that Brech was a suspect in an earlier sex crime, but that case was eventually dropped.

More than 200 tips about Nicky Verstappen murder suspect -

I also read that he was seen in April to attend his mothers funeral. Brech in april nog in Simpelveld gezien
Bushcrafter from Deventer knows Jos Brech: 'He is not a specialist'
Deventenaar Thijmen Apswoude knows Jos Brech, the suspect in the Verstappen case, from the bushcraft world. But the Deventer says that Brech is not a bushcraft specialist.
,, The media now put Jos Brech down as if he possesses all the experiences to survive in the wilderness, but that is not quite true '', says Apswoude. ,, Jos Brech is an amateur who has disappeared. Its also possible that he did not go into the wilderness at all, but just left with the car. "
Thijmen Apswoude knows the 55-year-old Jos Brech from the bushcraft world. They have met each other several times in the forest. Brech went missing last spring when he left for a hike to the Vosges in France. After his family got no contact with him, a bunch of bushcrafters, including good friends of Thijmen, went searching for him in April to the Vosges . Precisely because he is not so experienced. ,, We were afraid that he had slipped and fell from a rock. It was a gigantic search, we even used tracking dogs*.Without result."

It was a slap in the face of Thijmen and his friends when they read the name of the suspect in the media. ,, It seemed like a great guest. A person who does not hurt a fly. "A DNA match was found with 55-year-old Jos Brech from Simpelveld.The police now sees him as the great suspect in the murder case, but nobody knows where Jos Brech is. him as missing in April Jos Brech seems to have fled
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*A search from his bushcraft organisation did had a facebook group with the hashtag #findjos but an hour after the press conference,in wich was made clear the name of the perp: Jos Brech,it was taken offline.
A lot of details about the search was posted in that group
Esther zocht met speurhonden naar verdachte moord Nicky Verstappen

Transcript of video, interview with Esther van Neerbos of Signi Search Dogs, about their searches for Jos in the Vosges mountains.

Jos Brech, the suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen, has disappeared since February. His friends and family called on Esther and her dogs to look for him: "I think he is still alive."

Look, for us this hits like a bomb, but also for the family. Because it's just terrible that the man they loved wasn't the man they thought he was.

Jos Brech, the suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen, has disappeared since February. Esther and her dogs searched for him in France.

We were approached by the friends of Jos Brech. They feared that an accident had happened. He would have planned to make a hike of 3 weeks. At that time it was also very cold when he left, around 22 February it was - 20 in the Vosges. We were called in to see if we could find him.

Jos Brech had indicated in advance which routes he would take. So water transitions or transitions at busy roads were checked by our dogs to see if he had been there. And so we were able to map out his route. We had a package of Jos Brech that he had sent to his sister that we could use as a source of scent for the dogs. That way, dogs were able to recognise his scent in the woods. It remains in the forests for quite a long time. So the dogs specifically grabbed his trail. We have also found several sleeping places of Jos where he had spent the night.

They didn't find Jos, but Esther thinks he had a good chance of surviving.

Because he is indeed very good at surviving. He also survived that very cold period. He can take good care of himself. He has cash on him, he can simply provide everything. I suppose he's still alive and that's the last thing we assumed when we stopped the search.

The search stopped because Jos's family and friends became convinced that Jos himself did not want to be found.


On the FB page of Signi Search Dogs it reads:

Yesterday, Signi search dogs were confronted with the terrible news that the missing Jos Brech, for whom Signi has been searching intensively, is a suspect in the death of Nicky Verstappen
At the request of family and friends, Signi has followed his trail several times in the Vosges because an accident was feared.
Ultimately, the traces, times and direction turned out to deviate from Jos' original plan and a 'voluntary' disappearance was assumed instead of a fatal disappearance. At the request of the family and the police, the search was stopped, also because they became more aware of the reason behind the disappearance of Jos.
Moeder Nicky Verstappen: 'Alles draait nu om antwoorden.'

Mother of Nicky Verstappen: It's all about the answers now.

Transcript of interview (video):

This is what we have been hoping for for for 20 years, of course, that this would happen. Finally the time has come. And then we hope to take it a bit further. That we have him.

After 20 years there is a suspect in sight for the murder of Nicky Verstappen (11). This is Jos Brech. He is living abroad, where is unknown.

Can you describe what it was like to see a photo of the suspect for the first time and hear his name?

What a terribly scary figure. Yes. The name didn't ring a bell at all to me, but the picture... then you think oh God, that's one more. A paedophile, to my mind. He lives at home with his mother, bachelor....

(Peter R de Vries joins the conversation)
- Active in scouting and youth work. It's actually the classic story again.

Nicky's mom:
A kindergarten, what did he do there?

We have always secretly assumed that it was a known person, in whatever way. Even if he got to know him there in Brunssum at the camp, with sports, games, or whatever. We had always thought so, yes, but that is not the case. That was quite something to take in.

What must that have meant for how Nicky experienced it all?

Horrible, I think. You don't want to think too much about that
. And so Nicky went through a lot. The time he was still there.

I hope the whole world gets to know this, and that they see it and look out for this person. And that we can still catch him. That's what it's all about now, that we can get answers from him. Yes.

I was with you recently for an interview. I could see there that there is always a candle burning next to Nicky's picture. I suppose that is still the case. What do you think when you light that candle every morning?

--- Nicky's mother puts her hands to her eyes and weeps.


Esther zocht met speurhonden naar verdachte moord Nicky Verstappen

Transcript of video, interview with Esther van Neerbos of Signi Search Dogs, about their searches for Jos in the Vosges mountains.

Jos Brech, the suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen, has disappeared since February. His friends and family called on Esther and her dogs to look for him: "I think he is still alive."

Look, for us this hits like a bomb, but also for the family. Because it's just terrible that the man they loved wasn't the man they thought he was.

Jos Brech, the suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen, has disappeared since February. Esther and her dogs searched for him in France.

We were approached by the friends of Jos Brech. They feared that an accident had happened. He would have planned to make a hike of 3 weeks. At that time it was also very cold when he left, around 22 February it was - 20 in the Vosges. We were called in to see if we could find him.

Jos Brech had indicated in advance which routes he would take. So water transitions or transitions at busy roads were checked by our dogs to see if he had been there. And so we were able to map out his route. We had a package of Jos Brech that he had sent to his sister that we could use as a source of scent for the dogs. That way, dogs were able to recognise his scent in the woods. It remains in the forests for quite a long time. So the dogs specifically grabbed his trail. We have also found several sleeping places of Jos where he had spent the night.

They didn't find Jos, but Esther thinks he had a good chance of surviving.

Because he is indeed very good at surviving. He also survived that very cold period. He can take good care of himself. He has cash on him, he can simply provide everything. I suppose he's still alive and that's the last thing we assumed when we stopped the search.

The search stopped because Jos's family and friends became convinced that Jos himself did not want to be found.


On the FB page of Signi Search Dogs it reads:
I hope so that he is alive and will be arrested to answer for what he did
This must be nerve wracking for Nickys family...
Good find ZaZara! I scrolled it down to the last search on May 21
Wondering if the suspect has his passport with him
He doesn't need a passport while travelling in the Schengen Area countries, which means most of the European countries, he only needs some kind of identification that he's Dutch, and that's only needed if he crosses borders at places where there are border posts. In his case my guess is that he would choose places where he wouldn't be seen.
Schengen Area Countries - List of All Member States of Schengen Zone
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The police warned against Jos Brech as early as 2002.

The police warned the Limburg scouting as early as 2002 about the sexual past of Jos Brech, now the main suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen in 1998. According to the police, Brech was a danger to children at the scouts and had to leave.

This is what Frank Peters (63), who was a police investigator at the time and has been a member of the scouting in Heerlen for 57 years, tells us. "This is a man you shouldn't want to have with the scouting groups, " Peters was told in 2002 by a member of the second opinion team of the police, who reviewed the case of Verstappen. At that time, Peters was a member of a national scouting support team that took action in the event of serious events such as sex crimes.

The story of the former investigator is remarkable because the police let Brech walk free in 2002. Not only had he been a suspect in a sex offence in 1985, but the night after the body of Verstappen was found on the Brunssummerheide he was also held up near the crime scene by two gendarmes. As a result, Brech was twice heard as a witness in 2001 when the investigation was revived.

Yolanda Dols, police spokeswoman and involved in the investigation, acknowledges that Brech stated in 2001 that he had already been on the radar for a sex crime before. But that offence has been dismissed. This was one of the reasons why he did not become a suspect in the case of Nicky Verstappen at the time.

After the police's warning, Peters confronted Brech with the information. Brech immediately admitted that he was attracted to boys. Brech also revealed that he had committed a sexual offence in the past. Peters: He told us that he was cycling with his camera and passing two boys. When he was taking photographs he had 'gone too far', he said. I don't know exactly what he meant by that.

Brech did not say a word about the murder of the 11-year-old Nicky Verstappen. Investigator and experienced scout Peters did not insist. "I couldn't do that either, I wasn't allowed to use any investigative information in an interview I had as a member of the scouting. I mainly made him tell me things."

According to Peters, Brech also confessed that he was attracted to boys between the ages of 10 and 14, the age group he had been in charge of for years. After his unveiling, Peters asked Brech to cancel his membership at the scouting. The current suspect in the Verstappen case ultimately did so in 2002.


Het verhaal van de man die de dna-match ontdekte in zaak-Nicky Verstappen

The story of the man who discovered the dna-match in the Nicky Verstappen case

With a smile Arnoud Kal, dna expert at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), appeared at work today. It was Kal who, together with a colleague, coordinated the dna investigation in the Nicky Verstappen case.

Yesterday, 20 years after the death of the 11-year-old boy, it became known that a dna-match had been found between material on Nicky's clothing and 55-year-old Jos Brech. It was only when Brech was reported missing in April that his dna could be obtained from his belongings. The man is currently being sought.

Kal looked forward to yesterday's day for a long time, he tells the NOS. "At last we were able to share the important breakthrough with colleagues, but especially with the whole of the Netherlands."

According to the judicial authorities, the dna investigation in the Nicky Verstappen case is the largest ever investigation into biological relationships. It started in February this year and 21,500 men were called up. 14,049 men voluntarily gave DNA. Those thousands of dna samples were a monster project for the NFI.

"We had to bring in new techniques, including robots," Kal says. "For that you need people who understand robots, but also people who understand automation. Analysts also worked on the DNA profiles, and then there are the people who make the software that allows us to compare the profiles with each other. You need all these people to make a project like this a success."

Finding the match is not as romantic as the CSI TV programme, where a dna-match is often found after pressing a few buttons. It is above all a long-term task, Kal. "You're going to compare dna profiles and at some point you'll see that you've got a match. In this case, in the Verstappen case, that was a very special moment, because we had already seen a lot of profiles coming by, all of which did not yield that match."

When the match came two months ago, Kal and his colleagues had a difficult time, because although they wanted to shout it off the rooftops, almost nobody was allowed to know. "You can't just sprint into the hallway to tell us we have a match. Even for your own colleagues, you have to keep the secret in such a big case as this. That secrecy was important because, with this profile, we knew it was a missing person. You know that the police have to search for that person first and that there are all kinds of risks lurking when it leaks out.

In addition to Kal, three others knew about the match, but many more colleagues cooperated in the investigation. They were not allowed to know yet about the match. " The investigation was one that everyone here knew was happening. Sometimes you have to tell a half truth to your colleagues.

Yesterday, the information finally came out. At a press conference, the police and the public prosecutor's office announced the dna-match and asked them for tips about Jos Brech's whereabouts.

Although Kal no longer has to be silent, it does not mean that a champagne bottle was uncorked at the NFI. "I think everyone here will enjoy the beautiful result in their own way. At the same time, everyone has also seen the very emotional press conference, which is also the reason for reacting in a restrained way. You know that this is not yet over for the family. There are still no answers to their questions."

For Kal and his colleagues, the result does provide extra motivation to tackle other unresolved cases. There are still 1500 of them. This also includes cases where there are no traces that the NFI can investigate. But for those cases with traces, Kal is clear: "We would love to investigate them."


A monster investigation into potentially 21.500 DNA profiles. Over 14.000 men turned up, and we now know that the perpetrator was not among them.
I wonder for how long he had been a POI already. The story here is that apparently, LE had to wait to get his DNA until he was reported missing.
Why don't journalists ASK these questions? Did the DNA from Jos Brech's belongings follow the same route as the other 14.000, or was it fast-tracked because he was already a POI?
Did the NFI continue to analyze DNA-samples for two more months for security reasons even when there was a 100% match?

It beggars belief that essential yet relatively small mistakes made in the beginning of the investigation, and in the years after that, mistakes that resulted in Jos Brech not becoming a suspect, would pave the way for this monster project that must have cost millions.

It is of course always easy to criticise after the facts become known. But still. This is the reaction of two former senior police inspectors:

Een zaak vol missers | Waarheidsvinding

In the light of what has now become known about Brech, it is incomprehensible that the police apparently warn the scouting against Brech, but did not take any further action against him.

Police spokeswoman Yolanda Dols has an explanation for this. According to her, Brech admitted to the police at the time that he had previously been in the picture for a sex offence. But because that case had been dismissed, he had not become a suspect in the 'Verstappen' case.

We wonder how long you have to study to become so stupid. The fact that a case has been dismissed says nothing about the suspect or his behaviour. It just says he has not been penalized. The fact that Brech was sexually interested in young boys and that he was spotted in the vicinity of the crime scene shortly after Nicky's body was found should have made all the alarm bells ring. The fact that this did not happen says it all about the quality of the people who investigated the Nicky Verstappen case.

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Johan Mees has known Jos Brech for years: "Did I walk with a child murderer?"

DEN BOSCH - The search for Jos Brech in May was one for a man who might be in distress, who had gone missing. That's why Johan Mees joined the search. For chairman Mees of the Bushcraft Netherlands Foundation, the suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen was indeed more than a vague acquaintance.

The city ecologist of Den Bosch made hikes through the Vosges with Brech. As nature lovers, they were sitting side by side by side by the campfires. "An ordinary and quiet guy who did not talk a lot."
Discussions focussed about their mutual passion: nature. Was there talk of private matters too? "Hardly, although he told me that he had worked at a day-care centre and had become unemployed as a result of a reorganisation."

Wednesday afternoon just after noon this image of Brech came crashing down in smithereens. Mees is tipped to turn on the television and to his dismay he hears the name of murder suspect Jos Brech, the accompanying photos hit him right between the eyes. "He is a suspect, did I hike and sit with a child murderer?"

A day later, Mees seems to have recovered from the worst shock. Heavy storms pass quickly. But still. The chairman of the Den Bosch-based national club of nature lovers is also racking his brains about the events. Not in the least because he would find it disturbing if his foundation and the bushcrafters would end up in the wrong light. "We are not a club of scary men. We are enthusiasts who organise workshops to learn how to live in nature." On the site of the foundation features the following addition: 'bushcraft is different from survival'. Mees: "Yes, although it now seems that Brech has been working on a survival these last few months."

On average, his foundation holds a weekend twice a year, where some 400 adults and children meet. No, there is no reason to think that anything has happened in the past between Brech and the children. "Don't forget that the parents of the children were always there too."

Would you go back to search for Brech if the police now asked for it?

"Yes I would, but with the intention of getting clarity. For the Verstappen family.''

Politie onderzoekt mogelijke inlogpoging Jos Brech op 23 mei

Jos Brech, the man suspected of being involved in the murder of Nikky Verstappen, may have logged on to a German internet forum on bushcraft on 23 May 2018.

This would be the website There Jos Brech, under his nickname OakleafNL, posted reports until May of last year. On his profile page it shows that on 23 May 2018 a login has been made.

The police are aware of this information. Whether it was indeed the murder suspect Brech, or someone else who had access to this account, is unclear.

Crime reporter Peter R. de Vries also says he has 'interesting information' from a source that Jos Brech logged on to the internet after he disappeared. That was on April 27. "That makes his last sign of life a lot more recent. Beautiful. We are getting closer," according to De Vries.

$#%^^&& there is a young boy there on this hike.....unbelievable this....
I know I saw that too..There was also another comment /discussion sector
My English is really bad but I try to answer you. I just use the google translate :).
Your Pm arrived without problems but I have not time to respond.
the video is great it is fun to look at the children"
I looked it up and it seems to be a German and with all the recent news "logg in at a German Bushcraft website"I really think he is/went to Germany
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The police warned against Jos Brech as early as 2002.

The police warned the Limburg scouting as early as 2002 about the sexual past of Jos Brech, now the main suspect of the murder of Nicky Verstappen in 1998. According to the police, Brech was a danger to children at the scouts and had to leave.

This is what Frank Peters (63), who was a police investigator at the time and has been a member of the scouting in Heerlen for 57 years, tells us. "This is a man you shouldn't want to have with the scouting groups, " Peters was told in 2002 by a member of the second opinion team of the police, who reviewed the case of Verstappen. At that time, Peters was a member of a national scouting support team that took action in the event of serious events such as sex crimes.

The story of the former investigator is remarkable because the police let Brech walk free in 2002. Not only had he been a suspect in a sex offence in 1985, but the night after the body of Verstappen was found on the Brunssummerheide he was also held up near the crime scene by two gendarmes. As a result, Brech was twice heard as a witness in 2001 when the investigation was revived.

Yolanda Dols, police spokeswoman and involved in the investigation, acknowledges that Brech stated in 2001 that he had already been on the radar for a sex crime before. But that offence has been dismissed. This was one of the reasons why he did not become a suspect in the case of Nicky Verstappen at the time.

After the police's warning, Peters confronted Brech with the information. Brech immediately admitted that he was attracted to boys. Brech also revealed that he had committed a sexual offence in the past. Peters: He told us that he was cycling with his camera and passing two boys. When he was taking photographs he had 'gone too far', he said. I don't know exactly what he meant by that.

Brech did not say a word about the murder of the 11-year-old Nicky Verstappen. Investigator and experienced scout Peters did not insist. "I couldn't do that either, I wasn't allowed to use any investigative information in an interview I had as a member of the scouting. I mainly made him tell me things."

According to Peters, Brech also confessed that he was attracted to boys between the ages of 10 and 14, the age group he had been in charge of for years. After his unveiling, Peters asked Brech to cancel his membership at the scouting. The current suspect in the Verstappen case ultimately did so in 2002.


Wow :(:confused: sometimes you just can't believe it.

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