GUILTY Netherlands - Jos Brech, 55, wanted for murder, Vosges (Fr) winter 2018

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Politie haalde Jos Brech in 2009 van DNA-lijst

Police removed name of Jos Brech from DNA-list

The police confirm to RTL News that Jos Brech, who is suspected of involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen, was removed from a list in 2009 of people whose DNA needed to be examined.

This list included persons who had been portrayed in various ways by the police during the investigation into the death of the 11-year-old boy. Jos Brech was stopped in August 1998 at Brunssummerheide, where investigations were carried out at the crime scene at the time.

In addition to Jos Brech, more people were removed from the list in 2009, as well as other passers-by who, like Brech, were in the neighbourhood when the body of Verstappen was found.

Finally, DNA was taken from 107 people. "This number was really large at the time," says a police spokesman. Permission must always be obtained from the Public Prosecution Service for the collection of DNA.

Crime reporter Peter R. de Vries tells RTL News that he finds it 'incomprehensible' that Jos Brech was removed from the list at the time. "I can't imagine why you would strike this name off," he says. "I am keen to know: who did this and on what basis? I can only suppose that it might have been done from a kind of perspective of efficiency. For example: 'Let's not incur too many unnecessary costs, this man was probably just a passer-by. This takes time, money and effort. Let us not do that'.

The wrong assessment, as it turns out now. "Otherwise, the case would have been resolved in 2009." According to De Vries, Nicky Verstappen's parents Berthie and Peter also want to know how this could have happened. "They also want answers to this question."

Finally, Jos Brech's DNA did end up with the police. At the end of 2017, the police approached Brech because of the the DNA relationship investigation and the 1-on-1 DNA sampling trajectory. He did not respond to that call. In fact, he disappeared and reportedly left for the Vosges. He was then reported missing.

In the context of the his disappearance, another police team outside Limburg sent Jos Brech's personal goods to the NFI for DNA investigation. In addition, the investigation team for Nicky Verstappen also sent personal belongings of the man to the NFI. The investigation team also submitted DNA from two distant relatives of the man.

On 8 June of this year, the NFI reported that the DNA profiles from the missing persons investigation and the Nicky Verstappen investigation and the profiles of the man's distant relatives corresponded with the suspicious traces on Nicky Verstappen's clothing.


Let me try to understand this.

In 2009, despite his profile, Jos Brech is struck off a list with names of people whose DNA needed to be examined. Assuming that DNA-investigation was expensive in 2009, it probably would have become cheaper in 2018 as technology progresses.
So why not test the men who were removed from the list in 2009 instead of calling on twentyonethousandfivehundred men to render DNA?

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I know I saw that too..There was also another comment /discussion sector
My English is really bad but I try to answer you. I just use the google translate :).
Your Pm arrived without problems but I have not time to respond.
the video is great it is fun to look at the children"
I looked it up and it seems to be a German and with all the recent news "logg in at a German Bushcraft website"I really think he is/went to Germany

Hi Worldwatcher. Don't worry about your English :) The more you are on WS the better you will learn it. I agree with you that the video is quit good but it angers me that this guy killed a young boy and probably touched (or even worse) other kids and goes about living, making friends, was liked and trusted by them, having fun, placing this kind of you-tube films etc. as if nothing ever happened. I find it also unbelievable that he openly claimed to be under treatment for his "problem" years and years ago (2001) and was on the police-radar (he was actually spotted near the crime scene)....and noting was (or could be?) done. They took his DNA from the suspects list in 2009 Whattttt!!! I'm also kind of happy that finally, after 20 years, the miracle of DNA, disclosed the perpetrator in this nagging Dutch case. Now "all" there is to do is finding Jos Brech and bring justice to Nicky and his family. There's a big chance he is in Germany or has already travelled through....
Hi Worldwatcher. Don't worry about your English :) The more you are on WS the better you will learn it. I agree with you that the video is quit good but it angers me that this guy killed a young boy and probably touched (or even worse) other kids and goes about living, making friends, was liked and trusted by them, having fun, placing this kind of you-tube films etc. as if nothing ever happened. I find it also unbelievable that he openly claimed to be under treatment for his "problem" years and years ago (2001) and was on the police-radar (he was actually spotted near the crime scene)....and noting was (or could be?) done. They took his DNA from the suspects list in 2009 Whattttt!!! I'm also kind of happy that finally, after 20 years, the miracle of DNA, disclosed the perpetrator in this nagging Dutch case. Now "all" there is to do is finding Jos Brech and bring justice to Nicky and his family. There's a big chance he is in Germany or has already travelled through....
Nooo sorry I should have been more clearer
Its the comment onJBs youtube channel under the tpoic discussion who responded to a video of JB
Nooo sorry I should have been more clearer
Its the comment onJBs youtube channel under the tpoic discussion who responded to a video of JB

Oke...if you look at the timeline of the comments you will see that the recent comments are not that nice anymore....and this is an understatement..... Looking with objective eyes, not knowing the maker is a child killer, I can imagine somebody liked the video.
Oke...if you look at the timeline of the comments you will see that the recent comments are not that nice anymore....and this is an understatement.....
Yes kinda hate comments not very smart imo People shouldnt have done that,it the Family in need for answers and those hate comments are not helping to arrest him alive
But comments before this was know that he is a suspect i was reading
Also the investigation of DNA found on Nicky is still going from what I understood of the live press broadcast there was more DNA beside JB
Oke...if you look at the timeline of the comments you will see that the recent comments are not that nice anymore....and this is an understatement..... Looking with objective eyes, not knowing the maker is a child killer, I can imagine somebody liked the video.
If you are a bushcrafter wouldnt you make a comment about common grounds like bushcrafting,nature,surving skills,great hikingplaces etc and so on?
Maybe its me but felt kinda odd
With knowing jb last logged in on a German BC website and the dogs picked up his smell border France/Germany
The comment in German from the same bushcrafter is also about children
"also meine Challenge läuft erstmal bis ende März, und evtl verlängere ich sie noch. kommt darauf an wieviele Antworten kommen. da ich nicht genau weis ob dir bis dorthin die Zeit reicht eine neue Va zu machen stelle ich deine schon mal ein und tausche sie aus falls du eine neue machst. Ist das o.k für dich ? Find es super was du mir den kids machst echt klasse. P.S wenn mein englisch so gut wie dein deutsch wäre dann hätte ich grund zur freude :) LG Haui Vide stelle ich gleich ein . hmm kann dir nicht auf die Mail antworten. es kommt in Hinweis das du nur mails von kontakten erhalten kannst"
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The comment in German vandezelfde bushcrafter is also about children
also meine Challenge läuft erstmal bis ende März, und evtl verlängere ich sie noch. kommt darauf an wieviele Antworten kommen. da ich nicht genau weis ob dir bis dorthin die Zeit reicht eine neue Va zu machen stelle ich deine schon mal ein und tausche sie aus falls du eine neue machst. Ist das o.k für dich ? Find es super was du mir den kids machst echt klasse. P.S wenn mein englisch so gut wie dein deutsch wäre dann hätte ich grund zur freude :) LG Haui Vide stelle ich gleich ein . hmm kann dir nicht auf die Mail antworten. es kommt in Hinweis das du nur mails von kontakten erhalten kannst

I'm just not sure what it means... it's all just speculation but are they trading pictures/video's (from children?) or just on bush craft things. It's kind of strange...the same post is underneath it in English....It could mean anything.
The comment in German from the same bushcrafter is also about children
"also meine Challenge läuft erstmal bis ende März, und evtl verlängere ich sie noch. kommt darauf an wieviele Antworten kommen. da ich nicht genau weis ob dir bis dorthin die Zeit reicht eine neue Va zu machen stelle ich deine schon mal ein und tausche sie aus falls du eine neue machst. Ist das o.k für dich ? Find es super was du mir den kids machst echt klasse. P.S wenn mein englisch so gut wie dein deutsch wäre dann hätte ich grund zur freude :) LG Haui Vide stelle ich gleich ein . hmm kann dir nicht auf die Mail antworten. es kommt in Hinweis das du nur mails von kontakten erhalten kannst"

Worldwatcher, do you have a link for this? you can post a link to the comment, but possibly not the comment itself because this might not be an acceptable source on Websleuths (??)
Worldwatcher, do you have a link for this? you can post a link to the comment, but possibly not the comment itself because this might not be an acceptable source on Websleuths (??)


It's underneath this video
I'm just not sure what it means... it's all just speculation but are they trading pictures/video's (from children?) or just on bush craft things. It's kind of strange...the same post is underneath it in English....It could mean anything.
Maybe it's nothing...who knows but the comments stood out and the word children in it,gave me the chills
The other comments from a year and longer ago, is more general,like: ' thx for the subscribe to my channel,like your video" etc etc
Wat kan justitie eigenlijk als Jos Brech gevonden wordt?

What options does the prosecutor have if and when Jos Brech is located?

Since the DNA-match, a manhunt has been opened for Jos Brech, suspected of involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen. And once he is found, then what?
Suppose Jos Brech is found. What evidence do they have against him?

Jos Brech's DNA was found on Nicky Verstappen's clothing. That is important evidence, but it seems to be one of the few trumps the Public Prosecution Service has in its hands at the moment. It is therefore important for the police and the judiciary to be able to speak to Jos Brech themselves because other evidence seems currently lacking. As far as is known, there is currently no supporting evidence for Brech's involvement in the death of Nicky, such as a phone from a suspect connecting at the time and place of the crime.

What about the statute of limitations?

Some offences may be subject to a time limit. Not murder and manslaughter, but 'withdrawal from parental authority', for example. That risk has been averted. A number of offences were due to expire this month, 20 years after the crime. But two months before that deadline, on 8 June this year, a DNA match was established between the DNA on Nicky's clothing and the DNA of suspected Jos Brech.

From that moment on, the police carried out all kinds of investigation activities, such as searching his house and checking out his telephone. This was done with the permission of the supervisory judge. So at that moment a suspect was actually in the picture: Jos Brech. That is the moment when the limitation period is no longer an issue.

What would he be charged with?

Jos Brech is suspected of 'involvement in the death of Nicky Verstappen', but it is not known exactly what specific criminal offences he is suspected of. An exact cause of death has never been established, but the police have always said that Nicky was a perfectly healthy boy who is not expected to die just like that.

Also, it seems that he has been left behind by someone at the scene of the crime. When a cause of death is unknown, it is difficult to prove his murder or manslaughter. Although the police suspect that Nicky has been sexually abused, investigations have never officially revealed this.

The question, therefore, is whether these facts can be proven. Another thing that the police and judicial authorities take into account is the fact that Nicky was taken to a place by the suspect. If an adult intentionally takes a minor with him or her and withdraws from the competent authority, such as parents or supervisors, this is punishable.

Suppose he is found dead, would the case be over?

The Criminal Code (Article 69) states that the Public Prosecution Service cannot prosecute a suspect if he or she dies. If Jos Brech is found dead, he cannot be prosecuted and the case is closed.

Is it possible that there are more perpetrators?

The investigation team has three DNA traces under investigation. One of those DNA traces on Nicky's clothes comes from Jos Brech, but it is not clear to whom the other DNA on those clothes belongs. It is also not yet known whose DNA trace is on a cigarette butt found near the crime scene. That is why the Public Prosecution continues with the DNA relationship investigation and hopes eventually to find the two persons who match with this DNA. Chief officer Jan Eland has already indicated that the suspicion is not focused on these persons, but on Jos Brech.


The big question remains: how did Nicky end up outside the camp? His parents are convinced that he would never venture out in the dark on his own. He was only 11 years old, and afraid to sleep in a tent. The traces of DNA now under investigation belong to strangers, men whom Nicky apparently did not know. Perhaps if these men are found, it can be established if they had any connection with the camp or its leaders.
Jos Brech kreeg in 1985 twee jaar proeftijd voor ontucht

Jos Brech was sentenced to two years' probation in 1985 for sexual abuse

Jos Brech, the man wanted in connection with the death of Nicky Verstappen, was sentenced to two years' probation in 1985 in connection with sexual abuse. This is evidenced by a court registration from 1985 that the Limburg Regional Historical Centre provided to Nieuwsuur.

From the date of registration it appears that Jos Brech is indeed the man who in 1985 in the Limburgsch Dagblad acknowledges having committed sexual abuse with two 10-year-old boys. The two boys took part in a treasure hunt in Wijnandsrade in the municipality of Nuth.

The police have so far said they know nothing more than that the case against Brech has been dismissed. On their website, the police say that they can no longer find out whether the newspaper article refers to Jos Brech.

Brech was given the probationary period in the context of a conditional dismissal, according to the document. This means that there was conclusive evidence that he was committing the sexual abuse, but that the Public Prosecutor's Office decided not to prosecute him if he did not repeat the offence for a period of two years. It is clear from the fact that the case was finally dismissed that he has passed the probationary period well.

The content of the sexual abuse is not clear from the newspaper article nor from the registration with the court. Former policeman Frank Peters did say something about the events to 1Limburg. He told that in 2002, the police warned the scouting in Limburg against Brech because of an incident in the past. According to Peters, Brech said that he had once gone too far in photographing two boys.

Furthermore, it is not clear why the Public Prosecution Service chose not to prosecute Brech, then 22 years old, in 1985. This morning, De Limburger reported that the regional mental health service had been treating Brech as a result of this sexual abuse case.

Because the Public Prosecution Service did not prosecute, Jos Brech was not registered as a sex offender in 1998, when the investigation into the death of Nicky Verstappen started. It was not until 2001 that this was discussed in an interview with Brech. Nevertheless, in 2010, when the police decided to take DNA from 107 people, he was out of the picture again as someone with a past record of sexual abuse. Brech was therefore not asked to give DNA at that time.


This is chilling. There was proof of the sexual abuse in 1985, it wasn't a mere suspicion. When was paedophilia ever cured by a two year probation period?

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