New Darlie Interview - WFAA

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I would have liked to see the entire interview. I also would like to know why the testing of the fingerprints was denied. According to Libby Johnson there was a possiblity that DNA from skin cells or oils could have been picked up from these. Technology that was not available in 1996. Also does anyone know what has happened to the utility room door? Is it still around or was it destroyed?
I would have liked to see the entire interview. I also would like to know why the testing of the fingerprints was denied. According to Libby Johnson there was a possiblity that DNA from skin cells or oils could have been picked up from these. Technology that was not available in 1996. Also does anyone know what has happened to the utility room door? Is it still around or was it destroyed?
That's what I thought the testing was about, so I didn't understand why they didn't allow the fingerprints to be tested. Seems to me, if it is indeed possible to detect oils/skin cells that would have been a better chance of indicating someone else left the print there. I understand that they are unable to match the print but finding someone else's oils/skin cells would surely indicate someone other than Darlie,etc left the print.
Same here. I have to wait till I get home to watch it but it sure looks like she's gotten fluffy!

She has and does she ever look like Darlie Kee in this interview. I think she looks better than she did when she was a bleached blonde. I think she looks good actually.
Inmates, even those on death row, are allowed to have money on their books (which I'm sure her family makes sure she has) and order from the prison's store so she could very well be ordering some snacks, etc. to keep in her cell. She may also receive a small (and it would be small) amount of money for her work at the prison. There's also the possibility that she might be taking some sort of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety or some other medication that might be a contributing factor to the weight gain, not to mention that she's closer to 40 than she is 30 now so she's got that going against her as well. I was surprised to see that she did "fluff" out a little because it's been a long time since there's been a new Darlie interview so this change was more noticeable. I don't think she looks bad or anything. Probably feels a lot better, physically, than she did when she was living for vanity.

One other thought went through my light of the fact that she once said that she was continuing with exercise, etc. so she "could look good when she was released", maybe she's subconsciously (or consciously...doesn't matter) given up hope that she ever will be released. Hard to say.

How long do they anticipate these tests will take? This has probably been asked before but I must have overlooked it.

Thanks for replying to my post. :)
Hey Daisy - I also wondered if she was put on an anti-depressant because allot of people end up gaining weight when they take it.
What she'll do is be one step closer to the death chamber. She's entitled to have the evidence tested. She may be entitled to some other delays and maybe even a stay or two, but if there is nothing that comes out of it, at the end, she'll be executed.

As you all know I am not fond of this woman (queen of gross understatements here..) or her husband. Going out on a limb here to say that this woman will NEVER be executed.
It will go down to the wire, she will exhaust all her appeals and requests, and will then serve up Darling Darrin for her sentence to be commuted to life..
At which point, all my dear friends will be at my doorstep, line forming around the block, to tell me I was right from the beginning ( I can dream..) I would not want to see what waits on the other side for these two, that is for sure.
Hey Daisy - I also wondered if she was put on an anti-depressant because allot of people end up gaining weight when they take it.

Hi, Wendy! I was on an anti-depressant years ago (just to deal with a rather difficult, but temporary, situation). It was that Sinequan stuff. It did increase my appetite, that's for sure. But I also would diet and could get through the entire Jane Fonda Challenge aerobics tape (anyone remember those, by any chance????? :crazy:) but would still gain weight instead of lose. However, once I got off that poison, the weight fell right off. Anyhoo, if being on death row doesn't cause one to be depressed or filled with anxiety, I don't know what would!
As you all know I am not fond of this woman (queen of gross understatements here..) or her husband. Going out on a limb here to say that this woman will NEVER be executed.
It will go down to the wire, she will exhaust all her appeals and requests, and will then serve up Darling Darrin for her sentence to be commuted to life..

Blink, I'm thinking that you might be absolutely right on the money here. What is the longest that anyone has sat on death row in Texas? Is Darlie holding the record here?
As you all know I am not fond of this woman (queen of gross understatements here..) or her husband. Going out on a limb here to say that this woman will NEVER be executed.
It will go down to the wire, she will exhaust all her appeals and requests, and will then serve up Darling Darrin for her sentence to be commuted to life..
At which point, all my dear friends will be at my doorstep, line forming around the block, to tell me I was right from the beginning ( I can dream..) I would not want to see what waits on the other side for these two, that is for sure.

Hey! Unless something very serious happens in her case, believe me when I tell you that the State of Texas WILL execute her. Then Governor Bush and now Governor Perry have made it perfectly clear that they will NOT second guess a jury's decision and commute a sentence unless there is some very good reason and in this case, like I said, unless some very serious happens in her favor, they won't do it.

Moreover, its impossible for her to "serve up" anyone in order to get a deal from the State of Texas at this point because of a few reasons, but chiefly because of two reasons: (1) A defendant cannot be convicted solely on the word of a co-defendant, which is all that they would have against him at this point; and (2) She could not undo all of her testimony, depositions, statements, etc., given to date which state that she saw her attacker(s) and that Darin had NOTHING whatsoever to do with it.

How would any prosecutor say to a jury that they should listen to the co-defendant's word and convict Darin, but in the next breath say that they should disregard everything that very same co-defendant (Darlie) has been saying since the morning of the murders? Do you see what I'm getting at? The State of Texas isn't going to go into a courtroom asking a jury to believe this bullcrap and spare the life of Darlie Routier just so they could add Darin Routier to the prison rolls.

Never happen.
Blink, I'm thinking that you might be absolutely right on the money here. What is the longest that anyone has sat on death row in Texas? Is Darlie holding the record here?

The record is still being made at well over 25 years.
Hey! Unless something very serious happens in her case, believe me when I tell you that the State of Texas WILL execute her. Then Governor Bush and now Governor Perry have made it perfectly clear that they will NOT second guess a jury's decision and commute a sentence unless there is some very good reason and in this case, like I said, unless some very serious happens in her favor, they won't do it.
That's what I always thought until the day Bush commuted Henry Lee Lucas's death sentence to life. That one really blew me away.
That's what I always thought until the day Bush commuted Henry Lee Lucas's death sentence to life. That one really blew me away.

Its said that is because Lucas FALSELY admitted to the crime he was on death row for. So, he didn't qualify for the death penalty. I think that's more of a feather in the cap of Texas, not a bad thing.
Jeana is right, I just watched a documentary on this guy, they cannot tie him for real to any of the crimes (3000) he actually confessed to except the two initial murders. They believed him at first, and violla, he now sits on Death Row forever.

Otis Toole, his "associate" is believed per John Walsh, to be responsible for a great many of the deaths HLL copped to, but died in prison.
John Walsh personally belived he was responsible for his son Adam's murder whose remains have never been found.
I'm confused, can anyone explain why, if the focus of the retest is to find a link to non-party evidence, why have the 2 handprints which also did not belong to anyone in the home have been disallowed? Was the source of the blood/DNA in them conclusive originally and could they ascertain which happened first?

You need to go read the court brief it is, it explains why the palm prints are not allowed to be tested.

"Even entertaining the appellant's factual assumptions about the palm print, we find that she is not entitled to the DNA testing she presently seeks. The appellant does not indicate whether the dried blood in which the palm print is embedded has ever been subjected to DNA testing. In the absence of any indication in the record that it has, (40) we must apply the criteria in Article 64.01(b)(1)(A)(ii), which requires the appellant to show that previously available DNA testing was not technologically capable of providing probative results. (41) Dr. Johnson does not assert that the DNA technology in existence at the time of trial could not distinguish multiple DNA sources from a single biological sample--indeed, many of the samples that were tested for trial from various biological materials were shown by DNA technology extant in 1996 to contain mixtures of the appellant's and her sons' DNA. (42) Dr. Johnson now asserts only that the present-day DNA technologies would do a better job. We reiterate: That is the standard for determining whether biological materials that have been previously subjected to DNA testing may again be tested. The appellant has failed to establish that she is entitled to conduct post-conviction DNA tests of the bloody palm print."
As you all know I am not fond of this woman (queen of gross understatements here..) or her husband. Going out on a limb here to say that this woman will NEVER be executed.
It will go down to the wire, she will exhaust all her appeals and requests, and will then serve up Darling Darrin for her sentence to be commuted to life..
At which point, all my dear friends will be at my doorstep, line forming around the block, to tell me I was right from the beginning ( I can dream..) I would not want to see what waits on the other side for these two, that is for sure.

Oh sorry I completely disagree with this. She's had her chance to serve up Darin. Texas will not swap one for the other especially when there's not a lick of evidence that Darin committed the murders. Do you think Texas will just take Darlie's word for it and open the cell door?
Hey Daisy - I also wondered if she was put on an anti-depressant because allot of people end up gaining weight when they take it.

I must be totally wierd because when I was put on an antidepressant just about this time last year, I lost so much weight my clothes were falling off. I lost about 10lbs in two weeks initially.

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