New "Dateline" - 2010.11.12 Kyron Horman case

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I don't want to be OT, but I just don't get how she could have counted on the teacher being confused over a possible appointment...that is a pretty leap to me, no matter what was going on. For all she knows, the teacher might push a button on her phone to tape every conversation with a parent about a child...
Except Terri is the one that brings up the appt. and makes it mean something.

I shouldn't jump in here without reading the whole thread but Terri's email about the teacher getting the appointment wrong is also interesting to me.

Did Baby K have an appointment? Or is Terri saying there was no appointment at all (for either kid) and the teacher just got the whole thing wrong....:waitasec:

“The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt. I said I was going to look at other exhibits – how do you mess that up?”
Posting for reference:

Reporter: And the truck is yours and the Mustang is hers. And so she was driving your truck. Why was she driving your truck that day?

Kaine: Um... it was supposedly to pick up his science project. That's what she told me, and that's part of her story that makes no sense.

Reporter: Why would she need the truck to pick up his science... I mean, it's not like this enormous thing, right?

Kaine: Eh... she took it to drop it off too. If, if... Her trunk is relatively small. And it was just (unintelligible because Desiree interrupts and talks over him)... damage...

Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah. It wouldn't have fit in the car.

Kaine: It might have fit but there was concern about damage with the diorama and that. With the truck you can put it in the back of the cab, and prop it up nice, and you can put the diorama on the seat and there's no risk of damage.

So she took it in the truck too.

Reporter: So why wouldn't that story make any sense then?

Kaine: um... because she went to take him to drop him off for the science fair and the display... it had to be on display for, until 10 o'clock.

So why would she go drop him off and then leave him there and leave with the truck and not pick up the science project? That makes no sense to me at all... now. Didn't think anything of it at the time.

She, her story was that they had walked through and done the project on Thursday, which I believe they had done.

Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah. Correct.

Kaine: They had done their reports on Thursday but it still had to be on display for the science fair.

Desiree: Correct.

Kaine: So she dropped him off, and took, took the truck to drop him off and pick it up, but because it had to stay there, she left without the project, and you know, thinking about it now, it's like, well, why would you need the truck to pick it up if it had to stay there? You pick it up after school.

Reporter: Right. And the project was already up before she took him off to school that morning. I gotcha.

Kaine: Yes. Yes. So, take the truck after school to go pick him up and the project, but why would you go pick up the project at 8:45 before the science fair even starts. Makes no sense.

Desiree: She had...

Reporter: (interrupts) Obviously, it sounds like there's a more sinister motive for her to have this truck.

Desiree: Well, and she had emailed me during that day to let me know she was gonna find out when she could pick up the project so that I could see it.

So she obviously didn't know when she was supposed to pick it up.

Kaine: Yeah. Well, she was pretty concrete that she was picking it up that morning when she was dropping him off. So that's...

Again, you start to get into her story versus what law enforcement has as fact and her story is all over the place.

And law enforcement has different information that's more factual.

But that's what we have from Terri.

25 minute audio interview with the Oregonian
But we do have that woman can't remember her name, who stated that Terri asked her about T-shirts on the day Kyron went missing. The one who appeared on Dateline.

That in and of itself is interesting because didn't Desiree mention that on the day before Kyron went missing she got an email from Terri, about T-shirts but that she Desiree didn't answer it until Friday? :waitasec: (this is another revisit that we need)

When you are all ready start a new thread! :) These discussions should have a new thread I think.

Let me know if you want posts moved. xoxo
This thread is getting confusing to me, because there are so many topics within the Dateline show. Maybe we need new threads to discuss:

- the appointment/seizures (new info that nobody in the family knew about either),

- the truck/project on Thursday/Friday (new info where little boy says he saw Terri/Kyron bringing in project on Friday morning), and

- the alcohol situation (new info that Desiree says she didn't know about it and would have taken Kyron out if she had).

There are a lot of different facets to each of those topics, that deserve going into depth on.

I don't have a clue which existing threads might be appropriate for each, which is why I'm suggesting new threads.

No idea if this is okay with the mods.

ETA: Oh my God, gram - we were posting at the same time! LOL! (I'm very slow at typing).
Start the threads if you want BeanE and then if you want posts moved over to the different threads I will.

Or just a thread Let's revisit.... something like that :)
Not for sure. But it's not been mentioned that she did have a receipt. And if she bought meds and her alibi is driving a fussy baby around then putting her in gym daycare a few hours later, and her explanation for going to the second FM by her gym is to buy meds that weren't available at the first, it sure seems like an important part of the alibi not to have heard anything about. jmoo

IMO the FM stops(alibis) we are more certain about. It's the gym that I don't believe happened that day.

With the 2 FM we have LE releasing photos of the white truck at both FM(amd to go a step further when u hold ur mouse over the FM pic it was labeled"view from Terri's parking spot")I am more inclined to believe that Terri was at atleast the 2nd FM as we have Andrea speaking w/along with stating that TH even showed Andrea the pic of Ky w/ his project.

With the first FM we have Terri saying she has receipt as well as a pic of parking spot at FM. This leads me to believe it is possible that Terri(or someone)did visit this FM. (tho I'd be curious to see which of those pix is labeled as "view from Terris parking spot")is that at the 1st or 2nd FM?

But we have nothing even hinting at possibly corroborating her gym visit. Atleast off hand I cannot think of anythingt?would love if anyone has a link to say otherwise

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I think LE isn't asking about the gym time-period because that past was easily checked out...maybe via video or multiple witnesses?
I was working with the theory offered here that Terri lied about making an appointment.

If she made an appointment out of a narcissistic need to get the parenting recognition, then it doesn't make one lick of sense to keep that information from Desiree and Kaine. In fact, it would provide her with at least two weeks of narcissistic feed to keep bringing it up as often as possible to prove she's the parent who saw something was wrong with Kyron and by gosh and golly she's gonna get him in to the doctor as soon as she can to make sure he's taken care of the way only she can do.

Keeping it a secret on the Thursday she says she made the appointment and only mentioning it after Kyron disappeared doesn't give her any time at all to get her narcissist on. She defies her plan completely by taking the air out of her own tires by disappearing Kyron. The story doesn't add up at the school because when the chaperone stated she was short one child, the excuse given wasn't that he was at the Dr, don't was that he was probably in the bathroom, don't worry.

I heard it again on Dateline. The confusion about this Dr appointment is the parent's confusion.......they didn't know about it, they say. I simply can't understand how a narcissist would be able to keep it a secret when she's got something as hot to feed her narcissism as being the one who discovered something may be wrong with Kyron.

Okay, let's look at this rationally. Number one, the appointment wasn't the entire plan. It was only a piece of a plan to prove Terri's innocence. Think about it this way - she needed to get him out of that school. She also needed the school to not panic and immediately call her or Kaine when it's discovered that Kyron is not there. She needs that time to do what she did to Kyron and then hide what she's done.

She can't just take him and risk that luck is going to be on her side and the school won't call her or God forbid Kaine, wondering where he is. So she had to make up the appointment. But it can't be a real appointment because she knows she's getting symptoms from WebMD (which I showed in a previous post in a previous thread on this subject that she practically took their symptoms verbatim and put them in an email to her friend). She never intends to take him to an appointment because he's not going anywhere after she's done on that Friday.

Instead, she uses that fake appointment to trick the school. If they think he's out at an appointment and coming back later, they won't call her or Kaine, and that gives her time to do what she needs to do - in fact, the school never even raised an alarm about it. It was only the teacher that got confused about it and never reported Kyron missing to the front office because Terri confused her about that appointment. She volunteered at that school. She knew the inner workings of it and what she had to do to get Kyron out and not make any alarm of it. The appointment was the piece to help her do that and it worked.

She even fills out a sheet for it, so if anyone did look, oh, he's just at a doctor's appointment. I believe it was discussed that she didn't have to write down the date of the appointment, just that he had an appointment. Then when she's asked about that, all she had to say is that it was for the following Friday, not Friday June 4th. The poor teacher who doesn't hear well was just mistaken. And if Kaine and Desiree ask her about it, that's where supermom comes in, filling them in on what she saw before he went missing and why she made an appointment.

In this scenario, no one calls the doctor's office. No one gets suspicious because she's this caring mom who was so worried about her stepson that she made an appointment. And she'd tell Kaine and Desiree that she wasn't sure if it was seizures or not, so she didn't want to worry them before knowing for sure what is wrong with Kyron. She was thinking about them, afterall, and not wanting to worry them unless she absolutely had to. How selfless and courageous of her to take the initiative to do something like that (that's what she thought they would think).

This is how easy it was supposed to be. No police looking into her, no polygraphs tests, no one suspicious of her, only people thinking she was a selfless, loving mom that was looking out for Kyron, who would never ever want to hurt him.

But instead, it flew right back in her face and brought her nothing but trouble. I'm going to offer the below scenario as speculative proof only:

1. The questions she stumbled on the polygraph tests were about the appointment, something that wasn't supposed to have anything to do with what happened to Kyron.
2. The teacher's story about the appointment and Terri's story did not add up. There's also a document in the office about the appointment, so the police aren't sure what to believe, but something is very hinky here.
3. Suspicious because of the above two points, the police looked into the appointment to verify it and verify Terri's story over the teacher's, and find out it was a fake.
4. The police bring this fact to Kaine and Desiree's attention to see their reaction to it, and find out that they knew nothing about Kyron having seizures or the appointment.
5. Then it's back to looking into Terri because she's also the last adult to have seen Kyron at the school. Add a fake appointment to that, and you've got BIG suspicion hanging over her head from then on.

If you take the appointment away, all you have is that Terri was the last person to see Kyron in school, a real Riley Fox case. More people would think she was innocent because of other cases like Riley Fox's. Kaine and Desiree would even think she might be innocent. Even if the police looked into her, they wouldn't find enough to be really suspicious of her. Terri would have gotten away with it.

But instead, she went too far in bringing in the fake appointment. It had a domino effect, raising suspicion exponentially on her instead of helping to clear her as a supermom who loved her stepson. She thought too much about how to make herself look to everyone else instead of blending into the background more and looking more innocent. That's why I'm saying she's a narcissist. She thinks too much about how she looks to everyone else. She tries too hard to fit in and be the supermom she believes in her head that she is.

That is her top priority, that everyone believe she is a supermom who loved Kyron and couldn't possibly hurt him. How to accomplish that? Make a fake appointment for fake seizures and surely no one will think for a second that she had anything to do with what happened to Kyron. That's what she was banking on, her selfless, loving supermom persona to free her of suspicion. She brought more attention on herself thinking it would exonerate her, and instead, it's only going to help convict her at some point. If only she hadn't worried so much about how she looked to everyone else, she might have eluded suspicion in this case.

It reminds me of the case of the man who drowned his wife in a hotel bathtub. All he had to do was let it go, but he was greedy and couldn't help but sue the hotel for his wife's death. The subsequent investigation revealed the her accidental death was a murder instead. Had he not taken the step to sue the hotel to satisfy his selfish and greedy needs, he probably would have gotten away with it, scarily enough. He and Terri Horman worried too much about themselves. They worried too much about things they thought would bring positive attention on to them, not realizing all they were doing was the exact opposite and making themselves all the more suspicious. They shouldn't have thought about wanting more attention if they wanted to get away with murder. That's the problem with Naricissists. They think they can spin any kind of attention in a way that makes them look better. They think attention on them is exactly what they need when in fact, it's the last thing they need if they want to get away with murder.

This is why there's that adage about the watching the quiet ones - it's the ones that don't bring attention to themselves that get away with crime the most. Terri Horman, fortunately for justice for Kyron, is definitely NOT one of the quiet ones even though she won't open her mouth and defend herself. She already put too much out there to draw attention to herself. She doesn't have to say anything because the damage has already been done thanks to her selfish, narcisstic need to be mother of the century to her stepson.
I'm sorry. I didn't see BeanE's or grandmaJ's posts until after I posted the above. Feel free to move it to another thread as it is is a bit OT.
Okay, let's look at this rationally. Number one, the appointment wasn't the entire plan. It was only a piece of a plan to prove Terri's innocence. Think about it this way - she needed to get him out of that school. She also needed the school to not panic and immediately call her or Kaine when it's discovered that Kyron is not there. She needs that time to do what she did to Kyron and then hide what she's done.

But it doesn't prove Terri's innocence; in fact, it's proof by folks to say obviously she did something to him! She needed to get him out of the school without the school panicking, which in fact the school does not do until nearly 4:00. The school doesn't panic at all, except for that one chaperon who started with, 6 kids and ended with 5, and the teacher (who presumably was duped by this fake Dr appointment) assuaged her fears with the statement that he's probably in the bathroom. That makes it odd, to say the least, since according to this working theory, she had the ready excuse that Terri had taken Kyron with K to the doctor.

She can't just take him and risk that luck is going to be on her side and the school won't call her or God forbid Kaine, wondering where he is. So she had to make up the appointment. But it can't be a real appointment because she knows she's getting symptoms from WebMD (which I showed in a previous post in a previous thread on this subject that she practically took their symptoms verbatim and put them in an email to her friend). She never intends to take him to an appointment because he's not going anywhere after she's done on that Friday.

She made up the appointment, why didn't the teacher use it with the chaperon? Why was it only after the school found out Kyron was really missing instead of at this fake Dr appointment would the teacher suddenly remember that Terri had taken off with him??? And if Terri told the teacher she was taking off with him, how does that support any theory at all that she needed to get out of the school with him unseen?

Instead, she uses that fake appointment to trick the school. If they think he's out at an appointment and coming back later, they won't call her or Kaine, and that gives her time to do what she needs to do - in fact, the school never even raised an alarm about it. It was only the teacher that got confused about it and never reported Kyron missing to the front office because Terri confused her about that appointment. She volunteered at that school. She knew the inner workings of it and what she had to do to get Kyron out and not make any alarm of it. The appointment was the piece to help her do that and it worked.

But the chaperon says she had 6, and now she has 5. The explanation wasn't Kyron is at the was that he was probably in the bathroom. This also implies that sometime along the walk through, Kyron disappeared from the chaperon's care. That surely doesn't eliminate Terri waiting in a dark corner to snatch him out, but again I'm stuck with the school saying Kyron was in the bathroom as a response to this sudden loss of one child from a group of 6. Confusing the teacher with an appt for the week following still doesn't answer why the teacher excuses his absence with a potty break. It might excuse why later on it's noted that Kyron is absent, but then doesn't explain why the school didn't follow up to make sure Terri hadn't just taken off with him without checking him out.

She even fills out a sheet for it, so if anyone did look, oh, he's just at a doctor's appointment. I believe it was discussed that she didn't have to write down the date of the appointment, just that he had an appointment. Then when she's asked about that, all she had to say is that it was for the following Friday, not Friday June 4th. The poor teacher who doesn't hear well was just mistaken. And if Kaine and Desiree ask her about it, that's where supermom comes in, filling them in on what she saw before he went missing and why she made an appointment.

That's a lot of information about a document that we have neither seen nor had confirmation of it's actual existence. But supposing Terri did give her a form to fill out, what good will it do if there's no date on it? There's no way Terri could hold it up as proof that the teacher was mistaken about the date, since no date was on it. There's nothing in that form which could support Terri having made an appointment at all. There's nothing which could serve supermom's ego at all with a form that doesn't prove jack about what she'd planned for Kyron going to a Dr appointment that didn't really exist, since we all know one phone call will dispel it tout de suite. Her narcissistic ego feed would be better served shoving her mastery of neuroscience and diagnosing seisures by a long winded email to Desiree and pointed conversations with Kaine regarding her superiority as parent. Keeping it til after Kyron disappears, using it with a teacher who seems too addled to remember that's where Kyron is, not in the bathroom, and determining the chaperon must have been confused that she had 6 children at incredible diabolical plan. Makes me shudder.

In this scenario, no one calls the doctor's office. No one gets suspicious because she's this caring mom who was so worried about her stepson that she made an appointment. And she'd tell Kaine and Desiree that she wasn't sure if it was seizures or not, so she didn't want to worry them before knowing for sure what is wrong with Kyron. She was thinking about them, afterall, and not wanting to worry them unless she absolutely had to. How selfless and courageous of her to take the initiative to do something like that (that's what she thought they would think).

In this scenario, the only people who would need to call the Dr's office are Kaine and Desiree, after their son is missing, where presumably calling this Dr will unravel Terri's tale all together. I'm skeptical that Terri would withhold the information from Kaine and Desiree for previously stated reasons, but supposing she did, she's waiting to gratify her hunger for narcissistic feed, which I guess is possible, but given her desire for instant gratification, seems counter-intuitive to her personality. She doesn't in fact list these "heroic" efforts in her whiny email about how they're picking on her and how could the teacher screw up going to see the exhibits with a Dr appointment. In fact, she doesn't say anything at all about how selfless and courageous she was in not worrying Kaine and Desiree with this until she knew more. An opportunity missed for a narcissist is a rare thing, but this appears to be one!

This is how easy it was supposed to be. No police looking into her, no one suspicious of her, only people thinking she was a selfless, loving mom that was looking out for Kyron, who would never ever want to hurt him.

But instead, it flew right back in her face and brought her nothing but trouble. I'm going to offer the below scenario as speculative proof only:

1. The questions she stumbled on the polygraph tests were about the appointment, something that wasn't supposed to have anything to do with what happened to Kyron.
Whoa doggie!!! We know what questions she couldn't answer???

2. The teacher's story about the appointment and Terri's story did not add up. There's also a document in the office about the appointment, so the police aren't sure what to believe, but something is very hinky here./quote]
Well, the teacher's story didn't add up, since she excused Kyron's absence as a pee break.

3. Suspicious because of the above two points, the police looked into the appointment to verify it and verify Terri's story over the teacher's, and find out it was a fake.
If it was a fake appointment, where'd Terri get the form you said she handed the teacher to fill out (with no date on it, though I don't know how that is confirmed information). Why would LE automatically side with the teacher, who was overheard stating Kyron was probably in the bathroom, over Terri who said she last saw him as he was headed to his classroom, which seems confirmed by the chaperon who said she had 6 kids, then 5, along with a couple kids who state they saw him after Terri left?

4. The police bring this fact to Kaine and Desiree's attention to see their reaction to it, and find out that they knew nothing about Kyron having seizures or the appointment.

5. Then it's back to looking into Terri because she's also the last adult to have seen Kyron at the school. Add a fake appointment to that, and you've got BIG suspicion hanging over her head from then on.

If it's a fake appointment set up to make it easier to get Kyron out of the school and be gone long enough not to alert the school into following normal procedure when a child is, then isn't at school, where did Terri get the paperwork, and how come the teacher didn't say "he's at the Dr with his mom" instead of "He's probably in the bathroom" and then marking him absent after he doesn't eventually return from the bathroom? And why no call just to verify?

If you take the appointment away, all you have is that Terri was the last person to see Kyron in school, a real Riley Fox case. More people would think she was innocent because of other cases like Riley Fox's. Kaine and Desiree would even think she might be innocent. Even if the police looked into her, they wouldn't find enough to be really suspicious of her. Terri would have gotten away with it.

We know that Terri wasn't the last to see him. We know a chaperon saw him, then didn't see him. We know two kids maybe 3 saw him. Desiree didn't think she was innocent. Her first thought, she says is "She better not have done something to my son." Kaine's statement in the Dateline clip says something along the lines of grilling Terri about what she'd done at the school, where she'd gone afterward. They were suspicious from the get-go, according to each of them. Terri can't have been able to plan that the teacher wouldn't use her pat response, which in fact, she didn't. Terri, if she fed the teacher a line, put herself at great risk because the teacher wasn't using her Dr appointment to justify Kyron's absence in the morning. That is an uncanny coincidence!!

But instead, she went too far in bringing in the fake appointment. It had a domino effect, raising suspicion exponentially on her instead of helping to clear her as a supermom who loved her stepson. She thought too much about how to make herself look to everyone else instead of blending into the background more and looking more innocent. That's why I'm saying she's a narcissist. She thinks too much about how she looks to everyone else. She tries too hard to fit in and be the supermom she believes in her head that she is.

The suspicion came long before Kaine and Desiree knew about this fake appointment, since both state they were suspicious of her before that information was asked of them. But I'm confused at how a narcissist blends......they have to be the center of attention, and granted, Terri certainly is, but we're told she withdrew, wasn't any part of it, worried about her hair more than being seen as the caring concerned parent. Tony relays how she was "off" and how what she said wasn't adding up. That doesn't sound like a background blender to me!

That is her top priority, that everyone believe she is a supermom who loved Kyron and couldn't possibly hurt him. How to accomplish that? Make a fake appointment for fake seizures and surely no one will think for a second that she had anything to do with what happened to Kyron. That's what she was banking on, her selfless, loving supermom persona to free her of suspicion. She brought more attention on herself thinking it would exonerate her, and instead, it's only going to help convict her at some point. If only she hadn't worried so much about how she looked to everyone else, she might have eluded suspicion in this case.

It's curious that even after this fake appointment became known, Terri was still doing things on FB to arrange for fliers to be distributed all over, even as far as Roseburg. She was telling people where they could go to get fliers made for free. Yeah, along with that, she hit the gym, but Kaine was with her, hitting it just as hard it would seem. She didn't really get positive attention at all from nearly the jump to satisfy the narcissistic need she has to be supermom. I can't imagine talking about her highlights was what she thought would keep her from being the focus, since Desiree and Kaine were on her like stink on a monkey from day 1, according to what they said on Dateline.

It reminds me of the case of the man who drowned his wife in a hotel bathtub. All he had to do was let it go, but he was greedy and couldn't help but sue the hotel for his wife's death. The subsequent investigation revealed the her accidental death was a murder instead. Had he not taken the step to sue the hotel to satisfy his selfish and greedy needs, he probably would have gotten away with it, scarily enough. He and Terri Horman worried too much about themselves. They worried too much about things they thought would bring positive attention on to them, not realizing all they were doing was the exact opposite and making themselves all the more suspicious. They shouldn't have thought about wanting more attention if they wanted to get away with murder. That's the problem with Naricissists. They think they can spin any kind of attention in a way that makes them look better. They think attention on them is exactly what they need when in fact, it's the last thing they need if they want to get away with murder.

I can't imagine how Terri, focusing on her appearance would confirm this notion that she wanted to bring positive attention to herself. I can't also imagine how submitting to three lie detector tests would feed this desire to have positive attention, especially if she stomped out of one of them (only to come back and take the third one anyway). She surely can't have created a positive image with that, and in fact Tony states that it was a HUGE sign to him about Terri.

This is why there's that adage about the watching the quiet ones - it's the ones that don't bring attention to themselves that get away with crime the most. Terri Horman, fortunately for justice for Kyron, is definitely NOT one of the quiet ones even though she won't open her mouth and defend herself. She already put too much out there to draw attention to herself. She doesn't have to say anything because the damage has already been done thanks to her selfish, narcisstic need to be mother of the century to her stepson.

Terri IS one of the quiet ones.....most everything we know about Terri is anecdotal. We have very little at all from the prime suspect who needs her narcissism fed so much that she has gone so far as to not say another word after her husband slammed her with divorce papers and an RO. What she put out there to draw attention to herself, then, really isn't hers at all, but the perception of her that people around her are creating out of what it is we know about her, which is very little indeed......outside of the whole bad seduction manipulation of poor MC and the LS with whom she plotted to kill her unsuspecting husband who believed they were working on their marriage and everything was normal, good, nothing out of the ordinary.

ALL very diabolical on Terri's part. My goodness. I'm definitely seeing something here I wish I hadn't.
IMO the FM stops(alibis) we are more certain about. It's the gym that I don't believe happened that day.

With the 2 FM we have LE releasing photos of the white truck at both FM(amd to go a step further when u hold ur mouse over the FM pic it was labeled"view from Terri's parking spot")I am more inclined to believe that Terri was at atleast the 2nd FM as we have Andrea speaking w/along with stating that TH even showed Andrea the pic of Ky w/ his project.

With the first FM we have Terri saying she has receipt as well as a pic of parking spot at FM. This leads me to believe it is possible that Terri(or someone)did visit this FM. (tho I'd be curious to see which of those pix is labeled as "view from Terris parking spot")is that at the 1st or 2nd FM?

But we have nothing even hinting at possibly corroborating her gym visit. Atleast off hand I cannot think of anythingt?would love if anyone has a link to say otherwise

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oh, I know she was at the second FM. I'm just wondering if she actually bought meds there, or ran into Andrea for her alibi and called it good. I'm also wondering if there is an actual receipt showing that she bought the meds because that would help prove the *fussy* baby driving around part of her story, which makes no sense to me -- especially if baby was fine at the gym daycare and fine at home when KH got home.

And wondering why she would have the earlier receipt, but not the later one. Why no e-mail saying "they have to know I'm telling the truth because I have a receipt showing I bought the Tylenol for Children at the second FM where I saw Andrea."

So there's a receipt proving she was somewhere where no one saw her, and no receipt to prove she was where someone did see her, even though the second receipt would support another huge part of her alibi.kwim?

Maybe there is such a receipt, or maybe the med purchase was proved some other way, but I wonder.
Start the threads if you want BeanE and then if you want posts moved over to the different threads I will.

Or just a thread Let's revisit.... something like that :)

Thanks, gram, and thanks JBean for digging up the other threads for reference. :)

New thread for dr appt and seizures here:
[ame=""]Doctor's Appt & Seizures Revisit w/new 2010.11.12 Dateline info - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Gimme a few, and I'll start the others.

ETA: Here's the truck/project going to the school Thurs afternoon versus Friday morning thread:
[ame=""]Truck/project on Thursday afternoon Revisit w/new 2010.11.12 Dateline info - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

ETA again: Here's the alcohol thread:
[ame=""]Alleged alcohol abuse Revisit w/new 2010.11.12 Dateline info - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Posting for reference on the appointment:

Finster said Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment.

Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said.

Finster was wrong about how long Ms. Porter had been teaching. She was not a first year teacher, more like 3rd year. Where would she have gotten that erroneous info? Terri? The one who volunteered at the school so much? Wouldn't she have known how long Ms. Porter had been there? Yet she gave wrong info to her defending friend. Why?
When you are dealing with a drunk that's so unfit, you don't know what the law is or is deal with the situation at hand. And if the children were in harm's way, accordinging to KH, then get them out of the situation and deal with the law of the land later... who thinks about the law under such circumstances...unless someone has researched it already...

That's not the way engineers think. Actions and processes are thought through to their conclusion.
Does anyone have a link to the dateline episode, I forgot to watch- even though I'd been waiting to see it for days.
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