New Developments and General Discussion, 08/10/2012

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Gary Michael Hilton confessed in Georgia for killing Meredith Hope Emerson. He took LE to the location of her body and her head was in a different place. He confessed to avoid the Death Penalty and was given Life in Prison. He was NOT tried for her Murder. He kidnapped her off Blood Mountain Trail on Jan. 1, 2008. She never gave him her correct pin number for her Bank Card.

He was moved to Florida and was tried for the murder of my friend, Cheryl Hodges Dunlap. He kidnapped her on Dec. 1, 2007. and her body was found by hunters on Dec. 15. Her family had to bury her without her Head and Hands. There were bone fragments and parts of the clothes found in a burn pit. After a two week trial...The state of Florida gave him the Death Penalty. He is now on Death Row in Florida.

He was then taken to North Carolina and charged with the deaths of John and Irene Bryant. He took them from the a National Forest Trail on Oct. 1, 2007. They gave him their pin numbers so he is on tape withdrawing money from their accounts like he did Cheryls. He removed the hands because there are some ATM machines that have thumb print readers. After he plead guilty for their deaths, the Federal Government then did NOT have a trial.

This is my only Personal experience with confessing and not being tried.

IIRC..there were a few other cases on here when there was NOT a trial. The little 6 year old girl named Jorley ??, (who was killed by the young guy who put her body in the trash compactor) was not tried. I also think the man who was the caretaker of the dead grandfather, (who killed the little girl and cut up her body, threw the main part in a dumpster and kept her head in his deep freeze). Her name started with an L...He killed her while the little sisters were asleep in the mobile home. Too tired to research these cases to give the poor victims whole names. Sorry!!

Dear God...Please Keep the Families of All the Dead and Missing In Your Loving Arms!

Wow. :( I remember the Meredith Emerson case well, and how the SOB killer seemed to have no trouble killing humans, but said he couldn't bring himself to kill ME's dog. I was happy her dog came home to her parents...a bit of comfort, at least. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that he killed your friend, too. There is so much evil in this world. :(

I remember the Jorelys Rivera case, the little girl you mentioned re the trash compactor. Her killer pled guilty, then hanged himself in prison. If only more killers would save our tax dollars this way...

I remember the other little girl in the trailer park. I believe her name was Aliahna. :(
O/T... my son just bought his blonde haired, blue eyed, 5ft tall, 95# girlfriend
a BRAND NEW HOT PINK TASER!!! (it's also a flashlight)

That thing is SCARY AND LOUD!
Yes! I jumped when he showed it to me...
It is rechargeable with an adapter
like a cell phone...

Hopefully she will never NEED it!

So YES, Mickey has protected another young woman!!!!

Thank You for your sacrifice Mickey, because of you, many young women are protecting themselves! God Bless your sweet soul!
To stand being able to think about BSL at all, I imagined him as a cat watching a bird. (I know the comparison is not original and that another poster mentioned something like this.) The predator cannot take its eyes away from the prey, and a simple kill is not the goal either. However, this behavior is the nature of the cat, and, in a human, it's an aberration or malignant development. I don't know how many times after his arrest I asked him (in my mind of course), "BSL--how could you?" At least for now, I'm unable to attribute human qualities to him. I find his behavior pretty much inconceivable and hate thinking about how it must feel if you're with someone like him when the pretense is dropped and the true self revealed. True horror, in my opinion.

I take some comfort about what happened to Mickey from Erkardt Tolle's discussion about grieving and loss, where he talks about what happens when a "form" is taken away from us. To paraphrase: What remains is formless, but the form's essence shines through the formlessness. I definitely feel that Mickey's essence is what moved many of us from the beginning, and I also feel that that her shining essence lingers with us all. It helps me to think that she's still there.

Don't know if this makes any sense.


RE: To stand being able to think about BSL at all, I imagined him as a cat watching a bird.

'KinseyWannabe, this is a very good source for the analogy of a lion/cat & serial killer'..

Serial Killers - A Homicide Detective's Take
By Lieutenant Nelson Andreu (Retired)
Miami Police Department

4. Victim Selection
How does a serial killer select victims? The traditional school of thought holds that generally they select victims based on certain physical and/or personal characteristics. This assertion presupposes that, within the mind of each serial killer, there evolves synthesis of preferred characteristics and, ultimately, a clear, specific picture of his "ideal" victim, be it male or female, black or white, young or old, short or tall, large busted or small, shy or forward, and so on. Then, when that "typical" serial killer begins an active search for human prey, he will go to certain lengths to capture and victimize only those individuals who closely fit the mold.

Unexpectedly, I have observed that most serial killers never actually find and kill their "dream victim." People fitting such detailed and perfected images may not only be hard to come by, but may also not be easily available in the venues haunted by "hunting" serial killers.

So when that ideal victim cannot be found, and when their internal impetus becomes powerful enough, they will settle for a substitute. Ignoring for a moment the disparity between deviant human and normal feline behavior, a serial killer can be compared to a hungry lion that lies in wait for his favorite meal. It may be the lion knows an impala has the most tender or tasty meat.

He waits for an opportunity to kill and eat the impala and in doing so may allow easy but not-so-attractive prey to pass unmolested. In time, hunger pains growing and no impala in sight, the famished lion will settle for an unwary bird that happens by. After devouring the bird, which gives his hunger a brief respite, the lion again has time to savor the taste of an impala, and the cycle begins again.

Like the lion, a serial killer just will not defer acting out his urge to kill simply because his "ideal" victim refuses to materialize at his beck and call. But his reason for settling for something less divulges from that of the lion. There are two basic, interrelated reasons for this disparity. The first centers on the extra caution exercised by a serial killer in his search for a victim; the second, upon the nature of the compulsion that drives him to violence.

The first time he kills may not be perfectly choreographed. Sometimes it may actually take the perpetrator by surprise or be accidental in nature. But, inspired by the intense satisfaction the killing produces, he starts to plan in earnest. As he perfects his trade, future victims may increasingly undergo a more torturous, orchestrated, even ritualistic death.

Read more:

Credentials and Interest
Common Knowledge
Genesis of a Serial Killer
Victim Selection
Victim Objectification
Case Histories
Boudin, I was also surprised that he chose such a location for her. It will be interesting to find out in what way she was buried, her clothing placed, etc. After his horrible acts, he may be one of those offenders that really feels bad for his actions and that is why he chose a cemetery, etc. However, that in no way changes anything in this story and in no way makes him less guilty or less deserving of life in prison or the death penalty, whichever the family thinks is a worse punishment. I just can't wait to find out more details either. I never thought she would have been 1. buried. 2. buried in her own grave in a beautiful location. I thought he either dumped her, burned her, or put her in WB like the scum bag he is. Still a scum bug, don't confuse what I'm saying or but words in my mouth anyone, but this action just surprised me is all and it may even be to his advantage and he knows it.

The fact that he buried her in such a beautiful place leads me to believe two things, guilt and that he may have known her or of her.
It's about 228 miles from his house to Venice, LA alone so it may have more miles than you may expect.Much depends on his work schedule and how many times he went to Venice,and if he sometimes went on hotshots for the company.

Something else that has been in the back of my mind is if he worked a steady schedule like 14&14 or 7&7 rather than 24 hour call, he had a lot of time in between hitches to travel around LA, TX,MS & AR. From Swords to MS it's 2.5 hrs,2 hrs Texas, 4 hrs to Arkansas.

I wonder if he paid cash for his properties he bought in which case he would have had less money to travel around with, or if he financed it.

Why AR?
I honestly believe that the footage that came from the Daily Advertiser camera contains a big piece of evidence -- whether it's Mickey in the truck with BSL or her bike in the back or both. I also think that whatever it is, it's not pretty, because nothing has been released.

JMO, of course.

I believe (IMO) the advertiser footage probably shows Mickey getting out of the truck somehow. Maybe he promised to take her to the hospital and headed toward UMC knowing he was going home. Once she realized this she may have sprayed him with mace, perhaps he pulled over and she jumped out. The advertiser most likely shows a fight with him eventually getting her back in truck. While he is probably not identifiable (at first) she is.
I believe (IMO) the advertiser footage probably shows Mickey getting out of the truck somehow. Maybe he promised to take her to the hospital and headed toward UMC knowing he was going home. Once she realized this she may have sprayed him with mace, perhaps he pulled over and she jumped out. The advertiser most likely shows a fight with him eventually getting her back in truck. While he is probably not identifiable (at first) she is.

JMO, but IIRC, Claire posted that LE had viewed the Advertiser footage at least once or twice before returning later to take possession of it. If that is the case, I highly doubt that it showed something so obviously incriminating. I believe it probably showed something that was not so obviously important upon first viewing, but maybe provided corroborating evidence of what they had, by the time they retrieved it, already determined. JMO

ETA...I do believe it is likely that upon closer examination, they may have been able to see Mickey or her bike in his truck.
The fact that he buried her in such a beautiful place leads me to believe two things, guilt and that he may have known her or of her.

De2385, psychopaths have no remorse or guilt..
Imo, BSL was a ritual serial killer and a collector, and indications are that there will be other unknown victims.. He had ample opportunity to dispose of the body in areas where the elements would have destroyed all incriminating evidence. BSL's victims were his sole possessions; the results of his power of life and death over others..

An interesting take on body disposal:


Once a serial killer is in possession of a living victim, and has this victim where he feels safe enough to act out his fantasies, the acts he carries out are often performed as if on "auto-pilot." The killer's acts appear to be a close reenactment of what he previously did in his imagination. So, from among an array of violent fantasies, he picks and chooses the individual cruelties that he feels will assure the most in the way of "self-fulfillment."

His real gratification comes from the subjugation, terrorization, and brutalization of his victim, and almost not at all from the actual murder itself

Once he murders his victim, a serial killer's tactics for disposal of the body remain entirely self-centered. If, for example, he takes the time and effort to bury his victim's remains, he almost certainly does this not out of any last-minute concession toward decency, but, instead, simply to hide the evidence.

A serial killer generally does have an idea for where he wants to dispose of the victim's remains, or at least, he has a general idea of the type of locale that would best suit his needs. Usually, this is a remote or secluded locale, a place where he can discard the victim's body quickly and without the likelihood of being seen, yet which affords some ready concealment over his victim's remains. If the whole violent episode occurred at such a locale in the first place, he will simply kill and leave his victim right there. If not, he will generally always put forth some effort to reach a secluded and preferred dumping ground. But, as always, his every action will be governed solely by self concern.
Bumping & editing post from July 17, 2012-

BSL has all the traits and characteristics of a serial killer, imo..

Experienced/recidivist Sadistic psychopathic sexual predators are very calculating, creative, and deflective.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that serial offenders will rely on these jurisdictional boundaries to hamper investigations and cause linkage blindness in their crimes. ...

"Jurisdictional Linkage Blindness calculated by BSL in Mickey Schunick's abduction and during the aftermath"

Imo, there is only one investigative tool that LE has that prevents jurisdictional linkage blindness; the American public via the MS Media...

BSL's Home - 1 LE Jurisdiction

MS Abduction - 2 LE Jurisdiction

Bike Disposal - 3 LE Jurisdiction

Hospital NOLA - 4 LE Jurisdiction

Opelousas General - 5 LE Jurisdiction

Stolen DW Truck Report - 6 LE Jurisdiction -Texas

Burned/Stripped DW Truck - 7 LE Jurisdiction - Texas

Brandon Scott Lavergne, is also forensically aware, calculating, and very manipulative..imooc..

"Would it not be logical to conclude that Mickey Schunick's remains will also be located in a different Police jurisdiction"?

Mickey Schunick remains located - 8th LE Jurisdiction

'BSL was an everywhere man...A nowhere man'..

per Mickey's mother, Nancy Rowe, re: The Daily Advertiser:

"The local newspaper, the Advertiser, published an article on Saturday 8/11/12 which said that I had described the volunteer search efforts for my daughter Mickey Shunick as "pointless." I went ballistic; a retraction was promised, and I sent a statement to the paper that I wanted published. Instead, way down at the bottom of page 2, in 5-point type, was a "clarification" of what I "meant."
Here is my statement, sent to Megan Wyatt yesterday. Please tell me how to get this to every single person who reads this paper. This is very, very sleazy!
"I have never, and would never, describe the search efforts for my daughter Mickey as "pointless."
To attribute this thoughtless, heartless, illogical statement to me is an affront to me, to our family, and an insult to the countless caring individuals who have kept the name and face of Mickey Shunick in the forefront of public awareness for nearly three months.
Through this search that began on May 19th, we have joined hands and hearts with too many old friends, extended family, acquaintances, and perfect strangers (more perfect than they can imagine) - there are too many to count, too many to thank.
We are comforted by the knowledge that we will walk through life now with these hands and hearts still touching ours. The outpourings of love and support have continued to leave us speechless. We send all that love right back to everyone involved. Always."
FYI, this is the sentence I took out: "This community response should not be trivialized by irresponsible journalism.""

so sad
Mod Note: I feel that I should add something here. As you all are aware, it is against the rules to copy and paste posts/comments from other boards/sites. On rare occasions it is allowed, for example, when a "major player" makes an important announcement, as in the preceding post by txlams. Likewise, we allowed BSL's mom's FB post about BSL to be posted here. I hope this answers any questions one might have about the copy and paste of Nancy Rowe's FB post.
The fact that he buried her in such a beautiful place leads me to believe two things, guilt and that he may have known her or of her.

Although I do think he knew her, I don't think he buried her there because of guilt.
I think he buried her there for a few reasons. For one, to cover up any smell and prevent the body from being found or floating up like it would have in water. Two, any cadaver dogs would pick up on the scent of bodies already there. Plus, if that's a cemetery from the 1880s, I don't doubt they have bodies in the forest outside of the actual cemetery. Thirdly, if he ever wanted to visit the site or move the body, he could play it off by acting like he was visiting a deceased loved one in the graveyard if anyone passed by.

I just can't ever believe he did anything out of compassion...
First Lisa, then Mickey, his compassion doesn't exist. And he probably has a lot more that no one may ever know about.

I wish this guy had respect or something, but I can't see it. He goes get a haircut like a month after Mickey was killed, laughing and joking with his beautician, flirting and asking her on a date.

He's a monster, and I don't say that lightly.

I wish I lived close enough to get a sticker! :(
I ♥ this design!
I also think Mickey was previously buried somewhere else. Possibly in one of the three graves investigated. I think she was moved by the cemetery after all the attention she received in the rare chance of IF she was found, he could say it was an accident and he felt guilty so he buried her by a cemetery. I think he'd only do it to play as if he felt guilty, not because he genuinely did.
JMO, but IIRC, Claire posted that LE had viewed the Advertiser footage at least once or twice before returning later to take possession of it. If that is the case, I highly doubt that it showed something so obviously incriminating. I believe it probably showed something that was not so obviously important upon first viewing, but maybe provided corroborating evidence of what they had, by the time they retrieved it, already determined. JMO

ETA...I do believe it is likely that upon closer examination, they may have been able to see Mickey or her bike in his truck.

IMO I don't think it was MS or her bike that LE saw on the tape. With them reviewing it several times before taking possession of the tape, I believe it is more likely a shot of the license plate that was shown in the video
Hi guys- just something I have been thinking about-
LE & the public was lucky that Mickey was caught on surveillence tape around the LCG building and elsewhere (including what we have and haven't seen). I keep thinking about how if we'd never seen the images of Mickey cycling toward her home through the Saints Street area (and the DWT), the case may still be centered on whether or not she ever left Ryan Street alive and we'd all be over-analyzing Brettly & his "Power of Social Media" video. I think we (and Mickey) were lucky she was caught on camera so her true killer could be caught and we wouldn't all be focused on the last person to have seen her before she disappeared/was abducted (Brettly).
I think in the cases of Katelyn Marham and Lauren Spierer, it is hard to move away from pointing the finger at the last known people to be with the girls because we don't have videos of them after being with the guys. Makes me keep an open mind even though I think the guy(s) in both cases have been kind of sketchy acting.

per Mickey's mother, Nancy Rowe, re: The Daily Advertiser:

"The local newspaper, the Advertiser, published an article on Saturday 8/11/12 which said that I had described the volunteer search efforts for my daughter Mickey Shunick as "pointless." I went ballistic; a retraction was promised, and I sent a statement to the paper that I wanted published. Instead, way down at the bottom of page 2, in 5-point type, was a "clarification" of what I "meant."
Here is my statement, sent to Megan Wyatt yesterday. Please tell me how to get this to every single person who reads this paper. This is very, very sleazy!
"I have never, and would never, describe the search efforts for my daughter Mickey as "pointless."
To attribute this thoughtless, heartless, illogical statement to me is an affront to me, to our family, and an insult to the countless caring individuals who have kept the name and face of Mickey Shunick in the forefront of public awareness for nearly three months.
Through this search that began on May 19th, we have joined hands and hearts with too many old friends, extended family, acquaintances, and perfect strangers (more perfect than they can imagine) - there are too many to count, too many to thank.
We are comforted by the knowledge that we will walk through life now with these hands and hearts still touching ours. The outpourings of love and support have continued to leave us speechless. We send all that love right back to everyone involved. Always."
FYI, this is the sentence I took out: "This community response should not be trivialized by irresponsible journalism.""

so sad

'Seems, the only thing that the Advertiser has gotten accurate thus far is the footage from their security camera'...
IMO I don't think it was MS or her bike that LE saw on the tape. With them reviewing it several times before taking possession of the tape, I believe it is more likely a shot of the license plate that was shown in the video

I would agree with you, IF they only saw the footage for the first time on or around June 14. Other photos of the vehicles of interest were released to the public two weeks earlier, on or around May 28. But yet, BSL, according the the press conference, first popped up on LE's radar when a concerned citizen called in a tip on June 14. If they had viewed the Advertiser footage before that time, and were able to ascertain a license number, I would think they would have already checked him out. I dont know that it has ever been released WHEN LE first saw the Advertiser footage, but would be interesting to know. JMO
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